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Safety Collection


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I need a collection of resources on safety that I can share with preservice teachers in my courses. I also can use this for my own references when issues come up. This collection spans science safety appropriate to earth, life, and physical sciences. One aspect that may be overlooked in science safety is exploring "outdoors". Remember especially to keep children out of harms way of motor vehicle traffic and to alert them to poison ivy ("leaves of 3, let it be")


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Resources in “Safety” Collection

Title Resource Type
Beyond Elementary: Flinn Scientific Safety Course for Middle Level Teachers

This resource includes several separate video chapters on science safety for middle school level, ranging from topics like "Why Safety is Important" to "Emergency Alert and First Aid." Flinn scientific is a vendor for science education supplies and a leader in the science safety field. Note that one can also obtain a certification from completing this course.

Web Page
Companion Web Site to 4th edition of the text, Teaching Science to All Children

Here you will find a powerpoint, practice test, web links and more that go along with the 4th edition of the science methods text, Teaching Science to All Children, by Martin et al. This text is an excellent resource for preservice teachers planning to teach science in the elementary or middle school

Web Page
Safety First! Journal Article
Safety Resources housed at NSTA site

All safety resources that NSTA lists at their Safety site. Includes elementary through high school. Scroll down to access those pertinent to the elementary level, among these being a comprehensive resource produced by NSTA press entitled "Exploring Safely: A Guide for Elementary Teachers" ( )

Web Page

Here are three hot links to science safety contracts used by elementary schools or school districts. Each of them includes a location for student and parent signature. The idea is that the parent will reinforce the importance to the child of listening to the teacher's instructions and following all safety precautions when doing science in the classroom. I also liked the one contract that said science experiments should not be tried at home without adult supervision.

Science and Safety: Its elementary

This resource is produced by the Council of Science Safety Supervisors. It is quite comprehensive (recognizing that no single resource can cover all scenarios). Connected to the latter: An important recommendation would be to always check with your science supervisor if you are unsure of the safety of some aspect of science instruction that you would like to implement)

Web Page
Setting the Scene Book Chapter