My Library

Plants Collection


10 items

Plants and Animals. Where they live, what they eat.


Resources in “Plants” Collection

Title Resource Type
Cells and Chemical Reactions: Photosynthesis Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Coral Reef Ecosystems: Interdependence Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Interdependence of Life: Species Relationships Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Johnny Appleseed Comes to Class Journal Article
Nutrition: What are Nutrients? Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Nutrition: What is Food? Science Objects have been retired and replaced with Interactive E-books
Plants Can Grow Different Parts—How Do Plants Grow? Book Chapter
Science 101: How does photosynthesis work? Journal Article
The Early Years: The Sun's Energy Journal Article
What Does an Animal Eat? Book Chapter