adopt_a_soil.pdf Students observe, via Web Soil Survey or SoilWeb, the soil mapped nearest them or some other favorite location. Then, they can go to the Official Series Description to read more about their adopted soil. |
PDF File
Chemical_Movement_and_Retention_in_Soils.pdf This educational activity uses a simple classroom demonstration designed to introduce the basics of chemical movement and retention in soils. |
PDF File
Making_a_Soil_Profile_Card.pdf This educational activity is designed to introduce the concept of soil profiles and horizons. |
PDF File
Making_Soils_Fun_Experiments.doc Variety of simple classroom experiments that help demonstrate soil concepts. |
DOC File
National Soil Survey Center Videos and Webinars Educational videos and webinars on soil science and soil survey. |
Web Page
Soil_Aggregate_Stability_Classroom_Activity.pdf This educational activity used a simple classroom demonstration designed to introduce the aggregate stability concept. Effects of organic matter, pore space, and biological activity are dramatically demonstrated. This can lead to a discussion of soil structure, nutrient and water availability, infiltration, and erosion susceptibility. |
PDF File
Soil_Color_and_Structure.ppt Classroom lesson on soil properties of color, structure and consistence. |
PPT File
Soil_Drainage_Classes.ppt Classroom lesson on understanding soil drainage classes. |
PPT File
Soil_Education_Activity_Soil_Charge.pdf This educational activity uses a simple demonstration designed to introduce the concept of soil charge. |
PDF File
Soil_Education_Activity_Soil_Permeability.pdf This educational activity uses a simple classroom demonstration designed to introduce the concept of soil permeability. Soil texture, the relative proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles in a soil, is a key factor affecting soil permeability. |
PDF File
Soil_Education_Activity_Soil_Slake_Test.pdf This educational activity uses a simple classroom demonstration designed to introduce the concept of identification of cemented soil materials. |
PDF File
Soil_Education_Bean_Plant_Necklace_Activity.pptx Activity where students make their own bean plant necklace. |
Soil_Education_earthworm_activity.pdf This educational activity uses a simple demonstration designed to enhance awareness of beneficial soil organisms and their role in the soil ecosystem and the environment. |
PDF File
Soil_Education_From_the_Surface_Down.pdf Publication providing an introduction to soil surveys for agronomic use. |
PDF File
Soil_Education_Lesson_on_Soil_Horizons.ppt Classroom lesson on the horizons or different layers of soils. |
PPT File
Soil_Education_Lesson_Redoximorphic_Features.ppt Classroom lesson on soil redoximorphic features. |
PPT File
Soil_Education_State_Envirothon_Intro_to_Soils.pptx Classroom lesson providing an introduction to soil science. |
Soil_Education_Understanding_Soils.pdf Ten key messages for understanding soils. |
PDF File
Soil_Erosion_and_Sedimentation.pdf This educational activity uses a simple demonstration designed to illustrate soil erosion and sedimentation and also presents concepts of using soil cover and minimum tillage to decrease. |
PDF File
Soil_Fauna_Extraction_Activity.pdf This simple method is designed to extract live soil micro- and meso-fauna from an undisturbed soil sample using heat.
PDF File
Soil_Permeability_Experiment.pdf This educational activity uses a simple classroom demonstration designed to introduce the concept of soil permeability. Soil texture, the relative proportion of sand, silt, and clay particles in a soil, is a key factor affecting soil permeability. |
PDF File
Soil_Risks_and_Hazards.pdf This publication is an introduction to soil conditions that can be risks or hazards for many land uses. |
PDF File
Soil_Science_Links_for_Teachers.pdf List of USDA's online resources for teachers and students learning about soil science. |
PDF File
Soil_Texture_and_Rock_Fragments.ppt Classroom lesson on soil texture and rock fragments. |
PPT File
Soil_Texture_Lesson_Plan.pptx Classroom lesson on the importance of soil texture. |
Understanding_Soil_Health_and_Watershed_Function_A_Teachers_Manual.pdf This manual focuses on soil biology’s role in the water cycle: specifically, how soil organisms take sand, silt, and clay particles and use them to form a living sponge that soaks up, stores, filters, and slowly releases the water that is necessary for life on land. |
PDF File
Wetlands__Hydric_soils.ppt Classroom lesson on wetlands and hydric soils. |
PPT File