NSTA Engage: Fall20

November 13-15, 2020

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:9 - 12, Saturday Lightning Chat, General Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
5 results
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COVID-19: Questions and Answers

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
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Join Michael as he addresses questions you may have on the science, spread, therapies, and prevention of COVID-19. At the beginning of this lightning chat, you can post your own question, which will be queued with unaddressed questions from his previous session entitled “The Science of COVID-19—From Virus Basics to Vaccinations” (Friday, 5:45–6:30 PM).

Michael DiSpezio (Master Educator, Presenter, and Author: North Falmouth, MA)

Engaging Students in Sensemaking—Together, at a Distance

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

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Join us to hear about the work we have been doing to support science teachers in designing NGSS units that support literacy development as well as three-dimensional learning, and watch as we demonstrate how teachers can utilize rich science texts and online tools for annotation and collaborative meaning making.

Cynthia Greenleaf (Strategic Literacy Initiative/WestEd: Oakland, CA), Heather Howlett (WestEd: San Francisco, CA)

Educational Resources on the Web

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

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Let FLINN Scientific take you on a tour of the multiple resources available for you to help make informed decisions surrounding the learning continuum of your students in science and STEM programs. James Palcik and Vikki Myers will help you evaluate what you can use to have the most authentic, engaging science program possible regardless of the learning environments. There are plenty of curated resources that exist that may be useful for you to use in helping your students achieve their goals in their forward trajectory through postsecondary and into careers in STEM.  Let us explore some practical web-based resources and activities together.

James Palcik (Flinn Scientific Canada, Inc.: Hamilton, ON)

Teach Hands-On Learning in an Asynchronous Virtual Learning Environment

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
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Don't let distance learning stop you from engaging your students with hands-on exploration, a crucial component of science education. In this discussion, we'll share how you can provide hands-on learning experience for your students during asynchronous learning in a virtual setting. Then, we'll open up the discussion for you to share what you've found about hands-on instruction in the age of distance learning. Some of the questions we'll answer include:

  • How can I incorporate hands-on learning into virtual instruction?
  • Is it possible to teach hands-on learning in an asynchronous learning environment?
  • How does that work?

Michele Cozza (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Distance Learning

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

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This chat will provide an opportunity for educators to share their success and challenges around distance learning. They will be met with two facilitators who have experience regarding digital technology and supporting sensemaking in a remote setting. Educators will be given the opportunity to meet and network with others while having discourse around distance learning and five common missteps when using technology in the classroom.

Conversation Based Around 5 Traps Article:

  • Even in virtual learning, making sense of phenomena should be the goal of science educators. What strategies are you using to avoid the content trap?
  • Having the opportunity to share ideas and negotiate their thinking is an essential part of sensemaking. How are you avoiding the isolation trap with your students?
  • A trusting environment and strong classroom community is necessary for students to collaboratively build their ideas. How are you avoiding the learning-is-serious trap?

Jessica Holman (Boone County High School: Florence, KY), Brianna Reilly Oliveira (NSTA/ Self Employed: No City, No State)

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