NSTA Engage: Fall20

November 13-15, 2020

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, No Strand, General Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
92 results
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The Current Science Classroom

Friday, November 13 • 4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Article: How CRISPR/Cas9 is revolutionizing gene editing
Discussion Guide: How CRISPR/Cas9 is revolutionizing gene editing
NSTA_Current Science Classroom Slide Show
Science Around Cincy
Host Chris Anderson shares stories of people who work in science in the Cincinnati area, and whose work impacts the lives of people across the Commonwealth and beyond, inspiring the next generation.

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Discussion centers on how to successfully implement current events in science into lessons and curriculum, increasing student engagement in science content and overall science literacy. Participants will read and analyze a blog post on a recent breakthrough on CRISPR, a genetic editing technique.

-How to use blogs, videos, and podcasts on current events in science to engage classroom discussions -How to put use current events in science to put the curriculum into context -How to connect local science researchers to your students and classroom.

Chris Anderson (Hamilton County ESC: Cincinnati, OH)

Supporting Diverse Students Through Problem-Based Enhanced Language Learning (PBELL)

Friday, November 13 • 4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Supporting Diverse Students Through Problem-Based Enhanced Language Learning

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Educators will be introduced to PBELL and how it can make science accessible and engaging for all levels of special education and English language learners.

1. Similarities in ELL and Special Education Students; 2. Strategies to support ALL diverse learners; and 3. How to embed language acquisition throughout science content making it accessible to all.

Brittney Oden (Educational Consultant: Tempe, AZ)

Enriching Science Classes with Sustainable Agriculture Concepts and Activities

Friday, November 13 • 4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

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Enriching science classes with sustainable agriculture concepts and activities

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Join us to discuss how to enhance student learning by incorporating activities that relate to real-world environmental and agricultural challenges in science classes.

1. Incorporating real-world challenges relating to sustainable agriculture exposes students to meaningful applications of environmental, life, and physical sciences; 2. Communicating that science is not simply abstract concepts, but a way to solve important problems, may increase student engagement in the classroom; and 3. Sustainable agriculture activities lend themselves to adaptation to appropriate grade level or science class.

Maud Walsh (Louisiana State University: Baton Rouge, LA), Jennifer Irving (Louisiana State University: Baton Rouge, LA)

Understanding Complex Concepts and Vocabulary for Diverse Learners

Friday, November 13 • 4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Understanding Complex Concepts and Vocabulary for Diverse Learners.pdf

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Educators who specialize in the teaching of students with dyslexia describe vocabulary modifications, schema development, kinesthetic activities, and methods to modify science content for students with language-based learning differences.

Attendees will learn how to: 1. craft well written vocabulary definitions; 2. use kinesthetic activities to help students gain understanding of vocabulary and complex science concepts; and 3. create a structured word wall that supports students.

Clinton Kittrell (The Summit School: Edgewater, MD), Christine Zito (Miller School of Albemarle: Charlottesville, VA)

What Secondary Educators Need to Know About Performance Tasks

Friday, November 13 • 4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Resources for Secondary Performance Task Session
All resources used throughout this presentation are linked in this document, including a PDF of the presentation slides.

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Participants will review performance task components and will utilize a task screener tool to evaluate a performance task.

Participants will learn: 1. what a performance task is; 2. key components of a performance task; and 3. how to evaluate a performance task.

Sara Torres (Arizona Science Teachers Association: Tucson, AZ), Sarah Sleasman (Arizona Dept. of Education: Phoenix, AZ), Meg Gebert (Arizona Science Teachers Association: Tucson, AZ), Rebecca Garelli (Arizona Science Teachers Association)

Muddy Boots and Backpacks

Friday, November 13 • 4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

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Muddy Boots and Backpacks Tips

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Join us to learn how our district takes over one thousand elementary students into our local wilds and brings the science and technology standards to life. 

1. Learn how to establish mutually beneficial local partnerships that support science instruction; 2. Discover how to encourage even the youngest students to problem solve local issues and take action in their communities; and 3. Walk away with lesson ideas and strategies for taking learning beyond the classroom.

Heather Tarlton (Chillicothe Primary School: Chillicothe, OH), Dana Letts (Chillicothe City Schools: Chillicothe, OH)

NGSS-Focused Summative Classroom Assessments of Three-Dimensional Learning

Friday, November 13 • 4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA 3D Assessment Presentation 2020.ppt

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Explore classroom-tested benchmark assessments and scoring guides designed to assess students’ three-dimensional learning related to middle school performance expectations for life, physical, and Earth science.

How to: 1. identify all three dimensions in an assessment item; 2. score for three dimensions in one assessment; and 3. adapt assessment items for classroom use based on their students/classroom.

Maia Binding (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Digital Tools and Online Strategies for Hybrid/Remote/Online Science Instruction

Friday, November 13 • 4:05 PM - 4:50 PM

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Transitioning to online instruction requires educators to employ new digital tools and strategies. We'll focus on an overview of digital tools and strategies.

1. Making connections between digital tools and strategies for use in student engagement; 2. Becoming familiar with the shared digital tools and strategies for use; and 3. List of online resources for use in online instruction.

Christine Anne Royce (Shippensburg University: Shippensburg, PA)

Sanctuaries 360°: Immersive Experiences in America's Underwater Parks

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

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Sponsoring Company: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA’s Office of National Marine Sanctuaries is introducing a collection of immersive underwater experiences to bring these exceptional places to viewers everywhere. Join us on a virtual tour of our underwater parks. Learn what national marine sanctuaries are and dive below the surface to virtually interact with sanctuary sea life.

1. Take a visual tour of America's national marine sanctuaries and learn more about the conservation of these underwater parks; 2. Immerse and explore these underwater treasures through free virtual reality dives and 360 degree underwater photos; and 3. Walk through at least one NGSS-focused lesson plan for grades 6–8 that complements the underwater VR dives.

Claire Fackler (NOAA Office of National Marine Sanctuaries: Santa Barbara, CA)

Strategies to Support English Language Learners in the Science Classroom

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA-2020-Strategies to Support ELLs in the Science Classroom-BURNETT.pdf

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes

Engage in strategies to help your ELL population make sense of science concepts and apply their science knowledge to real-world applications. In this session, we will explore a variety of strategies for differentiating instruction so that ELLs within the classroom can build their ability to communicate science concepts effectively.

1. Learn strategies to support English Learners; 2. Participate in activities that help scaffold reading and writing for ELs; and 3. Learn how to differentiation ideas

Veronica Burnett (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Dr. Kenneth Heydrick (: Houston, TX)

Carolina 3D Science: Hands-On Science in Flexible Settings

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Carolina 3D Science Workshop Handout

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Teachers will engage in three examples of hands-on investigations, digital investigations, and digital teacher demonstrations from the Carolina 3D® kit lines for biology, chemistry, and Earth and space science. These activities illustrate how in-class hands-on laboratory investigations have been modified by Carolina for use in socially distanced classrooms and remote learning settings.

1. The modification of a face-to-face investigation to a digital investigation with data collection; 2. How to use live specimen in a remote, digital investigation; and 3. Examples of formative assessment appropriate for remote learning.

Crystal Risko (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC), DeeDee Whitaker (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Using Models to Make Connections Between DNA and Chromosomes

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

In this hands-on interactive workshop, participants will learn how to utilize physical chromosome and DNA models to explore and compare the processes of mitosis and meiosis with students.

Participants will learn how to: 1. use models to teach the organization and structure of DNA; 2. use models to compare mitosis and meiosis; and 3. connect DNA structure to phenotypic expression when teaching genetics.

Chris Chou (Longmont High School: Longmont, CO)

Using Pivot Interactives for Chemistry Teaching

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

Come learn how Pivot Interactives helps students learn chemistry concepts and lab skills using our online learning platform. Interactive video allows students to make their own measurements from libraries of thousands of high-resolution videos and interactive measurement tools. Customizable instructions, fast grading tools, and LMS integration make life easier for teachers too!

1. Learn how Pivot Interactives allows students to start with phenomena and guides them to use their own measurements and observations to build and apply models; 2. see from the student perspective how Pivot Interactives enables online labs; and 3. explore the content library, grading tools, and LMS integration.

Peter Bohacek (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Fueling Success with Students—Win Up to $10k!

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

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Instructional Method and Teaching Philosophy questions
Shell Programs flyer
Shell Programs presentation
Learn about the two Shell Teaching Awards and the Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge competition.

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Sponsoring Company: NSTA, Shell Teacher Awards and Competitions

Do you impact your school and community with STEM? If you teach K–12, come learn how to apply to win one of eight Shell-supported awards through this teacher competition.

1. Learn how to apply for a Shell-sponsored award or competition; 2. begin your application or nomination of a Shell-sponsored program and receive a prize; and 3. collaborate with past winners and judges to learn how to strengthen your application.

Amanda Upton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Ruth Ruud (Cleveland State University: Cleveland, OH)

Evidence in the Era of NGSS

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Evidence in the Era of NGSS_AmplifyScience.pdf

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

How do we support students to gather a variety of evidence in order to deepen their understanding of phenomena? Join program authors from UC Berkeley’s Lawrence Hall of Science to experience how a multimodal approach allows students to grapple with phenomena and real-world problems like scientists do. We will unpack structures from the K–8 Amplify Science curriculum and consider how a deep understanding of NGSS can support you in making principled pedagogical decisions.

1. Gain a deeper understanding of the role that different sources of evidence play in phenomenon-based teaching and learning; 2. experience an exemplar of how students figuring out investigative phenomena can support their increasing understanding of more complex anchor phenomena; and 3. reflect on how students engage in all three dimensions of NGSS as they gather evidence and grapple with real-world phenomena.

Leslie Stenger (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA), Rebecca Abbott (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Remote-Ready STEM Labs—Be a Scientist!

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

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Sponsoring Company: ExploreLearning

Create more “ah-ha!” moments with ExploreLearning Gizmos virtual labs and simulations. Highly interactive and visual, they are as fun as they are effective. Students learn by doing (just like real scientists) as they use Gizmos to explore, discover, and apply new concepts in STEM.

1. Technology can bring real-world experiences to students; 2. using simulations and animations in science makes science relative; and 3. even if students don't have access to lab materials they can still preform labs.

Thom O'Brien (ExploreLearning: Charlottesville, VA)

Engage Students at Home with Vernier's Experiment and Sample Data Library

Friday, November 13 • 4:50 PM - 5:35 PM

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Sponsoring Company: Vernier Software & Technology

To help ensure students continue to learn key scientific concepts during this precarious time, Vernier has put together over 300 free experiments with sample data files covering many subjects that you can distribute to students. Your students can analyze real data and answer questions based on their results.

1. Access a free collection of experiments with sample data that you can distribute to your students at home; 2. students will use the experiment data we've collected to perform their own analysis; and 3. your students will use the sample data to demonstrate understanding of scientific concepts by using built-in tools to analyze results, answer questions, and form conclusions as they follow experiment instructions.

David Carter (Vernier Science Education: Beaverton, OR)

Dissecting Leaf Packs to Assess Watershed Health

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA Leaf Packs Virtual Presentation 2020.pdf
PDF Version of Presentation

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Learn to dissect a leaf pack and identify macroinvertebrates to infer water quality. Engaging hands-on activity for all grade levels.

1. Discover how to use this student- or teacher-driven investigation to learn about your local watershed; 2. Learn to identify macroinvertebrates and discover what they can tell you about water quality; and 3. Learn how data can be entered in a global database as part of a citizen science project.

Susan Brown (Northland Preparatory Academy: Flagstaff, AZ), Carrie Jenkins (Sinagua Middle School: Flagstaff, AZ)

Elementary Science Expo: Early Childhood and Lower Elementary

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
2020 NSTA Engage_ Fall20 Elementary Science Showcase Akers.pdf
Example recording sheets
Lab Notebooks in the Preschool and Elementary Classroom
Recording Sheet examples

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The Elementary Science Expo has adapted the exciting, quick-fire format of the popular Pecha Kucha presentations for the NSTA Engage: Fall20 virtual conference. This "social show-and-tell event" brings together leaders in lower elementary science and STEM education as presenters offer 15 slides for 20 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes. Each five-minute presentation will offer teaching strategies and resources in the best practices in science and STEM education for our youngest learners. Featured materials come from celebrated classroom educators, authors of NSTA Press books and award-winning books, as well as strategies from the NSTA preK–5 journal Science & Children.

NGSS connections to student experiences will be highlighted during each Pecha Kucha presentation. Participants will interact with presenters about science and STEM investigations and resources through a Q&A session at the end of the time block. Presentations will be passionate, funny, informative, and inspirational. Join us for this new format and learn from this fast paced, energy-filled experience and leave with ideas to use with your students and colleagues.

This event is organized by Jennifer Williams, Department Chair, Lower School Science, Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, LA.

NSTA is grateful to Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision for sponsoring the Elementary Science Expo.

Anne Lowry (Aleph Academy: Reno, NV), Elizabeth Barrett-Zahn (National Science Teaching Association), Katie Morrison (University Child Development School: Seattle, WA), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Belle Akers (Convent & Stuart Hall's Schools of the Sacred Heart: San Francisco, CA)

Elementary Science Expo: Upper Elementary, Part 1

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Center for K-12 STEM Education - Activity and Program Resources
Girls Who Code Clubs Flyer
Resource Page for 5E Instructional Model Science Notebooks
Three ways to make a remote robot

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The Elementary Science Expo has adapted the exciting, quick-fire format of the popular Pecha Kucha presentations for the NSTA Engage: Fall20 virtual conference. This "social show-and-tell event" brings together leaders in upper elementary science and STEM education as presenters offer 15 slides for 20 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes. Each five-minute presentation will offer teaching strategies and resources in the best practices in science and STEM education for our youngest learners. Featured materials come from celebrated classroom educators, authors of NSTA Press books and award-winning books, as well as strategies from the NSTA preK–5 journal Science & Children.

NGSS connections to student experiences will be highlighted during each Pecha Kucha presentation. Participants will interact with presenters about science and STEM investigations and resources through a Q&A session at the end of the time block. Presentations will be passionate, funny, informative, and inspirational. Join us for this new format and learn from this fast paced, energy-filled experience and leave with ideas to use with your students and colleagues.

This event is organized by Jennifer Williams, Department Chair, Lower School Science, Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, LA.

NSTA is grateful to Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision for sponsoring the Elementary Science Expo.

Michelle Sanchez (Tulane University: New Orleans, LA), Erica Smith (Tulane University: New Orleans, LA), Julie A. Smith (Lennox Middle School: Lennox, CA), Judith Boyle (Divide School District #4: Divide, MT), Tom Lauwers (Birdbrain Technologies, LLC: Pittsburgh, PA), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Rebecca Garelli (Arizona Science Teachers Association)

Conducting Labs in the Virtual World

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

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Presentation Slides
These slides are continually being updated with more resources that are shared.

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In this session, we will focus on how two science teachers (one hybrid and one virtual) still conduct labs with their students.

1. Labs are still possible during this pandemic. 2. Labs provide high engagement while students are still learning at home. 3. Simple labs are better than no labs at all.

Samantha Ramaswamy (Penn-Trafford High School: Harrison City, PA), Andrew Walton (Upper Moreland High School: Willow Grove, PA)

Elementary Science Expo: Informal Education Resources for Early Childhood and Elementary Grades

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
EiE NSTA Engage 20 Survey
Please complete this survey to provide feedback and preference for which FREE engineering design challenge you would like to receive!
EiE Product Portfolio (via Padlet)
View this overview of the Engineering and Computer Science solutions from PreK-G8 for teaching in-school, virtually, or during flexible-time settings.
EiE Virtual STEM Solutions
Curiosity. Imagination. Collaboration. Bring STEM Learning to Life. Solving food scarcity. Preventing viral outbreaks. Designing eco-friendly cities. How do you prepare future -ready learners to think, design, build and solve for the real-world challenges ahead? New flexible learning solutions to accelerate STEM. Anytime. Anywhere. In uncertain times, you need maximum flexibility. Students need experiences that engage them in hands-on, minds-on learning, even virtually. We know your decis
STEM Books Beyond Become a Maker!
STEM challenges, book lists & teaching resources
Three ways to make a remote robot

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The Elementary Science Expo has adapted the exciting, quick-fire format of the popular Pecha Kucha presentations for the NSTA Engage: Fall20 virtual conference. This "social show-and-tell event" brings together leaders in upper elementary science and STEM education as presenters offer 15 slides for 20 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes. Each five-minute presentation will offer teaching strategies and resources in the best practices in science and STEM education for our youngest learners. Featured materials come from celebrated classroom educators, authors of NSTA Press books and award-winning books, as well as strategies from the NSTA preK–5 journal Science & Children.

NGSS connections to student experiences will be highlighted during each Pecha Kucha presentation. Participants will interact with presenters about science and STEM investigations and resources through a Q&A session at the end of the time block. Presentations will be passionate, funny, informative, and inspirational. Join us for this new format and learn from this fast paced, energy-filled experience and leave with ideas to use with your students and colleagues.

This event is organized by Jennifer Williams, Department Chair, Lower School Science, Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, LA.

NSTA is grateful to Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision for sponsoring the Elementary Science Expo.

Kimberly Swan (The NEED Project: Manassas, VA), Tom Lauwers (Birdbrain Technologies, LLC: Pittsburgh, PA), Rob Wallace (: Kenner, LA), Godwyn Morris (Dazzling Discoveries / Skill Mill NYC: New York, NY), Amanda Souza (Girls Who Code: New York, NY), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Amanda Glover (Museum of Science, Boston: Boston, MA)

Elementary Science Expo: All Elementary Grades, PreK–5

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Distance Learning Unit Links NSTA 2020.pdf
Free Elementary Energy Curriculum
NEED's free elementary level guides all available as a PDF download or e-publication! Fun, hands-on and engaging! Aligned to NGSS.

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The Elementary Science Expo has adapted the exciting, quick-fire format of the popular Pecha Kucha presentations for the NSTA Engage: Fall20 virtual conference. This "social show-and-tell event" brings together leaders in upper elementary science and STEM education as presenters offer 15 slides for 20 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes. Each five-minute presentation will offer teaching strategies and resources in the best practices in science and STEM education for our youngest learners. Featured materials come from celebrated classroom educators, authors of NSTA Press books and award-winning books, as well as strategies from the NSTA preK–5 journal Science & Children.

NGSS connections to student experiences will be highlighted during each Pecha Kucha presentation. Participants will interact with presenters about science and STEM investigations and resources through a Q&A session at the end of the time block. Presentations will be passionate, funny, informative, and inspirational. Join us for this new format and learn from this fast paced, energy-filled experience and leave with ideas to use with your students and colleagues.

This event is organized by Jennifer Williams, Department Chair, Lower School Science, Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, LA.

NSTA is grateful to Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision for sponsoring the Elementary Science Expo.

Jennifer Scherzinger (Portland Public Schools: Portland, OR), Geoff Stonecipher (Portland Public Schools: Portland, OR), Rebecca Kurson (Collegiate School: New York, NY), Katie Morrison (University Child Development School: Seattle, WA), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Ashley Townsend (Oak Grove Primary School: Prairieville, LA)

Elementary Science Expo: Upper Elementary, Part 2

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Elementary Chemistry.pdf
METRICS: Maximizing Engagement Through Regular Immersion in Computer Science
Maximizing Engagement Through Regular Immersion in Computer Science (METRICS), is a five-year U.S. Department of Education (US ED) Education Innovation and Research (EIR) grant awarded to Winchester Public Schools (WPS) in October 2019. Working collaboratively with community partners, WPS is implementing a whole-school immersion computer science (CS) initiative. Project activities are integrated across the daily classroom curriculum and real-world experiences boost traditionally underrepresented
The Write Stuff: Elevate Your Students' Writing Resources

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The Elementary Science Expo has adapted the exciting, quick-fire format of the popular Pecha Kucha presentations for the NSTA Engage: Fall20 virtual conference. This "social show-and-tell event" brings together leaders in upper elementary science and STEM education as presenters offer 15 slides for 20 seconds each for a total of 5 minutes. Each five-minute presentation will offer teaching strategies and resources in the best practices in science and STEM education for our youngest learners. Featured materials come from celebrated classroom educators, authors of NSTA Press books and award-winning books, as well as strategies from the NSTA preK–5 journal Science & Children.

NGSS connections to student experiences will be highlighted during each Pecha Kucha presentation. Participants will interact with presenters about science and STEM investigations and resources through a Q&A session at the end of the time block. Presentations will be passionate, funny, informative, and inspirational. Join us for this new format and learn from this fast paced, energy-filled experience and leave with ideas to use with your students and colleagues.

This event is organized by Jennifer Williams, Department Chair, Lower School Science, Isidore Newman School, New Orleans, LA.

NSTA is grateful to Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision for sponsoring the Elementary Science Expo.

K. Renae Pullen (Caddo Parish Public Schools: Shreveport, LA), Susan Bickel (The Benjamin School: North Palm Beach, FL), Erin Boyett (Honey Island Elementary School: Slidell, LA), Jennifer LaBombard-Daniels (Winchester Public Schools: Winchester, VA), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Britt Miller (Winchester Public Schools: Winchester, VA), Jennifer Ramsey (Garland R. Quarles Elementary School: Winchester, VA), Julie A. Smith (Lennox Middle School: Lennox, CA), Amy Thomas (John Kerr Elementary School: Winchester, VA), Rob Wallace (: Kenner, LA)

Environmental and Instructional Strategies for Safer Lab Activities During the COVID-19 Pandemic!

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

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Environmental/instructional strategies will be addressed to help teachers reduce risk and provide for safer lab activities in on-site school science labs and virtual formats.

1. Five effective ways of reducing health risks during the COVID-19 pandemic; 2. Facility environmental concerns and ways to make them safer; and 3. Instructional strategies to reduce risk for safer lab activities.

Kenneth Roy (Glastonbury Public Schools: Glastonbury, CT)

Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning in the Virtual Middle and High School Classroom

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Presentation for Three-Dimensional Teaching in the Virtual MS & HS Classroom

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This session will use a Storyline from the Illinois Science Teachers as an example for 3-D Learning in the middle and high school virtual classroom.

1. Phenomena are important in helping engage students in a storyline to help to explain something in nature; 2. Developing and using models can be done by students in a virtual environment; and 3. There are many ways to use technology with virtual learners to analyze data and construct explanations and other science and engineering practices, incorporating crosscutting concepts to learn the disciplinary core ideas.

Karen Mesmer (Mesmer Science Education Consulting: Baraboo, WI), Brian Bartel (Appleton Area School District: Appleton, WI)

Teaching Students to Analyze Data

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Teaching Students to Analyze Data
Power Point
Teaching Students to Analyze Data

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In examining student scientific explanations, one common finding is that understanding how to analyze data is often the missing piece in order for students to construct proficient explanations. However, we often tell students to analyze data, but we don't teach students how to do this. Participants will practice several strategies, acquire resources to share with students, and deepen their understanding of how to teach, not tell, students to analyze data.

1. Deeper understanding of data analysis as required by the NGSS; 2. Deeper understanding of common student misconceptions about data analysis; and 3. Practical strategies for scaffolding data analysis.

Diane Johnson (EKU Partnership Institute for Math and Science Education Reform: Morehead, KY)

The Science of COVID-19—From Virus Basics to Vaccinations

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Share COVID19 Webinar - Michael D.pptx

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In this engaging and informative online session, Michael will offer a conceptual landscape on which you'll construct a valid understanding of COVID-19. Using a PowerPoint deck populated with richly illustrated and animated slides, Michael will facilitate this essential experience in a manner that's engaging and not intimidating. Through this understanding, you'll become empowered to teach the applicable concepts of COVID-19 literacy, resulting in a student population that is better informed to make critical decisions, especially those that impact their health.

After attending this session, attendees will be empowered with an understanding of COVID-19 on which to: 1. increase classroom effectiveness in teaching appropriate disciplinary core ideas of life sciences; 2. apply 3-D learning to understanding the biology COVID-19 virus and the resultant pandemic; and 3. apply crosscutting concepts along with science and engineering practices to an understanding of COVID-19.

Michael DiSpezio (Master Educator, Presenter, and Author: North Falmouth, MA)

Featured Presentation: Ask Dr. Wen!

Friday, November 13 • 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM

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Join NSTA President Dr. Elizabeth Allan as she interviews Dr. Leana Wen, a practicing physician who has been a leading expert on health policy and public health during the coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.
In the wake of COVID-19, educators are facing unique challenges. At the top of that long list are problems associated with the interruption of established in-classroom practices and routines to remote learning, the emotional toll of physical separation due to social distancing, and, as they face the inevitable challenges associated with returning to in-person instruction, the concern and unpredictability about personal safety and health.
During this interview, Dr. Wen will respond to questions on how to best support teachers’ well-being as they simultaneously create positive learning environments for their students.

NSTA’s Chief Safety Compliance Adviser Dr. Kenneth Roy will join Dr. Allan immediately following Dr. Wen’s interview to discuss lab safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Leana Wen (The George Washington University: Washington, DC), Elizabeth Allan (University of Central Oklahoma: Edmond, OK), Kenneth Roy (Glastonbury Public Schools: Glastonbury, CT)

The Kavli Foundation Keynote Presentation: The Story of Pluto and the Kuiper Belt: How Science Progresses

Saturday, November 14 • 11:00 AM - 11:50 AM

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Sponsoring Company: The Kavli Foundation

Soon after Pluto's discovery in 1930, astronomers noticed that it did not behave much like a planet: its orbit was highly inclined and so elliptical it even crossed the orbit of Neptune. Pluto’s image as an oddball persisted until the 1990s, when it was found to be part of the Kuiper Belt, a large population of icy bodies beyond Neptune consisting of material left over from the planet formation process. The discovery of the Kuiper Belt permanently changed our view of how the solar system formed, and showed that Pluto was not so odd after all. The Pluto–Kuiper Belt story is the quintessential example of how science works: change—whether we like it or not—is the only way science goes forward. 

NSTA wishes to thank The Kavli Foundation for sponsoring this speaker.

Jane Luu (Draper Laboratory: Cambridge, MA)

COVID-19: Questions and Answers

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Share NSTA Q and A.pptx

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Join Michael as he addresses questions you may have on the science, spread, therapies, and prevention of COVID-19. At the beginning of this lightning chat, you can post your own question, which will be queued with unaddressed questions from his previous session entitled “The Science of COVID-19—From Virus Basics to Vaccinations” (Friday, 5:45–6:30 PM).

Michael DiSpezio (Master Educator, Presenter, and Author: North Falmouth, MA)

Engaging Students in Sensemaking—Together, at a Distance

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

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Join us to hear about the work we have been doing to support science teachers in designing NGSS units that support literacy development as well as three-dimensional learning, and watch as we demonstrate how teachers can utilize rich science texts and online tools for annotation and collaborative meaning making.

Cynthia Greenleaf (Strategic Literacy Initiative/WestEd: Oakland, CA), Heather Howlett (WestEd: San Francisco, CA)

Educational Resources on the Web

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

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Let FLINN Scientific take you on a tour of the multiple resources available for you to help make informed decisions surrounding the learning continuum of your students in science and STEM programs. James Palcik and Vikki Myers will help you evaluate what you can use to have the most authentic, engaging science program possible regardless of the learning environments. There are plenty of curated resources that exist that may be useful for you to use in helping your students achieve their goals in their forward trajectory through postsecondary and into careers in STEM.  Let us explore some practical web-based resources and activities together.

James Palcik (Flinn Scientific Canada, Inc.: Hamilton, ON)

Teach Hands-On Learning in an Asynchronous Virtual Learning Environment

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

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Slide Deck used for presentation

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Don't let distance learning stop you from engaging your students with hands-on exploration, a crucial component of science education. In this discussion, we'll share how you can provide hands-on learning experience for your students during asynchronous learning in a virtual setting. Then, we'll open up the discussion for you to share what you've found about hands-on instruction in the age of distance learning. Some of the questions we'll answer include:

  • How can I incorporate hands-on learning into virtual instruction?
  • Is it possible to teach hands-on learning in an asynchronous learning environment?
  • How does that work?

Michele Cozza (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Distance Learning

Saturday, November 14 • 11:50 AM - 12:15 PM

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This chat will provide an opportunity for educators to share their success and challenges around distance learning. They will be met with two facilitators who have experience regarding digital technology and supporting sensemaking in a remote setting. Educators will be given the opportunity to meet and network with others while having discourse around distance learning and five common missteps when using technology in the classroom.

Conversation Based Around 5 Traps Article:

  • Even in virtual learning, making sense of phenomena should be the goal of science educators. What strategies are you using to avoid the content trap?
  • Having the opportunity to share ideas and negotiate their thinking is an essential part of sensemaking. How are you avoiding the isolation trap with your students?
  • A trusting environment and strong classroom community is necessary for students to collaboratively build their ideas. How are you avoiding the learning-is-serious trap?

Jessica Holman (Boone County High School: Florence, KY), Brianna Reilly Oliveira (NSTA/ Self Employed: No City, No State)

Integrating Literature and Science Content: Creating Meaningful Hands-On Classroom Experiences

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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Use award-winning informational fiction books as the frame for developing hands-on explorations and activities for elementary students.

1. Participants will use selected award-winning book lists to determine high-quality texts suitable for elementary classrooms; 2. Presenter will share helpful hints for extracting science content from selected literature and develop that content into hands-on explorations; and 3. Participants will have access to activities suitable for in-person and virtual activities aligned with the selected books, including, but not limited to, using play to explore engineering and creating STEM activities from picture books.

Melissa Parks (Stetson University: Deland, FL)

Age-Appropriate Engineering Design for Early Childhood

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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Age Appropriate Engineering Session Notes.docx
Print or view this note page to capture your thoughts during this NSTA Engage20 session.

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Explore the similarities and differences in age-appropriate engineering practices and design parameters for preK–2 children through discussion, hands-on activities, and classroom videos.

1. Engineering is a form of problem solving that is appropriate and engaging for young learners; 2. Engineering challenges for young learners should be goal-oriented, open-ended, and relevant; and 3. The process of engineering should include manipulating materials and making decisions based on their properties.

Amanda Glover (Museum of Science, Boston: Boston, MA)

Online Learning in 3-D

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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Explore strategies and resources to shift your online courses into a more three-dimensional teaching and learning style.

Teachers will explore: 1. strategies for engaging students in phenomena in the online environment; 2. different course structural elements that can be used to promote three-dimensional learning; and 3. online resources that can be incorporated into an online course to promote inquiry learning.

Christine Allred (Deer Valley Unified School Dstrict: Phoenix, AZ)

Get Up and Move: Teach Science Using Movement while Integrating Several Content Areas

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Earth The Apple of Our Eye
This activity illustrates the limits of our Earth and the importance of conservation.
Earths Systems Directions for Nature Color Wheel
Observational data for the great outdoors.
Earths Systems Nature Color Wheel
Observational data activity for the great outdoors
Earths Systems Science Journal for Nature Color Wheel
Observational data activity for the great outdoors.
Get Up and Move PPT
Oh Deer Project Wild Instructions
This activity is a student simulation of a deer population and its "limiting factors".
Oh Deer Student Handout
Oh Deer Teacher instructions with data chart
Songs Aqua Notes
This activity will demonstrate through song and movement how the body needs and uses water.

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Physical activity activates the brain, improves cognitive function, and is correlated with improved academic performance. Join us to engage in movement-based science activities that are elementary NGSS-focused designed to reach all learners.

1. Attendees will participate in several elementary NGSS-focused, low- to no-cost activities that engage students with movement; 2. Participants will be able to demonstrate effective research-based instructional strategies for learning science concepts and integrating other content areas; and 3. This session will demonstrate best practices for all learners, especially ESL learners.

Judith McDonald (University of Hawaii at Hilo: Hilo, HI), Alisa Wickliff (The University of North Carolina at Charlotte: Charlotte, NC)

Phenomena, Questions, and Models

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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We will investigate the use of anchoring phenomena in lessons with an emphasis on the science and engineering practices. We will discuss the integration of questioning, models, and phenomena in the classroom.

1. Phenomena are the basis of science, since science is all about understanding our natural world; 2. Questioning is a key component of science instruction. A teacher should "never say what a student can say" but instead elicit students' responses to drive the instruction; and 3. Modeling is a dynamic process in science. Science modeling is different from "a model" or using modeling as a pedagogical process (i.e., "I do, we do, you do").

Kelly Moore (Tennessee Tech: Cookeville, TN)

NSTA Press Session: Uncovering Student Ideas in K–12 Remote Learning Classrooms

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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Explore a variety of ways to use the Uncovering Student Ideas Formative Assessment Probes during distance learning.

1. Recognize the importance of eliciting students' prior conceptions; 2. Gain tips and strategies for using the probes during remote learning to engage all students in learning concepts and figuring out phenomena; and 3. Learn ways to modify probes for digital use and applications.

Page Keeley (NSTA Past President: No City, No State)

Special Session: Taking Care of Ourselves

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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To do our best for our families, our communities, and our students, teachers must take care of their own mental, emotional, and physical health. It is important that as teachers, we are supporting ourselves and each other in finding ways and time to take care of our minds and bodies. In this session we will discuss mindfulness, kindness, and compassion practices that teachers can use, and share resources that can help you consider ways to take care of yourself and others in ways that are nourishing and enlivening, including readings and articles; videos and podcasts; and guided self-care practices.

William Penuel (University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, CO)

Middle Level Science Expo, Part 1

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Exploravision Informational Brochure
Innovation in Biology
NSTA About Exploravision

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The Middle Level Science Expo has adapted the exciting, quick-fire format of the popular Pecha Kucha presentations, which originated in Japan and allows for very focused and streamlined presentations. This "social show-and-tell event" brings together leaders in science education as presenters offer 15 slides for 20 seconds each for a total of five minutes. Each five-minute presentation will offer teaching strategies and resources in the best practices in science education for our middle level learners. Presenters will take questions during the last 10 minutes of the 45-minute time allocation.

This event is organized by Mary Lou Lipscomb, Retired Educator, and National Middle Level Science Teachers Association.

NSTA is grateful to Lab-Aids, Inc. for sponsoring the Middle Level Science Expo.

Loris Chen (none: Indiana, PA), Jessica Kohout (Educational Consultant: Ellicott City, MD), Alison Seymour (Winchester College: No City, No State), Elizabeth Weissman (The Ramaz School: New York, NY)

Middle Level Science Expo, Part 2

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Science Simulations and Digital Notebooks.pdf

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The Middle Level Science Expo has adapted the exciting, quick-fire format of the popular Pecha Kucha presentations, which originated in Japan and allows for very focused and streamlined presentations. This "social show-and-tell event" brings together leaders in science education as presenters offer 15 slides for 20 seconds each for a total of five minutes. Each five-minute presentation will offer teaching strategies and resources in the best practices in science education for our middle level learners. Presenters will take questions during the last 10 minutes of the 45-minute time allocation.

This event is organized by Mary Lou Lipscomb, Retired Educator, and National Middle Level Science Teachers Association.

NSTA is grateful to Lab-Aids, Inc. for sponsoring the Middle Level Science Expo.

Reneé Belisle Kelly (Amplify: Brooklyn, NY), Covey Denton (Greenfield School: Wilson, NC), Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA), Susan German (Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: No City, No State)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: Tools for Science Leaders

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
20Fall NSTA Tools For Leaders.pdf

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The National Science Education Leadership Association welcomes participants to an open roundtable discussion with experts who will share successful practices in science education.

Emerging leaders will leave with science education leadership skills.

Linda Cook (The University of Texas at Dallas: Richardson, TX), James Blake (Lincoln Public Schools: Lincoln, NE), Shane Woods (Girlstart)

The Facts Do Not Speak for Themselves: Exposing Students to the Powerful Story of Climate Change

Saturday, November 14 • 12:15 PM - 1:00 PM

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Teach science-skeptical students about climate change by exposing them to the powerful story and evidence of climate change found in your community.

1. Students are not convinced by data models, but they are convinced by what they can experience in their own communities; 2. There is evidence of climate change that can be found in every part of the country; and 3. Knowing what to show students in the community, and how to tell the story of climate change on a local level, empowers students to make a difference.

Patrick Burkhart (Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania: Slippery Rock, PA), Jason Hilton (Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania: Slippery Rock, PA)

Always Time for Science in a Virtual World

Saturday, November 14 • 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes

Time is something that all teachers wish they had more of! Especially in elementary school, it can be difficult to find time to teach science the way that it should be taught. In this session, our experienced STEM coaches will assist teachers in identifying and creating practical, high-impact strategies for teaching science—especially when time and materials are limited. Expect to engage in hands-on learning designed around the understanding that time is often a constraint. Graphic organizers and easy-to-use formative assessments will be introduced and utilized throughout the session.

1. Identify essential components for science lessons; 2. Leverage opportunities for cross-curricular connections; and 3. Engage in easy-to-use formative assessments to guide instructional time

Dr. Kenneth Heydrick (: Houston, TX), Kristen Wheat (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, MS)

Virtual Aha Moments! Online Teaching Strategies That Engage Students

Saturday, November 14 • 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

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Sponsoring Company: Twig Education

Learn effective strategies that can be employed immediately to increase student engagement in your fully virtual or hybrid distance learning classroom, leading to better student learning outcomes. In addition, you will discover how to foolproof your online classroom to spend more time teaching and less time being tech support.

By the end of the session, teachers will be able to implement three virtual assignment strategies to increase student engagement: 1. create micro-lessons for 100% student focus and attention; 2. evaluate (or create) and assign video-based science coaching; and 3. deploy and facilitate virtual labs that excite, engage, and get students doing science.

Mary McGibbons-Craft (Imagine Learning | Twig Education: Santa Cruz, CA), Kimberly Mueller (Imagine Learning | Twig Education: Santa Cruz, CA)

Investigating Embryology

Saturday, November 14 • 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

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Sponsoring Company: Lab-Aids, Inc.

Through an online simulation, participants will interpret skeletal and embryological images to identify patterns of similarities and differences across species that look very different as mature animals. Students identify patterns of similarities throughout developmental time to infer evolutionary relationships not obvious in the mature animals. Learn about Lab-Aids’ new Remote Learning Activities and discover ideas for implementing hands-on curricula into an online platform. This activity provides an opportunity to assess student work related to MS-LS4-3.

1. Learn about Lab-Aids' new Remote Learning activities while discovering how to implement hands-on curricula into an online platform; 2. Utilize a digital simulation to sort and compare skeletal and embryological images; and 3. Analyze and interpret embryological images to identify patterns to infer evolutionary relationships.

Cindy Lilly (Ocean Bay Middle School: Myrtle Beach, SC)

CRISPR: Connecting New Science to What You Already Teach

Saturday, November 14 • 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

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Sponsoring Company: MSOE Center for BioMolecular Modeling

The discovery of a CRISPR-based adaptive immune system in bacteria has already revolutionized the molecular biosciences. We will explore this new science using physical models…and suggest a way to connect this topic to what you already teach.  Isn’t it time we started to fix our genomes?

Attendees will learn how: 1. CRISPR Cas9 is similar to and different than a restriction enzyme; 2. CRISPR functions as an adaptive immune system in bacteria; and 3. CRIPSR technology can be used to detect coronavirus.

Tim Herman (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

Facilitate Student Agency Through Design Challenges

Saturday, November 14 • 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Facilitate Student Agency Through Design Challenges
Slide deck, links & resources to all materials discussed in Steven Jones' workshop of "Facilitate Student Agency Through Design Challenges"

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Sponsoring Company: MatterHackers, Inc.

Learn how to lead students through engaging learning experiences such as the make:able challenge in order to improve learner outcomes and deepen student agency. They will be able to use empathy, STEM skills, and their own interests to improve the lives of others through assistive technology and 3D printing.

1. Learn about the make:able challenge and how you can implement it at your school; 2. use resources from the Build a Better Book project to facilitate design challenges for people with visual impairments based on student interest; and 3. gain strategies to help promote student independence, growth, and reflection.

Mara Hitner (MatterHackers, Inc.: Lake Forest, CA), Steven Jones (Swanson Middle School: Arlington, VA)

An Introduction to eCYBERMISSION: Engaging Your Students in a Web-based STEM Competition

Saturday, November 14 • 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM