NSTA Engage: Fall20

November 13-15, 2020

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, No Strand, Mathematics


Rooms and times subject to change.
9 results
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A Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in Meteorology Using an Online Severe Weather Events Archive

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

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We will share a PBL suitable for secondary and postsecondary meteorology students using an online severe weather events database.

1. Participants will be given an opportunity to explore the Storm Prediction Center's (SPC) online severe weather events database, identifying the most impactful severe weather days (cases) for a sample region and year; 2. Participants will proceed through an example weekly worksheet analyzing the atmospheric parameters conducive for severe weather for a sample severe weather day; and 3. Presenters will share indirect assessment (via pre- vs. post-survey) data revealing the pedagogical impact of the PBL on student learning.

Joby Hilliker (West Chester University: West Chester, PA), Shannon Hilliker (Binghamton University, SUNY: Binghamton, NY)

Energy Efficiency: Making a Difference Can Start Early

Friday, November 13 • 5:45 PM - 6:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
School Energy Inspectors
Elementary students are introduced to the basic concepts of energy use and energy efficiency. Free PDF download or e-publication! Please note there is a Teacher Guide and a Student Guide. Can be adapted to teach virtually!

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Introduce students to ways we use energy—exploring thermal energy transfer, electricity, lighting, and more! Learn great investigation activities for both the home and school!

1. Learn how to use energy management tools to measure energy use in the school and at home; 2. Describe efficiency and conservation, and categorize an energy-saving measure as either efficiency or conservation; and 3. Teach students how to measure and calculate which devices use more electricity than others and which cost more than others.

Tyler Cvitkovic (The NEED Project: Manassas, VA)

Facilitate Student Agency Through Design Challenges

Saturday, November 14 • 1:00 PM - 1:45 PM

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Facilitate Student Agency Through Design Challenges
Slide deck, links & resources to all materials discussed in Steven Jones' workshop of "Facilitate Student Agency Through Design Challenges"

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Sponsoring Company: MatterHackers, Inc.

Learn how to lead students through engaging learning experiences such as the make:able challenge in order to improve learner outcomes and deepen student agency. They will be able to use empathy, STEM skills, and their own interests to improve the lives of others through assistive technology and 3D printing.

1. Learn about the make:able challenge and how you can implement it at your school; 2. use resources from the Build a Better Book project to facilitate design challenges for people with visual impairments based on student interest; and 3. gain strategies to help promote student independence, growth, and reflection.

Mara Hitner (MatterHackers, Inc.: Lake Forest, CA), Steven Jones (Swanson Middle School: Arlington, VA)

Student Action at the Intersection of Effective STEM and Water Stewardship

Saturday, November 14 • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

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Students Putting It All Together Data Sheet.pdf
This is the student data sheet they use to enter data and then use to report their water savings data onto our WSI website.
Water Scene investigation Booklet
This booklet walks the students through how to pereform their home Water Scene Investigation and record their data.

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A project-based STEM curricula has students applying their knowledge and skills to improve the world they live in by achieving quantifiable water savings.

1. Science in the classroom can lead to real-world results; 2. Water audits require the use of math and technology to solve real-world problems; and 3. Community involvement enhances student learning and experience.

Sandra Hurlbut (The University of Arizona Maricopa County Cooperative Extension: Phoenix, AZ)

Beyond the Classroom: Developing Robust Industry and Community Partnerships to Strengthen Applied STEM Learning and Address Workforce Development in STEM Fields

Saturday, November 14 • 2:00 PM - 2:45 PM

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Hear innovative ideas for developing partnerships and programs with community, universities, and industry to equip students with STEM skills necessary for success in tomorrow’s world.

1. Learn how to go beyond one-off field trips to engage students in deeper, more meaningful, long-term, and real-world learning; 2. Learn how to take advantage of the coming "silver Tsunami" in most industries, to get unique learning experiences and measurable outcomes for your students; and 3. Understand that "STEM fields" are not limited to robotics or space exploration; most if not all fields soon will require at least a basic understanding of STEM concepts.

Gordon Bourns (Bourns, Inc.: Riverside, CA), Sharon Gutierrez (Riverside Public Utilities: Riverside, CA), John Robertson (Riverside Unified School District: Riverside, CA), Damaris Velez (Riverside Public Utilities: Riverside, CA)

Environmental Education Clubs, Green STEM, and Eco-Schools

Sunday, November 15 • 1:15 PM - 1:20 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Arizona Association for Environmental Education
Arizona Game & Fish Department – Focus Wild Arizona
Article - "Hiking the Seven C's" by Brad Daniel
Article - "Nighttime Adventures" by Brad Daniel
Captain Planet Foundation - Grants
Connecticul Green LEAF Schools
Earth Day Network
EarthEcho International
EarthEcho Water Monitoring
Eco-School Fact Sheet
Eco-Schools the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Eco-Schools Pathway Icons (Printable pdf)
Eco-Schools Presentation for NSTA Engage Fall 2020 Conference
Experiential Outdoor Learning in the Schoolyard
Global Eco-Schools
Global Green STEM
GLOBE (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment)
GLOBE Framework Alignment
Green Schoolyards
Green STEM Guidebook
Green STEM Guidebook from NWF
Greenpoint Eco-Schools Sustainability Toolkit
Growing Spaces - Grants
Hiking the Seven Cs by Brad Daniel
Kids Gardening - Grants
Living Schoolyard Activity Guide
Living Schoolyard Activity Guide
Maryland Association for Environmental & Outdoor Education (MAEOE) Green Schools
National Geographic Kids
National Wildlife Federation Eco-Schools USA
Nature Play at Home from NWF
Nature Play at Home Guidelines
Nighttime Adventures
Nighttime Adventures - Exploring and appreciating the mysteries of the night by leading walks after dark Article by Brad Daniel & Cliffard Knapp in Green Teacher
North American Association for Environmental Education
NWF - Learn about Eco-Schools USA! (video)
NWF Eco-Schools USA - Virtual Classroom Resources
Ology from the American Museum of Natural History
Positive Actions for the Sustainable Development Goals
Project Learning Tree
Project WET
Ranger Rick Magazine
Resources Sheet for Eco-Schools and Green STEM
Schoolyard Habitat Monarch Guide
Schoolyard Habitat Monarch Guide
SciGirls Go Green Activity Guide
SciGirls Go Green Activity Guide
SciTech Institute Resource Directory
Seed Your Future - Grants
The Awesome Foundation - Grants
U.S. Department of Education Green Ribbon Schools
Whole Kids Foundation - Grants

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Discussion centers on how to start an Environmental Education Club, incorporate green STEM-focused curriculum, and become part of the Eco-School global initiative.

Attendees will learn: 1. how to start an Environmental Education club at their school and will see examples from other schools and colleges; 2. about Green STEM lessons and interdisciplinary units that they can easily incorporate in their standards-based curriculum; and 3. about the Eco-School global initiative and will explore how they can inspire their students to collaborate with others and involve their local communities so together they can create creative and meaningful solutions to protect the planet.

Lisa Ristuccia (Fountain Hills Charter School: Fountain Hills, AZ)

It All STEMs from Literacy

Sunday, November 15 • 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

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Join us to learn how we move science from an “extra” subject in the primary grades to a focus that improves literacy achievement.

Learn: 1. practical ways to use science to increase student mastery of the writing standards in the early grades; 2. how to “make the case” for using science to increase literacy; and 3. literacy assessments that are supported by classroom science learning.

Dana Letts (Chillicothe City Schools: Chillicothe, OH), Heather Tarlton (Chillicothe Primary School: Chillicothe, OH)

Why the Big Blue Planet Needs Butterflies, Bees, Birds, and Books

Sunday, November 15 • 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
List of Kids Books Websites
This is a partial list of my recommendations for kids books related to the topic, and several websites as well. If you need the PowerPoint, I am working on reducing the size of the file so plese contact me at [email protected] if you don't see it posted yet. Thank you for participating i NSTA Engage Fall20 and for your interest in my session.

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Keeping the Earth big and blue requires getting students out into the schoolyard. Discover how to put in gardens or an outdoor classroom and how to support the learning through crosscutting concepts with journals and children’s literature.

1.Teachers will experience through photographs, stories, and activities how to engage all students in connecting sustaining Earth to the local schoolyard and their backyards; 2. Teachers gather resources for lessons, units, and a wide selction of chidlren's literature, going home equipped to address crosscutting concepts effectively; and 3. Hands-on activities and anecdotes of the presenter's expereinces will give teachers inspiration to help children find connections to nature at home and at school.

Steve Rich (Science Author/Consultant: Atlanta, GA)

Sparking Discovery and Exploration—From Home!

Sunday, November 15 • 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM

STRAND: No Strand

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This session will engage teachers in experiencing and exploring free NGSS-focused resources for classrooms from STEM@GTRI.

1. Free NGSS-focused resources; 2. virtual field experiences; and 3. educational technology.

Tyler Kinner (Georgia Tech Research Institute: Atlanta, GA)

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