STEM20: Virtual Event

October 27-31, 2020

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, Hands-On Workshop, Building STEM Ecosystems Community Partnerships, Leadership


Rooms and times subject to change.
9 results
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NCTM Session: Mathematics and Integrative STEM—Models, Measuring, and Ratios Through the Solar System

Monday, July 27 • 1:09 PM - 1:49 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
The Sweden Solar System – the largest model of our planetary system in the world
More info and pictures of Sweden's Scale Model of the Solar System.
To Scale: The Solar System @ Black Rock Desert
World's Largest Scale Model of the Solar System Covers Entire Sweden

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Through an integrative STEM approach, build student understanding of Earth and our solar system while creating models, using ratios, and considering scale.

Develop measurement, ratio, and modeling understanding in context. Build a better understanding of earth and our solar system. Develop connections between math and science teaching practices.

David Barnes (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Reston, VA), Sarah Bush (University of Central Florida: Orlando, FL)

Animals as Engineers

Monday, July 27 • 1:09 PM - 1:49 PM

STRAND: Lower Elementary/Early Childhood

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From folklore and fiction to real life, animal mascots engage early learners in using science and engineering practices to explore how natural engineers solve problems.

Learn creative ideas for integrated lessons Overview of “tinkering,” “making,” MEA’s (model eliciting activities) and STEM Make meaningful connections between STEM, literacy and the natural world

Margaret Giunta (Pinellas County Schools: Largo, FL), Kali Guinn (Pinellas County Schools: Largo, FL)

Have You Daily Do-ed? Classroom and Distance Learning Lesson Plans for Elementary Teachers, Part 1

Monday, July 27 • 5:14 PM - 5:54 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEM20_7-27-20_Have you Daily Do-ed_Elementary
STEM20_7-27-20_Have you Daily Do-ed_Elementary

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Daily Do sensemaking tasks are designed to engage students in authentic, relevant science learning whether at home or in the classroom. Join us to explore how these phenomenon-driven tasks motivate students to engage in science and engineering practices to make sense of science ideas (disciplinary core ideas) they need to explain how or why the phenomenon occurs. No matter the grade level or science subject you teach, we have Daily Do sensemaking tasks for you!

Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking (recognize sensemaking tasks) Strategies for ensuring students are part of a rich learning community (science is social) - remote or classroom - and how being part of that community supports sensemaking Opportunities for family engagement in sensemaking tasks to build a family-school connection/community that supports all students learning science.

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Have You Daily Do-ed? Classroom and Distance Learning Lesson Plans for Elementary Teachers, Part 2

Monday, July 27 • 6:03 PM - 6:43 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEM20_7-27-20_Have you Daily Do-ed_Elementary

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Daily Do sensemaking tasks are designed to engage students in authentic, relevant science learning whether at home or in the classroom. Join us to explore how these phenomenon-driven tasks motivate students to engage in science and engineering practices to make sense of science ideas (disciplinary core ideas) they need to explain how or why the phenomenon occurs. No matter the grade level or science subject you teach, we have Daily Do sensemaking tasks for you!

Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking (recognize sensemaking tasks) Strategies for ensuring students are part of a rich learning community (science is social) - remote or classroom - and how being part of that community supports sensemaking Opportunities for family engagement in sensemaking tasks to build a family-school connection/community that supports all students learning science.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

NCTM Session: Mathematics and Integrative STEM—The Ultimate Photo Finish for Connecting Math and Science

Tuesday, July 28 • 1:09 PM - 1:49 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Middle Level

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Build student understanding and ability to look for patterns, analyze data, and use their own mathematical rules in the context of a photo finish they orchestrate.

Build positive mathematical identity by using math to describe their situation. Create a richer understanding of the mathematics they do when they create rules (functions) to describe the movement of their object. Collaborate and problem solve with others to create an collective experience connecting mathematics and science.

Katelyn Barnes (Riverside High School: Leesburg, VA), David Barnes (National Council of Teachers of Mathematics: Reston, VA)

AIA Session: Transforming Your Space to Support Pedagogy: Architecture Design Workshop

Wednesday, July 29 • 1:09 PM - 1:49 PM

STRAND: High School

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Architects with the Committee on Architecture for Education will explore strategies to learn how architecture and design can be combined with innovative pedagogy to transform spaces into student-centered, collaborative learning environments.

1. Attendees will explore methods to engage and connect your learning environment with nature and the outdoors. 2. Attendees will explore a variety of models for classroom flexibility and adaptability. 3. Attendees will explore examples of creative use of space and opportunities for meaningful display. 4. Attendees will explore suggestions for physical learning in regards to social distancing and capacity restrictions.

Michael Maza (Kliment Halsband Architects: New York, NY)

Disrupting the Status Quo: Accelerating Outcomes Through STEM Learning Ecosystems

Wednesday, July 29 • 2:47 PM - 3:27 PM

STRAND: Building STEM Ecosystems: Community Partnerships

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Explore how the STEM2 Hub has built a thriving STEM ecosystem that is now impacting students across multiple districts through systems thinking and leadership’s willingness to change course.

An overview of the systems-thinking approach and theory of change applied in our ecosystem. Strategies to build trust to deepen collaborative partnerships across once disparate and competitive organizations with actionable tools to apply in your setting. Standards-based strategies to develop and infuse high-quality resources into the school day in a consistent manner, with resources to apply in your setting.

Kathleen Schofield (Northeast Florida Regional STEM2 Hub: Ponte Vedre Beach, FL)

Have You Daily Do-ed? Classroom and Distance Learning Lesson Plans for High School Teachers, Part 1

Wednesday, July 29 • 5:14 PM - 5:54 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEM20_7-29-20_Have you Daily Do-ed_High School

STRAND: High School

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Daily Do sensemaking tasks are designed to engage students in authentic, relevant science learning whether at home or in the classroom. Join us to explore how these phenomenon-driven tasks motivate students to engage in science and engineering practices to make sense of science ideas (disciplinary core ideas) they need to explain how or why the phenomenon occurs. No matter the grade level or science subject you teach, we have Daily Do sensemaking tasks for you!

Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking (recognize sensemaking tasks) Strategies for ensuring students are part of a rich learning community (science is social) - remote or classroom - and how being part of that community supports sensemaking Opportunities for family engagement in sensemaking tasks to build a family-school connection/community that supports all students learning science.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Have You Daily Do-ed? Classroom and Distance Learning Lesson Plans for High School Teachers, Part 2

Wednesday, July 29 • 6:03 PM - 6:43 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEM20_7-29-20_Have you Daily Do-ed_High School

STRAND: High School

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Daily Do sensemaking tasks are designed to engage students in authentic, relevant science learning whether at home or in the classroom. Join us to explore how these phenomenon-driven tasks motivate students to engage in science and engineering practices to make sense of science ideas (disciplinary core ideas) they need to explain how or why the phenomenon occurs. No matter the grade level or science subject you teach, we have Daily Do sensemaking tasks for you!

Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking (recognize sensemaking tasks) Strategies for ensuring students are part of a rich learning community (science is social) - remote or classroom - and how being part of that community supports sensemaking Opportunities for family engagement in sensemaking tasks to build a family-school connection/community that supports all students learning science.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

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