STEM20: Virtual Event

October 27-31, 2020

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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Rooms and times subject to change.
15 results
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ASEE Session: Recommended High School Preparation and Career Choice Strategies for Successful Postsecondary STEM Education and Career Entry

Wednesday, July 29 • 1:09 PM - 1:49 PM

STRAND: High School

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Discussion centers on pre-college educational preparation, acquisition of career information, and career options. Strategies for first-year college success will be described.

1. High school course work preparation 2. Needed student strengths for success 3. Sources and uses of career information

C Dale Elifrits (Northern Kentucky University: Highland Heights, KY)

Arming the Next Generation of Cyber Knights

Wednesday, July 29 • 1:09 PM - 1:49 PM

STRAND: High School

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Join us to explore a professional development program for secondary teachers to explore citizenship/programming concepts with explicit connections to the National Security Agency’s Cybersecurity Concepts.

• Participants will learn the National Security Agency’s Cybersecurity Concepts • Participants will explore exemplars for integrating Cybersecurity Concepts in various teaching disciplines • Participants will discuss best practices when teaching cyber literacy

Jessica Ivy (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY), Kevin Thomas (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY), Eric Wong (Mercy Academy: Louisville, KY), Patrick Burton (Mercy Academy), Kristin Cook (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY), Robert Kelley (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY)

How to Write for NSTA’s High School Journal, The Science Teacher

Wednesday, July 29 • 1:09 PM - 1:49 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
This session provides an overview of publishing in "The Science Teacher"- going from your initial idea to the published manuscript. A Q/A will follow the presentation.

STRAND: High School

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Have a great activity to share? Join in for an overview of how to write for The Science Teacher. Learn tips and tricks for being a published author.

1. Participants will learn about the inner workings of the journal. 2. Participants will gain skills in how to write for the journal. 3. Participants will be introduced to what kinds of articles are sought for the journal.

Ann MacKenzie (Miami University: Oxford, OH)

Distraction? No…Using eSports for STEM Education and Career Development

Wednesday, July 29 • 1:09 PM - 1:49 PM

STRAND: High School

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Hear how to use NASEF’s state-approved esports high school curriculum to engage and motivate students in STEM learning and careers.

How to use esports to attract students to deeper STEM learning . Learn how to implement a state-approved esports curriculum . Learn about the STEM careers in the world's fastest growing industry—Esports.

Laylah Bulman (Samueli Foundation: Corona Del Mar, CA)

Patterns of Crime and Justice: Integrating STEM and the Humanities

Wednesday, July 29 • 2:47 PM - 3:27 PM

STRAND: High School

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Engage your students in this multidisciplinary application of civics and the scientific process. Implement this real-world problem-solving venue in your school!

Learn how to plan and execute co-curricular classes that integrate aspects of criminal justice, forensic science, and crime scene investigation. Expand these experiences for students by encouraging the involvement of other teachers/faculty in your schools. Explore how the implementation of student agency in the classroom can encourage students to grow in their ability to prioritize and chose responsibly, which is a lifelong skill.

Jennifer Field (WestonHigh School)

Science Literacy Through Science Comics

Wednesday, July 29 • 2:47 PM - 3:27 PM

STRAND: High School

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Can the popular comic book medium be used to better support students learning chemistry? Science comic books are comic books designed to visually engage readers using sequential art to navigate a narrative that delivers science content. My investigation showed that students who read the comic book had higher gains in chemistry content knowledge than those who read the chemistry text. Given the findings, science comic books will be an effective educational tool.

How science comics can benefit my students. How I can use science comics in my classroom. What science comics are there to use and where to find them.

Christopher Preece (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY)

The Science of Stress Practical Strategies to Help Your Students

Wednesday, July 29 • 2:47 PM - 3:27 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: High School

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Uncertainty and lack of predictability can stimulate the biological mechanisms of stress. Join in for a practical look at the science of stress from the perspectives of neuroscience and behavior. How do we benefit from stress and get harmed by it? How can we and our students regulate stress in the distance learning environment, in a way that promotes health and learning?

Social-Emotional Mind and Brain Science Classroom Management

Tim Blesse (Denver Museum of Nature & Science: Denver, CO)

Modeling Stellar Evolution and Supernovas Using NASA Images, Data, and STEM Analysis Tools

Wednesday, July 29 • 2:47 PM - 3:27 PM

STRAND: High School

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Model stellar evolution processes using NASA images, plotting H-R diagram transitions, and determining the chemistry and physics of supernovas with NASA STEM image analysis tools.

Knowledge of the process of how stars form and change over time ending in catastrophic events, providing conditions for the formation of planets. Students will understand that all knowledge of celestial events is determined by analyzing the light from these events. Image analysis software tools allow scientists to gain knowledge of the physical and chemical processes involved to create constantly evolving models of stellar evolution.

Donna Young (NSO/NASA: No City, No State)


Wednesday, July 29 • 2:47 PM - 3:27 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: High School

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Discussion centers on how Louisiana’s innovative STEM pathways give students access to high-demand, high-wage careers straight out of high school or with college or university degrees.

1. High school STEM education can help meet vital workforce need. 2. High school STEM pathways can meet student needs whether they plan to attend a college/university or enter directly into the workforce. 3. High-value partnerships with public and private entities can expand capacity to offer high-quality STEM experiences.

Nathan Corley (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA)

Proteinoid Production: New Lab Skills from Historic Experiments

Wednesday, July 29 • 5:14 PM - 5:54 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Traditional lab instructions for this lab I have used in the past. Note that this does not have the student research and design components. I am including it as a reference for teacher planning purposes.
Proteinoids: Clues to Cellular Origins?
Article by Ivars Peterson explaining the role of amino acid properties in the formation of proteinoids in Fox and Harada's experiments. Published in BioScience February 2, 1985
Thermal Copolymerization of Amino Acids to a Product Resembling Protein
This is a copy of Fox and Harada's article from Science magazine published in November 14, 1958.

STRAND: High School

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Have your students explore the theories of life’s origins. Guide your students through historical research to memorable experiences of independent experimental design with Proteinoid Production. Student-produced samples will be on display.

Attendees will receive instructional materials and learn how to guide students through historical technical research to develop independent labs for Proteinoid Production. Discussions will include ways to implement and manage lab experience and stay sane. Methods of providing quick (and judicious) feedback as well as streamlined collective result sharing will be addressed.

Catherina Sammons (Tates Creek High School: Lexington, KY)

How to Implement STEM and NGSS into Your Classroom Through the Use of NSTA Competitions

Wednesday, July 29 • 5:14 PM - 5:54 PM

STRAND: High School

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Hear about various NSTA competitions and how they can bring STEM and the NGSS into the classroom, as well as give students and teachers a chance to earn recognition and prizes.

Learn about NSTA competitions Learn about how you can use competitions as a resource to implement NGSS and STEM into your curriculum Learn how you and your students can win prizes and recognition

Alexis Mundis (Army Educational Outreach Program: Arlington, VA), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Matthew Hartman (BrainPOP: Pittsburgh, PA)

“Why Are We Doing Math in Science Class?” An Interdisciplinary Approach to Assessing Students

Wednesday, July 29 • 5:14 PM - 5:54 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: High School

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Find out how math, writing, and history/geography can come alive in a science classroom when assessing students through the use of claim, evidence, and reasoning.

Attendees will be able to: - Integrate claim, evidence, reasoning assessment strategies into their lessons - Develop lessons that challenge students to not only strengthen scientific thinking skills but math and writing skills as well - Challenge their students into applying their knowledge to the immediate world around them.

Alexander Eden (Florida International University: Miami, FL)

Spark Curiosity and Deepen Remote Learning: Teach Students to Ask Their Own Questions

Wednesday, July 29 • 6:03 PM - 6:43 PM

STRAND: High School

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Experience the Question Formulation Technique: a simple, powerful strategy that can spark curiosity and deepen remote learning by teaching students to ask their own questions.

1. Participants will learn the Question Formulation Technique (QFT) by experiencing it for themselves. They will walk away with a practical strategy they can immediately use in a remote setting to teach students how to ask better scientific questions and drive science inquiries. 2. Participants will explore student work from science classrooms across the country to see how the strategy can be used for a range of instructional purposes. 3. Participants will reflect on their learning, think on how they can implement it in their own setting, and get access to free tools and resources to do so.

Nicole Bolduc (Ellington Middle School: Ellington, CT), Katy Connolly (Right Question Institute: Cambridge, MA)

NSTA Press Session: Uncovering High School Students’ Ideas About Engineering and Technology

Wednesday, July 29 • 6:03 PM - 6:43 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: High School

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Learn how to use purposefully designed, engaging questions to elicit and address students’ commonly held ideas about core concepts and practices related to engineering and technology.

1) Learn how formative assessment probes reveal students' ideas about engineering and technology, including common misconceptions and stereotypes about engineers. 2) Learn how to embed the engineering and technology probes into instruction. 3) Learn how the engineering and technology probes support disciplinary core ideas and practices.

Page Keeley (NSTA Past President: No City, No State), Cary Sneider (Portland State University: Portland, OR), Mihir Ravel (Visiting Scholar: Portland, OR)

Using Stories and Gamification to Improve STEM Comprehension, Retention, and Motivation

Wednesday, July 29 • 6:03 PM - 6:43 PM

STRAND: High School

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Well-told stories capture our imagination and inspire emotional engagement while also providing context to the lesson. We will cover how to use stories in your lessons.

How and why stories improve comprehension and retention of information How to improve emotional engagement in your lessons using stories and gamification Tips on integrating stories into your classes starting tomorrow and see the difference immediately

Meghan Gardner (Guard Up's Guardian Adventures: Burlington, MA)

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