STEM20: Virtual Event

October 27-31, 2020

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, Presentation, Postsecondary


Rooms and times subject to change.
8 results
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Undergraduate Students Perform Science Outreach as Their Capstone Experience

Thursday, July 30 • 1:10 PM - 1:50 PM

STRAND: Postsecondary

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Undergraduate students performed science outreach activities with grades 8–12 students at the YMCA afterschool program. Students designed and facilitated three consecutive sessions each week that were scaffolded to specific grade levels. They used this experience to fulfill the capstone requirement for their BA in Biological Sciences degree. The undergraduates served as role models to students underrepresented in STEM fields while stimulating their interest in science. This experience also stimulated interest of the undergraduates in future careers as science teachers.

Patricia Halpin (University of New Hampshire at Manchester: Manchester, NH)

Connecting Underlying Mechanisms to Macro Evolutionary Patterns: Using Programmable Computer Models to Expand Student-Centered Learning in Evolution

Thursday, July 30 • 1:10 PM - 1:50 PM

STRAND: Postsecondary

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Help your students explore two evolutionary processes: adaption and speciation. Participants will use computer models to examine these processes at various spatial and temporal scales and collect evidence to articulate the impacts of inheritance, mutation, selection, forage, competition, and reproduction on the processes. This session targets NGSS Biology Evolution core ideas at the high school level (HS-LS4).


Lin Xiang (University of Kentucky: Lexington, KY)

STEM Teacher Education: Endorsing Interdisciplinary Teaching

Thursday, July 30 • 2:50 PM - 3:30 PM

STRAND: Postsecondary

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Faculty and current students will discuss Pitt-Johnstown’s unique approach to their STEM Endorsement Certification, including students’ personal experiences and future teaching goals, and the program’s benefits and implications for  research.

Participants will engage in discussion to learn about: • Current focuses on teacher preparation in STEM education • Pennsylvania’s approach to endorsing students via their STEM Endorsement Certificate model and its program design and evaluation competencies • Pitt-Johnstown’s unique approach to the model, through a Q&A with faculty and current students.

Sarah Chesney (University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown: Johnstown, PA)

Answering the Call: Increasing the Quality and Quantity of STEM Teachers

Thursday, July 30 • 2:50 PM - 3:30 PM

STRAND: Postsecondary

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Attention will be paid to implementation of a conceptual framework and activities for professional development to increase the quality and quantity of secondary STEM teachers.

- Attendees will discuss the research-based conceptual framework of a STEM professional development project. - Attendees will be asked to share on activities of the project as a method to increase the quality and quantity of STEM teachers. - Our two-year project results will be shared with attendees.

Sumreen Asim (Indiana University Southeast: New Albany, IN), Alan Zollman (Indiana University Southeast: New Albany, IN)

Increasing Equity in STEM and CTE with OER

Thursday, July 30 • 2:50 PM - 3:30 PM

STRAND: Postsecondary

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Reduce costs for learning materials by using Open Education Resources (OER) in STEM and CTE courses. Resources, tools, and processes will be shared.

Participants will be given: • A list of discipline specific OER resources • Criteria for evaluating OER resources =

Esperanza Zenon (River Parishes Community College: Gonzales, LA)

Strengthening STEM Teacher Education Pathways: Inspiring STEM Students to Pursue a Career in STEM Teaching Through Internships

Thursday, July 30 • 5:20 PM - 6:00 PM

STRAND: Postsecondary

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Explore a partnership with an informal education organization to inspire the next generation of STEM students to pursue a career in STEM teaching. Discussion centers on the changes in interns’ perceptions of teaching STEM through data collected, including videos, observations, and student focus group data.

• Participants will learn about a community partnership with an informal education organization to inspire the next generation of STEM students to pursue a career in STEM teaching. • Participants will explore the changes in interns’ perceptions of teaching STEM through data collected, including videos, observations and student focus group data. • Participants will discuss opportunities to teach and educate others for students interested in STEM.

Akhtar Mahmood (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY), Kristin Cook (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY), Cody Nygard (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY)

Bridging Formal and Informal Learning Environments in Science Methods

Thursday, July 30 • 5:20 PM - 6:00 PM

STRAND: Postsecondary

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Review a model for science methods courses that encompasses formal/informal learning environments built upon the six strands set forth by NRC Learning Science in Informal Environments. The framework focuses on the science culture of tools, language, and norms. Discussion includes how the model can be modified for elementary, secondary, and special education programs.

- attendees will learn about a model that fuses together both formal and informal learning environments. The scope and sequence of the course syllabi will be shared - attendees will be learning about specific activities to better integrate various learning environments - attendees will given a list of resources to help implement in their respective courses

Sumreen Asim (Indiana University Southeast: New Albany, IN)

NSTA Partner Programs: School, District, and Professors

Thursday, July 30 • 5:20 PM - 6:00 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Postsecondary

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NSTA School, District, and University partnerships provide personalized professional learning experiences for K–12 educators and science preservice teachers. Find out more about these NSTA opportunities that combine membership with access to resources, online tools, and the national network.

(1) Discover the new NSTA School and District Partner Programs that combine member benefits with access to fee-based resources, professional learning tools, and conference opportunities. (2) Learn how professors use the NSTA website, resources, and online community with teacher candidates. (3) Network with other, link-minded, individuals.

Flavio Mendez (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

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