An Out Teach instructional coach gives teachers the
information, inspiration, and practical everyday tips they need to head outdoors to
lead hands-on real-world cross-curricular experiences proven to build science
skills and get students deeply engaged in science practice. Presenters will
provide specific strategies for elementary teachers to engage students in
science and engineering practices anchored in outdoor phenomena—whether students
are remote or in-person.
1. To put equitable outcomes at the center of all we do, students need opportunities to make decisions about their own learning and space to bring their own experiences and background to the classroom in ways that connect meaningfully to content. This highly sought after, student-centered approach can be kick-started through outdoor experiential learning in Science; 2. Many teachers struggle with 3-D science instruction, which requires that we not only teach students content but give them ample opportunities to think and work like scientists. The outdoor classroom is a powerful instructional tool for authentic scientific practice, developing a scientific mindset and a love of learning; and 3. Outdoor experiences are a great equalizer, improving student-directed learning, SEL, and 21st-century skills during remote, hybrid, and in-person instruction.
Wendy Kelly (Out Teach: Dallas, TX), Allie Graybeal (Out Teach: Fort Worth, TX)