July 26-30, 2021

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FILTERS APPLIED:Prerecorded Marketplace Partner Workshop, Life Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
7 results
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Choosing the Right BIOZONE NGSS Series for Your High School


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: BIOZONE International Ltd.

BIOZONE’s two NGSS series have been designed to fully embrace the spirit of the NGSS. We will compare their features, guiding you to select the series best suited to your program. We will show how BIOZONE’s flexible print and digital solutions support you to teach face-to-face, remotely, or through hybrid programs.

1. Comparing features of the standard and integrated NGSS series; 2. guiding participants to select the series best suited to their program; and 3. print and digital solutions to support teachers who are teaching remotely or face-to-face.

Lissa Bainbridge-Smith (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO), James Leggett (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO)

Applications of Pivot Interactives in the Classroom


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

Pivot Interactives does more than just labs; with bell ringers and assessment tools built into the platform, it is designed to be a one-stop shop for science.

1. Makes demos interactive by providing short activities great for introducing new concepts; 2. enables authentic assessment by bringing experimental problems directly to students, regardless of their location; and 3. allows instructors to craft their own activities, down to the videos included in the assessments. It’s perfect for synchronous in-person sessions as well.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Pivot Interactives for Physical Science (Physics and Chemistry)


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

This 25-minute session provides an introduction to Pivot Interactives as a tool for teaching the physical sciences, including physics and chemistry.

1. See a preview of student activities related to the physical sciences in a variety of forms, including interactive video, simulations, and sensors; 2. receive an initial view of the Pivot Interactives platform, including searching the libraries, setting up a class, and editing activities; and 3. consider some use cases in the classroom, including remote and in-person learning, lab supplements, and authentic assessments.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Pivot Interactives for Life Science (Biology and Environmental Science)


STRAND: High School

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

This 25-minute session provides an introduction to Pivot Interactives as a tool for teaching the life sciences, including biology and environmental science.

1. See a preview of student activities related to the life sciences in a variety of forms, including interactive video, simulations, and sensors; 2. receive an initial view of the Pivot Interactives platform, including searching the libraries, setting up a class, and editing activities; and 3. consider some use cases in the classroom, including remote and in-person learning, lab supplements, and authentic assessments.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Evidence in the Era of NGSS


STRAND: Middle Level

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

How can we best support students in building evidence-based explanations of phenomena?

Attendees with learn how: 1. a multi-modal approach allows students to gather evidence from a variety of sources and grapple with phenomena and real-world problems like scientists do; 2. an evidence-based learning approach works to support the NGSS; and 3. evaluating evidence can help students work toward being college and career ready.

Rebecca Abbott (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Leading with Phenomena: Mystery in Desert Rocks Canyon


STRAND: Middle Level

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

Geologists found a mysterious fossil in a rocky outcrop. How did it get there?

Attendees will learn how: 1. phenomenon-based science supports three-dimensional teaching and learning; 2. instructional sequences designed around engaging, authentic phenomena can motivate students by providing a powerful context; and 3. putting students in the role of a scientist or engineer can help them develop skills for college and careers.

Rebecca Abbott (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Establishing a Culture of Figuring Out


STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Sponsoring Company: Amplify

Cultivate curiosity and value student voices while utilizing the structures and content from phenomena-based, NGSS-focused curricula.

All attendees will learn: 1. strategies on how to cultivate curiosity and value student voices; 2. how an NGSS-focused curriculum can support deeper learning and understanding; and 3. how to elevate science implementation by establishing a culture of figuring out.

Rebecca Abbott (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

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