Deepen inquiry and student engagement in the social
context of STEM, through the lens of history! Participants will receive free
resources from IEEE REACH, a crosscutting, interdisciplinary
1. Attendees will learn about a free resource program that provides tools to implement learning opportunities that improve both cultural and technological literacy skills by engaging students in the history of technology and the examination of how technology and engineering, throughout time, impact society, culture, politics, and economics, and are in turn impacted by them; 2.
The IEEE REACH program provides a new lens from which students may view engineering and technology as relevant to their lives and their future, and enhances skills in problem solving, critical thinking, research, communication and collaboration, and it prepares students to become better-informed citizens of our high-tech society; and 3. Attendees will walk away with standards-aligned, inquiry-designed lesson plans that include formative performance tasks, suggested civic actions, excerpted documents, background information for the teacher, primary sources, hands-on activities, and short classroom videos, which may be implement immediately either in the classroom or remotely.
Kelly McKenna (IEEE History Center: Piscataway, NJ), Michael Geselowitz (IEEE History Center: Piscataway, NJ)