July 26-30, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:PreK - 5, Hands-On Workshop, Middle Level, Physics


Rooms and times subject to change.
6 results
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Effectively Using “Science Kits” to Achieve the NGSS

Monday, July 26 • 11:45 AM - 12:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Using Science Kits Presentation
This file contains a PDF copy of the presentation given at NSTA STEM 21 on Monday, July 26, 2021.

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Learn how to use your existing science kit materials to support your students with NGSS, based on experiences from the Elementary Science Olympiad program.

Attendees will learn: 1. how to modify "instructional kits" available to them to allow for authentic student inquiry; 2. how to structure instruction to allow for cycles of failure and feedback; and 3. how hands-on science supports implementation of the NGSS.

John Loehr (Science Olympiad: Oakbrook Terrace, IL), Shari Haug (: Elmhurst, IL)

Explore the Solar System: NASA’s Scale of Discovery

Monday, July 26 • 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Presentation Recording
Scale of Discovery 2021 PowerPoint
Powerpoint with embedded info and notes
Scale of Discovery Combined Files.pdf
ALL files (what would have been in person handouts) from todays presentation in one document

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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Let’s make a foldable solar system scroll. Come learn how to apply ratios to create a scale model of the planets based on your height.

1. With a properly scaled solar system scroll, participants will identify inner and outer planets and readily SEE why they are named as such; 2. Understanding the concept of rations and fractions, part-to-whole, participants will leave being able to create a proportional solar system in their classroom, on a football field, or across their state; and 3. This activity can be used at any grade level.

Barbie Buckner (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Bristol, TN)

Cricket Challenges: Engaging Readers in Exploring Their Natural World

Monday, July 26 • 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Cricket Challenges Engaging Readers In Exploring Their Natural World.pptx
Cricket Challenges Handout.pdf
Nature Writing Prompts Handout.pdf
Nature-Themed Books Handout.pdf

STRAND: Upper Elementary

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This session presents interactive “Cricket Challenges” to engage students in nature-based activities designed to encourage curiosity and to make cross-curricular STEM connections to literature.

1. Innovative ways to engage readers to use fiction as a springboard to explore their natural world and make text-to-real-world connections; 2. Handouts including instructions for activities such as “An Outdoor Challenge for Every Season," ”Creating a Nature Wonder Hour,” “Nature Scavenger Hunts,” “Creating a Nature Journal from the Point of View of the Main Character in the Book You’re Studying,” and “Bloom Bingo”; and 3. Writing prompts educators can use to encourage students to analyze and explore their natural world.

Jo Watson Hackl (Author: Asheville, NC)

STEM Identity: NGSS-Focused Project-Based Learning in the Digital World

Tuesday, July 27 • 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM

STRAND: Middle Level

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This workshop explores the connection between the NGSS, STEM identity, and project-based learning (PBL) through a series of culturally responsive activities for virtual learning environments.

Participants will: 1. critically consider their own STEM identity and the STEM identities of their students to inform PBL in online and in-class learning environments; 2. respond to students’ needs and interests to plan PBL that develops their STEM identities; and 3. learn instructional strategies that engage students in PBL and the Scientific and Engineering Practices within the Next Generation Science Standards.

Alicia Lane (University of the District of Columbia: Washington, DC)

Show Your STEM: Communicating Scientific Ideas and Understanding

Wednesday, July 28 • 12:45 PM - 1:30 PM

STRAND: High School

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This workshop introduces strategies and digital tools to help students develop high-quality STEM presentations and posters in online and in-class learning environments.

Participants will: 1. embody the role of a student conducting a scientific/engineering investigation leading to a STEM presentation; 2. be able to create a digital STEM visual using presentation applications; and 3. learn instructional strategies that engage students in developing high-quality presentations and Scientific and Engineering Practices within the Next Generation Science Standards.

Alicia Lane (University of the District of Columbia: Washington, DC)

Analyzing X-Ray Pulses from Stellar Cores Using Physics and Web-based NASA Data and STEM Image Analysis Tools

Wednesday, July 28 • 1:45 PM - 2:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Analysis of Two Pulsating X-ray Sources
Analysis of Two Pulsating X-ray Sources
JS9 - Web based Data Analysis Tool
Js9 with preloaded files
National Science Olympiad js9 Page
web page

STRAND: High School

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Use STEM web-based analysis software and basic physics gravitation and centripetal acceleration equations to determine if a stellar core is a white dwarf or neutron star.

1. Light curves generated from image analysis software can be used to determine the period of rotation of some white dwarfs and pulsars; 2. Newton’s Universal Law of gravitation and centripetal acceleration calculations can be used as evidence for determining the type of star; and 3. Js9 web-based software provides students with real opportunities to do astronomical research.

Pamela Perry (Lewiston High School: Lewiston, ME)

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