This session will explore the ways educators can expand
STEM affinity among diverse populations by using placed-based lessons through
the cultural lens of lessons on weather and climate.
1. Theme one is that community-based learning has been shown to positively impact indigenous science and STEM learners. Central to this theme is the belief that to promote science and STEM affinity, pedagogies and curricula should leverage diversity, languages, culture, practices, and epistemologies. (Gutierrez, Baquedano‐López, & Tejeda, 1999); 2. Theme two is a predicate of community orientation. This presentation will posit that STEM fluency is dependent on cultural relevant initiatives and will show significant promise in closing achievement gaps and improving science academic performance (Brayboy & Castagno 2008); and 3. Theme three is that culturally relevant curricula and pedagogies help to embody and mobilize community leaders and STEM advocates with in-school and after-school programs.
Corydon Strawser (Lake Nona Middle School: Orlando, FL)