2021 Los Angeles Area Conference

December 9-11, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Presentation, Preservice Science Education


Rooms and times subject to change.
8 results
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NSTA Press Session: Ignite Your Professional Teaching Practice with NSTA’s Trilogy of Three-Dimensional Resources

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 503

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Join us as we explore how NSTA’s three-dimensional resources can be utilized to enhance your teaching. Walk away with effective strategies for science teaching and learning and hear from educators as they provide tips for using these resources.

1. Hear from classroom teachers about how they are using NSTA Press publications; and 2. Leave with top-notch teaching tips and innovative lesson plan ideas that promote imaginative learning and student engagement.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Wendy Binder (Program Director, STEM Professional Learning: Arlington, VA)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: How as Science Leaders Are We Supporting an Asset View of Science Learners?

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 514

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Participants will learn about how some districts around the country are using an asset approach to post-COVID learning and will collaboratively share ideas with others.

1. Some districts around the country are focusing on an acceleration rather than a remediation post-COVID approach to learning; 2. An asset approach to learning and learners supports social and emotional well-being; and 3. The NSELA Learning Center provides resources for continued learning about asset versus deficit approaches to learning.

Larry Plank (University of South Florida: Tampa, FL)

Using Phenomena to Promote Sensemaking and Deepen Coherence

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 507

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Print-out of scenarios
Science Teacher Article on phenomenon examples
Session PPT

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Dissect the differences between flashy engagers and phenomena to identify essential components of effective phenomenon-based teaching. Critically consider phenomena with personal relevance for your students.

1. Build a deeper understanding of the differences between “hooks” and phenomena, 2. Consider and identify the benefits of using contextual, locally inspired phenomena to support all students, and 3. Identify potential local phenomena for their own classrooms to support more inclusive learning

Martha Inouye (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY), Ana Houseal (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY)

Partnering with NSTA to Reach Your Professional Learning Goals

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408A

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Explore how to take advantage of NSTA’s vast resources and pathways, including both asynchronous and synchronous options, to create personalized professional learning.

1. Discover the value of being a School or District NSTA Partner; 2. Explore how to maximize online professional learning for all teachers; and 3. Discover how to utilize NSTA's online learning resources to support in-person professional learning.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Wendy Binder (Program Director, STEM Professional Learning: Arlington, VA)

Discover NSTA’s New Professional Learning Units to Earn Continuing Education Credit

Friday, December 10 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502A

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Explore NSTA’s NEWProfessional Learning Units. Discover these bite-sized asynchronous professional learning experiences that support student sensemaking to earn credit to submit to your school or district.

1. Discover how NSTA can provide asynchronous and bite-sized continuing education credit options (2 hours per PLU); 2. Explore how each PLU contains reflections or tasks connected to the classroom that are submitted to NSTA for review or feedback; and 3. Explore how we can support professional learning for individuals or schools/districts including the flexible options available for Professional Learning Unit topics, and how these fit into our Professional Learning pathways.

Elizabeth Allan (University of Central Oklahoma: Edmond, OK), Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: Highlighting Stories of Successful (Formal and Informal Science) Partnerships from National Science Leaders

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 401

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Participants will learn about the successful and varied informal and formal science partnerships developed by members of the NSELA leadership community.

1. Successful partnerships between formal and informal science institutions increase student and community engagement in STEM education; 2. Success stories include STEM ecosystems; and 3. The NSELA Learning Center provides resources and support for ongoing learning about formal and informal science partnerships.

Larry Plank (University of South Florida: Tampa, FL)

Nurture Through Nature: How Teachers Stumbled Their Way into Building the Most Innovative School Club in the Country

Saturday, December 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 504

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Curriculum Unit Video 1
Curriculum Unit Video 10
Curriculum Unit Video 10
Curriculum Unit Video 11
Curriculum Unit Video 2
Curriculum Unit Video 3
Curriculum Unit Video 4
Curriculum Unit Video 5
Curriculum Unit Video 6
Curriculum Unit Video 7
Curriculum Unit Video 7
Curriculum Unit Video 8
Curriculum Unit Video 9
Immersive Curriculum Unit
NSTA LA.pptx

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Want to get your students outside enjoying nature and taking an active interest in improving the world around us, but don’t know where to start and how to sustain it? Join in for strategies to encourage critical thinking about environmental issues, methods to help students gain awareness of everyday resources and uses, budgeting and funding procedures, and ways to meet multiple subject areas. Empower your students to become part of the solution!

1. Critical thinking about environmental issues methods to help students gain awareness of everyday resources and uses; and 2. Ways to meet multiple subject areas.

Dawn Chehab (Millennia Gardens Elementary School: Orlando, FL), John Martinez (Millennia Gardens Elementary School: Orlando, FL)

Building STEAM Through Community Collaborations—You're Not Alone!

Saturday, December 11 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 504

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Learn about a STEAM Ecosystem providing hands-on connections between NGSS and STEAM careers. The collaborative includes a large school district and nine community agencies.

Each attendee will be provided with Dramatic Results’ STEAM Ecosystem Mapping Tool to take back to their communities to: 1. identify potential collaborators in their community (“community” includes local, regional, national\, and even international) strengths and challenges posed with each potential collaborator; 2. establish shared goals for their STEAM Ecosystem; and 3. learn how to adapt their STEAM Ecosystem to include both in-person and virtual engagement and program delivery.

Tori-Ann Hampton (Dramatic Results: Signal Hill, CA), Christine Pham (Dramatic Results: Signal Hill, CA)

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