Discover Switch Classroom, a free, online, objective
curriculum about energy use and nonrenewable and renewable resources centered on
AP Environmental Science and NGSS Energy standards.
1. Explore Switch Energy Alliance resources, including Switch Classroom, energy videos, and full-length documentaries. The Switch Classroom curriculum covers six units of comprehensive lessons detailing renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, energy production fundamentals, and how energy decisions are made; 2.
Learn how to set up your own class using Switch Classroom, creating a customized energy unit for your students that includes video and your choice of activities that include multiple-choice quizzes, critical-thinking writing and diagramming, and lab and math-based calculation activities; and 3.
Increase your students' ability and skills to explain concepts, analyze visual representations, and propose solutions to complex energy decisions in a nonpartisan and objective manner.
Leslie Horne (New Market Junior/Senior High School: Newmarket, NH), James Corboy (Long Beach Unified School District: Signal Hill, CA)