2021 Los Angeles Area Conference

December 9-11, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Presentation, Developing More Inclusive Classrooms, Life Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
27 results
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Designing a COVID Currculum: Lessons in Science (and Science Denial) from a Pandemic

Thursday, December 9 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 513

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Suggestions for a Covid-Based curriculum.
Part 1 of my Powerpoint slide file.
Part 2 of my Powerpoint slide file.

STRAND: Innovating the Future of Education: Technology and Science Education

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We will explore a COVID-19–based curriculum that provides a direct and compelling way to focus student attention on the most basic processes in biology.

1. Participants will examine specific curriculum plans using the COVID-19 virus to illustrate basic principles of cell biology, including biological membrane structure, mRNA function, transcription, translation, replication, and immune response; 2. The emergence of COVID-19 variants will be explored as a case study in natural selection, evolution, and phylogenetic analysis; and 3. The public reaction to pandemic pubic health countermeasures and vaccination will be examined as a case study in scientific literacy and science denial. Participants will discuss ways to use their classrooms to promote student understand of the science behind these public health measures.

Kenneth Miller (Brown University: Providence, RI)

Connecting NGSS to Student Interests and the Science That Surrounds Us in Real Life

Thursday, December 9 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408A

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Learn how to create engaging lessons, connecting to student interests and to the science and natural phenomena that surround us. Pick up strategies to engage K–6 students in explorations, helping them recognize and understand real-world science while creating a lifelong love of science. Handouts!

Attendees will learn: 1. innovative strategies to help children identify, explore, and understand a variety of interesting, real-life science that surrounds them in their everyday world; 2. how to design lessons that emphasize exploration, and give students the opportunity to test variables and analyze their effects; and 3. effective questioning strategies to engage students and increase the depth of student thinking, also helping to make student thinking visible; and to help teachers use effective questioning strategies to help students clarify and articulate their understanding of essential science phenomena and concepts.

Donna Knoell (self: Shawnee Mission, KS)

Specialty Crops in the Classroom: Educating Youth Through Mobile Classroom Growing Systems

Thursday, December 9 • 10:00 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 504

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Join us as we explore how specialty crops can be a useful tool in the classroom by improving both instruction and student nutrition.

Teachers will learn: 1. about resources for teaching about botany, plant science, and soil science made available through the specialty crops block grant; 2. how to incorporate NGSS into Free Fruit and Vegetable education program requirements; and 3. how to incorporate NGSS into nutrition science across the curriculum.

Spencer Cody (Edmunds Central School District: Roscoe, SD)

Evolution—How Strong Is the Evidence?

Thursday, December 9 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 504

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Article on 20th anniversary of the PBS Evolution Series.
Slide file for Evolution Workshop - LA NSTA
Slides used in this workshop

STRAND: Innovating the Future of Education: Technology and Science Education

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Despite its central role in the Biology curriculum, evolution remains a topic of contention. We will examine evolutionary science today and the evidence behind it.

1. Participants will see examples of how the evolutionary narrative can be incorporated into topics as diverse as ecology, physiology, taxonomy, and cell biology; 2. The evidence usually marshaled in support of evolution is often confined to passive descriptions of the fossil record and well-worn examples of natural selection. We will examine ways that students can use the availability of genomic data to pinpoint the marks of evolutionary change in DNA sequences and patterns of gene organization; and 3. Finally, we will explore and discuss approaches to overcoming student and community resistance to the teaching of evolution by emphasizing the core biological events behind the process and the central role they play in the living world.

Kenneth Miller (Brown University: Providence, RI)

Bridging the Gap: Using Teacher Leaders to Support Informal Educators

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 504

STRAND: Successful Collaborations Between Informal and Formal Educators

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Want to create high-quality, NGSS-focused field trip experiences? Come learn how we brought together classroom teachers and informal educators to accomplish this goal with amazing outcomes!

Attendees will: 1. learn the steps we took to create a collaborative environment for teacher leaders to support informal educators in learning more about NGSS and the EP&Cs; 2. learn the value of bringing the expertise of informal educators and the knowledge of formal educators together in order to create high-quality, NGSS-focused field trip experiences; and 3. be given access to the agendas, handouts, and templates we used in our training/planning sessions.

Lesley Gates (Fresno County Office of Education: Fresno, CA)

Supporting SEL and Meeting NGSS Standards Through Citizen Science and Schoolyard Investigations

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 507

STRAND: Supporting the Social and Emotional Needs of Students Post-COVID-19

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Support SEL while meeting science standards through student investigations and citizen science. Motivate students with schoolyard projects and real data with our free inquiry curriculum!

Participants will; 1. explore free resources to scaffold citizen science–inspired inquiry projects; 2. discover how outdoor learning and inquiry projects can support social and emotional learning; and 3. discuss the challenges and opportunities related to authentic scientific inquiry and how classroom teachers have successfully implemented these practices.

Jennifer Fee (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Ithaca, NY)

NSTA Press Session: Ignite Your Professional Teaching Practice with NSTA’s Trilogy of Three-Dimensional Resources

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 503

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Join us as we explore how NSTA’s three-dimensional resources can be utilized to enhance your teaching. Walk away with effective strategies for science teaching and learning and hear from educators as they provide tips for using these resources.

1. Hear from classroom teachers about how they are using NSTA Press publications; and 2. Leave with top-notch teaching tips and innovative lesson plan ideas that promote imaginative learning and student engagement.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Wendy Binder (Program Director, STEM Professional Learning: Arlington, VA)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: How as Science Leaders Are We Supporting an Asset View of Science Learners?

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 514

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Participants will learn about how some districts around the country are using an asset approach to post-COVID learning and will collaboratively share ideas with others.

1. Some districts around the country are focusing on an acceleration rather than a remediation post-COVID approach to learning; 2. An asset approach to learning and learners supports social and emotional well-being; and 3. The NSELA Learning Center provides resources for continued learning about asset versus deficit approaches to learning.

Larry Plank (University of South Florida: Tampa, FL)

Crash Science—When Physics Meets Biology

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408A

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Use innovative video-assisted STEM activities, demonstrations, award-winning videos, and behind-the-crash-tests tours to teach the science of car crashes. Free lesson plans included. Visit  Classroom.IIHS.org  for more information.

Participant will learn: 1. how to access inquiry-based activities and video-supported experiences integrating STEM concepts with vehicle crashworthiness and crash avoidance technologies; 2. how scientists and engineers use technology (crash dummies, crash tests, crash avoidance testing) at a vehicle research center to measure and evaluate vehicle safety systems; and 3. how to incorporate technology-enhanced STEM design challenges (Project Pedestrian Sensors and Egg-Carrying Paper Car Crash) into their curriculum to promote student awareness and understanding of how engineering and technology are used to build safer vehicles.

Griff Jones (University of Florida)

Supporting Three-Dimensional Learning Through Model-Based Inquiry Units and Resources

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 514

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
MBI presentation
This is a PDF of the presentation from this session.
MBI website
The website includes the template, examples, useful phenomena, and support pages.

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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We will introduce a collection of units and resources to help teachers engage students in three-dimensional learning through model-based inquiry.

1. How to utilize modeling across entire units of instruction; 2. Ways to anchor student learning in authentic phenomena; and 3. How to use public records to keep track of student ideas.

Ron Gray (Northern Arizona University: Flagstaff, AZ)

Using Phenomena to Promote Sensemaking and Deepen Coherence

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 507

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Print-out of scenarios
Science Teacher Article on phenomenon examples
Session PPT

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Dissect the differences between flashy engagers and phenomena to identify essential components of effective phenomenon-based teaching. Critically consider phenomena with personal relevance for your students.

1. Build a deeper understanding of the differences between “hooks” and phenomena, 2. Consider and identify the benefits of using contextual, locally inspired phenomena to support all students, and 3. Identify potential local phenomena for their own classrooms to support more inclusive learning

Martha Inouye (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY), Ana Houseal (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY)

Partnering with NSTA to Reach Your Professional Learning Goals

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408A

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Explore how to take advantage of NSTA’s vast resources and pathways, including both asynchronous and synchronous options, to create personalized professional learning.

1. Discover the value of being a School or District NSTA Partner; 2. Explore how to maximize online professional learning for all teachers; and 3. Discover how to utilize NSTA's online learning resources to support in-person professional learning.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Wendy Binder (Program Director, STEM Professional Learning: Arlington, VA)

Discover NSTA’s New Professional Learning Units to Earn Continuing Education Credit

Friday, December 10 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502A

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Explore NSTA’s NEWProfessional Learning Units. Discover these bite-sized asynchronous professional learning experiences that support student sensemaking to earn credit to submit to your school or district.

1. Discover how NSTA can provide asynchronous and bite-sized continuing education credit options (2 hours per PLU); 2. Explore how each PLU contains reflections or tasks connected to the classroom that are submitted to NSTA for review or feedback; and 3. Explore how we can support professional learning for individuals or schools/districts including the flexible options available for Professional Learning Unit topics, and how these fit into our Professional Learning pathways.

Elizabeth Allan (University of Central Oklahoma: Edmond, OK), Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Tools for Justice-Centered Climate Change Teaching and Learning

Friday, December 10 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 401

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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Our students are already impacted by climate change. How can we teach about it in ways that help them all thrive on a damaged planet?

1. Justice-centered climate science instruction is possible and needed throughout the grade span, and intersects with a variety of other ecological topics; 2. Our young people are already aware of and experiencing the effects of climate change, and educators are in a unique position to help them better understand and process this new reality; and 3. There are many resources already available to support educators in this work, even if it may sound daunting at first.

Deb Morrison (University of Washington), Abby Rhinehart (University of Washington: Seattle, WA)

Using Three-Dimensional Prompts to Drive Student Sensemaking

Friday, December 10 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 507

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
3D Prompts_Guide_NSTA LA2021.pdf
Guide to writing 3D prompts
Guide to writing 3D prompts
Session PPT

STRAND: Sharing Authentic Assessment Strategies

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Learning science means engaging in DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs. Come explore how to generate authentic prompts that integrate all three dimensions to drive student learning.

1. Practice creating 3-D prompts that explicitly promote the three dimensions and drive more integrated student learning and assessment; 2. Learn how to adapt your own questions and prompts to better target specific dimensions; and 3. Consider how framing of activities, through questions and prompts, can support specific DCIs, SEPs, and CCCs.

Ana Houseal (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY), Martha Inouye (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY), Jessica Stephens (Rock Springs Junior High School: Rock Springs, WY)

Lights-Camera-CRASH: Exploring Crash Science with Griff Jones and the IIHS’s Vehicle Research Center

Friday, December 10 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 511

STRAND: Successful Collaborations Between Informal and Formal Educators

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Use award-winning videos, paper car crashes, egg drop cushions, and behind-the-crash-tests tours to teach motion and energy concepts. All resources are free at classroom.iihs.org.

Participants will learn how: 1. to access inquiry-based activities and video-supported experiences integrating STEM concepts with vehicle crashworthiness and crash avoidance technologies; 2. scientists and engineers use technology (crash dummies, crash tests, crash avoidance testing) at a vehicle research center to measure and evaluate vehicle safety systems; and 3. to incorporate culminating STEM design challenges (Project Pedestrian Sensors and Egg-Carrying Paper Car Crash) into their curriculum to promote student awareness and understanding of how engineering and technology are used to build safer vehicles. Examples of student assessments (formative and summative) are provided.

Griff Jones (University of Florida)

Fueling Success with Students—Win Up to $10K for You and Up to $15K for Your Classroom

Friday, December 10 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 513

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Instructional Method and Teaching Philosophy questions
Shell Programs flyer
Shell Programs presentation
Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge

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Do you impact your school and community with STEM? If you teach K–12, then come learn how to apply to win one of eight Shell-supported awards, and a teacher competition.

1. Share your passion and practice by applying for one of eight awards, and a teacher competition; 2. Learn from past Shell awardees, finalists, and judging panel members’ important tips to apply for this award; and 3. Learn how to win a trip to the 2022 NSTA Houston National Conference, March 31–April 3, 2022.

Amanda Upton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Ruth Ruud (Cleveland State University: Cleveland, OH)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: Highlighting Stories of Successful (Formal and Informal Science) Partnerships from National Science Leaders

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 401

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Participants will learn about the successful and varied informal and formal science partnerships developed by members of the NSELA leadership community.

1. Successful partnerships between formal and informal science institutions increase student and community engagement in STEM education; 2. Success stories include STEM ecosystems; and 3. The NSELA Learning Center provides resources and support for ongoing learning about formal and informal science partnerships.

Larry Plank (University of South Florida: Tampa, FL)

Smashing Classrooms Walls Through Virtual Events

Friday, December 10 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502A

STRAND: Innovating the Future of Education: Technology and Science Education

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Take your students beyond your classroom walls through virtual speakers and field trips with those on the front lines of science, exploration, and conservation.

1. Discover the benefits of bringing exciting scientists, explorers, and conservationists live into your classroom through virtual guest speakers and field trips; 2. Explore how easy it is to do with exciting resources like Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants, Explorer Classroom, Google, and more; and 3. What to do before, during, and afterwards so your students get the most from these experiences.

Joe Grabowski (Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants: Elora, ON)

Plastic Waste and Mental Health: How Young People Build on Informal Learning to Make Change in Their School and Communities

Friday, December 10 • 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
OPEN MIND Studio - Icebreakers
OPEN MIND Studio - Sticky Note Activity, Final Projects

STRAND: Successful Collaborations Between Informal and Formal Educators

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We’ll unpack examples of young people learning across different settings, showing how formal and informal educators can collaborate to support science engagement and community involvement.

1. Young people bring their learning across settings, making connections between the practices and activities they do in informal and formal spaces; 2. When educators partner and coordinate experiences across settings, they can better support young peoples’ learning pathways, identity development, and promote community involvement; and 3. This session will offer examples of how young people have brought their learning and made connections across settings, which will highlight opportunities for educators to design better partnerships in the future to support young people in the future.

Abby Rhinehart (University of Washington: Seattle, WA)

Engaging Students in Local Science with Hands-On Activities

Friday, December 10 • 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 506

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First steps in engaging students in life that surrounds them by using hands-on activities and community support.

1. How to make action steps to incorporate a local topic with hands-on labs into an NGSS-focused curriculum (examples used will be Beekeeping, Fish anatomy and physiology, and astronomy); 2. How to build relationships with informal educators and bring them into the classroom; and 3. How to incorporate local topics and and deepen ties with informal educators into school culture through the creation of extracurricular clubs and student-led learning activities.

Nels Lund (Chelan High School: Chelan, WA)

Every Park in a Classroom: OutSCIder Classroom

Friday, December 10 • 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
OutSCIder Classroom Presentation NSTA

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Discover how to connect your classroom to America’s best idea, our National Parks System. Participants will get access to engaging NGSS-focused science videos and instructional resources to connect classrooms to our public lands.

1. Integrate lesson plans with instructional materials that connect students to our national parks; 2. Develop a sense of environmental stewardship and conservation with students; and 3. Make concepts and current environmental impacts on the parks relevant to your students.

Chris Anderson (Hamilton County ESC: Cincinnati, OH)

Increasing Engagement in the High School Science Classroom Using Sensemaking

Friday, December 10 • 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 506

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The NSTA High School Committee will share strategies used in their classrooms to help students wonder about science, ask questions, be engaged, and develop ideas.

1. Learning and sharing engagement strategies for the high school classroom; 2. Learning about sensemaking at the high school level; and 3. Using NSTA's Daily Do's in the classroom.

Brenda Walsh (Eden Prairie High School: Eden Prairie, MN)

Are These Materials Designed for NGSS? EdReports Expansion to High School Reviews

Saturday, December 11 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 512

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
EdReports NSTA Fall 2021 Regional HS CA.pdf

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EdReports is expanding into high school instructional materials reviews. Learn about the High School Learning and Listening Tour, provide feedback on our current thinking, and hear about opportunities to become a reviewer.

1. Build an understanding of the challenges educators face in finding quality materials and how EdReports aims to address those challenges; 2. Learn about the expansion into High School science and develop an understanding of the findings from our High School Learning and Listening tour, characteristics of alignment to the NGSS and usability, and discuss smart adoption processes; and 3. Hear about opportunities to engage as an EdReports reviewer in upcoming reviews, which includes NGSS training, an extended learning community, and a paid stipend.

Lacey Wieser (EdReports.org: Phoenix, AZ)

From the Sea to Your Seat—No Beach Needed!

Saturday, December 11 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 504

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
From the Sea to Your Seat - Resource Links.docx
Website links to the pages covered in the session.

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No-mess dissections! Shark feedings! Find out how Cabrillo Marine Aquarium can bring these and more to your class through our online programming!

1. Cabrillo Marine Aquarium can be a valuable resource to educators beyond our immediate area; 2. Cabrillo Marine Aquarium provides a wide array of freely available online content for educators; and 3. Online materials can enhance classroom learning.

Carl Carranza (Cabrillo Marine Aquarium: San Pedro, CA)

Science Learning at Your Window

Saturday, December 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 512

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Come get a window bird feeder and discover how to attract birds and student interest! Take home activities and ideas to teach science through birds.

Participants will: 1. discover how to encourage student curiosity and learning through feeder birds and free Cornell Lab resources; 2. learn where and when to hang feeders in order to attract a variety of birds; and 3. explore apps and resources to help identify birds and participate in our citizen science projects.

Jennifer Fee (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Ithaca, NY)

Building STEAM Through Community Collaborations—You're Not Alone!

Saturday, December 11 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 504

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Learn about a STEAM Ecosystem providing hands-on connections between NGSS and STEAM careers. The collaborative includes a large school district and nine community agencies.

Each attendee will be provided with Dramatic Results’ STEAM Ecosystem Mapping Tool to take back to their communities to: 1. identify potential collaborators in their community (“community” includes local, regional, national\, and even international) strengths and challenges posed with each potential collaborator; 2. establish shared goals for their STEAM Ecosystem; and 3. learn how to adapt their STEAM Ecosystem to include both in-person and virtual engagement and program delivery.

Tori-Ann Hampton (Dramatic Results: Signal Hill, CA), Christine Pham (Dramatic Results: Signal Hill, CA)

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