2021 Los Angeles Area Conference

December 9-11, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Sharing Authentic Assessment Strategies, Leadership


Rooms and times subject to change.
19 results
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FlyGirls: Girls with Drones

Thursday, December 9 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 507

STRAND: Successful Collaborations Between Informal and Formal Educators

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Our FlyGirls program was developed to introduce young women in grades 4–8 to aerospace using drones. The Cobb County School District has partnered with Lockheed Martin, FTW Robotics, female drone pilots from across the U.S., and other informal educators to offer our FlyGirls program. Learn how we shifted during remote learning and focused on college and career readiness.

Participants will: 1. learn how to cultivate a dynamic partnerships between multiple agencies; 2. receive step-by-step guidance to start your own local chapter of FlyGirls; and 3. receive access to the resources we developed and used with our FlyGirls group.

Sally Creel (Cobb County School District: Marietta, GA), Alana Davis (Cobb County School District: Marietta, GA)

NSTA Press Session: Inspiring Curiosity and Writing with the Next Time You See Series, K–5

Thursday, December 9 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 402A

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Learn how the Next Time You See books can connect students with nature and inspire them to write their own books about natural objects and phenomena.

1. Explore research about the positive effects of time in nature on children and adults; 2. Learn how literacy and science can be connected through writing activities; and 3. Receive classroom-ready resources (videos and graphic organizers) to guide your students through a Mentor Text Study.

Kim Stilwell (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO)

Does Black English Stand Between Black Students and Success in Science?

Thursday, December 9 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 404

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Discussion centers on tools to properly analyze Black students’ scientific work to determine if the misconceptions and misunderstandings are a learning issue or language issue. This workshop focuses on the use of language to reduce the ethnic achievement gap in science.

1. Analyzing students’ work from a linguistic lens; 2. Recognizing biases when it comes to student language; and 3. Pushing Black students academically forward without making them feel torn between two language worlds.

Jonte' Lee (Whittier Elementary: Kansas City, KS)

Funding for Science Education Through the American Rescue Plan

Thursday, December 9 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 401

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
10_2021 Erika_americanRescuePlan_ FINAL.ppt

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To address the impacts of the pandemic on K–12 education, Congress has made emergency funds available through the American Rescue Plan Act Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) Fund. In this session for educators and science leaders at the district and school levels, we will discuss how these federal funds can be leveraged to support science education, students, and
teachers, and review the products and services NSTA has available to address learning loss.

1. Information on federal funding for pandemic relief for K–12 education; 2. How this federal funding can be used for science education; and 3. NSTA products and services that address learning loss.

Erika Shugart (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

NSTA Press Session: Ignite Your Professional Teaching Practice with NSTA’s Trilogy of Three-Dimensional Resources

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 503

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Join us as we explore how NSTA’s three-dimensional resources can be utilized to enhance your teaching. Walk away with effective strategies for science teaching and learning and hear from educators as they provide tips for using these resources.

1. Hear from classroom teachers about how they are using NSTA Press publications; and 2. Leave with top-notch teaching tips and innovative lesson plan ideas that promote imaginative learning and student engagement.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Wendy Binder (Program Director, STEM Professional Learning: Arlington, VA)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: How as Science Leaders Are We Supporting an Asset View of Science Learners?

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 514

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Participants will learn about how some districts around the country are using an asset approach to post-COVID learning and will collaboratively share ideas with others.

1. Some districts around the country are focusing on an acceleration rather than a remediation post-COVID approach to learning; 2. An asset approach to learning and learners supports social and emotional well-being; and 3. The NSELA Learning Center provides resources for continued learning about asset versus deficit approaches to learning.

Larry Plank (University of South Florida: Tampa, FL)

NSTA Press Session: Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons: Using Picture Book to Inspire STEM Learning, K–5

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

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Learn how to integrate STEM and literacy through the use of high-quality STEM-related picture books.

1. Strategies for integrating STEM and literacy in K–5; 2. Suggested picture books that integrate STEM and literacy; and 3. A STEM lesson you can use right away.

Kim Stilwell (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO)

Partnering with NSTA to Reach Your Professional Learning Goals

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408A

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Explore how to take advantage of NSTA’s vast resources and pathways, including both asynchronous and synchronous options, to create personalized professional learning.

1. Discover the value of being a School or District NSTA Partner; 2. Explore how to maximize online professional learning for all teachers; and 3. Discover how to utilize NSTA's online learning resources to support in-person professional learning.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Wendy Binder (Program Director, STEM Professional Learning: Arlington, VA)

Discover NSTA’s New Professional Learning Units to Earn Continuing Education Credit

Friday, December 10 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502A

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Explore NSTA’s NEWProfessional Learning Units. Discover these bite-sized asynchronous professional learning experiences that support student sensemaking to earn credit to submit to your school or district.

1. Discover how NSTA can provide asynchronous and bite-sized continuing education credit options (2 hours per PLU); 2. Explore how each PLU contains reflections or tasks connected to the classroom that are submitted to NSTA for review or feedback; and 3. Explore how we can support professional learning for individuals or schools/districts including the flexible options available for Professional Learning Unit topics, and how these fit into our Professional Learning pathways.

Elizabeth Allan (University of Central Oklahoma: Edmond, OK), Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

NSELA-Sponsored Session: Highlighting Stories of Successful (Formal and Informal Science) Partnerships from National Science Leaders

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 401

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Participants will learn about the successful and varied informal and formal science partnerships developed by members of the NSELA leadership community.

1. Successful partnerships between formal and informal science institutions increase student and community engagement in STEM education; 2. Success stories include STEM ecosystems; and 3. The NSELA Learning Center provides resources and support for ongoing learning about formal and informal science partnerships.

Larry Plank (University of South Florida: Tampa, FL)

What Do I Do with This? Making Sense of Your Assessment Data

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Session Resource Document Form
Form to access the Resource Document and slide deck from the session.

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We are awash in assessment data, but often it’s overwhelming to make sense of it. Join us to learn tips and strategies for wrangling data.

1. Explore new ways to organize data collection and raw data to aid in exploring the data for stories after it is collected; 2. Acquire skills in tying questions, data types, and data visualizations to enhance your ability to make sense of the assessment data; and 3. Identify next steps to better utilize and leverage your assessment data to help you measure students’ success and know what steps to consider next.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

Getting Students to Read in Science

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502B

STRAND: Literacy/Science Connections in the Classroom

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Reading should not be limited to English courses. Leave with strategies on how to motivate students to explore science through scientific novels. Review three years of qualitative data on how novels increased  literacy, scientific fluency, scientific connectivity, and college preparation in a marine biology course.

Teahers will: 1. learn how to use articles to make their content more applicable to the lives of the students; 2. receive strategies on how to get students to read more scientific articles; and 3. receive resources on selecting grade-appropriate scientific articles.

Jonte' Lee (Whittier Elementary: Kansas City, KS)

Making Elementary Science Teaching Impossible to Miss!

Saturday, December 11 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

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The most amazing science curriculum lacks impact if it's not used. PS Science has been working on ways to ensure science isn't left out.

1. A successful elementary science program is built around ease of implementation and supporting teachers; 2. When there is no budget for science, lessons can still happen each week throughout the year; and 3. PS Science Instructors model inquiry science instruction through free video lessons.

Julie Olds (PS Science: Inglewood, CA)

Leading Conversations Around Identity, Race, Belonging, and Bias in STEM Spaces

Saturday, December 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

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Join the UCLA Science Project as we explore structures and formats for science leaders looking to engage teachers around social justice in STEM classrooms.

1. Co-construct a learning experience centered around inclusion and belonging within school site meetings; 2. Recognize how our identities and lived experiences impact our approaches to science education and leadership; and 3. Establish space and culture that sustains conversations around equity issues.

Leticia Perez (WestEd: Alameda, CA), Zachary Cue (UCLA STEM+C3 and Science Project)

Making Student Thinking Visible: Developing and Using Models in Instruction and Assessment

Saturday, December 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 511

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Modeling NSTA LA 2021.pdf

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We will explore how students can use modeling and linked practices to engage with phenomena. Participants will take home a goody bag and lesson plans.

1. We will demonstrate how students can use modeling, argumentative writing, and data analysis to explain different scientific phenomena throughout Earth and space sciences, life science, and physical sciences; 2. Participants will have the opportunity to build and revise three different kinds of models during the session as learners, and then reflect on how to use the same strategies with their students; and 3. Everyone will engage with different modeling scaffolds that increase inclusion and link the practice of modeling to others such as arguing from evidence, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining, evaluating and communicating information.

James Clark (Director: Pleasanton, CA), Samantha Johnson (Arroyo High School: San Lorenzo, CA)

Language Proficiency and Rigorous Science Instruction—What’s the Connection?

Saturday, December 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
California Association of Science Educators (CASE)
Sci-Lingual Education
Language and Literacy Resources: developing language in the context of science.
Science Centered Language Development
Science Practices and ELD Standards K-5
Slides for CASE Session Language Proficiency and Science

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What can we learn from examining the CA ELPAC science-related test items? Join us for a hands-on exploration into how three-dimensional NGSS teaching and learning can increase students’ English language proficiency.

1. Language proficiency is not a prerequisite for content instruction but an outcome of effective content instruction. Science learning and language development are mutually supportive; 2. As Emerging Multilingual Learners engage in science practices, they use disciplinary language and language functions (describe, sequence, evaluate, synthesize, etc.) to make sense of phenomena and to communicate their ideas; and 3. The functional use of language in social contexts improves language learners' communication abilities. Using language for meaningful purposes in an engaging science context improves students' ability to communicate in all areas and increases their language proficiency levels as measured by the ELPAC.

Claudio Vargas (Sci-Lingual Education: Oakland, CA), Peter A'Hearn (California Association of Science Educators: Folsom, CA), Diana Velez (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Inclusive Science Assessments: Supporting and Designing Equitable Formative Assessments to Build on Learners’ Interests and Knowledge

Saturday, December 11 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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Learn how to integrate the cultural resources your students bring to class with your science teaching and learning. Come explore equity-based cultural formative assessments.

1. Resources for instructional leaders and educators to support and create meaningful connections between classroom science concepts and the application of those ideas in everyday situations; 2. Discussion of the implementation of these tools and resources in dynamic school environments; and 3. The strategies presented in this workshop can be used with any curricula, at any grade level, and in all subjects of science and engineering.

Deb Morrison (University of Washington)

Creating and Maintaining an Equitable Science Classroom

Saturday, December 11 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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STEM classrooms should establish a welcoming environment in which all individuals can use their cultural knowledge and practices to make sense of the world.

1. A shared understanding of equity and social justice in science classrooms and STEM communities; 2. Approaches to identify and honor student-lived experiences and cultures; and 3. Challenge conventional notions of what counts as science.

Jon Kovach (UCLA Science Project: Los Angeles, CA)

Mathematics and Computational Thinking Using Authentic Data and Practices

Saturday, December 11 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA LA 2021 Mathematical and Computational Thinking.pdf

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Start highlighting the practice of mathematics and computational thinking! We’ll utilize resources that allow students to engage in traditional and less traditional ways.

1. Participants will engage as learners in different levels of mathematical representations, all of which emphasize how to make the practice more inclusive of all students; 2. Everyone will leave being able to demonstrate at least three different ways to mathematically represent authentic data; and 3. Participants will look critically at how to scaffold different graphical texts for student analysis.

James Clark (Director: Pleasanton, CA), Samantha Johnson (Arroyo High School: San Lorenzo, CA)

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