2021 Los Angeles Area Conference

December 9-11, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:Hands-On Workshop, Sharing Authentic Assessment Strategies, STEM


Rooms and times subject to change.
45 results
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Using Stop-Motion Animation to Model Chemical Reactions

Thursday, December 9 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 405

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Powerpoint Presentation
Video examples are embedded in the PowerPoint.

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Learn how to help students create stop-motion animated movies to model the atomic rearrangement that occurs during simple chemical reactions!

Attendees will learn: 1. basic techniques for planning and creating stop-motion animated films; 2. how to use this tool to model the atomic rearrangement that occurs during chemical reactions; and 3. how best to teach students how to use stop-motion to create their own animated movie models.

Steven Gaskill (K.O. Knudson Middle School: Las Vegas, NV), Heather Rampton (K.O. Knudson Middle School: Las Vegas, NV)

Inspiring Literacy and Science Interest with Data

Thursday, December 9 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 402A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Session Resource Document Form
Form to access Resource Document and slide deck from the session.

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We use data to do science; data literacy is its own set of skills. Young learners benefit when we integrate data, literacy, and science together.

1. Identify how data literacy is a critical aspect of literacy and science literacy in the 21st century; 2. Explore strategies and resources to use to authentically integrate data into K–5 science instruction; and 3. Develop a plan for next steps to elevate data as an aspect of meaningful connections between literacy and science.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

STEMify Your Daily Do's

Thursday, December 9 • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 503

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Join us to strengthen STEM in your classroom by STEMifying a Daily Do.

1. Sensemaking in your classroom using NSTA Daily Do's; 2. How Daily Do's and other lessons can be modified to include more STEM; and 3. How to design for equity in STEM/Science classrooms.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Elizabeth Allan (University of Central Oklahoma: Edmond, OK)

NSTA Press Session: Inspiring Curiosity and Writing with the Next Time You See Series, K–5

Thursday, December 9 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 402A

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Learn how the Next Time You See books can connect students with nature and inspire them to write their own books about natural objects and phenomena.

1. Explore research about the positive effects of time in nature on children and adults; 2. Learn how literacy and science can be connected through writing activities; and 3. Receive classroom-ready resources (videos and graphic organizers) to guide your students through a Mentor Text Study.

Kim Stilwell (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO)

Chemistry of Copper: A Two-Part Inquiry

Thursday, December 9 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 405

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Learn about the chemical properties of copper using appropriate technology in this hands-on activity.

Participants will; 1. learn to research and design an inquiry experiment; 2. use technology to gather and analyze data from the inquiry; and 3. visualize what occurs on the submicroscopic level by employing particulate drawings.

Gregory Dodd (George Washington High School: Philadelphia, PA)

Does Black English Stand Between Black Students and Success in Science?

Thursday, December 9 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 404

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Discussion centers on tools to properly analyze Black students’ scientific work to determine if the misconceptions and misunderstandings are a learning issue or language issue. This workshop focuses on the use of language to reduce the ethnic achievement gap in science.

1. Analyzing students’ work from a linguistic lens; 2. Recognizing biases when it comes to student language; and 3. Pushing Black students academically forward without making them feel torn between two language worlds.

Jonte' Lee (Whittier Elementary: Kansas City, KS)

NASA's Space Food and Nutrition

Thursday, December 9 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 403B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NASA Space Food & Nutrition Files
use this link to my NSTA collection of resources for the NASA Space Food & Nutrition Files that includes the powerpoint from my 2021 session

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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Explore caloric and nutritional values of NASA's space food. Discover a menu of inquiry activities/resources to integrate into the classroom to satisfy your STEM appetite.

1. Explore NASA STEM activities that investigate space food and nutrition for astronauts living on the Space Station; 2. Construct sample space food menus to develop a better understanding of nutrition for human space exploration; and 3. Make connections between math, science, nutrition, and exercise while exploring the impact of living in space and in our gravity-filled environment here on Earth.

Barbie Buckner (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)

ASEE Session: Coding in an Elementary School

Thursday, December 9 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 405

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Coding in an Elementary School.pdf

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Let's teach students, teachers, and families how to code. Learn how to promote creativity, problem solving, higher-order thinking, and digital literacy in your classroom.

Teachers will: 1. learn to incorporate unplugged activities; 2. gain skills to integrate coding into their classroom using multiple platforms; and learn how to involve families during Hour of Code Event.

Gabriela Arroyo (Santa Monica Boulevard Community Charter School: Los Angeles, CA), Jennifer Nishimoto (Santa Monica Boulevard Community Charter School: Los Angeles, CA)

STEM Teaching Tools: Resources for Justice-Centered Science Instruction

Thursday, December 9 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 514

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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Choose which of these free resources for equitable science instruction are most relevant to your work. Then read, discuss, and plan!

1. Science learning is culturally rooted, and strong instruction should take an asset-based approach to young peoples’ ways of thinking and knowing; 2. Developing more inclusive classrooms is a constant process. There are always steps educators can take to support equity, no matter where they are in their journey; and 3. These resources offer tangible next steps educators can take toward equity in their classroom, from identifying meaningful anchor phenomena (stemteachingtools.org/brief/42) to teaching biology in more gender-inclusive ways (stemteachingtools.org/brief/76) to fostering more student talk (stemteachingtools.org/brief/35).

Deb Morrison (University of Washington), Abby Rhinehart (University of Washington: Seattle, WA)

Escaping the Mundane Classroom

Thursday, December 9 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

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Throw away your worksheets and turn your classroom into a collaborative, engaging “escape” room.

1. Discover how to turn existing lessons into engaging escape rooms; 2. Receive dozens of hands-on puzzle ideas; and 3. Hear how to have your students create a standards-based escape room.

Carissa Brazeal (Without Walls EDU: No City, No State)

Develop Engaged, Future-Ready Science Learners

Thursday, December 9 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

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Attendees will actively engage with innovative, technology-rich tools while learning strategies to teach data collection and analysis, engineering design processes, coding, and robotics. Discover engaging ways to apply coding to make devices “work,” adding rigor and complexity as learners gain skills and understanding.

Attendees will learn how to: 1. design accessible, equitable hands-on learning experiences, in which ALL students actively participate and engage with innovative technology tools, helping students learn essential science concepts, engineering processes, and learn how to collaborate with peers to increase understanding; 2. teach authentic data collection and analysis, so that students can learn how to explore and test variables and measure and analyze their effects; and 3. use programmable technology tools and devices as effective teaching tools, helping students learn how to input code to achieve a desirable outcome, and how to analyze, diagnose, and correct the code when the device doesn’t perform as intended.

Donna Knoell (self: Shawnee Mission, KS)

Phenomenon-Based, Literacy-Rich Learning Using Digitized Museum Objects

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

STRAND: Literacy/Science Connections in the Classroom

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Engage with Research Quest, free, online, NGSS-focused, phenomenon-based investigations using authentic museum objects and research to build students' literacy, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication skills.

Teachers will: 1. experience an exemplar set of free resources that successfully integrate NGSS and ELA standards to provide students with meaningful, self-directed learning; 2. recognize that providing students with opportunities to research phenomenon-based problems professional scientists devote their careers to using the collections and data they build new knowledge from can empower students to better understand the enterprise of science, the natural world, and the natural history of our world—while building their literacy and critical-thinking skills; and 3. understand that creating opportunities to make critical thinking visible is an essential scaffold necessary to support student efficacy with problem finding and problem solving.

Madlyn Larson (Natural History Museum of Utah: Salt Lake City, UT)

Synthetic Biology: The Intersection of Biology, Engineering, and Computer Science

Thursday, December 9 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Synthetic biology resources
List of resources for synthetic biology with links to curricula, books, videos, journal articles

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Participants will combine engineering and biology as they work through a free activity from a no-cost introductory curriculum on the emerging field of Synthetic Biology.

Looking for free resources and innovative ways to introduce engineering into K–12 classrooms? American Society for Engineering Education’s (ASEE) pre-college division will share them!

Leonardo Morsut (University of Southern California: Los Angeles, CA), Wendy Wooten (Reseda Charter High School: Reseda, CA)

NSTA Press Session: Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons: Using Picture Book to Inspire STEM Learning, K–5

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

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Learn how to integrate STEM and literacy through the use of high-quality STEM-related picture books.

1. Strategies for integrating STEM and literacy in K–5; 2. Suggested picture books that integrate STEM and literacy; and 3. A STEM lesson you can use right away.

Kim Stilwell (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO)

Build a Probe to Stimulate Muscle Movement

Thursday, December 9 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 503

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Build a Probe to Stimulate Muscle Movement - LA Conference Paper.docx
Paper related to "Build a probe to stimulate muscle movement.
Build a Probe to Stimulate Muscle Movement.pdf
PowerPoint related to "Build a Probe to Stimulate Muscle Movement" as a PDF
Template for Constructing Muscle Stimulator.pdf
Template to parts list layout for "Build a Probe to Stimulate Muscle Movement"

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This workshop provides participants with materials to construct a probe that can safely stimulate muscle movements in the arms and hands to build understanding of the nervous system’s interactions with the muscular skeletal systems.

1. How the nerves utilize electrochemical energy to create muscle movements; 2. How muscles when stimulated can move limbs; and 3. How to repurpose and utilize a TENS unit to demonstrate interactions of the neural and muscular skeletal systems.

Mark Malone (University of Colorado at Colorado Springs: Colorado Springs, CO)

A Fiery STEM Community: ULXplorlabs, Local Fire Departments, and Schools

Friday, December 10 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 506

STRAND: Successful Collaborations Between Informal and Formal Educators

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Learn how several counties in Georgia built relationships with local fire departments and Underwriters Laboratories to create authentic STEM learning experiences for physical science students.

1. Experience quality STEM-infused learning through UL Xplorlabs: Fire Forensics (free curriculum); 2. Learn about the Community Partnerships between Cobb, Henry, and Cherokee County Schools and Fire Departments with Underwriter Laboratories Non-Profit Sector; and 3. Identify potential for building similar STEM ecosystems.

Amy Gilbert (Griffin Middle School: Smyrna, GA), Sally Creel (Cobb County School District: Marietta, GA)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: The Great Water Design Challenge

Friday, December 10 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Algal Blooms and Algae Resources.docx
Flooding and Severe Weather Resources.docx
General Topics and Resources.docx
IMSA Developed Research Questions.docx
IMSA Team Schedule.docx
Individual School Schedule Letter.docx
Marine Debris Resources.docx
Plant and Animal Invasive Species Resources.docx
Problem Statement List.docx
School Team SME Sessions.docx
Student Generated Questions for SME.docx
The Great Water Design Challenge LA.pdf
Vector Borne Diseases Resources.docx

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Problem solving? Creativity? Collaboration? Design Challenge? Join in a mini design challenge and develop your own challenge tailored for your class before you leave.

Design sprints: 1. support innovation by solving a problem in a quick and creative manner; 2. engage students in 21st-century skills; and 3. incorporate many of the Next Generation Science Standards Science and Engineering Practices.

Liz Martinez (Indepedent: No City, No State)

Engineering for STEM Literacy in Support of Workforce Readiness—Presented by Teacher Fellows from the 2020–2021 Northrop Grumman Foundation Teachers Academy

Friday, December 10 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Engineering Literacy in Support of Workforce Readiness.pdf

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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Come experience quality engineering lessons inspired by externships with engineers that require students to acquire and use elements of disciplinary core ideas (DCIs) from physical, life, or Earth and space sciences together with elements of DCIs from engineering design to solve problems.

1. Experience how to create an authentic need to integrate science and engineering ideas to solve an authentic problem, making the interdependence of science and engineering explicit; 2. Explore examples of engineering lessons that provide access for all students that are grounded in sensemaking; and 3. Discuss what it means to be career ready and the skills that are inherent in three-dimensional learning as espoused by NGSS and the K–12 Framework for Science Education.

Wendy Binder (Program Director, STEM Professional Learning: Arlington, VA)

CSSS-Sponsored Session: Supporting All Students in Making Sense of Phenomena by Building All of Their Intellectual Resources

Friday, December 10 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 503

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Students bring amazing intellectual resources to make sense of natural phenomena. Come learn how to notice and leverage these resources in your teaching.

1. Identify equity dimensions of sensemaking through the science and engineering practices; 2. Learn to see different ways students contribute to making sense of phenomena—and connect to science; and 3. Better appreciate that navigating multiple ways of knowing is the basic human condition, not the exception.

Deb Morrison (University of Washington), Tana Luther (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA)

Polishing Students’ Argumentation Skills: Using Discussion Diamonds to Support Discourse and Evidence-Based Writing

Friday, December 10 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 506

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Discussion Diamond Handouts.docx
Discussion Diamonds Presentation.pptx
Slip or Trip.pdf

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Experience how the discussion diamond protocol can help support students’ argumentation skills and Claim-Evidence-Reasoning writing through peer discourse.

1. Student discourse can be used to support the development of students’ argumentation skills; 2. The discussion diamond protocol provides students with a structure to build scientific arguments based on evidence and reasoning in collaboration with their peers; and 3. The discussion diamond protocol is a versatile tool that can be adapted for students at different skill levels and in various subjects.

Nicole Ciccarello (Beverly Hills High School: Beverly Hills, CA)

Welcome to the Inquiry Zone!

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 506

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Elementary teachers can become comfortable teaching science without "adding to their plate." Our strategies have led to a natural approach to cross-curricular instruction.

Participants will learn: 1. an approach to decrease the load or stress for elementary teachers to help them feel more comfortable implementing inquiry; 2. how literacy is foundational to a robust cross-curricular science inquiry approach; and 3. an approach to help students "think like a scientist."

Douglas Hunnings (Elkhart Community Schools: Elkhart, IN), John Taylor (Marvin Ridge High School: No City, No State)

What Do I Do with This? Making Sense of Your Assessment Data

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Session Resource Document Form
Form to access the Resource Document and slide deck from the session.

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We are awash in assessment data, but often it’s overwhelming to make sense of it. Join us to learn tips and strategies for wrangling data.

1. Explore new ways to organize data collection and raw data to aid in exploring the data for stories after it is collected; 2. Acquire skills in tying questions, data types, and data visualizations to enhance your ability to make sense of the assessment data; and 3. Identify next steps to better utilize and leverage your assessment data to help you measure students’ success and know what steps to consider next.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

3-2-1 Lift-Off! NASA’s Beginning Engineering Science and Technology (BEST) Curriculum

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 501

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NASA 3..2..1..BEST presentation files
This is a link to my BEST collection of resources including the PowerPoint used for the 3...2...1... Lift-Off NASA's BEST Curriculum

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Use each stage of the Engineering Design Process to complete a team challenge of building and launching a satellite while making connections to NASA missions.

Participants will: 1. learn about and use the engineering design process to build and perform a drop test of a satellite using NASA’s BEST activities; 2. learn how to integrate the process skills of measuring, calculating, designing, and evaluating while teaching the engineering design process; and 3. make real-life connections to how NASA engineers use the engineering design process and work as teams to accomplish their mission goals.

Barbie Buckner (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)

Getting Students to Read in Science

Friday, December 10 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502B

STRAND: Literacy/Science Connections in the Classroom

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Reading should not be limited to English courses. Leave with strategies on how to motivate students to explore science through scientific novels. Review three years of qualitative data on how novels increased  literacy, scientific fluency, scientific connectivity, and college preparation in a marine biology course.

Teahers will: 1. learn how to use articles to make their content more applicable to the lives of the students; 2. receive strategies on how to get students to read more scientific articles; and 3. receive resources on selecting grade-appropriate scientific articles.

Jonte' Lee (Whittier Elementary: Kansas City, KS)

NARST-Sponsored Session: Science in Disguise: Merging Art and Science in Field-Based Experiences

Friday, December 10 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 513

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NARST-Sponsored Session Science in Disguise Merging Art and Science in Field-B
Power Point file with links for the Merging Art and Science session

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We will discuss a model for merging art and science instruction to attract and engage diverse students, develop science communication skills, and increase environmental stewardship.

1. Strategies for, and benefits of, implementing interdisciplinary science research into a middle or high school science course; 2. Developing environmental stewardship in students; and 3. How to develop reflection skills, communication skills, and science research skills in students.

Susannah Sandrin (Arizona State University West Campus: Phoenix, AZ)

CSSS-Sponsored Session: What Is Computational Thinking and Why It's Not Just a Buzzword

Friday, December 10 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 506

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Participants will learn about the key pedagogical model of computational thinking (CT) and see how it can be incorporated into lessons by teachers at all grade levels.

1. Conceptual thinking; 2. Coastal erosion phenomenon; and 3. Take a complex problem, deconstruct it, and use data to reason a testable answer.

Jamie Mixon (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA), Tana Luther (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA), Molly Talbot (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA), Michelle Lewis (Louisiana Dept. of Education: Baton Rouge, LA)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: Oil Spills and Dust Bowls

Friday, December 10 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 501

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Dust Bowl Event Cards.docx
Dust Bowls and Oil Spills Activity.docx
Oil Spills and Dust Bowls Images.docx
Oil Spills and Dust Bowls.pdf

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The Dust Bowl and oil spills and disasters. What do they have in common? Engage in hands-on activities that investigate the interaction of Earth’s four spheres.

1. Scientists from various disciplines work together to solve problems; 2. Earth’s atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere, and hydrosphere are constantly interacting with one another; and 3. Human interaction with Earth’s systems may be detrimental with long-term effects.

Liz Martinez (Indepedent: No City, No State)

Teaching Science Standards Through Coding

Friday, December 10 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Check out the amazing work and free resources from CYBER.ORG!
Power Point File
Register for Free Content
CYBER.ORG is grant funded through the Department of Homeland Security and provides free resources and professional development to teachers in the United States.

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Learn how to reach the three-dimensional science standards in your classroom through hands-on coding with the BBC micro:bit and free online Microsoft MakeCode simulator.

Participants will: 1. gain personal hands-on experience using a BBC micro:bit to teach the Next Generation Science Standards; 2. learn how to teach problem solving through coding at an age-appropriate level with tips and pointers from presenters who each have over 10 years' experience in the elementary classroom; and 3. walk away with a free sample lesson from CYBER.ORG that includes the corresponding Next Generation Science Standards for the upper elementary classroom.

Laurie Salvail (CYBER.ORG: Bossier City, LA), Brittany Pike (CYBER.ORG: Bossier City, LA)

Science—It's LIT!

Saturday, December 11 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 506

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
*Not my original document. Use for wrap up and clarifying lab/hands-on activities
SPACE Writing.pdf
*Not my original document. Prompts for writing in the science classroom. Use for daily activities, lab activities, etc.

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Discover best practices for incorporating ELA and technology—they're easy to implement in your classroom! Grab your device and let's talk all things science…it's LIT fam!

1. Examples of activities and assignments will be shared that can be incorporated in a variety of classroom science activities; 2. Attendees will create a foldable that can be used for a variety of topics and see how it was used in the classroom; and 3. Attendees will participate in a digital activity that can be manipulated to fit their content.

Andrea Starks (Houston Middle School: Germantown, TN)

NSTA’s Sensemaking Ecosystem

Saturday, December 11 • 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 503

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Join us to learn what sensemaking is and how to use research-based resources to engage students in making sense of the world around them.

1. Develop an understanding of what sensemaking is and how it can help build classrooms where students are able to make sense of the world around them; 2. Using a Daily Do, explore the four critical attributes of sensemaking: Phenomena; Science and Engineering Practices; Student Ideas; and Science Ideas; and 3. See what Professional Learning Units are and how they can help bring sensemaking to your classroom.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Elizabeth Allan (University of Central Oklahoma: Edmond, OK)

Blood Glucose Balance: Using an Online Game for Diabetes Education

Saturday, December 11 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Blood Sugar Balance game

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As an extension of our Type 2 Diabetes curriculum, we developed an online game to learn about blood glucose metabolism and the impact of disease.

1. How to use the web-based game Blood Glucose Balance to engage learners in the complex phenomenon of glucose metabolism and diabetes; 2. Blood glucose levels are regulated to stay within a healthy range. Type 2 diabetes is the result of chronic high blood glucose levels over time, as mechanisms for regulation fails; and 3. Type 2 diabetes is a complex condition that is heavily influenced by environmental factors such as access to resources, personal choice, product marketing, public policy, socio-economic status, and stress.

Joan Griswold (University of Washington: Seattle, WA)

Leading Conversations Around Identity, Race, Belonging, and Bias in STEM Spaces

Saturday, December 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

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Join the UCLA Science Project as we explore structures and formats for science leaders looking to engage teachers around social justice in STEM classrooms.

1. Co-construct a learning experience centered around inclusion and belonging within school site meetings; 2. Recognize how our identities and lived experiences impact our approaches to science education and leadership; and 3. Establish space and culture that sustains conversations around equity issues.

Leticia Perez (WestEd: Alameda, CA), Zachary Cue (UCLA STEM+C3 and Science Project)

Making Student Thinking Visible: Developing and Using Models in Instruction and Assessment

Saturday, December 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 511

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Modeling NSTA LA 2021.pdf

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We will explore how students can use modeling and linked practices to engage with phenomena. Participants will take home a goody bag and lesson plans.

1. We will demonstrate how students can use modeling, argumentative writing, and data analysis to explain different scientific phenomena throughout Earth and space sciences, life science, and physical sciences; 2. Participants will have the opportunity to build and revise three different kinds of models during the session as learners, and then reflect on how to use the same strategies with their students; and 3. Everyone will engage with different modeling scaffolds that increase inclusion and link the practice of modeling to others such as arguing from evidence, analyzing and interpreting data, and obtaining, evaluating and communicating information.

James Clark (Director: Pleasanton, CA), Samantha Johnson (Arroyo High School: San Lorenzo, CA)

Inclusive Science Assessments: Supporting and Designing Equitable Formative Assessments to Build on Learners’ Interests and Knowledge

Saturday, December 11 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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Learn how to integrate the cultural resources your students bring to class with your science teaching and learning. Come explore equity-based cultural formative assessments.

1. Resources for instructional leaders and educators to support and create meaningful connections between classroom science concepts and the application of those ideas in everyday situations; 2. Discussion of the implementation of these tools and resources in dynamic school environments; and 3. The strategies presented in this workshop can be used with any curricula, at any grade level, and in all subjects of science and engineering.

Deb Morrison (University of Washington)

Come Explore NGSS Design

Saturday, December 11 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 511

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
_Design a Planet LA 2021(Earth Systems).pdf

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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See what NGSS looks like in the classroom by building a water filter and learning about the hydrosphere and atmosphere.

1. Lesson design using 5E + T ; 2. Resources, tools, and apps; and 3. Engineering a water filter that you take back to school.

Maddalena Stodart (Mitchell Community School: Canyon Country, CA), Annette Licata (Tracy Elementary School: Baldwin Park, CA)

ALL Elementary Teachers Are STEM Teachers

Saturday, December 11 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

STRAND: Literacy/Science Connections in the Classroom

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Come experience the true impact of standards-driven STEM lessons that embed literacy components through the use of children’s literature and more!

Attendees will: 1. understand that integration of content in the elementary classroom is the only way to address the issue of finding instructional minutes to teach all content areas; 2. learn how to use children’s literature and informational text to increase the engagement of students in STEM learning experiences; and 3. be able to quickly analyze their existing lessons to increase the rigor by incorporating grade-level standards for science, math, and literacy.

Lesley Gates (Fresno County Office of Education: Fresno, CA)

Crash Science Inquiry: Investigating Distracted Driving Dangers

Saturday, December 11 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502B

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Complete a distracted driving simulation and discover free award-winning videos, STEM activities, and real-world applications exploring science, engineering, and vehicle crashworthiness. Free lesson plans included.

Participants will: 1. complete a distracted driving simulation; 2. explore how scientific and engineering principles can be modeled in classrooms using crash test–related videos and activities; and 3. apply this crash science and vehicle safety knowledge and engage in safer behaviors when riding in or driving a vehicle.

Griff Jones (University of Florida)

Infusing Your STEM Curriculum with Real-World Connections

Saturday, December 11 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 505

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Infusing Your STEM Curriculum with Real World Connections

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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Discover how students may use their mobile devices to document “science in action,” anytime, anywhere, in this unique intersection between socratic questioning and place-based learning.

How students may use their mobile devices: 1. to demonstrate their knowledge of scientific concepts in a real-world context; 2. connect this real-world context to crosscutting concepts; and 3. explore how this learning model may be used to support service learning in the science curriculum.

Eric Walters (Marymount School of New York: New York, NY)

NASA’s Scale of Discovery and the Solar System Scroll

Saturday, December 11 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NASA's Scale of Discovery & Solar System Scroll activity files
This link will take you to my collection of NASA's Scale of Discovery & Solar System Scroll activity files including the powerpoint used in my NSTA 2021 session.

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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Let’s make a pocket solar system scroll. Come learn how to apply ratios to create a scale model of the planets based on your height.

1. With a properly scaled solar system scroll, participants will identify inner and outer planets and readily SEE why they are named as such (ESS1, ESS2); 2. Understanding the concept of rations and fractions, part-to-whole, participants will leave being able to create a proportional solar system in their classroom, on a football field, or across their state; and 3. This activity takes unique NASA content, places it in context within the curriculum, and makes applications beyond the solar system that include scientific inquiry and scientific discovery while using mathematics to show proportions and relate to the overall structure of our solar system (ETS2).

Barbie Buckner (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)

Creating and Maintaining an Equitable Science Classroom

Saturday, December 11 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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STEM classrooms should establish a welcoming environment in which all individuals can use their cultural knowledge and practices to make sense of the world.

1. A shared understanding of equity and social justice in science classrooms and STEM communities; 2. Approaches to identify and honor student-lived experiences and cultures; and 3. Challenge conventional notions of what counts as science.

Jon Kovach (UCLA Science Project: Los Angeles, CA)

A Chemical Inquiry: Let’s Master Equilibrium!

Saturday, December 11 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 512

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Join this workshop and participate in a hands-on activity to help students overcome common chemical equilibrium misconceptions.

Participants will: 1. take part in a hands-on inquiry activity with a chemical equilibrium having a large K value; 2. learn ways to overcome student misconceptions about equilibrium; and 3. llearn to use appropriate technology to facilitate data collection and analysis for an inquiry lab.

Gregory Dodd (George Washington High School: Philadelphia, PA)

Analysis of Supernova Remnants Using X-Ray Spectroscopy with Web-Based NASA Data and STEM Image Analysis Tools

Saturday, December 11 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 503

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Js9 Access Portal with Guides, Tutorials and Investigations
SNR Energy Spectra Handout.pdf
Worksheet for X-Ray Spectroscopy
Student Handout fjor X-Ray Spectroscopy
XRay Spectroscopy of SNR js9 PPT.pdf

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Identify elements in the spectra of supernova remnants to determine the properties of collapsed and exploded stars using web-based NASA X-ray data and image analysis tools.

1. Js9 web-based software can be used to analyze NASA data sets to determine the type of supernova; 2. Js9 provides students with real opportunities to do astronomical research; and 3. Energy spectra from NASA data are used to determine the elements in a supernova remnant.

Donna Young (NSO/NASA: No City, No State)

Historical Accounting of Oppression in STEM Spaces

Saturday, December 11 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 408B

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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Empowering students to make science-based decisions requires acknowledgment and dialogue around the injustices marginalized communities have endured within scientific fields.

1. Develop empathy through the exploration of historical events that have accumulated generational mistrust of STEM communities; 2. Create opportunities to acknowledge and validate personal experience even when it might contradict our personal experience or larger data sets; and 3. Explore the impact of the objectivity myth perpetuated within STEM educational spaces.

Justin Betzelberger (UCLA Science Project: Los Angeles, CA), Zachary Cue (UCLA STEM+C3 and Science Project)

Mathematics and Computational Thinking Using Authentic Data and Practices

Saturday, December 11 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 502B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA LA 2021 Mathematical and Computational Thinking.pdf

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Start highlighting the practice of mathematics and computational thinking! We’ll utilize resources that allow students to engage in traditional and less traditional ways.

1. Participants will engage as learners in different levels of mathematical representations, all of which emphasize how to make the practice more inclusive of all students; 2. Everyone will leave being able to demonstrate at least three different ways to mathematically represent authentic data; and 3. Participants will look critically at how to scaffold different graphical texts for student analysis.

James Clark (Director: Pleasanton, CA), Samantha Johnson (Arroyo High School: San Lorenzo, CA)

Engaged and Online—Virtual Science Investigations Using Digitized Museum Specimens

Saturday, December 11 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

Los Angeles Convention Center - 511

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EPIC Bioscience are free online investigations for NGSS middle school life science. Students collect and analyze data from digitized museum specimens to develop evidence-based arguments.

1. Educators can evaluate online science investigations based on key features needed to engage students in real-world issues, motivate accurate data collection, and facilitate critical thinking and reflection; 2. Digitized museum specimens can increase student engagement during data collection and support student understanding of data patterns; and 3. Fully supported online science investigations have potential to reduce barriers related to museum access and specimen availability.

Madlyn Larson (Natural History Museum of Utah: Salt Lake City, UT)

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