2021 National Harbor Area Conference

November 11-13, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:PreK - 5, Technical and Vocational Education


Rooms and times subject to change.
3 results
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Problem Solving by Design for Every Classroom

Friday, November 12 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Baltimore 3

STRAND: Sharing Authentic Assessment Strategies

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The challenges presented to our students by the world in which they will live require committed problem solvers with the academic, life, and social skills promoted through an education utilizing design learning.

Attendees will learn how each step of the design process can promote essential skills in their classroom. Attendees will learn where effective and appropriate technology use enhances the design process and problem solving. Attendees will learn how design learning fosters leadership skills in those facilitating the learning and in those participating in the challenges.

Dr. Chad LeDune (Southwest School Corporation: Sullivan, IN)

Ditch the Dish and Kick the Ice Bucket with Classroom-Friendly Bacterial Transformation!

Friday, November 12 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Chesapeake E

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Sponsoring Company: MiniOne Systems

Reduce your prep and integrate technology to take the mess and stress out of transformation with the Let it Glow™ Bacterial Transformation MiniLab.

How to: 1. reduce the mess and stress of bacterial transformation; 2. use a PCR System to perform transformation; and 3. use The Winston, The MiniOne PCR System, and gloTrays to replace ice buckets, heat baths, and petri dishes.

Callen Hyland (Embi Tec: San Diego, CA)

DNA Forensics Solves the Murder Mystery of Dr. Ward

Friday, November 12 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Chesapeake E

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Sponsoring Company: MiniOne Systems

Using the MiniOne System, develop an understanding of forensic science and gel electrophoresis while investigating the mystery of who killed Dr. Ward.

1. Learn how you can use electrophoresis to teach real-world forensic science to students in grades 9–12; 2. See how the MiniOne System has significantly reduced prep work for teachers by allowing students to get hands on with every step of the lab process; and 3. Understand how electrophoresis can be engaging and lead students toward careers in STEM fields.

Callen Hyland (Embi Tec: San Diego, CA)

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