2021 National Harbor Area Conference

November 11-13, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Hands-On Workshop, Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward, Physics


Rooms and times subject to change.
24 results
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3-2-1 Lift-Off! NASA’s Beginning Engineering Science and Technology (BEST) Activities

Thursday, November 11 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Collection of 3-2-1 Lift-Off! NASA's BEST Satellite
Link to files used in the 2021 presentation

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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Use each stage of the Engineering Design Process to complete a team challenge of building and launching a satellite while making connections to NASA missions.

Participants will learn about and use the engineering design process to build and perform a drop test of a satellite using NASA’s BEST activities. Educators will learn how to integrate the process skills of measuring, calculating, designing and evaluating while teaching the engineering design process. Make real-life connections to how NASA engineers use the engineering design process and work as teams to accomplish their mission goals.

Barbie Buckner (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Bristol, TN)

Phone Physics

Thursday, November 11 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Annapolis 3

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Phone Physics NSTA National Harbor Presentation

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Leverage the power of smartphone sensors in today’s physics classroom so that all students get experience in experimental science. Class-ready materials provided.

Phone physics increases equitable access to experimental science in the classroom or at home as a flipped lab or distance learning. Phone sensors match or improve upon precision and accuracy of classic physics equipment. Phone physics has a low floor/high ceiling and is appropriate for all levels.

Michael Tobler (Moreau Catholic High School: Hayward, CA)

What Do I Do with This? Making Sense of Your Assessment Data

Thursday, November 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - National Harbor 6

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Session Resource Document Form
Access resource document for the session through this form. The Resource Document has links to all activities and will include a link to the slide deck following the workshop.

STRAND: Sharing Authentic Assessment Strategies

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We are awash in assessment data, but often it’s overwhelming to make sense of it. Come learn tips and strategies for wrangling data.

1. Explore new ways to organize data collection and raw data to aid in exploring the data for stories after it is collected; 2. Acquire skills in tying questions, data types, and data visualizations to enhance your ability to make sense of the assessment data; and 3. Identify next steps to better utilize and leverage your assessment data to help you measure students’ success and know what steps to consider next.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

Hot Metals, Cool Teachers

Thursday, November 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Baltimore 5

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Explore how students can change metal properties through alloying, heat-treating, and cold-work. Classroom activities enhance understanding of both atomic structure and real-world engineering relevance.

1. Labs for students to deepen understanding of metal properties; 2. Real-world applications for atomic-level changes; and 3. Engineering challenges for students to apply knowledge.

Briana Richardson (Washington High School: Washington Court House, OH), Scott Spohler (Global Impact STEM Academy: Springfield, OH)

Circular Motion and Dark Matter: An Astronomy Twist on a Classic Lab

Thursday, November 11 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Annapolis 4

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Students will explore how that spinning mass/hanging mass lab is built on the same physics that radio astronomers used to discover dark matter.

Students will learn: 1. how dark matter was uncovered; 2. that galactic rotational motion follows different rules than either circular motion or Kepler’s planetary motion laws; and 3. by doing hands-on activities that include building graphing and data analysis skills.

John Clark (Volusia Online Learning: Port Orange, FL)

NSTA Press Session: Argument-Driven Inquiry as a Way to Bring Three-Dimensional Instruction to Your Classroom

Thursday, November 11 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Baltimore 4

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Argument-Driven Inquiry is an instructional model that gives students an opportunity to learn how to use DCIs, CCs, and SEPs to explain natural phenomena and creates a learning environment where students are able to talk, read, and write in the service of sensemaking.

• How to use this instructional model, or way of teaching, to give students an opportunity to learn how to use the DCIs, CCs, and SEPs to make sense of natural phenomena. • How to give students an opportunity to use their own ideas and ways of communicating to talk, read, and write in the service of sense-making • How to give students more opportunities to decide what counts as valid and acceptable and develop new criteria for what counts evidence in science.

Todd Hutner (Del Valle ISD: Del Valle, TX)

Moving Beyond the Bold Words: Meaningful Language Development Through Science and Engineering Practices

Thursday, November 11 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NGSS Science and Engineering Practices
STEM Teaching Tool Sharing and Building on Each Others’ Ideas

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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This workshop focuses on how high-quality instructional materials designed for the NGSS provide for language skills to be developed by all students, including emerging multilingual students, by engaging in Science and Engineering Practices.

(1) By engaging with content first before learning science-specific vocabulary, students of varying language proficiencies are provided with an opportunity to express their ideas using the language they have. (2) Implementing meaningful student discourse in the science classroom can shift the focus on science and engineering practices and away from academic vocabulary. (3) Strategies that support emerging multilingual learners actually support all learners in developing proficiency in the science and engineering practices.

Neelo Soltanzadeh (WestEd: San Francisco, CA)

Getting Students to Read in Science

Thursday, November 11 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson B

STRAND: Literacy/Science Connections in the Classroom

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Reading should not be limited to English courses. Leave with strategies on how to motivate students to explore science through scientific novels. Review three years of qualitative data on how novels increased  literacy, scientific fluency, scientific connectivity, and college preparation in a marine biology course.

Teachers will: 1. learn how to use articles to make their content more applicable to the lives of their students; 2. receive strategies on how to get students to read more scientific articles; and 3. receive resources on selecting grade-appropriate scientific articles.

Jonte' Lee (Whittier Elementary: Kansas City, KS)

A STEM Ice Core Investigation That Integrates the Three Dimensions of NGSS

Thursday, November 11 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Baltimore 5

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Ice Core Records Downloadable Materials
Ice Core Records NGSS.pdf
NASA"s Universe of Learning Program STEM Literacy Program

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Join me for a multidisciplinary, open-ended investigation that incorporates absolute and relative dating, anomalies, historical context, volcanoes, solar proton events, energy cycles, Earth systems, terrestrial events, and supernovas.

Students will have a better understanding of the process of constructing knowledge. Students will have to analyze and defend their results. Sometimes there is no answer key, only possible solutions from constructing and analyzing data from several sources that cross traditional disciplines.

Donna Young (NSO/NASA: No City, No State)

Does Black English Stand Between Black Students and Success in Science?

Thursday, November 11 • 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson C

STRAND: Developing More Inclusive Classrooms

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Discussion centers on tools to properly analyze black students’ scientific work to determine if the misconceptions and misunderstandings are a learning issue or language issue. Emphasis will be placed on the use of language to reduce the ethnic achievement gap in science.

1. Analyzing students’ work from a linguistic lens; 2. Recognizing biases when it comes to student language; and 3. Pushing Black students academically forward without making them feel torn between two language worlds.

Jonte' Lee (Whittier Elementary: Kansas City, KS)

Inspiring Literacy and Science Interest with Data

Friday, November 12 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - National Harbor 6

STRAND: Literacy/Science Connections in the Classroom

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We use data to do science; data literacy is its own set of skills. Young learners benefit when we integrate data, literacy, and science together.

1. Identify how data literacy is a critical aspect of literacy and science literacy in the 21st century; 2. Explore strategies and resources to use to authentically integrate data into K–5 science instruction; and 3. Develop a plan for next steps to elevate data as an aspect of meaningful connections between literacy and science.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

Collaborative Partnerships + Hands-On Activities = STEM Career Interest

Friday, November 12 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - National Harbor 6

STRAND: Successful Collaborations Between Informal and Formal Educators

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Connect your school with local colleges and STEM employers using relevant, standards-based, hands-on activities that spark interest in science and STEM careers. Sample activity included.

How to identify and reach out to potential community and industry partners How to build a program or event that meets the needs of all stakeholders Developing authentic learning experiences to impact student perspectives of locally available STEM careers

Bethany Kenyon (BioNetwork: Greenville, NC)

Seeing Earth's Magnetic Field from Another Perspective

Friday, November 12 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson C

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Use your smartphone to see geomagnetism through a 3-D immersive experience and explore how planetary magnetic fields are used in space science.

Visualize the Earth's magnetic field, including dip angle (inclination) and declination. Describe the shape of a magnetic field around a simple dipole. Explain how magnetic field sensors are used by spacecraft to make conclusions about the nature of planets (including their suitability for life).

Rebecca Vieyra (PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, CO), Chrystian Vieyra (Vieyra Software: Washington, DC)

Connecting Math and Science Through Technology: Data Analysis Made Easy

Friday, November 12 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Annapolis 4

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Connecting Math and Science Through Technology Data Analysis Made Easy

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Increase student engagement in analysis and evaluation of real data. Engage students of different ability levels in mathematical models with measurements not previously accessible in the classroom.

1. Combine graphing calculators with handheld sensors to maximize class time; 2. Use real data to develop mathematical models; and 3. learn how to test your hypothesis by doing an experiment and analyze your results.

Karlheinz Haas (retired: Sterling, CO)

Toppling the Straw Tower: What Does Problem-Driven Learning Look Like in an NGSS Classroom?

Friday, November 12 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson D

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In this workshop, participants will discuss how NGSS-focused instructional materials can support an equitable classroom that empowers all students to design solutions to real-world problems.

(1) In the NGSS, problems are defined as “situations somebody wants to change,” which is different from construction or design projects, where the ultimate goal is achieving a design or tinkering. (2) Problems that describe real-world situations grounded in compelling contexts that students care about can create intrinsic motivation for all students to learn science and engineering ideas. (3) The presence of an authentic and compelling problem in instructional materials is not enough; it also needs to be used in instruction in a way that will effectively support students’ learning and motivation.

Neelo Soltanzadeh (WestEd: San Francisco, CA), Jenn Brown-Whale (Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE): Baltimore, MD)

NASA’s Scale of Discovery and the Solar System Scroll

Friday, November 12 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NASA's Scale of Discovery Collection of Files
Files and Resources used during the session presentation

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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Let’s make a pocket solar system scroll. Come learn how to apply ratios to create a scale model of the planets based on your height.

With a properly scaled solar system scroll, participants will identify inner and out planets and readily SEE why they are named as such (ESS1, ESS2). Understanding the concept of rations and fractions, part-to-whole, participants will leave being able to create a proportional solar system in their classroom, on a football field, or across their state. This activity takes unique NASA content, places it in context within the curriculum, and makes applications beyond the solar system that include scientific inquiry and scientific discovery while using mathematics to show proportions and relate to the overall structure of our solar system (ETS2)

Barbie Buckner (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Bristol, TN)

Cheap STEM for the Classroom

Friday, November 12 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Annapolis 3

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Explore STEM with concrete, metal, and clay. Apply math concepts and pull in lots of real-world examples. Supplies are cheap and students love destructive testing.

1. Basic properties of materials science categories—metals, ceramics, polymers, composites; 2. Affordable labs exploring these properties and ways to adapt these labs for specific classroom needs; and 3. Real-world applications for these materials and lab concepts, focusing on the iterative design process.

Briana Richardson (Washington High School: Washington Court House, OH), Scott Spohler (Global Impact STEM Academy: Springfield, OH)

NASA Space Food and Nutrition

Saturday, November 13 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NASA Space Food & Nutrition File Collection
Resources from conference presentation

STRAND: Integrating Multiple Learning Experiences and Connecting to Move Forward

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Explore caloric and nutritional values of space food. Discover a menu of inquiry activities/resources to integrate into the classroom to satisfy your STEM appetite.

Explore NASA STEM activities that investigate space food and nutrition for astronauts living on the Space Station. Construct sample space food menus to develop a better understanding of nutrition for human space exploration. Make connections between math, science, nutrition and exercise while exploring the impact of living in space and in our gravity filled environment here on earth.

Barbie Buckner (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Bristol, TN)

Transforming the STEM Classroom with NASA and Literacy

Saturday, November 13 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - National Harbor 6

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NASA and Literacy presentation
NASA Design Your Own X-Plane
NASA Jr. Pilot Program
X-59 STEM Learning Module

STRAND: Literacy/Science Connections in the Classroom

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Integrating literacy into science classrooms increases both literacy and STEM skills. Come see how NASA resources and easily implemented tools and techniques can transform any STEM learning environment.

1. Learn about and practice implementing literacy techniques into hands-on STEM activities 2. Be introduced to free existing NASA materials that focus on and support STEM and literacy 3. Examine ways literacy in a STEM classroom enhances NGSS Science and Engineering Practices skills

April Lanotte (NASA Headquarters: Washington, DC), Rachel Stagner (Templeton Academy: Washington, DC)

NSTA Press Session: The NSTA Atlas of the Three Dimensions

Saturday, November 13 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Atlas Pres for NSTA National Harbor November 2021.pdf
PDF of the PowerPoint Presentation
NSTA Press Web Page about the NSTA Atlas of the Three Dimensions
This web page has information about the Atlas including how to order it.
Sample Maps from the NSTA Atlas of the Three Dimensions
This PDF is provided on the NSTA Website

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The Atlas is a set of 62 maps of the elements of the core ideas, practices, crosscutting concepts, connections to nature of science, connections to engineering, and performance expectations described in NGSS and other standards based on the Framework for K–12 Science Education. See how elements of the dimensions relate to and build on each other. Come learn how to use this powerful tool for interpreting standards to support work in curriculum, instruction, and assessment.

How to read, analyze, and interpret an Atlas map How to use the maps and other resources in the Atlas to unpack, clarify, and interpret an element of the three dimensions How to use the maps and other resources in the Atlas to help with decision about sequencing of instruction

Ted Willard (Discovery Education: Silver Spring, MD)

Radio Astronomy in the Physics Classroom: A Daytime Activity!

Saturday, November 13 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Woodrow Wilson D

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In this hands-on lesson, students will use an inexpensive student-built radio telescope to collect information about the rotation of the galaxy. This information will be used to determine galactic velocity.

1. Students get to do real astronomy with a telescope they built; 2. Radio astronomy can be done during class time as radio wave detection is not affected by daylight; and 3. Students will learn about the unique nature of galactic rotational behavior.

John Clark (Volusia Online Learning: Port Orange, FL)

Enabling Real-World STEM Learning Through Collaboration with Industry Experts

Saturday, November 13 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Annapolis 3

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Explore proven methods for developing collaborative relationships between students and professionals to utilize science and engineering practices to address authentic challenges.

1. Attendees will be given clear examples of impactful collaboration between formal and informal educators and professionals through interactive activities; 2. Through a guided work burst, participants will use a framework to develop their own written products to use with their students to develop collaborative relationships with informal educators and professionals, which can be assessed by a single point rubric for their effectivenessl and 3. Attendees will participate in an open panel discussion with experts and seasoned educators to address challenges and concerns, and how to create learning opportunities.

Lauren Milord (DreamUp, PBC: Washington, DC)

Say What? Getting Students to Learn and Use Scientific Vocabulary Words

Saturday, November 13 • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Annapolis 3

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Emphasis will be placed on five-minute daily strategies that will get students to become fluent in scientific vocabulary.

1. Develop students’ critical-thinking skills through the use of scientific vocabulary words; 2. Provide teachers with five-minute daily strategies to strengthen students’ scientific vocabulary usage; and 3. Provide teachers with exercises that will help students recognize the difference between Tier 2 and Tier 3 vocabulary words.

Jonte' Lee (Whittier Elementary: Kansas City, KS)

Beams to Bridges: Graphing Stress-Strain Curves

Saturday, November 13 • 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM

Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center - Annapolis 4

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A hands-on beam lab produces graphs critical to understanding beam properties for engineering. We'll focus on making, interpreting, and teaching the graphs in a classroom.

1. Cheap and effective beam and bridges labs; 2. Graph analysis and real-world applications; and 3. Iterative engineering design to improve results.

Briana Richardson (Washington High School: Washington Court House, OH), Scott Spohler (Global Impact STEM Academy: Springfield, OH)

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