NSTA Engage: Spring21

May 12-8, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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7 results
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Earth Day: Sea Level Rise—What It Is; Why It’s Happening; Why It’s So Very, Very Dangerous; and What You Can Do About It

Thursday, April 22 • 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Presentation Slides - Sea Level Rise
Sea Level Rise Education and Data Resources
These materials support the NOAA presentation - Sea Level Rise: What It Is; Why It’s Happening; Why It’s So Very, Very Dangerous; and What You Can Do About It!

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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This session engages participants in the exploration of middle school–oriented, classroom-ready, interactive, online, data-driven, three-dimensional activities and visualizations that present how sea level rise is caused by climate change, how NOAA monitors and measures these changes, how U.S. coastal regions are dangerously impacted by it, and how you can get up to $5,000 for your school to mitigate its impacts.

Educators will: 1. explore a middle school–oriented classroom-ready multimedia module, and use data-driven NOAA websites that explain and visualize how climate change is causing sea levels to rise globally and impacting all U.S. coastal areas; 2. explore NOAA’s classroom-ready, Data in the Classroom modules: Investigating Sea Level Using Real Data, and learn how their students can use data from NOAA’s satellites and coastal stations to do the analysis to see sea level changing, and learn how they can integrate its inquiry-based resources into their classrooms today; and 3. learn about NOAA Planet Stewards, a Federal program that offers educators up to $5,000 to engage in hands-on stewardship activities to mitigate climate change and its impacts.

Bruce Moravchik (NOAA National Ocean Service: No City, No State)

NSTA Press Session: Fact or Phony? Successful Strategies to Promote Media Literacy

Saturday, April 24 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
materials for Fact or Phony

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Learn effective techniques, including Claims-Evidence-Reasoning, to help students navigate media filled with fictional information promoted as fact and cherry-picked data offered as evidence.

1. Teachers are provided with a checklist to assist their students in determining if information found on the internet is reputable, factual, and accurate; 2. Learn effective techniques to consider and understand why someone would believe common misconceptions about climate change and global warming; and 3. Participate in group discussions that take a deep dive into data to determine its relevance to a question or issue.

Laura Tucker (Consultant: Port Townsend, WA), Lois Sherwood (NBCT - Science: Port Townsend, WA)

Wildfires, Drought, and the Future of Forests

Wednesday, April 28 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Future of Forests resource list

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Across the western United States, wildfires are burning more and more of the landscape. In the NASA-funded "Future of Forests" curriculum, tied to NGSS Life Science standards, students engage with online mapping tools and authentic datasets to discover how landscapes recover after wildfires.

1. Introduction to the model-based inquiry instructional framework designed around the construction, revision, and testing of explanatory models; 2. Strategies to implement the NASA-funded "Future of Forests" MS/HS curriculum tied to NGSS Life Science standards; and 3. Skills to connect unit to the GLOBE citizen science protocols.

Jonathan Griffith (University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, VT)

Salmon and the Yurok Nation: Grounding Science Learning in Socially Conscious Solutions to Design Challenges

Wednesday, April 28 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Student Artifacts

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Workshop examining the integration of engineering design challenges and culturally responsive pedagogy into a three-dimensional NGSS ecological justice storyline to support equity.

1. Introduce a storyline that addresses an issue of environmental justice using science and engineering practices, culminating in a problem-based design solution; 2. Explore strategies for leveraging the critical connections between cultural and socioeconomic issues, science, and engineering to best support inquiry and investigation in the science classroom; and 3. Support teachers in developing students’ agency to explain, advocate for, and design solutions to environmental justice issues.

Allison Grecco (Mather High School: Chicago, IL), Amber Luczak (John Marshall Metropolitan High School: Chicago, IL)

NSTA Press Session: Fact or Phony? Successful Strategies to Promote Media Literacy

Wednesday, April 28 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Materials used in our session

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Learn effective techniques, including Claims-Evidence-Reasoning, to help students navigate media filled with fictional information promoted as fact and cherry-picked data offered as evidence.

1. Teachers are provided with a checklist to assist their students in determining if information found on the internet is reputable, factual, and accurate; 2. Learn effective techniques to consider and understand why someone would believe common misconceptions about climate change and global warming; and 3. Participate in group discussions that take a deep dive into data to determine its relevance to a question or issue.

Lois Sherwood (NBCT - Science: Port Townsend, WA), Laura Tucker (Consultant: Port Townsend, WA)

Empower Environmental Changemakers with Soil Quest’s Action Project to Sequester Carbon and Reduce Climate Change

Wednesday, April 28 • 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Using Project Hero’s online Soil Quest and Q-U-E-S-T framework, guide learners to design projects that sequester carbon, restore soil’s health, and slow climate change.

Participants will: 1. work with the online PBL Soil Quest platform (https://herofortheplanet.org/healthysoils) as a model for empowering students to use the understanding of science concepts to design and carry out a solution to a local soil problem; 2. understand how to teach the connection between soil-carbon-climate change concepts through Quest activities and investigations (aligned to the NGSS), and lay the foundation for designing and carrying out this project; and 3. gather ideas for how the soil project, and lessons for supporting concepts, could fit into current NGSS-focused curricula (i.e., concepts around healthy soil ecosystems, carbon cycle and sequestration, climate change, and design of conventional and regenerative farming and gardening practices), and connect to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Laura Arndt (Global GreenSTEM: Franktown, CO)

Preservice Day Session: Engaging in Climate Science

Wednesday, May 5 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Engage and Explore Black Carbon with Windows to the Universe.pdf
Using a simple activity available from Windows to the Universe, students will investigate the climate effects of increasing amounts of black carbon on the absorption of solar radiation on the Earth's surface.
Engage and explore climate models with the AMS Conceptual Climate Energy Model
Engage in an investigation that explores energy flow in a highly simplified representation of an imaginary planet and the space environment above it. The purpose is to provide insight into the impacts of physical processes that operate in the real world. We will also engage with Climate Variability and Climate Change... as it enters, resides in, and exits a planetary system model
Engage with your local Climate using NOAA Data
Using "local" data from NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) engage with the climate in your home.
Key for the Honolulu 2020 Activity
Key to accompany Empirical Climate from a Local Perspective Activity.
Key to AMS CCEM Activity
Key to accompany the Simply Climate Model Activity
Local Climate Empirical Oahu 2020 AMS Lesson Revised
Presentation from Engaging in Climate Science
PDF of the presentation to accompany the three activities presented in the session.
Simple Climate Modeling V2 1
Weblinks from session
Weblinks associated with Engaging in Climate Science presentation.

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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In this session preservice teachers will explore several activities that help them present climate science through data collection, virtual modeling, and place-based inquiry.

1. Examine how increasing the amount of black carbon (soot) on Earth's surface, especially in the polar regions, can increase the amount of energy absorbed by Earth's surface; 2. Become familiar with the AMS Conceptual Climate Energy Model, a computer simulation designed to enable you to track the paths that units of energy might follow as they enter, move through, and exit an imaginary planetary climate system; and 3. Use local empirical data from the U.S. Weather Service to discover climate change at a local level.

Richard Jones (University of Hawaii-West Oahu: Kaploei, HI)

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