Learn to access hundreds of free hands-on engineering
design activities that exemplify the interconnected three-dimensional elements
of K–5 science learning.
For this beginner-level
hands-on activity, each participant will need:
- 4–6 Lifesaver® mints
- 4–6 plastic straws (with diameters smaller than the
Lifesaver® mint’s hole diameter)
- 2–4 popsicle sticks
- 1–2 index cards (or thin cardboard or poster board
- tape (duct or masking)
- scissors
- paper
- pencil
- ramp (made from sturdy poster board or rigid
- meter stick
- 10–30 pennies
Participants will: 1. engage in a hands-on NGSS engineering design–aligned activity for elementary students from the FREE TeachEngineering digital library; 2. experience the integration of design and design thinking through 3-D learning while exploring a fun way to ignite student creativity; and 3. experience the interconnectivity of 3-D learning while strengthening their own ability to implement 3-D teaching and learning practices in their classrooms.
Dua Chaker (TeachEngineering: Boulder, CO), Michael Soltys (TeachEngineering: Boulder, CO), Jennifer Kracha (TeachEngineering: Boulder, CO)