NSTA Engage: Spring21

May 12-8, 2021

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8 results
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Little Big Minds: STEAM for Our Youngest Learners

Wednesday, April 14 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Little Big Minds Presentation Materials
This document contains a link where all presentation materials may be downloaded.

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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STEAM activities are for early childhood students, too! Connect STEAM and literature with three-dimensional learning in a series of culturally relevant, play-based activities exploring simple machines.

1. Literature and visual texts provide opportunities for students to experience STEAM in a context that is familiar and meaningful to them; 2. STEAM-integrated activities, such as those presented in this unit of study, promote 3-D learning through scientific inquiry and investigation, mathematical exploration, and initial development of executive functioning skills; and 3. There is a need to engage in literature-connected, STEAM-integrated activities in the early childhood years. In formal and informal educational environments, young children are curious, inquisitive, and eager to explore STEAM concepts.

Lindsey Herlehy (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy: Aurora, IL), Cassandra Armstrong (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy: Aurora, IL)

CSSS-Sponsored Session: STEM Talks for Early Learners

Wednesday, April 14 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEM for Early Learners Session Resources
All of the links, activites, and research mentioned in the presentation can be found in this wakelet.

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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Early positive experiences in STEM are critical for future academic success and the development of STEM-related habits of mind. In this session, participants will make connections between current research and resources for science and math implementation. Educators will also explore resources for increasing STEM discourse and engaging families in math exploration at home.

1. STEM activites for young learners; 2. Resources for STEM discourse; and 3. Family engagement strategies for math explorations.

Lauren Thompson Allen (D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education: Washington, DC)

Engineering and Subtraction with Tub People

Wednesday, April 14 • 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Resources for Engineering & Subtraction with Tub People

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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Discover how "Tub People" can be used to deepen young learners’ understanding of subtraction under 10 and how quick prototypes help solve engineering problems.

1. Great mathematics and engaging engineering challenges can be found in children's literature; 2. Learners of all ages benefit from identifying patterns and discovering multiple ways to represent their understanding; and 3. Whether it be in solving mathematical expressions or finding engineering solutions, young learners benefit from using manipulatives as they work.

Kate Burton (Trinity School: Atlanta, GA), Becky Holden (Trinity School: Atlanta, GA)

Examining Nature of Science and Standards in a Post-COVID World

Wednesday, April 21 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Additional resource for teaching Nature of Science with superhero movies
Bergman, D.J. (2019). The “Marvel”-ous nature of science: Using superhero movies to teach methods and values in science. The Science Teacher, 86(9), 20-25.
NGSS Appendix H - Nature of Science (NOS)
Includes the "NOS Matrix" from NGSS
PowerPoint Slideshow - NOS, NGSS, COVID
Slideshow featured with links to articles, websites, NGSS, and additional resources for examining Nature of Science (NOS) themes and standards in context of COVID-19 news and resources.

STRAND: Community and Global Impacts on Classroom Learning

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Using COVID data and multimedia sources, teachers can elevate students’ understandings of science as a human endeavor, and explore diverse contributions and other nature of science themes.

Attendees will: 1. acquire multiple classroom resources for COVID data, updates, and multimedia; 2. examine connections among pandemic examples and grade level nature of science (NOS) themes in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); and 3. explore opportunities to enhance science lessons with key NGSS NOS themes such as science as a human endeavor, diverse contributions and cultures, using a variety of methods, and knowledge open to revision in light of new evidence.

Daniel Bergman (Wichita State University: Wichita, KS)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: Meet Me in the Middle Virtual Share-a-Thon, Session 3

Saturday, April 24 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Jet Streams Activity
Full Jet Stream lesson PDF that can be copied for use in your classroom.
Science Simulations and Digital Notebooks
Stack the Deck - Shipping Container Template
Template for making shipping containers that will be filled and used for simulated ocean journey.
Stack the Deck - Graphics & Effects of COVID on Closing West Coast Ports
COVID has impacted supply chains. Article contains graphs and impact information about the impact of COVID from the slowing of and closing ports ion the West Coast.
Stack the Deck - Ocean Currents Maps
Accompany student activity. Maps students use to help track the path of items spilled by a cargo ship to where they washed ashore.
Stack the Deck - Stuck in the Suez Canal
Video of young childern explaining their ideas as to how to free the Ever Given from the Suez Canal.
Stack the Deck - Student Pages
Accompany Shipping Industry Unit.
Stack the Deck - Teacher Pages
May be used to assist in implementing the shipping unit.
Stack the Deck - Washed Ashore
Accompanies student activity. Shows items washed ashore from shipping containers that have fallen into the ocean. Students then trace the path from the point of the spill to where items wash ashore.
Stack the Deck - Whats Old is New
Accompanies student activity. Students repurpose a used shipping container. This PowerPoint shows examples of actual repurposed shipping containers.

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Join us for a variety of short, modified Pecha Kucha–style presentations, after which the presenters will be available for questions and further discussion.

The presentations included in this session are:

Telling Data Stories
Presenter: Loris Jean Chen

AMS Project Atmosphere: Jet Streams
Presenter: David Curry

3 Cs of Bridging the Gap to Science Literacy
Presenters: Jennifer Ledbetter and Lisa Reis

Stack the Deck
Presenter: Liz Martinez

Greetings from Mars!
Presenter: Melissa Sleeper

Science Simulations and Digital Notebooks
Presenter: Stacy Thibodeaux

NGSS-Focused STEM Projects
Presenter: Vanessa Ueltzen

Moderator: Mary Lou Lipscomb

Note: This session involves Breakout Rooms. In order to participate, you must have the latest version of Zoom downloaded to your computer. Before accessing our Zoom platform, please visit Zoom.us/download, click on Download, and then click on Execute file to initialize.

1. Discover a variety lessons, units, professional development opportunities, and resources for hybrid or virtual instruction; 2. Learn ways to engage middle level students in exciting inquiry learning; and 3. Become aware of ways to involve parents and/or community in science.

Loris Chen (Science Education Consultant: Fair Lawn, NJ), David Curry (Newtown Middle School: Newtown, PA), Jennifer Ledbetter (University School: Johnson City, TN), Lisa Reis (University School: Johnson City, TN), Liz Martinez (Curriculum/Professional Development/Assessment: Escondido, CA), Melissa Sleeper (Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, Upper School: Melbourne, FL), Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA), Vanessa Ueltzen (Walther Christian Academy: Melrose Park, IL)

So You Want to Teach? Examining Perceptions of Careers in STEM Education

Wednesday, May 5 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

STRAND: Social Emotional Learning and the Science Classroom

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Through research conducted by the Growing Future STEM Teachers in Maine grant, this presentation explores the upsides, downsides, and enticements of secondary STEM teaching.

Participants will: 1. explore perceptions of careers in STEM secondary education; 2. understand factors that influence interest in STEM fields; and 3. identify evidence-based practices for preparation and retention of high-quality secondary STEM teachers.

Patricia Waters (Saint Joseph's College of Maine: Standish, ME)

Effective Questioning Strategies to Engage Students in STEM

Saturday, May 8 • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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Collaborate and share tools that can be used either in person or in a distance-learning environment. Discover how you can use these tools in the science classroom, especially with STEM projects and competitions.

1. Collaborate and share tools that can be used either in person or in a distance-learning environment; 2. Discover how you can use these tools in the science classroom, especially with STEM projects and competitions; and 3. Engage with educators that are interested in improving science literacy with K-12 students via interactive engagement strategies for students.

Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Urban Science Educator Discussion and Panel

Saturday, May 8 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

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Educators share challenges and strategies to enhance STEM learning in the urban environment. A variety of real-world issues and their successful solutions will be shared.

1. Engage with educators who have led their school systems to meet various challenges; 2. Learn from successful programs; and 3. Discuss relevant issues related to urban science educators.

Michelle Ellis (Hunter Huss High School: Gastonia, NC), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Pat Shane (UNC-Chapel Hill Emerita: , NC), Brad Rhew (Guilford County Schools: No City, No State), Rabiah Harris (Ida B Wells Middle School: No City, No State), Mary Beth Berrien (Greenfield Commonwealth Virtual School: Greenfield, MA), Charles Hayes (Highland Oaks Elementary School: Memphis, TN)

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