NSTA Engage: Spring21

May 12-8, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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Rooms and times subject to change.
21 results
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Elementary NSTA Lessons Plans: Science Instruction for ALL, Part 1

Wednesday, April 14 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Resource Collection: Elementary Lesson Plans: Science Instruction for all

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Join us to experience an elementary NSTA lesson plan containing the assets that contemporary research shows are needed to support ALL students, particularly those from underserved communities and those traditionally marginalized in science classrooms. Reflect on the teacher guidance provided that empowers students, targets current standards, and creates a classroom community of learners.

1. Gain strategies designed to shift instruction to create engagement and scientific literacy for ALL students that leverage the assets students bring to the table; 2. Explore a high-quality NSTA lesson plan; and 3. Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking.

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Elementary NSTA Lessons Plans: Science Instruction for ALL, Part 2

Wednesday, April 14 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Collection resources: Elementary Lesson plans: Science Instruction for all

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Join us to experience an elementary NSTA lesson plan containing the assets that contemporary research shows are needed to support ALL students, particularly those from underserved communities and those traditionally marginalized in science classrooms. Reflect on the teacher guidance provided that empowers students, targets current standards, and creates a classroom community of learners.

1. Gain strategies designed to shift instruction to create engagement and scientific literacy for ALL students that leverage the assets students bring to the table; 2. Explore a high-quality NSTA lesson plan; and 3. Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: Inspired by Germany—Understanding Global Climate Change to Take Local Action

Wednesday, April 21 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
2021 Climate Passport.pdf
Website link update.

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Explore global climate change data and human impacts using the Bremerhaven Klimahaus as a model to engage students in asking questions and taking local action.

1. Climate change impacts vary by location and disproportionately affect disadvantaged populations; 2. Individual actions have impacts on multiple scales from local to global; and 3. Empathetic, scientifically literate youth working in partnership with community members can be agents of change.

Loris Chen (none: Indiana, PA)

Examining Nature of Science and Standards in a Post-COVID World

Wednesday, April 21 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Additional resource for teaching Nature of Science with superhero movies
Bergman, D.J. (2019). The “Marvel”-ous nature of science: Using superhero movies to teach methods and values in science. The Science Teacher, 86(9), 20-25.
NGSS Appendix H - Nature of Science (NOS)
Includes the "NOS Matrix" from NGSS
PowerPoint Slideshow - NOS, NGSS, COVID
Slideshow featured with links to articles, websites, NGSS, and additional resources for examining Nature of Science (NOS) themes and standards in context of COVID-19 news and resources.

STRAND: Community and Global Impacts on Classroom Learning

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Using COVID data and multimedia sources, teachers can elevate students’ understandings of science as a human endeavor, and explore diverse contributions and other nature of science themes.

Attendees will: 1. acquire multiple classroom resources for COVID data, updates, and multimedia; 2. examine connections among pandemic examples and grade level nature of science (NOS) themes in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); and 3. explore opportunities to enhance science lessons with key NGSS NOS themes such as science as a human endeavor, diverse contributions and cultures, using a variety of methods, and knowledge open to revision in light of new evidence.

Daniel Bergman (Wichita State University: Wichita, KS)

Lab Bias, Science Bias, People Bias

Wednesday, April 21 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

STRAND: Social Emotional Learning and the Science Classroom

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Teachers will learn to integrate bias recognition as part of the normal science curriculum.

1. Recognizing bias requires practice; 2. Recognizing bias requires critical thinking; and 3. Recognizing bias can be integrated as part of the normal learning process.

Bailey O'Reilly (Academie Da Vinci Charter School for the Arts and Technology: Dunedin, FL)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: Meet Me in the Middle Virtual Share-a-Thon, Session 2

Thursday, April 22 • 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Coral Reef Locations Maps
Accompany student acitivity. Students determine who has rights to life on coral reef.
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Simulated Screening on New Medicine
Accompanies student activity. Students simulate screening of potential new medicines to determine if they will move on to the next phase of development.
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Simulated Testing of Potential New Medicines
Accompany student activity. Students use simulated testing to identify if a medicine will go to the next level of development.
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Student Pages
Student pages for activities in the Bioprospecting unit.
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Teacher Pages
Teacher pages to support implementation of all activities within the unit.
Innovation in Biology

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Join us for a variety of short, modified Pecha Kucha–style presentations, after which the presenters will be available for questions and further discussion.

The presentations included in this session are:

Innovation in Biology
Presenter: Jessica Kohout

Eureka! Bioprospecting for Medicine
Presenter: Liz Martinez

FIRST at Home
Presenter: Libby Simpson

Opportunities and Resources for All Middle Level Educators!
Presenters: Anne Schoeffler and Edralin Pagarigan

Inspiring the Future of Aerospace
Presenter: Melissa Sleeper

Ten STE(A)M Skills for Everyone
Presenters: Lydia Kidane

Moderator: Mary Lou Lipscomb

Note: This session involves Breakout Rooms. In order to participate, you must have the latest version of Zoom downloaded to your computer. Before accessing our Zoom platform, please visit Zoom.us/download, click on Download, and then click on Execute file to initialize.

1. Discover a variety lessons, units, professional development opportunities, and resources for hybrid or virtual instruction; 2. Learn ways to engage middle level students in exciting inquiry learning; and 3. Become aware of ways to involve parents and/or community in science.

Edralin Pagarigan (Golden Ring Middle School: Rosedale, MD), Lydia Kidane (Sustainable Forestry Initiative: Washington, DC), Jessica Kohout (Educational Consultant: Ellicott City, MD), Liz Martinez (Indepedent: No City, No State), Libby Simpson (FIRST®: Manchester, NH), Anne Schoeffler (Seton Catholic School: Ottumwa, IA), Melissa Sleeper (Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, Upper School: Melbourne, FL)

Middle School NSTA Lessons Plans: Science Instruction for ALL, Part 1

Saturday, April 24 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
I See I Think I Wonder Spring Engage 21_Sept-March.pdf
Resource Collection: Middle School NSTA Lesson Plans - Parts 1 and 2

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Join us to experience a middle school NSTA lesson plan containing the assets that contemporary research shows are needed to support ALL students, particularly those from underserved communities and those traditionally marginalized in science classrooms. Reflect on the teacher guidance provided that empowers students, targets current standards, and creates a classroom community of learners.

1. Gain strategies designed to shift instruction to create engagement and scientific literacy for ALL students that leverage the assets students bring to the table; 2. Explore a high-quality NSTA lesson plan; and 3. Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking .

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Middle School NSTA Lessons Plans: Science Instruction for ALL, Part 2

Saturday, April 24 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Comeback Can Models
Resource Collection: Middle School NSTA Lesson Plans - Parts 1 and 2

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Join us to experience a middle school NSTA lesson plan containing the assets that contemporary research shows are needed to support ALL students, particularly those from underserved communities and those traditionally marginalized in science classrooms. Reflect on the teacher guidance provided that empowers students, targets current standards, and creates a classroom community of learners.

1. Gain strategies designed to shift instruction to create engagement and scientific literacy for ALL students that leverage the assets students bring to the table; 2. Explore a high-quality NSTA lesson plan; and 3. Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking.

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Teaching Evolution in the Virtual World

Wednesday, April 28 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

STRAND: Continuing Effective Distance Learning Strategies Post-COVID

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We are teaching students in class, at home, and in quarantine. TIES offers FREE evolution units packed with activities. Check them out at www.tieseducation.org.

1. You can teach evolution virtually, but effectively; 2. There are free online activities that can replace our more traditional active learning lessons; and 3. This session can give your students high-quality evolution instruction all in one free, downloadable unit with student response sheets, rubrics, answer keys, and assessments.

Bertha Vazquez (G. W. Carver Middle School: Miami, FL)

Combating Ableism in the Biology Classroom by Teaching Disability as a Natural Form of Human Variation to Promote an Inclusive Classroom and School Environment

Wednesday, April 28 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Combating Ableism In Biology Slides
There are lots of slides here. Some will be directly used in the presentation, others (especially those at the end) will serve as a resource as teachers navigate presenting these concepts to students.

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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Unsure how to address disability in biology? Learn models of disability, identify ableism, and learn how to accept disability as a natural form of variation.

Attendees will: 1. be able to identify and remedy common examples of ableism, while learning about the beliefs and practices of the ability-inclusive mindset to promote an inclusive classroom and school environment; 2. be provided a set of slides that teach how disability is a natural form of human variation, the other above concepts in the context of a biology lesson on the natural sources of variation (meiosis, mutation, sexual reproduction); and 3. learn about the positives and negatives of the social, medical, inspirational, and social justice models of disability.

John Gensic (Penn High School: Mishawaka, IN), Katy Fattaleh (The Nora Project: Highland Park, IL), Lainey Bristow (Penn High School: Mishawaka, IN)

NARST-Sponsored Session: Impact of Earth Science Integration on Student Learning in a High School Chemistry Course

Wednesday, April 28 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

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Participants will have the opportunity to engage in sample activities that integrate chemistry, Earth science, and science practices and to review example student work.

Participants will learn: 1. about integrated chemistry and Earth science activities; and 2. how to support student engagement in creating models of scientific phenomena.

Jonathon Grooms (The George Washington University Graduate School of Education: Washington, DC), Kevin Fleming (Cardozo Education Campus: No City, No State), Bess Caplan (Howard County Conservancy: Woodstock, MD), Alan Berkowitz (Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies: Millbrook, NY), Vonceil Anderson (Baltimore City Public Schools: Baltimore, MD)

High School NSTA Lessons Plans: Science Instruction for ALL, Part 1

Saturday, May 1 • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

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Join us to experience a high school NSTA lesson plan containing the assets that contemporary research shows are needed to support ALL students, particularly those from underserved communities and those traditionally marginalized in science classrooms. Reflect on the teacher guidance provided that empowers students, targets current standards, and creates a classroom community of learners.

1. Gain strategies designed to shift instruction to create engagement and scientific literacy for ALL students that leverage the assets students bring to the table; 2. Explore a high-quality NSTA lesson plan; and 3. Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking .

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

High School NSTA Lessons Plans: Science Instruction for ALL, Part 2

Saturday, May 1 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

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Join us to experience a high school NSTA lesson plan containing the assets that contemporary research shows are needed to support ALL students, particularly those from underserved communities and those traditionally marginalized in science classrooms. Reflect on the teacher guidance provided that empowers students, targets current standards, and creates a classroom community of learners.

1. Gain strategies designed to shift instruction to create engagement and scientific literacy for ALL students that leverage the assets students bring to the table; 2. Explore a high-quality NSTA lesson plan; and 3. Understand what sensemaking is and how to create opportunities for sensemaking .

Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Using NSTA as Your Textbook When Teaching Preservice Teachers of Science

Thursday, May 6 • 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM

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Calling all professors to learn ways NSTA digital resources and professional learning tools are being used when teaching science preservice teachers. Professors currently using NSTA as textbook will be present to answer questions.

1. Over 100 professors at more than 80 universities are using NSTA resources and online tools to effectively teach science preservice teachers; 2. Preservice teachers create a library of resources, grow their network of professional colleagues, and enhance their content and pedagogical knowledge of science by actively engaging with NSTA digital resources and online tools within the NSTA website; and 3. Participating preservice teachers experience being part of the science professional organization that is NSTA.

Flavio Mendez (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Richard Jones (University of Hawaii-West Oahu: Kaploei, HI)

Do You Need a New Science Lab? Come Learn How to Apply to Win for Your School!

Saturday, May 8 • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Instructional Method and Teaching Philosophy questions
Shell Award winner - Gary Koppelman
Shell Award winner - Jose Rivas
Shell Award winner - Kristen Poindexter
Shell Lab testimonial - Geismar winners
Shell Lab testimonial - Kermit High School
Shell Lab testimonial - Tyler Dufrene
Shell Programs flyer
Shell testimonial - Kermit High School
Shell winner testimonial - Mark Parker
Shell winner testimonial - Tyler Dufrene
Shell winners - Geismar

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Are you located in the U.S. near a Shell asset? Attend this session for the Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge to learn how to apply for this amazing opportunity. Pick up tips for completing a winning application and begin your journey in applying to win an updated science classroom. This program will award 33 prize packages valued up to $15,000 for high school and $10,000 for elementary and middle school!

1. Learn how you can apply to win the Shell Science Lab Challenge; 2. Learn the tips to completing a winning application; and 3. Have an opportunity to actually begin to complete the application and have your questions answered.

Ruth Ruud (Cleveland State University: Cleveland, OH), Amanda Upton (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Come Join the Tour of NSTA’s New Professional Learning Products and Services!

Saturday, May 8 • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

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The NSTA Professional Learning team has been inspired by educators across the globe who have been providing distance and hybrid learning. Come learn about the NSTA Daily Dos, DailyDo playlists, Transforming Science Learning and Teacher Tip Tuesday webinar
series, and other new NSTA products and services!

1. Explore new NSTA products and services designed to shift instruction to create engagement and scientific/STEM literacy for ALL students that leverage the assets students bring to the table; and 2. Hear from teachers the ways NSTA products and services have helped them create a classroom culture that supports student sensemaking based in the science and engineering practices that grow life and workforce skills.

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Tricia Shelton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Building the Foundations for an Equitable and Inclusive STEM Program

Saturday, May 8 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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This session will provide a framework for how to develop a STEM program. The presentation will include an example of a STEM strategic plan that promotes equity and inclusion.

Session participants will learn: 1. a process for developing STEM curricula and programming; 2. how to begin to address equity issues; and 3. methods for including student voice and agency into a STEM program.

Carol Larson (Indiana Connections Academy: Oak Lawn, IN), Naomi Nelson (Christel House Academy: Indianapolis, IN)

A Differentiated Approach to Supporting Adult Learners

Saturday, May 8 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

STRAND: Social Emotional Learning and the Science Classroom

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Join us to learn more about our journey to support teachers' social and emotional well-being by designing differentiated learning experiences as we implemented three-dimensional science.

1. Methods to design effective differentiated learning for science educators; 2. Ways to support adult learners via differentiation; and 3. Ways to strengthen the implementation of 3-D science teaching, learning, and assessment across districts.

Tonya Woolfolk (Houston County Schools: Perry, GA), Denise Richardson (Rockdale County Public Schools: Conyers, GA)

Helping Students Become Explorers Through Modeling, Mapping, and Service Learning

Saturday, May 8 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Engage students in building scientific models, mapping, and service learning to explore climate change phenomena while inspiring them to take action.

1. Discover how to integrate, develop, and use scientific modeling to promote 3-D learning as the means to explore the phenomena of climate change as identified in the ESS NGSS; 2. Explore how to integrate maps to promote 3-D learning of climate change and environmental justice phenomena; and 3. Take a step further in 3-D teaching by offering students opportunities to propose a solution to address a local problem in connection to core ideas learned in class.

Dr. Yajaira Fuentes-Tauber (Rocky Mountain High School: Fort Collins, CO)

NSTA-WIDA Session: Creating Equitable Science Instruction for Multilingual Learners

Saturday, May 8 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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This session will utilize the design principles for engaging multilingual learners in 3-D science to create engaging and equitable learning experiences for ALL students, but especially MLLs.

1. Examine a set of principles co-developed by NSTA and WIDA and discuss how these "show up" in classroom; 2. Explore ways to help a linguistically diverse group of students engage together in sensemaking discourse; 3. Explore the role of modeling as a sensemaking support in linguistically diverse classrooms; 4. Learn about WIDA’s four Language Practices to authentically engage ALL students in using language for sensemaking; and 5. Learn how the Teacher Discourse Moves and Student Discourse Moves facilitate the exploration and transformation of science understanding.

David Crowther (University of Nevada, Reno: Reno, NV), Rita MacDonald (Wisconsin Center for Education Research: Madison, WI)

Urban Science Educator Discussion and Panel

Saturday, May 8 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

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Educators share challenges and strategies to enhance STEM learning in the urban environment. A variety of real-world issues and their successful solutions will be shared.

1. Engage with educators who have led their school systems to meet various challenges; 2. Learn from successful programs; and 3. Discuss relevant issues related to urban science educators.

Michelle Ellis (Hunter Huss High School: Gastonia, NC), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Pat Shane (UNC-Chapel Hill Emerita: , NC), Brad Rhew (Guilford County Schools: No City, No State), Rabiah Harris (Ida B Wells Middle School: No City, No State), Mary Beth Berrien (Greenfield Commonwealth Virtual School: Greenfield, MA), Charles Hayes (Highland Oaks Elementary School: Memphis, TN)

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