Explore using the SEPs to make remote STE instruction
inquiry based. Participate in a remote hands-on investigation. Receive a
toolkit of resources, strategies, and instructional tools.
Materials needed:
- Markers or crayons
- Large sheet of heavy weight paper (11x17 or 8.5 x14)
- 4–6 ice cubes all about the same size
- 4 paper cups big enough to hold 2 ice cubes
- Cooler or access to freezer to keep ice frozen
- Aluminum tray
- Black or white tray (take-out container will work)
1. Leave with a toolkit of distance-learning practices and investigations to enhance students’ use of the SEPs; 2. Learn about distance-learning tools that support the engagement of all students in STE; and 3. Develop new ideas for performance-based assessments using distance-learning strategies.
Rosemary Rak (Wade Institute for Science Education: Quincy, MA), Angela Damery (Wade Institute for Science Education: Quincy, MA), Sandra Ryack-Bell (Wade Institute for Science Education: Quincy, MA), Margaret Brumsted (Education Specialist: Riverside, RI)