NSTA Engage: Spring21

May 12-8, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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Rooms and times subject to change.
46 results
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Up to Code: Challenging and Engaging Learners Through Coding

Wednesday, April 14 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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Challenge and assess 21st-century learners through coding! We’ll explore code-based assessment or extension options related to a variety of NGSS Practices and Core Ideas.

1. Challenging students to think critically and creatively through science-based coding projects builds competency in 21st-century skills while providing an innovative assessment opportunity; 2. Science practices and core ideas can be assessed through projects requiring varying levels of coding proficiency; and 3. Allowing students to creatively express their understanding of ideas can promote equity in access to computer science, enhance motivation and achievement, and provide another avenue for students to recognize their strengths.

Ashley Townsend (Oak Grove Primary School: Prairieville, LA)

NSTA Press Session: Integrating STEM and Literacy with Picture-Perfect STEM Lessons

Wednesday, April 14 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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The authors of the Picture-Perfect STEM series will share how  picture books can make STEM come alive for your students!

1. Strategies for integrating STEM and literacy in K–5; 2. Suggested picture books that integrate STEM and literacy; and 3. A STEM lesson you can use right away.

Emily Morgan (Picture-Perfect Science: West Chester, OH), Karen Ansberry (Picture-Perfect Science: West Chester, OH)

Integrating Inquiry and Literacy in the Elementary Science Classroom

Wednesday, April 14 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
2021 SPDI Brochure (web version).pdf
Digital Toolkit. .pdf

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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Investigate using inquiry-based learning and the SEPs to deepen students’ understanding of both science concepts and literacy strategies remotely or in the classroom.

Participants will: 1. l eave with a toolkit of hands-on, inquiry science investigations inspired and enhanced by literature; 2. l earn about distance-learning tools that support integrating the Science and Engineering Practices with literacy strategies to engage students in real-world science; and 3. identify strategies and resources for using books, productive talk, and science writing to integrate science, literacy, and discussion in ways that foster critical thinking, academic language, and meaning making.

Sandra Ryack-Bell (Wade Institute for Science Education: Quincy, MA), Kathy Renfrew (Wade Institute for Science Education: Quincy, MA)

Little Big Minds: STEAM for Our Youngest Learners

Wednesday, April 14 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Little Big Minds Presentation Materials
This document contains a link where all presentation materials may be downloaded.

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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STEAM activities are for early childhood students, too! Connect STEAM and literature with three-dimensional learning in a series of culturally relevant, play-based activities exploring simple machines.

1. Literature and visual texts provide opportunities for students to experience STEAM in a context that is familiar and meaningful to them; 2. STEAM-integrated activities, such as those presented in this unit of study, promote 3-D learning through scientific inquiry and investigation, mathematical exploration, and initial development of executive functioning skills; and 3. There is a need to engage in literature-connected, STEAM-integrated activities in the early childhood years. In formal and informal educational environments, young children are curious, inquisitive, and eager to explore STEAM concepts.

Lindsey Herlehy (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy: Aurora, IL), Cassandra Armstrong (Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy: Aurora, IL)

CSSS-Sponsored Session: STEM Talks for Early Learners

Wednesday, April 14 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEM for Early Learners Session Resources
All of the links, activites, and research mentioned in the presentation can be found in this wakelet.

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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Early positive experiences in STEM are critical for future academic success and the development of STEM-related habits of mind. In this session, participants will make connections between current research and resources for science and math implementation. Educators will also explore resources for increasing STEM discourse and engaging families in math exploration at home.

1. STEM activites for young learners; 2. Resources for STEM discourse; and 3. Family engagement strategies for math explorations.

Lauren Thompson Allen (D.C. Office of the State Superintendent of Education: Washington, DC)

Engineering and Subtraction with Tub People

Wednesday, April 14 • 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Resources for Engineering & Subtraction with Tub People

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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Discover how "Tub People" can be used to deepen young learners’ understanding of subtraction under 10 and how quick prototypes help solve engineering problems.

1. Great mathematics and engaging engineering challenges can be found in children's literature; 2. Learners of all ages benefit from identifying patterns and discovering multiple ways to represent their understanding; and 3. Whether it be in solving mathematical expressions or finding engineering solutions, young learners benefit from using manipulatives as they work.

Kate Burton (Trinity School: Atlanta, GA), Becky Holden (Trinity School: Atlanta, GA)

Integrating STEAM Through Literacy Using NASA Resources

Wednesday, April 14 • 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

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Experiments do not belong just in the science classroom anymore! Learn about STEAM-focused NASA resources that can serve as a companion to literary novels.

Participants will: 1. walk away with list of STEAM novels; 2. be given NASA resources that can accompany literary novels; and 3. walk away with a material list for activities discussed during session that can be used in person or virtually.

Celena Miller (Texas Space Grant Consortium: Austin, TX)

Cooped Up Kids? Students Explore STEM Indoors and Out

Thursday, April 15 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

STRAND: Social Emotional Learning and the Science Classroom

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Discover free age-appropriate "Cooped Up Kids" activities that connect kids to the outdoors and exciting science content whether in school, remote, or blended.

1. Discover free hands-on lessons that are tied to the NGSS and Common Core Standards and discuss how to implement them whether learners are at home or in school; 2. Describe the socio-emotional benefits of place-based outdoor experiences for diverse K–8 students; and 3. Learn how to access a variety of free educational interactives, online multimedia resources, and citizen science projects scaffolded by lessons that are perfect for K–8 settings.

Jennifer Fee (The Cornell Lab of Ornithology: Ithaca, NY)

Integrating Hands-On STEM and Literacy Through Picture Books

Saturday, April 17 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

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Integrating Hands-On STEM Book List

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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Five STEM authors provide hand-on activities and ideas for using picture books to support both literacy and science in the classroom and via distance learning.

1. An understanding of how to incorporate STEM activities into your literacy routines; 2. Full lesson plans for classroom and at-home activities that can be used with each of our books; and 3. A list of STEM book titles to support literacy and science learning in the classroom.

Kirsten Larson (Author: Lancaster, CA), Vicky Fang (Product Designer & Author-Illustrator: Los Altos, CA), Jen Malia (Norfolk State University: Norfolk, VA), Colleen Paeff (Author: Los Angeles, CA), Lindsay Metcalf (Author: Concordia, KS)

NSTA Press Session: All Students' Ideas Matter

Saturday, April 17 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Apple in the Dark Probe with Teacher Notes
Is It Living K-2 Probe and Teacher Notes
List of Formative Assessment Probe Columns in Science and Children
Science and Chidden Article- Using Claim Cards
Uncovering Student Ideas Web Site

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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Inclusive approaches to teaching and learning include probing questions that all students can relate to, that provide multiple entry points for engagement, and that create a desire to want to figure it out. Learn how to use the Uncovering Student Ideas probes and strategies to support a classroom where all students' ideas matter!

1. Learn about a resource for formative assessment; 2. Explore key points from research on learning that support using formative assessment probes; and 3. Gain new strategies for eliciting all students' ideas and building a classroom culture where everyone's ideas matter.

Page Keeley (NSTA Past President: No City, No State)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: Meet Me in the Middle Virtual Share-a-Thon, Session 1

Wednesday, April 21 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
EarthKAM User Guide
Everything you need to know so that you can have your students remotely control a camera on the International Space Station.
Link to additional EarthKAM Resources
Useful documents to use when getting started with NASA's EarthKAM

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Join us for a variety of short, modified Pecha Kucha–style presentations, after which the presenters will be available for questions and further discussion.

The presentations included in this session are:

EarthKAM: Have Your Students Take Photos from ISS
Presenter: David Curry

The Post-COVID Dissection Lab
Presenters: Nicole Green and Bailee Henderson

Teaching Physics on the Cheap
Presenter: Shannon Hudson

Shape of Life: Virtually Teaching The Greatest Story Ever Told—Evolution of the Animal Kingdom on Planet Earth
Presenter: Denise Ryan

NMLSTA Award Opportunities
Presenter: Alison Betz Seymour

Parent/Family Involvement in Science: Why It's Important and How to Make It Work
Presenter: Jessica VanValkenburg

Teaching the Engineering Design Process Through Urban Gardening
Presenters: Elizabeth Weissman and Rebecca Somogyi

Moderator: Mary Lou Lipscomb

Note: This session involves Breakout Rooms. In order to participate, you must have the latest version of Zoom downloaded to your computer. Before accessing our Zoom platform, please visit Zoom.us/download, click on Download, and then click on Execute file to initialize.

1. Discover a variety lessons, units, professional development opportunities, and resources for hybrid or virtual instruction; 2. Learn ways to engage middle level students in exciting inquiry learning; and 3. Become aware of ways to involve parents and/or community in science.

Denise Ryan (Shape of Life: Capitola, CA), David Curry (Newtown Middle School: Danville, IL), Nicole Green (Animalearn: Jenkintown, PA), Bailee Henderson (Animalearn: , United States), Shannon Hudson (Crawfordsville Middle School: Crawfordsville, IN), Alison Seymour (Winchester College: No City, No State), Jessica VanValkenburgh (Columbus State University: Columbus, GA), Elizabeth Weissman (The Ramaz School: New York, NY)

Examining Nature of Science and Standards in a Post-COVID World

Wednesday, April 21 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Additional resource for teaching Nature of Science with superhero movies
Bergman, D.J. (2019). The “Marvel”-ous nature of science: Using superhero movies to teach methods and values in science. The Science Teacher, 86(9), 20-25.
NGSS Appendix H - Nature of Science (NOS)
Includes the "NOS Matrix" from NGSS
PowerPoint Slideshow - NOS, NGSS, COVID
Slideshow featured with links to articles, websites, NGSS, and additional resources for examining Nature of Science (NOS) themes and standards in context of COVID-19 news and resources.

STRAND: Community and Global Impacts on Classroom Learning

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Using COVID data and multimedia sources, teachers can elevate students’ understandings of science as a human endeavor, and explore diverse contributions and other nature of science themes.

Attendees will: 1. acquire multiple classroom resources for COVID data, updates, and multimedia; 2. examine connections among pandemic examples and grade level nature of science (NOS) themes in the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS); and 3. explore opportunities to enhance science lessons with key NGSS NOS themes such as science as a human endeavor, diverse contributions and cultures, using a variety of methods, and knowledge open to revision in light of new evidence.

Daniel Bergman (Wichita State University: Wichita, KS)

Science for Social Justice: A Four-Part Framework for Equitable Instruction

Wednesday, April 21 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Teaching through a lens of social justice.
The following online resources were used in the construction of a four-part lesson to develop student understanding of identity, diversity, justice and action.

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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Join us as we outline and present classroom applications of a four-part framework for equitable science instruction incorporating issues of identity, diversity, justice, and action.

1. How to use the four-part framework (identity, diversity, justice, action) to incorporate issues of social justice into classroom practices or science curricula; 2. How the four domains of social justice meet the call for equitable instruction outlined by the NGSS appendix “All Standards, All Students”; and 3. How to empower students to explore scientific issues and their personal identities within the scientific community.

Sarah Redick (Ohio Department of Education and Workforce: No City, No State), Laura Blue (The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH)

WeatherBlur: Blurring the Lines Between Science, Environmental Literacy, and Civic Action Through Citizen Science

Wednesday, April 21 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

STRAND: Community and Global Impacts on Classroom Learning

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WeatherBlur, an online citizen science platform, links schools in the Gulf of Maine with schools in the Gulf of Mexico to explore local environmental issues.

1. Empowering students to tackle difficult environmental challenges seen in their communities and get their voices heard; 2. Promoting idea exchanges and collaboration between different communities and cultures from around the country; and 3. Enhancing environmental and data literacy.

Rebecca Clark Uchenna (Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance: Augusta, ME), Megan McCall (Barton Academy for Advanced World Studies: No City, No State)

STEM Scoop: Middle School Competition Edition

Wednesday, April 21 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

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An informal discussion with former eCYBERMISSION Team Advisors about how to find success with student competitions.

How to: 1. engage students in STEM competitions; 2. take part in STEM competitions with limited time; and 3. help students find success in STEM competitions.

Matthew Hartman (BrainPOP: Pittsburgh, PA), Sarah Rahman (Cabrillo Middle School: Santa Clara, CA), Debra Las (John Adams Middle School: Rochester, MN), Andi Suter (Serrano Intermediate School: Lake Forest, CA), Vonda Fruhwirth (Kings Junior High School: Kings Mills, OH)

Enlivening the Middle School Earth Science NGSS: Using Geoheritage and Place-Based Education to Highlight and Integrate Dimensions of Earth Science Relevance

Wednesday, April 21 • 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Enlivening Earth Science NGSS Using Geoheritage and Place-Based Education
The fascinating phenomena of Earth and space science take on heightened relevance in learners’ lives when presented through the frameworks of geoheritage and place-based education. This handout provides links to the slides and other materials shown in the Geoheritage workshop.

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The fascinating phenomena of Earth and space science take on heightened relevance in learners’ lives when presented through the frameworks of geoheritage and place-based education.

1. There are practical approaches for accentuating the excitement of Earth and space sciences as they are shown to intersect with human life, history, and culture; 2. The connection of geoscience with human history and culture—what is increasingly known as geoheritage—has great potential in education as a reference framework that encourages learning as well as promoting conservation of significant natural features; and 3. The dimensions of the NGSS, the big ideas of geoheritage, and the design principles of place-based education are mutually supportive—which together lead to strategies for meaningful learning in Earth and space science.

Aida Awad (Education Consultant/ Adjunct: Ormond Beach, FL), Margaret Holzer (none: Somerset, NJ), Rebecca Dodge (Midwestern State University: Wichita Falls, TX), Eric Pyle (James Madison University: Harrisonburg, VA), Dawna Cerney (Youngstown State University: Youngstown, OH), Dianna Gielstra (Prescott College Online Graduate Degree Program: Prescott, AZ), Ed Robeck (American Geosciences Institute: Alexandria, VA)

Designing for Phenomena in Food Production

Wednesday, April 21 • 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Designing for Phenomena in Food Production Slide Deck
Refer to the slide deck for direct links to lesson plans and resources explored in the session. If you don't see it on the slide, check the "Notes" :)
Workshop Handout
Click on the live links in this PDF to link directly to resources introduced in the webinar.

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Discover lesson plans and teaching resources to better integrate science and engineering practices in our food system.

1. Engage in the practice of phenomena-based learning through the phenomena of photoperiodism; 2. Improve critical thinking while investigating food production systems; and 3. Integrate STEM concepts through design thinking.

Andrea Gardner (Utah State University: Logan, UT), Tessa Matuszak (National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization: Palm Coast, FL)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: Meet Me in the Middle Virtual Share-a-Thon, Session 2

Thursday, April 22 • 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Coral Reef Locations Maps
Accompany student acitivity. Students determine who has rights to life on coral reef.
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Simulated Screening on New Medicine
Accompanies student activity. Students simulate screening of potential new medicines to determine if they will move on to the next phase of development.
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Simulated Testing of Potential New Medicines
Accompany student activity. Students use simulated testing to identify if a medicine will go to the next level of development.
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Student Pages
Student pages for activities in the Bioprospecting unit.
Bioprospecting for Medicine - Teacher Pages
Teacher pages to support implementation of all activities within the unit.
Innovation in Biology

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Join us for a variety of short, modified Pecha Kucha–style presentations, after which the presenters will be available for questions and further discussion.

The presentations included in this session are:

Innovation in Biology
Presenter: Jessica Kohout

Eureka! Bioprospecting for Medicine
Presenter: Liz Martinez

FIRST at Home
Presenter: Libby Simpson

Opportunities and Resources for All Middle Level Educators!
Presenters: Anne Schoeffler and Edralin Pagarigan

Inspiring the Future of Aerospace
Presenter: Melissa Sleeper

Ten STE(A)M Skills for Everyone
Presenters: Lydia Kidane

Moderator: Mary Lou Lipscomb

Note: This session involves Breakout Rooms. In order to participate, you must have the latest version of Zoom downloaded to your computer. Before accessing our Zoom platform, please visit Zoom.us/download, click on Download, and then click on Execute file to initialize.

1. Discover a variety lessons, units, professional development opportunities, and resources for hybrid or virtual instruction; 2. Learn ways to engage middle level students in exciting inquiry learning; and 3. Become aware of ways to involve parents and/or community in science.

Edralin Pagarigan (Golden Ring Middle School: Rosedale, MD), Lydia Kidane (Sustainable Forestry Initiative: Washington, DC), Jessica Kohout (Educational Consultant: Ellicott City, MD), Liz Martinez (Indepedent: No City, No State), Libby Simpson (FIRST®: Manchester, NH), Anne Schoeffler (Seton Catholic School: Ottumwa, IA), Melissa Sleeper (Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, Upper School: Melbourne, FL)

Science Storytelling: Student Activism Through Film

Thursday, April 22 • 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Science Storytelling Resources

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Help students create compelling stories about climate change and environmental justice. Classroom-ready resources will help students communicate scientific information with narrative structure across various media.

1. In an analytical discipline like science, there is still a case to be made for storytelling; 2. The And-But-Therefore narrative structure technique to summarize scientific information or craft original science communication; and 3. Science storytelling can enhance student projects by improving conceptual understanding and allowing choice and voice to engage students as activists for environmental justice.

Susan Tate (Whitehall Middle School: Whitehall, MI), Cristina Veresan (The Nueva School: Hillsborough, CA)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: Meet Me in the Middle Virtual Share-a-Thon, Session 3

Saturday, April 24 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Jet Streams Activity
Full Jet Stream lesson PDF that can be copied for use in your classroom.
Science Simulations and Digital Notebooks
Stack the Deck - Shipping Container Template
Template for making shipping containers that will be filled and used for simulated ocean journey.
Stack the Deck - Graphics & Effects of COVID on Closing West Coast Ports
COVID has impacted supply chains. Article contains graphs and impact information about the impact of COVID from the slowing of and closing ports ion the West Coast.
Stack the Deck - Ocean Currents Maps
Accompany student activity. Maps students use to help track the path of items spilled by a cargo ship to where they washed ashore.
Stack the Deck - Stuck in the Suez Canal
Video of young childern explaining their ideas as to how to free the Ever Given from the Suez Canal.
Stack the Deck - Student Pages
Accompany Shipping Industry Unit.
Stack the Deck - Teacher Pages
May be used to assist in implementing the shipping unit.
Stack the Deck - Washed Ashore
Accompanies student activity. Shows items washed ashore from shipping containers that have fallen into the ocean. Students then trace the path from the point of the spill to where items wash ashore.
Stack the Deck - Whats Old is New
Accompanies student activity. Students repurpose a used shipping container. This PowerPoint shows examples of actual repurposed shipping containers.

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Join us for a variety of short, modified Pecha Kucha–style presentations, after which the presenters will be available for questions and further discussion.

The presentations included in this session are:

Telling Data Stories
Presenter: Loris Jean Chen

AMS Project Atmosphere: Jet Streams
Presenter: David Curry

3 Cs of Bridging the Gap to Science Literacy
Presenters: Jennifer Ledbetter and Lisa Reis

Stack the Deck
Presenter: Liz Martinez

Greetings from Mars!
Presenter: Melissa Sleeper

Science Simulations and Digital Notebooks
Presenter: Stacy Thibodeaux

NGSS-Focused STEM Projects
Presenter: Vanessa Ueltzen

Moderator: Mary Lou Lipscomb

Note: This session involves Breakout Rooms. In order to participate, you must have the latest version of Zoom downloaded to your computer. Before accessing our Zoom platform, please visit Zoom.us/download, click on Download, and then click on Execute file to initialize.

1. Discover a variety lessons, units, professional development opportunities, and resources for hybrid or virtual instruction; 2. Learn ways to engage middle level students in exciting inquiry learning; and 3. Become aware of ways to involve parents and/or community in science.

Loris Chen (none: Indiana, PA), David Curry (Newtown Middle School: Danville, IL), Jennifer Ledbetter (University School: Johnson City, TN), Lisa Reis (Johnson City Schools: Johnson City, TN), Liz Martinez (Indepedent: No City, No State), Melissa Sleeper (Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy, Upper School: Melbourne, FL), Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA), Vanessa Ueltzen (Walther Christian Academy: Melrose Park, IL)

NGSS-Focused Summative Classroom Assessments of Three-Dimensional Learning

Saturday, April 24 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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Explore benchmark assessments and scoring guides you can use to assess students’ three-dimensional learning related to middle school performance expectations.

1. True 3-D assessments incorporate the SEP, CCC, and DCI for a PE in such a way as to elicit student responses demonstrating knowledge of all dimensions; 2. Phenomena and scenarios provide context for assessments that help elicit 3-D responses from students; and 3. Attention to potential equity, access, and bias supports the design of assessments that better elicit demonstration of knowledge and understanding from all students.

Maia Binding (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Empowering Effective Climate Change Communicators

Saturday, April 24 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Learn how to navigate the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication's Educator Page. Engage with data-based, NGSS-focused activities that you can easily use with students.

1. Communicating effectively about climate change is just as important as understanding climate science itself if we hope to realize viable, equitable climate solutions in our lifetime; 2. The Yale Program on Climate Change Communication conducts scientific research on public climate change knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Through YPCCC's Educator Page, students can engage with current data from this research to identify effective climate change communication strategies and think critically about what it takes to implement climate action; and 3. Students are a critical audience to engage in the work to find and enact climate solutions. The activities on the Educator Page can help students develop a sense of agency around climate change communication while honing important NGSS-related skills.

Ruthie Gold (Yale Program on Climate Change Communication: New Haven, CT)

Combating Ableism in the Biology Classroom by Teaching Disability as a Natural Form of Human Variation to Promote an Inclusive Classroom and School Environment

Wednesday, April 28 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Combating Ableism In Biology Slides
There are lots of slides here. Some will be directly used in the presentation, others (especially those at the end) will serve as a resource as teachers navigate presenting these concepts to students.

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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Unsure how to address disability in biology? Learn models of disability, identify ableism, and learn how to accept disability as a natural form of variation.

Attendees will: 1. be able to identify and remedy common examples of ableism, while learning about the beliefs and practices of the ability-inclusive mindset to promote an inclusive classroom and school environment; 2. be provided a set of slides that teach how disability is a natural form of human variation, the other above concepts in the context of a biology lesson on the natural sources of variation (meiosis, mutation, sexual reproduction); and 3. learn about the positives and negatives of the social, medical, inspirational, and social justice models of disability.

John Gensic (Penn High School: Mishawaka, IN), Katy Fattaleh (The Nora Project: Highland Park, IL), Lainey Bristow (Penn High School: Mishawaka, IN)

Designing for Phenomena in Food Production

Wednesday, April 28 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Workshop handout (with live links)
Workshop Slide Presentation

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Discover lesson plans and teaching resources to better integrate science and engineering practices in our food system.

1. Engage in the practice of phenomena-based learning through the phenomena of photoperiodism; 2. Improve critical thinking while investigating food production systems; and 3. Integrate STEM concepts through design thinking.

Tessa Matuszak (National Agriculture in the Classroom Organization: Palm Coast, FL), Andrea Gardner (Utah State University: Logan, UT)

Spreading and Retaining Black Girl Magic in STEM Classrooms and Beyond

Wednesday, April 28 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
BGM in STEM Classrooms (PowerPoint Deck)
BGM STEM Case Study Notes.pdf
Culturally Responsive Instruction Observation Protocol (CRIOP) Rubric
Culturally Responsive Sustaining Education (CRSE) STEAM Scorecard

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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Learn strategies to be more culturally responsive from an equity framework to not only retain but spread Black girl magic in STEM in school settings!

1. The school-based and classroom-based factors that are contributing to Black girls starting off with the highest interest in STEM but resulting in the lowest retention of STEM; 2. The seven elements of the ICUCARE equity framework in the classroom; and 3. Three to five strategies (to then develop and apply) for providing learning experiences in the school setting that empower our Black girls to remain in STEM.

Princess Francois (Math, Engineering, and Science Academy: Brooklyn, NY)

Investigation DarkSky: A Virtual Escape Room–Type Activity

Wednesday, April 28 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA 2021 CREDC DarkSky .pdf

STRAND: Continuing Effective Distance Learning Strategies Post-COVID

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Participate in an energy delivery–themed virtual escape room activity. Solve puzzles and pursue clues to discover the origin of a cascading blackout.

1. The U.S. power grid is the system of producers and consumers of electricity. It includes power generators, switches that control the flow of electricity, substations, miles of power lines, and millions of transformers; 2. Nearly all electricity is used the moment it is generated. The power grid is continually evolving as we integrate alternative power resources and invent technologies; and 3. This challenging process allows us to deliver energy to homes and businesses in cleaner, more efficient ways and makes the system more resilient to disruption.

Jana Sebestik (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Champaign, IL), Logan Marlow (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Urbana, IL), Michael McKelvey (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Urbana, IL), Christina Tran (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: Urbana, IL)

STEM Scoop: High School Competition Edition

Wednesday, April 28 • 6:00 PM - 6:45 PM

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An informal discussion with former eCYBERMISSION Team Advisors about how to find success with student competitions.

How to: 1. engage students in STEM competitions; 2. take part in STEM competitions with limited time; and 3. help students find success in STEM competitions.

Matthew Hartman (BrainPOP: Pittsburgh, PA), Lora Gibbons (Mountain Heights Academy: West Jordan, UT), Mary Clarke (St. Paul Catholic High School: Bristol, CT), Michael Lake (Half Hollow Hills High School East: Dix Hills, NY)

With Liberty and Justice for All: A Climate Perspective

Wednesday, April 28 • 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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The Climate Resilient Schools program developed by The CLEO Institute brings vetted climate science into classrooms with an emphasis on equity, justice, advocacy, and empowerment.

1. Students are eager to learn about climate issues and many feel that it is not being adequately addressed in their general curriculum. Building climate literacy in both students and teachers creates a more robust learning experience that prepares students for future challenges; 2. Teachers play a key role in bringing climate action into the community. There should be a focus on solutions, both technological and societal, as well as environmental issues. This leads to higher engagement from students who feel empowered to take action; and 3. Materials should follow the latest scientific consensus to provide the most up-to-date information and follow standards such as the ACE (Action for Climate Empowerment) Framework and NGSS.

Julieta Rodrigo (The CLEO Institute: Miami, FL), Karolyn Burns (The CLEO Institute: Tallahassee, FL)

Science Storytelling: Student Activism Through Film

Wednesday, April 28 • 7:00 PM - 7:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Science Storytelling Resources

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Help students create compelling stories about climate change and environmental justice. Classroom-ready resources will help students communicate scientific information with narrative structure across various media.

1. In an analytical discipline like science, there is still a case to be made for storytelling; 2. The And-But-Therefore narrative structure technique to summarize scientific information or craft original science communication; and 3. Science storytelling can enhance student projects by improving conceptual understanding and allowing choice and voice to engage students as activists for environmental justice.

Susan Tate (Whitehall Middle School: Whitehall, MI), Cristina Veresan (The Nueva School: Hillsborough, CA)

Teaching About the Intersections of Biology, Race, and Racism: Strategies and Resources

Thursday, April 29 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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We’ll explore the intersection of racism, the construct of race, genetic variation, and the history of science to support biology educators through our new curriculum.

1. Race is a socio-political construct with deep implications, but race is not a good surrogate/proxy for biology; 2. Understanding human genetic variation can disrupt the idea of biologically meaningful “races"; and 3. Race is not a risk factor for health disparities (but racism is).

Hanako Osuga (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center), Jeanne Chowning (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center: No City, No State)

Enlivening the High School Earth Science NGSS: Using Geoheritage and Place-Based Education to Highlight and Integrate Dimensions of Earth Science Relevance

Thursday, April 29 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

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The fascinating phenomena of Earth and space science take on heightened relevance in learners’ lives when presented through the frameworks of geoheritage and place-based education.

1. There are practical approaches for accentuating the excitement of Earth and space sciences as they are shown to intersect with human life, history, and culture; 2. The connection of geoscience with human history and culture—what is increasingly known as geoheritage—has great potential in education as a reference framework that encourages learning as well as promoting conservation of significant natural features; and 3. The dimensions of the NGSS, the big ideas of geoheritage, and the design principles of place-based education are mutually supportive—which together lead to strategies for meaningful learning in Earth and space science.

Margaret Holzer (none: Somerset, NJ), Aida Awad (Education Consultant/ Adjunct: Ormond Beach, FL), Eric Pyle (James Madison University: Harrisonburg, VA), Dawna Cerney (Youngstown State University: Youngstown, OH), Rebecca Dodge (Midwestern State University: Wichita Falls, TX), Ed Robeck (American Geosciences Institute: Alexandria, VA), Dianna Gielstra (Prescott College Online Graduate Degree Program: Prescott, AZ)

Beyond Polar Bears: Disproportionate Impact of Climate Change on Low-Income and Marginalized Communities’ Health

Saturday, May 1 • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Beyond Polar Bears slides

STRAND: Climate Justice and Climate Science

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Critical examination of public social and scientific data resources will provoke awareness of the legacy of bias, as well as identify mitigation and reparation activities.

1. Due to legacy of bias, as reflected in the redlining of urban communities in the early 20th century, extreme heat events associated with climate change have a disproportionate impact on low-income and marginalized urban communities; 2. This legacy can be integrated into NGSS ESS activities thanks to publicly available digital social and scientific data; and 3. Science knowledge coupled with a value for justice can orient and inform students and teachers to make decisions and identify mitigation (e.g. changing surface material and/or color) and reparation activities (orienting efforts toward low-income and marginalized communities). A virtual national network of NSTA members can advance this work.

Susan Meabh Kelly (University of Connecticut: Storrs Mansfield, CT), Michelle Ellis (Hunter Huss High School: Gastonia, NC)

DNA Exonerations: Using DNA to Exonerate the Wrongfully Convicted

Saturday, May 1 • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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This session will provide an overview of our restructuring of a popular biology lab, DNA forensics, covering the same skills but using wrongful conviction cases.

1. How DNA technology can be used not only to identify criminals but to exonerate the wrongfully convicted; 2. How DNA technology can be presented in the classroom in a social context that can open discussions about issues like mass incarceration and the presumption of guilt; and 3. How population genetics underlies identification using DNA.

Hanako Osuga (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center), Jason Foster (Evanston Township High School: Evanston, IL), Gretchen Kraig-Turner (Burlington Edison High School: Burlington, WA), Jeanne Chowning (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center: No City, No State)

Responsive Assessment

Saturday, May 1 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Question Map.pdf

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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Why should all students in a class receive the same aseesment questions? Technology tools enable us to tailor assessments for each of our students.

1. One size does NOT fit all; 2. Google Forms can deliver test questions that match student achievement; and 3. Building a more inclusive classroom benefits everyone.

James Gaffey (Saint Ignatius College Prep: Chicago, IL)

The Journey Back: Leveraging Data Tools and EdTech in the Post-COVID Classroom

Saturday, May 1 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
DITC Coastal and Ocean Acidification Teacher Guide
Background content and lesson descriptions
DITC Coastal and Ocean Acidification Worksheets (Levels 1-5)
These worksheets (fillable PDFs) accompany the online lessons.
DITC Coastal and Ocean Acidification Worksheets ANSWERS
The answer key to the worksheets that accompany the online lessons.

STRAND: Continuing Effective Distance Learning Strategies Post-COVID

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Engage in a lesson from NOAA’s Data in the Classroom to explore some effective engagement and assessment tools and technologies for the post-COVID classroom.

1. Keep experimenting with EdTech inside and outside of your classrooms; 2. Utilize EdTech for assessment and engagement of all learners in the classroom; and 3. Access scientific data from NOAA to help students evaluate claims, construct arguments, and better understand the world around them.

Amy Dean (Jewish Community High School of the Bay: San Francisco, CA)

NARST-Sponsored Session: Affirming Science Experiences in a STEM-Focused Urban High School

Saturday, May 1 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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“When the learning experience is fun and sometimes a challenge, that intrigues me.” Participants will engage with materials/activities that advance a scientifically and culturally responsive perspective that is affirming for racial, ethnic, and linguistically diverse high-achieving students.

Participants will learn about: 1. science classroom cultures that are affirming and inclusive; and 2. hands-on STEM experiences that promote strong science identities.

Jennifer Tripp (University at Buffalo, SUNY: Buffalo, NY), Noemi Waight (University at Buffalo, SUNY: Buffalo, NY)

So You Want to Teach? Examining Perceptions of Careers in STEM Education

Wednesday, May 5 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

STRAND: Social Emotional Learning and the Science Classroom

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Through research conducted by the Growing Future STEM Teachers in Maine grant, this presentation explores the upsides, downsides, and enticements of secondary STEM teaching.

Participants will: 1. explore perceptions of careers in STEM secondary education; 2. understand factors that influence interest in STEM fields; and 3. identify evidence-based practices for preparation and retention of high-quality secondary STEM teachers.

Patricia Waters (Saint Joseph's College of Maine: Standish, ME)

Preservice Day Session: Making Science Fairs More Equitable Online

Wednesday, May 5 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Science Fair Project Mentor Videos
View presentations made by our science fair mentors!
Science Fair Website
This is the website we created for the science fair.

STRAND: Continuing Effective Distance Learning Strategies Post-COVID

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Come hear how preservice teachers organized and hosted a virtual science fair that aligns with the NGSS science practices—and learn how to do this yourself!

Learn how: 1. to hold a science fair virtually; 2. to align the traditional science fair project with the NGSS science and engineering practices; and 3. preservice teachers can learn from this real-world practicum experience.

Debi Hanuscin (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA), Isabel Martian (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA), Emily Moran (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA), Shannon Sandburg (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA), Ruby Pappas (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA), Emily Barr (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA), Andrew Bumgarner (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA), Kady McCartney (Western Washington University: Bellingham, WA)

An Overview of NSF Funding Opportunities to Support STEM Teacher Preparation Efforts

Thursday, May 6 • 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA 2021_NoyceIUSE.pdf

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Overview of NSF funding opportunities to support science preservice and inservice teacher education.

1. Gain knowledge about NSF funding opportunities for STEM teacher educators; 2. Know do's and don'ts for submitting NSF proposals to Division of Undergraduate Education (DUE); and 3. Identify STEM teacher education priority areas for DUE submissions.

Sandra Richardson (National Science Foundation: Alexandria, VA)

ASTC-Sponsored Session: The Art of Facilitating Observation: Strategies to Deepen Scientific Literacy

Thursday, May 6 • 6:30 PM - 7:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Create a Nature Journal - Activity Sheet
Owl - Know, Want to know, Learned Chart - Pre Lesson Activity
The Art of Facilitating Observation_ Strategies to Deepen Scientific Literacy - NSTA 2021.pptx
Wolf and Coyote Skull - Compare Contrast
Wolf and Coyote Skull - Compare Contrast - Detailed

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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A 21st-century museum will share strategies developed through school partnerships that strengthen student language and listening skills while meeting Next Generation Science Standards.

Attendees will: 1. be introduced to strategies to practice student-led, evidence-based discussions about scientific concepts; 2. see the application of this open inquiry technique for in-person or digital learning; and 3. experience the process in action.

Kerri Ziemann (The Wild Center: Tupper Lake, NY), Michael Trumbower (The Wild Center: Tupper Lake, NY)

Effective Questioning Strategies to Engage Students in STEM

Saturday, May 8 • 3:30 PM - 4:15 PM

STRAND: Integrating Science and Literacy

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Collaborate and share tools that can be used either in person or in a distance-learning environment. Discover how you can use these tools in the science classroom, especially with STEM projects and competitions.

1. Collaborate and share tools that can be used either in person or in a distance-learning environment; 2. Discover how you can use these tools in the science classroom, especially with STEM projects and competitions; and 3. Engage with educators that are interested in improving science literacy with K-12 students via interactive engagement strategies for students.

Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Building the Foundations for an Equitable and Inclusive STEM Program

Saturday, May 8 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

STRAND: Supporting Equity in the Science Classroom

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This session will provide a framework for how to develop a STEM program. The presentation will include an example of a STEM strategic plan that promotes equity and inclusion.

Session participants will learn: 1. a process for developing STEM curricula and programming; 2. how to begin to address equity issues; and 3. methods for including student voice and agency into a STEM program.

Carol Larson (Indiana Connections Academy: Oak Lawn, IN), Naomi Nelson (Christel House Academy: Indianapolis, IN)

ASTC-Sponsored Session: Equity and Inclusion with ELL—Science Speaks for ALL

Saturday, May 8 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

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The Museum of Science and Industry Chicago developed through practice, research, and evaluation bilingual science programming for Spanish-speaking audiences based on the community needs.

1. Creating opportunities for English Language Learners; 2. Promoting inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in teaching and learning; and 3. Building bridges between formal and informal STEM education.

Sara Raposo (Museum of Science and Industry: Chicago, IL), Nick Joseph (Museum of Science and Industry: Chicago, IL)

Fueling Success with Students—Win Up to $10K!

Saturday, May 8 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Instructional Method and Teaching Philosophy questions
Shell Award winner - Gary Koppelman
Shell Award winner - Jose Rivas
Shell Award winner - Kristen Poindexter
Shell Programs flyer

STRAND: Community and Global Impacts on Classroom Learning

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Do you impact your school and community with STEM? If you teach K–12, come learn how to apply to win one of eight Shell-supported awards.

1. Learn how to apply for a Shell-sponsored award; 2. begin your application or nomination of a Shell-sponsored program and receive a prize; and 3. collaborate with past winners and judges to learn how to strengthen your application.

Amanda Upton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Richard Embrick (Wright Junior High: No City, No State)

Summer STEM Institute Goes Virtual: Creating an Engaging STEM Learning Program

Saturday, May 8 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

STRAND: Continuing Effective Distance Learning Strategies Post-COVID

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We will share the strategies and activities that made our first virtual STEM institute an engaging and educational experience for diverse upper elementary and middle level youth.

Participants will: 1. identify best practices for engaging youth in informal STEM experiences, including an end-of-summer celebration; 2. learn how we delivered programming in STEM with multiple grade-level bands; and 3. gain a list of valuable resources we used to teach scientific concepts, including how we created and distributed kits.

Demetrice Smith-Mutegi (Old Dominion University: Norfolk, VA)

Urban Science Educator Discussion and Panel

Saturday, May 8 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

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Educators share challenges and strategies to enhance STEM learning in the urban environment. A variety of real-world issues and their successful solutions will be shared.

1. Engage with educators who have led their school systems to meet various challenges; 2. Learn from successful programs; and 3. Discuss relevant issues related to urban science educators.

Michelle Ellis (Hunter Huss High School: Gastonia, NC), Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Pat Shane (UNC-Chapel Hill Emerita: , NC), Brad Rhew (Guilford County Schools: No City, No State), Rabiah Harris (Ida B Wells Middle School: No City, No State), Mary Beth Berrien (Greenfield Commonwealth Virtual School: Greenfield, MA), Charles Hayes (Highland Oaks Elementary School: Memphis, TN)

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