NSTA Engage: Spring21

May 12-8, 2021

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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Rooms and times subject to change.
6 results
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Up to Code: Challenging and Engaging Learners Through Coding

Wednesday, April 14 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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Challenge and assess 21st-century learners through coding! We’ll explore code-based assessment or extension options related to a variety of NGSS Practices and Core Ideas.

1. Challenging students to think critically and creatively through science-based coding projects builds competency in 21st-century skills while providing an innovative assessment opportunity; 2. Science practices and core ideas can be assessed through projects requiring varying levels of coding proficiency; and 3. Allowing students to creatively express their understanding of ideas can promote equity in access to computer science, enhance motivation and achievement, and provide another avenue for students to recognize their strengths.

Ashley Townsend (Oak Grove Primary School: Prairieville, LA)

How Can We Make Something New That Was Not There Before? Explore How to Support Student Sensemaking Through Three-Dimensional Assessment

Wednesday, April 21 • 5:00 PM - 5:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA - OpenSciEd Bath Bombs - Sensemaking through 3D assessments.pdf
Student Arguments_ Bath Bombs (NSTA Engage21).pdf

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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In this presentation, participants will be introduced to the Chemical Reactions unit and how three-dimensional assessment is embedded throughout the unit to support student sensemaking.

Participants will understand: 1. the anchoring phenomena for the unit; 2. the storyline for the unit and how it supports coherence from the student perspective; and 3. the embedded assessments and features of the instructional model that supports all students in successful sensemaking.

Jamie Noll (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO), Dawn Novak (Northwestern University: Evanston, IL)

NGSS-Focused Summative Classroom Assessments of Three-Dimensional Learning

Saturday, April 24 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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Explore benchmark assessments and scoring guides you can use to assess students’ three-dimensional learning related to middle school performance expectations.

1. True 3-D assessments incorporate the SEP, CCC, and DCI for a PE in such a way as to elicit student responses demonstrating knowledge of all dimensions; 2. Phenomena and scenarios provide context for assessments that help elicit 3-D responses from students; and 3. Attention to potential equity, access, and bias supports the design of assessments that better elicit demonstration of knowledge and understanding from all students.

Maia Binding (The Lawrence Hall of Science: Berkeley, CA)

Beyond a Test: Alternative Assessments in Science

Wednesday, April 28 • 4:00 PM - 4:45 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Beyond a Test: Alternative Assessments in Science Presentation

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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Attendees will learn about unique and interactive assessments that go beyond multiple choice tests. These options offer learners a variety of ways to demonstrate their mastery of content. Varied assessment options will be explored, including alternative testing questions, interactive assessments, concept maps, and projects.

1. Attendees will learn about alternate ways of assessing student learning that allows all learners to demonstrate mastery of content; 2. Alternate midterm and final exams options will be shared; and 3. Attendees will learn how to create valid assessments for English Learners.

Stephanie Matson (Thomas Worthington High School: Columbus, OH), Kimberly Thesing (Thomas Worthington High School: Columbus, OH)

Experience Kinematics: Using Data to Understand Motion

Thursday, April 29 • 5:30 PM - 6:15 PM

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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Learn what representations and data your students can use to bridge phenomena and mathematics, and how to assess kinematics understanding, as opposed to rote algebra skills.

1. Using authentic data from real, open-access journal articles to model motion; 2. Students using multiple representations to shift back and forth from pictures, graphs, and math; and 3. Assessing students' understanding through their performance using real data.

Christopher Moore (University of Nebraska Omaha: Omaha, NE)

Responsive Assessment

Saturday, May 1 • 4:30 PM - 5:15 PM

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Question Map.pdf

STRAND: Reimagining Assessment

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Why should all students in a class receive the same aseesment questions? Technology tools enable us to tailor assessments for each of our students.

1. One size does NOT fit all; 2. Google Forms can deliver test questions that match student achievement; and 3. Building a more inclusive classroom benefits everyone.

James Gaffey (Saint Ignatius College Prep: Chicago, IL)

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