2022 Chicago National Conference

July 21-23, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:PreK - 5, Keynote Address, Adapting Virtual Learning to Increase Access and Participation in a Face-to-Face Classroom, Inquiry


Rooms and times subject to change.
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Battling Ignorance: 4 Words That Can Change The World

Friday, July 22 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375e

STRAND: No Strand

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Changing the world sounds like a tall order. But in reality, educators play their role to help change the world every day. Join Stephen Pruitt, former science teacher and science/policy leader, for a humorous, yet important discussion about the critical role of teachers in changing the world. Dr. Pruitt will share his experiences, both personal and professional, to remind us of the power of teachers in his life and as we recover from COVID. Dr. Pruitt has long been a member of NSTA and has worked for the national importance of science education and the support of teachers. His comical storytelling and somewhat unique look at the world will engage and inspire you as we all continue the fight against ignorance.

About the Speaker
Stephen PruittStephen Pruitt is the sixth president of the Southern Regional Education Board in July 2018. Under his leadership, SREB has continued its work on college and career readiness, postsecondary attainment, workforce preparation, learning environment, and support of the SREB states’ policy and education leaders to improve the education systems for each student.

During his career, Dr. Pruitt has amassed education policy, assessment, and instructional background at the local, state, and national levels.

Before coming to SREB, Dr. Pruitt was Kentucky’s state commissioner of education. At the national level, he had worked closely with state agencies and educators around the country to improve policy and practice in science education. In Georgia, Dr. Pruitt began his career as a high school science teacher and subsequently served in several roles for the Georgia Department of Education. Dr. Pruitt can be reached via email, [email protected], or followed on Twitter, @DrSPruitt.

Stephen Pruitt (Southern Regional Education Board: Atlanta, GA)

A STEM Journey Written in the Stars: From Gazing at the Wonder of our Galaxy to Designing Propulsion Systems for Spacecraft and Satellites

Saturday, July 23 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375e

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Despite Nikesha Davis growing up in a family of educators, STEM still seemed like a foreign language, until the right teacher came along. Join Davis, aerospace engineer and NASA’s GSFC Propulsion Chief, as she discusses changing the narrative of STEM in a student’s everyday life, and the benefits that science in use, and language in use play not only in the classroom, but at NASA, and in life in general. Her goal is to inspire students, parents, families, and educators on the engineering around us, as we prepare our students to change the world.

About the Speaker
Nikesha DavisMs. Nikesha Davis is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland. She has worked in NASA’s Mission Engineering and Systems Analysis (MESA) Division for the past twelve years. Nikesha is the Branch Head of the Propulsion Branch at GSFC. Here she manages liquid and chemical propulsion system design, analysis, and fabrication efforts. This work includes larger spacecrafts and satellites, down to CubeSats and SmallSats, in addition to research in the propulsion arena. In addition to these duties, Nikesha is continuing efforts as the Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) Product Development Lead for the Plankton, Aerosol, Could, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission. A remote sensing, $805 million mission which launches in December 2023. In this capacity, Nikesha is responsible for coordinating efforts to deliver the Attitude Control System, Flight Dynamics System, and GN&C Hardware for the PACE project.

Ms. Davis enjoys volunteering in the community, through NASA and other programs, and is very passionate about spreading the word about STEM fields and broadening the understanding of what engineers do. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Spelman College, and a bachelor’s and master’s in aerospace engineering, and systems engineering respectively from the University of Alabama Huntsville.


Nikesha Davis (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)

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