2022 Chicago National Conference

July 21-23, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:6 - 8, Developing Scientific Literacy in the Science and STEM Classroom, Equity


Rooms and times subject to change.
56 results
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Lunch: Elements of Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

Wednesday, July 20 • 11:45 AM - 12:45 PM

Hyatt Regency McCormick Place - Regency Ballroom

STRAND: No Strand

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By Invitation Only

Shifting from traditional professional development to curriculum-based professional learning is a simple concept but complex to design and execute well. At its core, it means teachers experience the same kind of inquiry-based learning we expect them to provide their students. Learn more about a Carnegie Corporation of New York report, The Elements, which identifies a core set of research-based actions, approaches, and enabling conditions that effective schools and systems have put in place to reinforce and amplify the power of high-quality curriculum and skillful teaching.

1. Examine beliefs and assumptions regarding the relationship between high-quality instructional materials, curriculum-based professional learning and student success 2. Gain understanding of the foundation for The Elements, a challenge paper from Carnegie Corporation of New York 3. Learn from science practitioners whose successful curriculum implementation efforts are grounded in the elements and essentials.

Jim Short (Carnegie Corporation of New York: Ridgefield, CT)

Increasing Scientific Literacy: Strategies, Free Activities, and Resources That Work!

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - W178a

STRAND: Developing Scientific Literacy in the Science and STEM Classroom

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Participants will learn strategies and receive numerous resources that increase students’ scientific literacy. The hands-on approach has participants engaged in the activities, games, and more.

Attendees will: 1. learn new strategies for incorporating scientific literacy into their lessons; and 2. receive numerous activities, templates, games, and other resources to help with doing this. These resources can be used “as is” or modified to allow for differentiation based on the needs of the learners. Strategies and resources will include ones effective with ELL and EC students.

Iris Mudd (Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools: Winston Salem, NC)

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) - An Effective Approach to Ensuring an Inclusive Science Classroom

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375a

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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The Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines are a tool that can be used to design learning experiences that meet the needs of all learners (CAST, 2018). Instructional designers and teachers can use these principles to create learning environments that reduce barriers to access for all students, while keeping in mind the learning goals of the lesson. The three guiding principles of UDL are engagement, representation, and action and expression. In this session educators will be provided with examples of these principles in action in sample materials from OpenSciEd and classroom videos. In these examples, participating will identify how the materials have been purposefully designed with multiple avenues for engagement, representation, and action and expression. Additionally, they will identify the built-in supports for teachers to highlight student assets and to address potential barriers to learning for their local student population. Teachers will utilize a tool to help them analyze their own lessons to identify goals, potential barriers, and ways to use the UDL Principles to remove barriers and create flexible paths to learning.

Teachers will utilize a tool to help them analyze their own lessons to identify goals, potential barriers, and ways to use the UDL Principles to remove barriers and create flexible paths to learning.

Sarah Delaney (OpenSciEd: San Carlos, CA)

Linking Literature and STEM in the PreK-8 Classroom

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: SAE International

Attendees will explore different methods and student & teacher resources for enhancing real-world STEM skills with meaning-making literature. Using AWIM's award-winning STEM curriculum and complementary comic & children's books as examples, teachers will engage in discussions and hands-on activities they can facilitate in their classrooms. This workshop will also address how diverse representation in storytelling can foster more accessible & impactful STEM learning for all students. Participants will receive a free AWIM book.

Learn methods and resources for incorporating age-appropriate literature into hands-on STEM activities.

Bonnie Thibodeau (SAE International: Warrendale, PA)

How to Seriously Succeed Through Play: The Research Behind Game-Based Learning

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - W190b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Legends of Learning One Pager - National 2022.pdf
Math Basecamp White Paper

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Sponsoring Company: Legends of Learning

Attendees will learn how employing game-based learning (GBL) engages and develops all learners. Understand how games empower students, develop critical thinking skills, provide instant feedback (and more) to develop content mastery as well as social-emotional learning. Game-Based Learning: encourages players to take risks without fear of failure, provides instant feedback that takes advantage of the richest teachable moments, creates individualized experiences through student agency, develops 21st century skills such as critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity, allows students to experience that actions have ramifications, and invites all students to engage, providing expanded opportunities for equitable learning. Attendees will experience examples of each of these benefits, discuss how they could apply to their own classrooms, and will learn about the research that supports them. Attendees will collaborate with each other as they explore and discuss concepts during the session. They will also investigate how to apply game-based learning to creating experiences that address their own learning objectives.

Apply game-based learning to make a difference to your students.

Janet Pittock (director: , CA)

Ecological Justice: Why Education Is Our Best Defense

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375e

STRAND: No Strand

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From A Silent Spring, The Limits to Growth and Population Bomb of the 1960s and 70s to today’s planetary boundary science, overshoot, and creating a safe and just space for humanity, some would say that “the science is in” and that it is pretty gloomy. Additionally, now in the frenetic information age, humans are overwhelmingly aware of the multitude of crises we face as a species. Our collective mental health is tanking. Knowing our predicament is one thing, but knowing what to do about it is another. Education may be one of our most powerful tools. However, delivery, content, and reach are impaired by multiple factors including politics, economics, religion, and the numerous influences affecting everyone’s social construction of knowledge. This presentation will share examples from the fields of environmental, conservation, and humane education and then focus on the potential promise of comprehensive education for ecological justice.

About the Speaker
Sarah BexellSarah M. Bexell is clinical associate professor with the Graduate School of Social Work and Director of Humane Education with the Institute for Human-Animal Connection, both at the University of Denver, Colorado. Sarah is also a faculty member teaching Animal Protection for the Institute for Humane Education at Antioch University New England and senior advisor to the Education Department of the Chengdu Research Base for Giant Pandas, China. She teaches and does research in the areas of ecological justice, humane education, and animal protection.

Sarah Bexell (University of Denver: Denver, CO)

The Meaning Beyond the Words

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W178a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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For years, research on the language of classrooms explored how the way we say things impacts students’ sense of belonging. This session uses the NSTA Teacher Tip Tuesday—The Meaning Beyond The Words: How Language, Race, and Culture Impact Science Teaching and Learning web seminar to consider how we signal to students that we value their ideas and how they communicate those ideas in the science classroom and what we can do as educators to help ensure our students know they belong in the classroom and can do science. Participants will learn about opportunities to continue the learning after the session ends through NSTA’s new Professional Learning Units.

1. Become aware of how we signal (or don’t signal) to students their ideas and how they communicate their ideas are valued in the science classroom; and 2. Learn strategies to support students in building on their ideas and each other's ideas to move toward building deep conceptual understanding of big ideas in science (disciplinary core ideas).

Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Broaden Science Participation: Unpack “Analyze & Interpret” to Teach Data As an Equalizer

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W179b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Access to Resource Document
Complete this Google Form to access the Resource Document and a slide deck from the workshop.

STRAND: Learn and Lead: Developing a Community for Expanded Participation in Science and STEM

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We live in a data-driven world, and our students will be working in a data-driven workforce. Therefore, it is critical that our Pre-K-12 students learn foundational data literacy skills. However, currently these skills are too often only taught in upper-level classes. All students need these skills and all students, down to our little Pre-Kers, can work with and make sense of science data. Let’s make sure data is an equalizer, rather than another divider in our educational system and society! Join us as we explore what perception and learning science tell us about how our brains process data. We will experience research-based strategies and freely available resources to build science knowledge and self-efficacy through data. Finally, we will explore ways to adapt our existing curriculum activities and data visualizations to help our students more equitably access science. Through hands-on activities and group discussions, participants will leave more empowered to leverage data and data visualizations into their science content in purposeful ways for all learners. Working with and learning science from data fosters critical thinking skills, lifelong interests in science, and facilitates learners’ overall 21st century skills. Let’s set all of our students up for success!

Participants will identify how data literacy is a critical aspect of science literacy in the 21st century for all students and ways to adjust existing curriculum to leverage data as entry points into science inquiry, sensemaking, and knowledge for all learners to see themselves in STEM.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

Advancing Science Instruction with Social-Emotional Learning

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W475a

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Sponsoring Company: Great Minds

Explore the five social-emotional competencies as defined by CASEL. Research instructional routines that foster these competencies and learn how to incorporate these routines in your classroom.

PhD Science® was designed with the research-based understanding that social, emotional, and academic learning are interconnected multidirectionally.

Ranell Blue (Great Minds: Washington, DC), Isaac Stauffer (Amplify Science: Chicago, IL)

A Holistic Approach to Building Community

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W185b-c

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Slide Deck_NSTA Chicago 2022

STRAND: Coping in Resilience in Science and STEM Teaching

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Finding support and collaboration, especially in rural settings, can be challenging for educators. The Interstate Science Collaborative (ISC) was formed by state science leaders from a handful of rural states to provide free professional learning for the teachers they serve. Fall and spring book study sessions and a summer learning series were offered with considerations toward equitable participation including making the sessions virtual, being mindful of schedules and capacity, and providing continuing education credits. Feedback from the sessions centered around appreciation from participants for the opportunity to connect with teachers from other states to discuss and share in conversations around common problems of practice. In addition to providing support for educators, the ISC became a safe space for the founding members to share challenges and successes in their own work. Join this presentation to learn about how to set up a professional community in your context that will not only support student learning but can also become a way to create the comradery and community we all need as educators.

Participants will engage in whole and small group discussion to learn about and share strategies to build a professional community that not only focuses on how to improve student learning but also creates a support network for educators.

Sharon Cates (Phenomenon Science Education: Novato, CA), Christy Krenek (Santa Fe Public Schools), Shannon Wachowski (EdReports.org: Fort Collins, CO)

Using the NSTA Sensemaking Tool to Support Creating, Revising, and Selecting High-Quality Science Lessons

Thursday, July 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Gain experience using the NSTA Sensmaking Tool to become critical consumers of curricular materials and support creating/revising lessons for sensemaking.

1. Learn how to use the NSTA Sensemaking Tool to review science lessons for the four critical aspects of sensemaking; and 2. Understand how to use the Sensemaking Tool to support creating and revising existing science lessons for sensemaking.

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Effective Intervention Strategies: Let’s Hook Students into Learning

Thursday, July 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W470a

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Explore several intervention strategies to help struggling students in STEM, moving beyond differentiation and scaffolding. Learn other proven intervention techniques and discover how to modify traditional outreach to connect with students so that they gain greater understanding.

Explore several intervention strategies to help struggling students in STEM.

Leslie Spaeny (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Jacque Garcia (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Developing school-based science teacher leadership through a collaborative learning community.

Thursday, July 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W181b

STRAND: Learn and Lead: Developing a Community for Expanded Participation in Science and STEM

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Participants will be introduced to an ongoing partnership between Chicago Public Schools and Loyola University Chicago in which 40 K-8 teachers participated in a Master Teacher Leadership Cohort to support the rollout of a newly-adopted science curriculum. The cohort supports teachers in becoming leaders in their schools and across the district, ensuring a greater impact on underrepresented students by removing barriers to appropriate grade-level content and high-quality instruction. We will begin by highlighting activities from the cohort that develop teacher knowledge of the NGSS and best practices in science instruction, including learning cycle action plans and other strategies to make practice public and engage in collaborative problem-solving (20 min). We will then share strategies for the development of teacher leadership, including case study work, leadership self-assessment and goal-setting, and leadership breakout discussions, where teachers were invited to share individual areas of expertise in science teacher leadership. (15 min) We will then engage participants in preparing for two of the cohort activities: an instructional strategy share-out (“pineapple share”) and leadership breakout discussions. (15 min) We will end with thoughts from a teacher leader in the cohort about how to recruit, retain, and engage teachers in this type of community. (10 min)

Participants will leave this session with the tools they can use to develop collaboration, leadership, and high-quality science instruction among science teacher leaders.

Andre Botello (Chicago Public Schools: Chicago, IL), Julie Jacobi (Loyola University Chicago: Chicago, IL), Allison Grandberry (Chicago Public Schools: Chicago, IL), Kayla Cherry (Loyola University Chicago: Chicago, IL)

Geometric String Art: Something for Everyone!

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W180

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Geometric String Art.pdf

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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During this session, I will provide participants with black card stock, needles, string, graph paper and tape. We will start by creating the artwork as this will fuel the discussion later. I will walk participants through the steps using a guided slideshow with pictures. They will be given multiple options and allowed to experiment with their selections. I will give them time to work at their tables to create their art and walk around to help. The discussion portion will happen after the art creation. I will ask the groups to share their art with their table. The valuable portion of the session is when we will brainstorm the modifications that can be done to help all students access this activity. I will ask groups to discuss and share out as I create a list. I will add any modifications not already mentioned. Next, I would like the groups to discuss how this can be used in their classes, including the modifications they would need to suit their students. As a take away, participants will have a note taking sheet, access to the slideshow (includes examples and instructions), list of supplies needed and where to purchase, their beautiful artwork, and valuable discussions.

In addition to the art work, participants will leave with ideas, templates and modifications for a variety of students.

Terri Serey (Orange Grove Middle School: Hacienda Heights, CA)

Effective Discourse Strategies for Creating Inclusive STEM Classrooms

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W181a

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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This session by members of NSTA’s Professional Learning Committee is designed to help teachers deepen their understanding of the effective and practical strategies to facilitate academic discourse that promotes inclusive science and STEM classrooms. Participants will engage in a variety of instructional strategies to ensure that all students have access to scientific discourse, and opportunities to collaborate with peers, through intentional planning. Participants will engage in a variety of formative assessment classroom techniques (FACTS) from Page Keeley’s Uncovering Student Ideas texts, including commit and toss, pro/con pairs, structured think-pair-share, and more. In addition, we will be discussing the shift away from traditional talk patterns- like I-R-E (Initiate, Response, Evaluation) and towards Productive Talk to promote an inclusive science and STEM classroom where discourse supports student sensemaking. Finally, we will provide resources and discussion around the “lead4ward Instructional Strategies Playlist”, which provides teachers with detailed descriptions of specific, instructional strategies. Links to additional discourse resources will also be provided. The instructional strategies used in this presentation will promote student engagement, differentiation, and scientific understanding to help form a more inclusive learning environment where all students can participate in scientific discourse.

Participants will experience a variety of impactful instructional strategies that promote scientific discourse to help create an inclusive STEM learning environment.

Kimberley Astle (Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction: Olympia, WA), Rebecca Garelli (Arizona Science Teachers Association), Angela McMurry (The Ohio Academy of Science: Dublin, OH)

Data, Tables, Graphs, Oh My! Strategies to Get All Students Doing & Speaking Science

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W176c

STRAND: Using Inquiry-Based STEM to Facilitate Learning for ALL

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We are naturally curious, prone to ask why? How? What? Unfortunately, somewhere along the way students lose the trust in their voices to ask questions of and from data. But data are what we use to do science and it permeates all aspects of society today. What should we do? Stop teaching the vocabulary of science and data first, and instead leverage classroom-ready strategies to empower students to lead with their innate curiosity to practice critical 21st century data literacy skills and master the science content. Join us to explore connections between our science content, inquiry-based activities, and data skills. We will experience research-based strategies and freely available resources for integrating phenomenon-based and local data into our science instruction to promote science literacy and student empowerment. We will participate in activities ourselves and reflect on approaches for how to bring these into our classrooms. Participants will leave more empowered to integrate data into their science content in purposeful ways to better help students do and communicate science. Working with and learning science from data fosters critical thinking skills, lifelong interests in science, and facilitates learners’ overall self-identity as a scientist. Let’s set all of our students up for success!

Participants will identify how data literacy is a critical aspect of science literacy in the 21st century, how students can do a lot more with data than we often think or presume from their science vocabulary alone, and how to leverage existing strategies to authentically integrate data into 6-12 science instruction to teach their science content and increase literacy simultaneously.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

Executive Function Supports for Creating Inclusive Science Classrooms

Thursday, July 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:10 PM

McCormick Place - W179a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: No Strand

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Come learn about simple, applicable strategies to support your students' executive function skills in the science classroom, with an emphasis on project planning, organization, flexible thinking, and time management.

Attendees will identify the educational impact of the 11 main executive functions, as well as learn concrete strategies for supporting their students in both general and special education settings.

Krista Northcutt (New Way Academy: Phoenix, AZ)

Meet Me in the Middle, Lite: A Share-a-Thon

Thursday, July 21 • 3:40 PM - 5:40 PM

McCormick Place - W183b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
UIC Teacher Fellows Info
Informational Flyer on Teacher Fellows program to develop classroom learning companion robots

STRAND: No Strand

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Engage in a variety of activities, collect information and resources, and network with middle level leaders. Discover new ideas and materials that you can use next week.

The participants will network with other middle level science educators and leaders to discover and engage in activities that will expand their knowledge and be usable in all aspects of their work.

Mary Lou Lipscomb (National Middle Level Science Teachers Association: Naperville, IL), Alison Seymour (Winchester College: No City, No State), Carey Dieleman (National Science Teaching Association: No City, No State), Loris Chen (none: Indiana, PA), Cynthia Crockett (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian: Cambridge, MA), Suzanne Cunningham (Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN), Katy Garvey (The Source for Learning, Inc.: Reston, VA), Nicole Green (Animalearn: Jenkintown, PA), Joseph Michaelis (University of Illinois Chicago: Chicago, IL), Kim Nagle (Brooks Middle School: Bolingbrook, IL), Cori Nelson (Winfield School District 34: Winfield, IL), Anne Schoeffler (Seton Catholic School: Ottumwa, IA), Dennis Schatz (Institute for Learning Innovation: Beaverton, OR), Alison Seymour (Winchester College: No City, No State), Corydon Strawser (Lake Nona Middle School: Orlando, FL), Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA), Barbara Phillips-Bredlow (Northeast Nodaway School District: Ravenwood, MO), Dawn Konieczny (Brooks Middle School: Bolingbrook, IL), Erin Towns (Edward Little High School: Auburn, ME)

That doesn't look like a science fair!

Thursday, July 21 • 4:25 PM - 4:55 PM

McCormick Place - W179a

STRAND: Adapting Virtual Learning to Increase Access and Participation in a Face-to-Face Classroom

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This session is designed to help teachers deepen their understanding of the effective and practical strategies needed to facilitate a successful science fair competition or symposium in either a face-to-face or hybrid environment. Participants will be provided with a variety of instructional strategies and free curriculum materials to ensure that all students have access to a social learning platform that will encourage opportunities to collaborate with peers and mentors through intentional planning. The instructional strategies used in this presentation will promote student engagement, differentiation, and scientific understanding to help form a more inclusive learning environment within the classroom and within the district community.

--Participants will experience a variety of impactful instructional strategies that promote authentic scientific research and presentation to promote access to equitable future opportunities for students regarding college and/or career endeavors

Angela McMurry (The Ohio Academy of Science: Dublin, OH)

Approaches to Assessment and Grading that Support Student Sensemaking

Friday, July 22 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375a

STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the Science and STEM Classroom

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As educators shift their teaching practice to align with the Framework for K-12 Science and the NGSS, they face various challenges and barriers. One pressing challenge is how to align their new approach to teaching and learning with existing assessment and grading systems. In this session, we will present provide examples of 3D assessments and associated scoring guidance. Participants will review student work for these sample assessments and identify evidence of understanding. They will collaborate with others in the session and determine how they would give grades based on set criteria. The second part of the session will highlight different approaches to grading based on local grading expectations (e.g., standards-based grading, daily grade requirements, or 100 point-based systems). Participants will leave the session with approaches to assessment and grading that support student sensemaking and honor the diverse resources students bring to the classroom.

Participants will leave the session with approaches to assessment and grading that support student sensemaking and honor the diverse resources students bring to the classroom.

Sarah Delaney (OpenSciEd: San Carlos, CA)

Formative Fundamentals - Designing meaningful assessment opportunities in an inclusive science curriculum

Friday, July 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W181c

STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the Science and STEM Classroom

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In this session, we will look at current research on the purpose and method of formative assessment. We will then pair the research with student work samples to examine different methods of providing meaningful and actionable feedback to encourage student growth. We will also reflect on our assessment practices through the lens of creating equitable classrooms to ensure that all of our students learn at their potential. This session’s formative assessment focus will also extend to designing science storylines with an emphasis on universal design for learning. We will highlight tools that all students can use in order to have access to content. We will examine opportunities for incorporating social-emotional learning in meaningful ways as we strive to encourage all students to think like scientists. We will culminate the session with a discussion on intentionally cultivating student agency. Join this interactive session to elevate how you are using formative assessment to drive student learning.

Attendees will leave with practical classroom strategies for elevating the importance of formative assessment and meaningful feedback to foster student inclusive science classrooms.

Mike Jones (Illinois State University: Normal, IL)

Taking the Next Steps with Vocabulary: New Strategies to Increase Word Relationships

Friday, July 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W470a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Are you looking for an engaging and innovative way to get your students to understand not only the meaning of a word, but how it fits into the bigger picture? Put on your thinking cap and join us as we use vocabulary to take students on a learning adventure! Experience ways to zoom in and zoom out of science content using a variety of differentiated strategies and structures. Take these ideas straight back to your classroom for immediate use. Great for intervention!

Explore intervention strategies to help struggling students in STEM.

Jacque Garcia (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

TEST Speed Sharing: Creating a Classroom Culture That Supports Equitable Participation

Friday, July 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W183a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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Join the members of NSTA as they share how to create a classroom culture that supports equitable participation, and learn how to implement these best practices within your own classroom. A roundtable discussion will follow.

Sharing of ideas on creating a classroom culture that supports equitable participation

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Kristin Rademaker (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Holly Hereau (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Building a Classroom Community for ALL Students

Friday, July 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W184b-c

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Creating A Learning Community
Slides and resources for establishing a classroom community.

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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Creating an equitable classroom requires the creation of a learning community that integrates supports for all students to succeed. Learn how to use common strategies with intentionality to build a classroom community that supports sensemaking. In this session participants will learn strategies that allow you to take your students to the next level as a community.

Participants will learn how different strategies can be used to support ALL learners to create a community that learns together.

Megan Caruso (Glenn Westlake Middle School: Lombard, IL), Randie Johnson (Glenn Westlake Middle School: Lombard, IL)

Connecting to Science Identities

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 32

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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This poster session connects phenomena-based teaching to Funds of Knowledge and the development of science identities.

Attendees will learn how to support language development in the science classroom. Attendees will learn about the research between developing science identities and success in science. Attendees will learn about Funds of Knowledge and its role in connecting students to the science classroom.

Helen Brandon (University of Illinois at Springfield: Springfield, IL)

The Impact of Informal Learning: Accessing and Infusing Inspiration, Education, and Hope into Children from Underserved Communities through Mobile STEM Workshops/Camps.

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 15

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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Babyscientist organizes/operates STEM workshops/camps in underserved communities engaging students in hands-on scientific experiments. We’re in the business of creating dreamers, believers, and creating scientist!

How our method of informal learning inspires and motivates children of color from underserved communities to pursue careers in STEM.

Kristy McDowell (Merrimack College: North Andover, MA)

Engaging Diverse Learners with Art Integration and Hands-On Science with Tardigrades

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 23

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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This study investigates sixth-grade special education students' achievement, competency beliefs, fascination, and engagement with science. Students learned about tardigrades by participating in a STEAM hands-on investigation. Comparable to this study, Christensen, Knezek, & Tyler-Wood (2015), found hands-on STEM activities were likely to cultivate engagement and maintain “positive dispositions” at middle school levels. Similarly, Hwang & Taylor (2016) found that accessibility through art integration with STEM, engaged and motivated students to participate. While previous studies such as these are significant, there is a lack of research focusing on diverse learners. During this study, students learned basic skills with dissecting and compound microscopes to examine tardigrades. Driving questions included tardigrades’ ability to survive extreme conditions. STEAM was integrated in the unit in the form of dance and painting. Summative assessments included a multiple-choice test with a constructed response question and an art component. Likert scale surveys were used to collect data for action research. The research question was: How do hands-on learning and art integration with tardigrades affect students’ achievement, competency beliefs, engagement and fascination with science? The unit was part of Research Topics in Plant Biology-Systematics at Southern Illinois University Carbondale and Robert Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program.

Participants will learn how hands-on learning and art integration with tardigrades affect students’ achievement, competency beliefs, engagement, and fascination with science.

April Bartnick (Carruthers Elementary School: Murphysboro, IL)

Fueling Success for Students: Win Up to $15K for Your Students and School

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W176a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Shell Combined flyer 2022-23.pdf
Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge checklist
Shell Science Lab Regional Challenge w-awards - Chicago.pdf

STRAND: No Strand

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Do you impact your school and community with STEM? If you teach K–12, come learn how to apply to win up to $15K through this teacher competition.

Learn how to apply for the Shell-sponsored teacher competition and two Shell-sponsored teacher awards.

Amanda Upton (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Ruth Ruud (Cleveland State University: Cleveland, OH)

Sparking Interest in Computer Science with Unplugged Activities

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: SAE International

With more states requiring computer science (CS) education for K-12 students, integrating computer science with other subject areas in a problem-based format is a practical way to expand students’ opportunities. Participants will learn about teaching “unplugged” lessons that support comprehension and application of concepts, to collaborative explorations that promote teamwork, creative problem-solving, and critical thinking. This interactive workshop will introduce AWIM’s CS curriculum series (including computational thinking, cybersecurity, and digital citizenship concepts) to demonstrate interactive methods for introducing students to basic computer programming and logic...even without computer access.

Discover activities, methods, and resources for facilitating effective & engaging computer science lessons independent of technology access.

Bonnie Thibodeau (SAE International: Warrendale, PA)

Leveraging the Last Dimension: Crosscutting Concepts Across Grade Levels

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W184a

STRAND: Learn and Lead: Developing a Community for Expanded Participation in Science and STEM

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In this workshop, participants will engage in an activity demonstrating the power of the CCCs as a tool for guiding student thinking and teacher collaboration.

The CCCs can be used as a tool to reach a desired learning objective while also vertically collaborating around the grade level–specific details they encompass.

Sarah Stults (Loyola University Chicago: Chicago, IL), Chandra James (Loyola University Chicago: Chicago, IL), Saswati Koya (Loyola University Chicago: Chicago, IL)

Light Your Classroom on Fire

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W181c

STRAND: Learn and Lead: Developing a Community for Expanded Participation in Science and STEM

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In Jan. 2018 a new partnership formed between Cobb Fire, UL Labs and Cobb County Schools. We joined forces to teach students about Fire Dynamics and career opportunities. This unique partnership allowed teachers and fire fighters to attend professional development together to learn how to implement the UL Fire Dynamics curriculum. Then the teachers and firefighters joined forces in the classroom to support the students as they experimented with fire properties and determined if it was a case of accident or arson. The students then have to submit a Claim, based on evidence they gathered during their research. Their reasoning must be supported. The local arson investigators from Cobb Fire attend the student presentations and give them feedback on the accuracy of their Claims. Students are learning about a variety of STEM applications in the fire service and the teachers are getting time with a variety of content experts. This program has been an excellent opportunity for students to make real world connections to science concepts they are learning in the classroom. Our fire department is using this as an opportunity to cultivate a more inclusive vision for fire service by spotlighting diversity in the fire department.

UL's FREE Fire forensic PBL investigation helps students apply what they've learned in class. Fire dynamics are a great phenomena to explore and engage students. Partnerships enhance classroom learning.

Sally Creel (Cobb County School District: Marietta, GA), Amy Gilbert (Griffin Middle School: Smyrna, GA)

Bringing 3D Learning Home and Back to School Again

Friday, July 22 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W181a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
3D Prompts_PPT_NSTA Chicago2022.pdf
Bringing 3D Learning Home(2).pdf

STRAND: Adapting Virtual Learning to Increase Access and Participation in a Face-to-Face Classroom

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Using CCCs can help organize and focus learning in a variety of settings. Out of necessity, we taught teachers to think deeply about connections to content and practices within the context of something they observed that was interesting to them while they were working from home. Examples learners chose that were relevant to them helped to connect personal experiences and interests with ordinary spaces and their science learning, and thus supported equitable engagement. Making these connections allowed teachers to recognize a multitude of science ideas and practices that could be connected to science standards at their instructional level, therefore developing new ideas. We refined this process and recognized that its flexibility can be taken back to the classroom and used settings that are seemingly science content deserts, to help students begin to see science in places they never thought of before. This session will take participants through this process and have them apply these ideas first to the setting of the conference and then to their own teaching situations.

Leveraging CCCs to connect students’ observations of ordinary, relevant contexts provides more equitable opportunities to deeply engage with DCIs and SEPs.

Ana Houseal (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY), Clare Gunshenan (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY)

Making Connections: Life Science, Critical Thinking, and Dissection

Friday, July 22 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: TeachKind

Research on the efficacy of non-animal dissection methods, student concerns about animal welfare, environmental issues, and cost are some of the factors contributing to the increasing demand for modern non-animal dissection options in Biology and life science classes. This workshop is timely and relevant for all Biology and life science teachers – including pre-service and beginning teachers – to deepen understanding of life science standards, increase familiarity with modern dissection resources, and apply critical thinking skills to evidence-based decision making. This interactive session will provide the opportunity for participants to unpack middle school and high school life science performance expectations from Molecules and Organisms: Structures and Processes and Biological Evolution: Unity and Diversity. Participants will create consensus learning targets for life science performance expectations, gain hands-on experience with virtual dissection programs and realistic dissectible models, and evaluate evidence to support decision making for selecting dissection resources. OPTIONAL: Participants are asked to bring a laptop or other device.

Participants will gain hands-on experience with dissection software programs and synthetic dissectible models and apply evidence-based decision making to meet the increasing demand for modern non-animal dissection options.

Sally Sanders (TeachKind: Norfolk, VA)

Transforming Teaching Through Curriculum-Based Professional Learning

Friday, July 22 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375a

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Carnegie Corporation of New York released a challenge paper calling on the education field to transform teaching and learning through the elements and essentials of curriculum-based professional learning. Learn how schools and systems are helping teachers experience the instruction their students experience to help change instructional practices, leading to better student outcomes.

1. Explore the rationale for a challenge paper dedicated solely to the issue of curriculum-based professional learning; 2. Discover the 10 elements and three essentials of professional learning critical to effective implementation of high-quality science instructional materials; and 3. Consider implications of the roles and responsibilities for putting into action the elements of curriculum-based professional learning.

Jim Short (Carnegie Corporation of New York: Ridgefield, CT)

PreService Science Education Preparation for Special Education Teachers:: Content and Strategies for intersectional inclusive classrooms

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W185b-c

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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This presentation will address the science and math education preparation of preservice special education teachers using the NGSS and NCTM standards as the central source of curriculum. Focus will . be on the intersectionality of race, culture and disability in providing access and building fluency in science content in inclusive classrooms k-12. Preservice teacher’s student learning impact projects use phenomena driven science snack activities will be showcased as well as cross curricular experiences using three dimensional learning as the anchor . These projects are designed using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and also address targeted supports for specific learners that address barriers to learning including input, output, information processing and affect., Additionally the anti racist pedagogy and content embedded in the projects will be discussed. . Video and zoom demonstrations. Audience participation and discussion will be encouraged.

Strategies for diverse students in special education to access science curriculum in a engaging and meaningful way.

Beverley Evans (Lesley University: Cambridge, MA)

Building Science Literacy Skills Using Primary Sources

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W181a

STRAND: Developing Scientific Literacy in the Science and STEM Classroom

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Explore the use of primary sources to support three-dimensional science learning during an interactive presentation of examples, resources, and ideas for your own lesson plan.

Attendees will learn what primary sources are in science, why primary sources support acquisition of science literacy skills, and how to integrate primary sources into science and STEM lessons.

Loris Chen (none: Indiana, PA), Donna Governor (University of North Georgia: Dahlonega, GA), Kathy Biernat (Zanilu Educational Services, LLC: No City, No State)

Using Three-dimensional Assessment Prompts to Drive Student Sense-making

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W175c

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
3D Prompts_PPT_NSTA Chicago2022.pdf
Guide Writing Coherent 3-D Prompts

STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the Science and STEM Classroom

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The Vision set forth by A Framework for K-12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards emphasize science as the integration of practices (SEPs), content (DCIs), and big ideas (CCCs). By using all three dimensions, students are able to make sense of phenomena while learning science concepts and processes. However, this way of thinking and learning takes practice and guidance. Teachers play a pivotal role in helping their students to engage with this kind of science learning. Therefore, they must find ways to explicitly integrate and embed all three dimensions in activities, lessons, and assessments. This participatory presentation will explore how teachers can explicitly embed SEPs, DCIs, and CCCs into prompts (questions and guiding statements) to promote more integrated opportunities for student sense-making. By generating prompts that include SEPs, DCIs, and CCCs, teachers can guide students to think in a more three-dimensional way and gain the skills to do so outside of the classroom. Attendees will identify strategies for posing integrated prompts, consider the benefits of multi-dimensional prompts for students, practice asking and improving prompts, and apply these strategies to use in their own classroom context.

Creating prompts (questions and guiding statements) that explicitly promote the three dimensions can drive more integrated, equitable student learning

Ana Houseal (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY), Clare Gunshenan (University of Wyoming: Laramie, WY)

Cow-apult Confessions: The intersection of engaging games and rigorous science education.

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W190b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Legends of Learning One Pager - National 2022.pdf
Math Basecamp White Pages

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Sponsoring Company: Legends of Learning

Build a catapult to launch cows, learn about impacts on trajectories and walk away with knowledge of how to bring more of this engaging gaming experience to your classroom. Research has proven how we learn best through engagement and play. While launching cows can seemingly be all play, students doing this activity need to adjust their approach in order to hit a target or defined goals. This activity is based on one of the premise of engagement, which is a fundamental concept to game-based learning, From force and motion, to the water cycle, to the conservation of energy and more, help students gain science literacy, students can explore science and engineering practices, and more easily attain subject mastery through engaging approaches like game-based learning.

Participants will receive first-hand experience of what collaboration and achievement can look like through our hands-on game-based learning platform. Come ready to collaborate, compete, learn some science and math, and have a whole lot of fun!

Sean Reidy (Legends of Learning: Laurel, MD)

Transform Your Biology Classroom With Active Learning Through Scientific Phenomena

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W192b

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

As veteran biology teachers, we know how challenging it is to create an active learning environment using phenomena & science practices on your own. Pivot Interactives makes active learning throughout the learning cycle easy with a dynamic platform that invites students to explore scientific phenomena freely. Teaching biology while actively & frequently engaging students meaningfully doesn’t have to be just a dream. Come learn about the newest ways Pivot interactives helps you overcome the challenges you face as a biology teacher, so you can create the biology class you’ve always envisioned. Hear from fellow biology teachers about how they transformed their classroom with active learning, scaffolding, personalized feedback, phenomena-based assessments, increased use of science practices, and increased access to phenomena.

In this session, biology educators will see the newest ways Pivot Interactives gives them effective, streamlined tools to engage biology students with phenomena & science practices through active learning.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN), Peter Bohacek (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Storytime STEM-packs: Connecting Children's Literature with STEM + Computer Science

Saturday, July 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W190b

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Sponsoring Company: Storytime STEM-packs

Let’s go on a Storytime STEM adventure! Each Storytime STEM+C Adventure uses children’s literature to equitably and actively engage children in science, mathematics, engineering, and computer science activities.  Get immersed in a storybook and then program a Bee-Bot robot to complete challenges connected to the story on a colorful story-themed mat. Experience first-hand some of the tools we have developed to support young children as they think through and document their program to allow for debugging their code if Bee-Bot goes astray. As part of the session, we will engage in an engineering design challenge and uncover the important math and science concepts featured in the Storytime STEM-pack. Independent evaluator reports show that children love Storytime STEM-packs and teachers appreciate that they are standards-aligned and user friendly. If you are looking for effective materials that make learning fun and engaging for kids, come join us and check out our integrated Storytime STEM + Computer Science Adventures!

Participants will learn how to use children's literature to equitably and actively engage children in STEM+C activities.

Michele Burgess , Kristen Rice (Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3: Homestead, PA)

Instructional Materials Design for Today's Science Standards

Saturday, July 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Critical Features Webinar Slide Deck_NSTA Chicago 2022.pptx.pdf

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One of the most important factors for ensuring that all students experience science education that prepares them for future success is access to high-quality, standards-aligned instructional materials, especially critical for our nation’s Black, Latinx, multilingual, and low-income students. EdReports and NextGenScience provide evaluations of instructional materials to help identify these kinds of high-quality materials. The organizations co-developed the Critical Features of Instructional Materials Design resource to illustrate and provide unified definitions of features that ensure instructional materials can help students meet or exceed today’s science standards. The features described in this document are based on approaches to science learning and assessment described in A Framework for K–12 Science Education and subsequent research. This session leverages key features and illustrations to engage educators and developers in a conversation about the features and what they look like in materials.

Attendees will develop an understanding of the importance of high quality materials for supporting students and teachers and discuss how to utilize the critical curriculum features for improving development and selection of curriculum materials.

Jenny Sarna (Director, NextGenScience), Shannon Wachowski (EdReports.org: Fort Collins, CO)

4-H, STEM and Entrepreneurship...Oh My!

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W181b

STRAND: Learn and Lead: Developing a Community for Expanded Participation in Science and STEM

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Learn how Ohio 4-H and the Ohio Academy of Science have partnered to offer the a free STEM entrepreneurial program for junior high and high school students. Educators will participate in activities that will showcase student-centered learning experiences that allows them to explore entrepreneurship in the formal classroom, home-school classroom or 4-H SPIN Club. The curriculum teaches students how to commercialize solutions to problems by developing a STEM Commercialization Plan or STEM Business Plan. The goal of the program is to create a culture of innovation. This is accomplished by focusing on the practical application of STEM and related fields and the development of an entrepreneurial mindset and the critical thinking skills students will need in the future.

This session will provide the tools needed to expand student participation in STEM by connecting classroom educators to the broad community of 4-H officers, leaders and facilitators.

Angela McMurry (The Ohio Academy of Science: Dublin, OH), Mark Light (The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH)

Transform Your Chemistry Classroom With Active Learning Through Scientific Phenomena

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W192b

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

As veteran chemistry teachers, we know how challenging it is to create an active learning environment using phenomena & science practices on your own. Pivot Interactives makes active learning throughout the learning cycle easy with a dynamic platform that invites students to explore scientific phenomena freely. Teaching chemistry while actively & frequently engaging students meaningfully doesn’t have to be just a dream. Come learn about the newest ways Pivot interactives helps you overcome the challenges you face as a chemistry teacher, so you can create the chemistry class you’ve always envisioned. Hear from fellow chemistry teachers about how they transformed their classroom with active learning, scaffolding, personalized feedback, phenomena-based assessments, increased use of science practices, and increased access to phenomena.

In this session, chemistry educators will see the newest ways Pivot Interactives gives them effective, streamlined tools to engage chemistry students with phenomena & science practices through active learning.

Peter Bohacek (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Mission Blast-Off: Interdisciplinary Rocket Science

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W476

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Sponsoring Company: Estes Education

What does it take for a rocket to launch? Join us for this mission to see how rocket science transcends STEM and beyond.

Model rocketry is an interdisciplinary tool for any classroom to provide hands-on, inquiry-based learning for all.

Kathy Biernat (Zanilu Educational Services, LLC: No City, No State)

Creating a Science Classroom Podcast

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W187c

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Podcasting NSTA Session Resources

STRAND: No Strand

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Marshall Escamilla, one of the co-hosts of the freely-available Tumble Science Podcast for Kids, will share some of the basics of creating a podcast with your class. Classroom podcasts are a great way for students to share their learning with the broader community, and can be used both as assessment and communication tools--and it's a lot easier to do than you'd think. Beginning with a brief description of what features make Tumble free and accessible, Marshall will walk educators through all the thing they'll need to consider when creating a podcast. We'll start by asking questions like: -Who is the intended audience for this podcast? -What is the overall topic for it? -How many episodes do we want to create, and how often do we want to release them? Then we'll move on to some of the technical elements. What are the requirements for creating a podcast studio in your classroom? What equipment do you need to buy? What software do students need to have access to? how do you ensure that students can have access to what they need in order to be successful? Finally, we will discuss some of the basic skills teachers will need to ensure student success: knowledge of best audio recording practices, and how to use a few easily-accessible software tools to make students' work sound its best.

Attendees at this ession will learn the very basics of how to create a classroom podcast from a professional podcaster.

Marshall Escamilla (Tumble Media Production: Greenfield, MA)

Argument-Driven Inquiry as a way to bring three-dimensional instruction to your classroom

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W183c

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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The session will give teachers an opportunity to participate in the same sort of rich and meaningful learning experiences that are called for by the NGSS. Such learning places the focus squarely on the nature of instruction. It is rooted in ongoing, active experiences that will prompt teachers to expand their content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and expand their beliefs about what is possible inside the classroom. The presenter will guide the participants in a series of focused, small-group demonstration activities that are structured like a typical ADI investigation, allowing teachers to experience instruction as students do.

• How to use this instructional model, or way of teaching, to give students an opportunity to learn how to use the DCIs, CCs, and SEPs to make sense of natural phenomena.

Todd Hutner (Del Valle ISD: Del Valle, TX)

How do science teachers stay effective? Practical implications and strategies based on research

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W176c

STRAND: Coping in Resilience in Science and STEM Teaching

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This presentation will use a mixture of hands-on activities and discussion questions to engage participants in the themes from research about how science teachers stay effective during challenging times For example, through our research, we have found science teachers often have a strong desire to help their students become better people and create an equitable classroom. They describe that they have goals for their students such as being critical thinkers, problem-solvers, creative, and collaborative. Our session will work to have the participants generate the types of attributes they want in their own students. We will then demonstrate two teaching scenarios: one based on best practices in science education and the other being a teacher-centered approach. We will have participants then analyze the teaching scenarios using the goals they have to determine which has more culturally responsive teaching practices. We will also engage students in a hands-on activity using a gravity well that connects to MS-PS2-4. We will use the activity to discuss culturally responsive teaching practices in science teaching including scaffolding, effective questioning, a method to analyze teaching, and using experiences and phenomena to help students deeply engage in all three dimensions of the NGSS.

Participants will learn about inclusive teaching strategies that help science teachers stay effective.

Jesse Wilcox (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA)

Using Audio to Enhance Science Learning

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W187c

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Podcasting NSTA Session Resources

STRAND: No Strand

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In this panel discussion, we will discuss the ways that audio content like podcasts can be used in the classroom to increase student engagement. This discussion between several leaders in the field of audio education will share some of the ways that teachers can and should use audio content to enhance science learning at all grade levels.

Attendees will learn how to include audio in their lesson plans in ways that are effective, engaging, and inclusive.

Marshall Escamilla (Tumble Media Production: Greenfield, MA)

Brick Masters: Experiential STEAM in a Virtual World

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:10 AM

McCormick Place - W181b

STRAND: Adapting Virtual Learning to Increase Access and Participation in a Face-to-Face Classroom

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The Brick Masters virtual summer camp was designed to create challenge-based lessons to teach STEAM concepts and the eight science and engineering practices.

Attendees of this program will be able to: 1. develop a virtual experiential STEAM learning experience for youth; and 2. identify, explain, and use knowledge and skills of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics to create a successful program.

Whitney Thames (UF/IFAS Extension Miami-Dade: Hialeah, FL)

Transform Your Environmental Science & Earth Science Classrooms With Active Learning Through Scientific Phenomena

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W192b

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Sponsoring Company: Pivot Interactives

As veteran teachers, we know how challenging it is to create an active learning environment using phenomena & science practices on your own. Pivot Interactives makes active learning throughout the learning cycle easy with a dynamic platform that invites students to explore scientific phenomena freely. Teaching environmental science & earth science while actively & frequently engaging students meaningfully doesn’t have to be just a dream. Come learn about the newest ways Pivot interactives helps you overcome the challenges you face as an environmental science or earth science teacher, so you can create the classroom you’ve always envisioned. Hear from fellow teachers about how they transformed their classroom with active learning, scaffolding, personalized feedback, phenomena-based assessments, increased use of science practices, and increased access to phenomena.

In this session, environmental science & earth science educators will see the newest ways Pivot Interactives gives them effective, streamlined tools to engage students with phenomena & science practices through active learning.

Eric Friberg (Pivot Interactives: Minneapolis, MN)

Science Is Social! Student Ideas at the Center of Phenomenon-Driven, Three-Dimensional Teaching and Learning (Secondary)

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375a

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Explore how NSTA’s phenomena-driven lessons/units motivate students to engage in science practices to make sense of science ideas they need to explain how or why the phenomenon occurs.

Understand the critical attributes of sensemaking. Strategies for intentional sequences of student interactions to provide access to participation and learning for all students. Students’ strategic use of modalities (talk, text, gestures, drawings, etc.)

Kristin Rademaker (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Holly Hereau (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Speed Sharing: Engaging Students

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W180

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

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1) Using student-created animation projects to excite and promote understanding of science concepts at the MS level
and promote understanding of science concepts at the MS level.Hands-on activities such as computer animation help excite students and promote understanding of topics such as immunology, reproduction and chemical bonding at the MS level.

2) Incorporating Digital Badges to Motivate all Learners
Learn how to create a badging system that encourages growth in the Science and STEAM Classroom.


Terri Serey (Orange Grove Middle School: Hacienda Heights, CA)

How to Make In-Person and Remote STEM Instruction Meaningful, Rigorous, and Equitable for Students

Saturday, July 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W179b

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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The session will give teachers an opportunity to participate in the same sort of rich and meaningful learning experiences that are called for by the NGSS. Such learning places the focus squarely on the nature of instruction. It is rooted in ongoing, active experiences that will prompt teachers to expand their content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and expand their beliefs about what is possible inside the classroom. The presenter will guide the participants in a series of focused, small-group demonstration activities that are structured like a typical day’s lesson, allowing teachers to experience instruction as students do. The session will give teachers an opportunity to participate in the same sort of rich and meaningful learning experiences that are called for by the NGSS. Such learning places the focus squarely on the nature of instruction. It is rooted in ongoing, active experiences that will prompt teachers to expand their content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and expand their beliefs about what is possible inside the classroom. The presenter will guide the participants in a series of focused, small-group demonstration activities that are structured like a typical day’s lesson, allowing teachers to experience instruction as students do.

• How to make in-person and remote learnings experience more meaningful, relevant, and equitable for students.

Todd Hutner (Del Valle ISD: Del Valle, TX)

Facilitating Inquiry for Growth in Science and Engineering Practices: Exploring Surface Heating

Saturday, July 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W178a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Exploring Surface Heating.pdf
UHI Observations.pdf

STRAND: Using Inquiry-Based STEM to Facilitate Learning for ALL

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Learning through place-based, student-centered, teacher-facilitated STEM inquiry increases student engagement in and ownership of learning and promotes student growth in science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. Using a unit plan I developed for exploring local microclimates, participants will engage in activities and discussion of techniques for cultivating students as collaborators in the learning process. The unit is designed to encourage growth in asking questions, designing and conducting investigations, collecting data, making sense of data, communicating findings, and identifying local problems and designing solutions to a student-identified problem. Participants will use NASA infrared images of surface temperatures captured during an ISS mission to observe the urban heat island phenomenon. They will explore Google Earth to spark questions about surface heating that can be answered through investigation of the local neighborhood or school campus. Given a list of equipment that students used during the unit, participants will collaboratively design an investigation to collect place-based data. Discussion includes extension activities that facilitate student understanding of surface heating and cooling. Discussion also includes how revision and reflection can be used to monitor individual student growth and promote ownership of learning by students. Emphasis is on facilitation techniques.

Learning through place-based, student-centered, teacher-facilitated STEM inquiry increases student engagement in and ownership of learning and promotes student growth in science and engineering practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts.

Loris Chen (none: Indiana, PA)

Starting with Complex Macroscopic Phenomena - A Different Approach to Teaching Cells & Genetics & Evolution

Saturday, July 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA 2022 Cells to Genetics.pdf

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Complex biological phenomena, such as how the body heals, how trait variations can be both inherited and influenced by the environment, and how organisms’ body structures can change over millions of years require explanations that connect components, interactions, and mechanisms working across multiple levels (at multiple scales). Traditionally, instructional materials have fragmented these complexities for students by starting instruction with the smallest components of the system or the simplest mechanism first (cells, genotypes, mitosis, or natural selection). In this session, we will show a different approach in which students explore the most directly observable levels and most complex aspects of these phenomena first in service of creating more authentic and accessible opportunities to leverage students’ own experiences and questions. These experiences and questions then lead to developing complex science ideas over time. Participants will explore the anchoring phenomena from three OpenSciEd middle school life science units to see how students’ prior experiences and ideas can be used to generate thoughtful questions about the mechanisms involved that will lead students to uncovering the smaller components, interactions, and mechanisms in the related systems through subsequent investigations.

Participants will explore examples of three life science units that use accessible entry points to support students in making sense of complex biological phenomena.

Gail Housman (Northwestern University: Evanston, IL), Michael Novak (Northwestern University: Evanston, IL), Jamie Noll (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO), Dawn Novak (Northwestern University: Evanston, IL)

A STEM Journey Written in the Stars: From Gazing at the Wonder of our Galaxy to Designing Propulsion Systems for Spacecraft and Satellites

Saturday, July 23 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375e

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Despite Nikesha Davis growing up in a family of educators, STEM still seemed like a foreign language, until the right teacher came along. Join Davis, aerospace engineer and NASA’s GSFC Propulsion Chief, as she discusses changing the narrative of STEM in a student’s everyday life, and the benefits that science in use, and language in use play not only in the classroom, but at NASA, and in life in general. Her goal is to inspire students, parents, families, and educators on the engineering around us, as we prepare our students to change the world.

About the Speaker
Nikesha DavisMs. Nikesha Davis is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland. She has worked in NASA’s Mission Engineering and Systems Analysis (MESA) Division for the past twelve years. Nikesha is the Branch Head of the Propulsion Branch at GSFC. Here she manages liquid and chemical propulsion system design, analysis, and fabrication efforts. This work includes larger spacecrafts and satellites, down to CubeSats and SmallSats, in addition to research in the propulsion arena. In addition to these duties, Nikesha is continuing efforts as the Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) Product Development Lead for the Plankton, Aerosol, Could, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission. A remote sensing, $805 million mission which launches in December 2023. In this capacity, Nikesha is responsible for coordinating efforts to deliver the Attitude Control System, Flight Dynamics System, and GN&C Hardware for the PACE project.

Ms. Davis enjoys volunteering in the community, through NASA and other programs, and is very passionate about spreading the word about STEM fields and broadening the understanding of what engineers do. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Spelman College, and a bachelor’s and master’s in aerospace engineering, and systems engineering respectively from the University of Alabama Huntsville.


Nikesha Davis (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)

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