2022 Chicago National Conference

July 21-23, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, No Strand, Sensemaking


Rooms and times subject to change.
29 results
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Linking Literature and STEM in the PreK-8 Classroom

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: SAE International

Attendees will explore different methods and student & teacher resources for enhancing real-world STEM skills with meaning-making literature. Using AWIM's award-winning STEM curriculum and complementary comic & children's books as examples, teachers will engage in discussions and hands-on activities they can facilitate in their classrooms. This workshop will also address how diverse representation in storytelling can foster more accessible & impactful STEM learning for all students. Participants will receive a free AWIM book.

Learn methods and resources for incorporating age-appropriate literature into hands-on STEM activities.

Bonnie Thibodeau (SAE International: Warrendale, PA)

Advancing Science Instruction with Accessible Terminology

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - W475a

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Sponsoring Company: Great Minds

Interact with PhD Science® module to discover the benefits of engaging in activities that deepen conceptual understanding before introducing terminology to students.

PhD Science is rooted in the belief that complex scientific language and vocabulary terms are not a prerequisite for conceptual science understanding, but rather a product of it.

Ranell Blue (Great Minds: Washington, DC), Isaac Stauffer (Amplify Science: Chicago, IL)

Exploring OpenSciEd from Carolina

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W471a

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Come experience a model lesson from OpenSciEd for Middle School and see how the new Carolina Certified Edition makes these high-quality instructional materials even better!

1. Experience the pedagogy of OpenSciEd through a model lesson; 2. Learn ways to encourage equitable classroom discourse; and 3. Create a Driving Question Board to explore real-world phenomena.

Cory Ort (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

"You Can't Give, What You Don't Have": Preparing future STEM Educators with Sensemaking for Equity

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W193a

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Built on the idea that, "you can't give what you don't have" (Heibert, 2018), we have intentionally designed our STEM teacher preparation pathway using the NSTA pillar of sensemaking. The undergraduate STEM major integrates the four pillars of sensemaking across the STEM curriculum and is brought together through a seminar to support culturally sustaining STEM teaching. We will share intentionally designed curricular ideas, investigations across the various fields of study (computer science, engineering, biology, chemistry, and mathematics), field experiences, mentorship and research opportunities for our NSF Noyce Scholars and STEM majors. This will be co-presented with undergraduate students and mentor teachers so participants will get an idea of the collaboration and design across various contexts. As STEM teacher educators, we must design and model sensemaking with supports and scaffolding so that our STEM graduates are confident in designing and revising curriculum that holds sensemaking and culturally sustaining pedagogy at the core (Emdin, 2021; Emdin 2022, Paris, 2012).

Participants will take away specific strategies for designing STEM teacher preparation built on a foundation of sensemaking and culturally responsive pedagogy.

Kristin Rainville (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT), Bonnie Maur (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT), Sydney Worthen-Jenkins (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT), Nicole Hebert (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT)

Engineer Physical Science Excitement with a Carolina STEM Challenge®

Thursday, July 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W471a

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Apply creative problem-solving skills and engineering practices to chemistry and physical science challenges with race cars and rockets. Experience how Carolina makes it easy to incorporate STEM into your classroom.

Teachers will take away hands-on experience in designing, making, and testing balloon race cars and reaction rockets.

Patti Kopkau (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

When Cells Talk, Things Happen: Cell Signaling

Thursday, July 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W475b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Workshop Resources

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

During this workshop, participants will work explore cell communication using hands-on models of synapses. Participants will experience how using models to explore abstract concepts deepens student understanding and inquiry for students and provides opportunities for formative assessments of student understanding. Participants will also have opportunities to deepen and challenge their own conceptual understanding of cell communication by altering the biochemical events within the synapses. These changes will reflect what happens when synapses are disturbed by drugs, including both prescription and drugs of abuse, as well as some mental health disorders. Finally, ideas for three-dimensional summative assessments will be explored.

Hands on models of synapses let students explore cell communication and the structure and function relationship of proteins and signaling molecules including toxins and drugs.

Kim Parfitt (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

Advancing Science Instruction with Hands-On Investigations

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W475a

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Sponsoring Company: Great Minds

Explore a PhD Science® module to uncover how hands-on investigations allow students to develop an understanding of science concepts that apply far beyond the classroom.

PhD Science introduces students to new concepts through engaging activities that allow them to first observe and wonder and then to investigate and deeply understand phenomena.

Ranell Blue (Great Minds: Washington, DC), Isaac Stauffer (Amplify Science: Chicago, IL)

Crosscutting Concepts: Using a Familiar Perspective to Understand Your World

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W471a

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

How do crosscutting concepts link the ideas and practices of science across different domains and over time? We’ll show you practical examples to see how crosscutting concepts provide a foundation for student sensemaking of phenomena and problems.

1. Define the seven crosscutting concepts; 2. Learn strategies to incorporate crosscutting concepts into science lessons; and 3. Understand how crosscutting concepts support student sensemaking.

Bridget Hughes-Binstock (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Using Studies Weekly Science to Combine Hands-on Learning and Literacy

Thursday, July 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: Studies Weekly

Get an overview of how Studies Weekly Science integrates content and disciplinary science literacy. See how the print and digital components work together to support every learner. Receive free copies of the student and teacher materials and participate in a hands-on activity that demonstrates the ease of the curriculum.

Learn how Studies Weekly Science supports content and disciplinary science literacy.

Clayton Chamberlain (Studies Weekly: Orem, UT)

What Is a Phenomenon Anyway?

Thursday, July 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W194b

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Sponsoring Company: Phenomenon Science Education

In this session, we will explore what phenomena are by looking at examples and non-examples and using criteria to figure out the differences.

Participants will be given criteria and guidelines that they will use to evaluate science phenomena.

Sharon Cates (Phenomenon Science Education: Novato, CA), Joshua Smith (Phenomenon Science Education: Amherst, MA)

Expanding Participation and Success in STEM Teaching Through Partnerships

Thursday, July 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:10 PM

McCormick Place - W181a

STRAND: Learn and Lead: Developing a Community for Expanded Participation in Science and STEM

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Ideas and concrete strategies for building collaborative, generative partnerships with community groups, nonprofits, preK–12 schools, museums, and community colleges in order to transform the STEM ecosystem and preservice teachers' futures will be shared.

Participants will: 1. hear from different partners about the generative ways we have collaborated to increase diversity in our STEM teacher preparation program; 2. engage in discussion and planning next steps for reaching out to a potential collaborative partner; and 3. learn about the ways in which preservice STEM Noyce Scholars have strengthened their STEM Identity and have been prepared to design culturally sustaining curricula and classrooms that integrate sensemaking.

Sydney Worthen-Jenkins (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT), Nicole Hebert (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT), Bonnie Maur (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT), Kristin Rainville (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT)

Battling Ignorance: 4 Words That Can Change The World

Friday, July 22 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375e

STRAND: No Strand

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Changing the world sounds like a tall order. But in reality, educators play their role to help change the world every day. Join Stephen Pruitt, former science teacher and science/policy leader, for a humorous, yet important discussion about the critical role of teachers in changing the world. Dr. Pruitt will share his experiences, both personal and professional, to remind us of the power of teachers in his life and as we recover from COVID. Dr. Pruitt has long been a member of NSTA and has worked for the national importance of science education and the support of teachers. His comical storytelling and somewhat unique look at the world will engage and inspire you as we all continue the fight against ignorance.

About the Speaker
Stephen PruittStephen Pruitt is the sixth president of the Southern Regional Education Board in July 2018. Under his leadership, SREB has continued its work on college and career readiness, postsecondary attainment, workforce preparation, learning environment, and support of the SREB states’ policy and education leaders to improve the education systems for each student.

During his career, Dr. Pruitt has amassed education policy, assessment, and instructional background at the local, state, and national levels.

Before coming to SREB, Dr. Pruitt was Kentucky’s state commissioner of education. At the national level, he had worked closely with state agencies and educators around the country to improve policy and practice in science education. In Georgia, Dr. Pruitt began his career as a high school science teacher and subsequently served in several roles for the Georgia Department of Education. Dr. Pruitt can be reached via email, [email protected], or followed on Twitter, @DrSPruitt.

Stephen Pruitt (Southern Regional Education Board: Atlanta, GA)

From Phenomenon to Figuring It Out

Friday, July 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: Cereal City Science

Experience how to teach and learn across disciplines. Participate in figuring out K-2 and 3-5 science lessons designed to cross multiple literacy disciplines and build knowledge across grade levels. While figuring out phenomenon, participants develop models, talk about it, read about it, and write about it. Modeling becomes the scaffold for reading, writing and language. Learn best practices that will help students read text, produce text, and present their reasoning.

Students as scientists work together to discuss, read, write, and model to figure out a phenomenon.

Sandra Erwin (Cereal City Science: Battle Creek, MI)

Science Fiction as a space of Hope: Using Fiction to Write One’s Science Identity

Friday, July 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W192a

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Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company

In this presentation, we will be using N.K. Jemisin's The Fifth Season to illustrate how teachers can use science fiction writing to engage students in cultivating authentic STEM identities.

Rather than frontloading students with vocabulary terms which can sometimes be inaccessible for all learners, this presentation will illustrate the ways in which children can apply their conceptual understandings of complex scientific phenomena in novel (and fictional) ways.

Terrance Burgess

Sparking Interest in Computer Science with Unplugged Activities

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: SAE International

With more states requiring computer science (CS) education for K-12 students, integrating computer science with other subject areas in a problem-based format is a practical way to expand students’ opportunities. Participants will learn about teaching “unplugged” lessons that support comprehension and application of concepts, to collaborative explorations that promote teamwork, creative problem-solving, and critical thinking. This interactive workshop will introduce AWIM’s CS curriculum series (including computational thinking, cybersecurity, and digital citizenship concepts) to demonstrate interactive methods for introducing students to basic computer programming and logic...even without computer access.

Discover activities, methods, and resources for facilitating effective & engaging computer science lessons independent of technology access.

Bonnie Thibodeau (SAE International: Warrendale, PA)

Teaching with Phenomena

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W192a

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Sponsoring Company: Mosa Mack Science

Not all phenomena are created equally. How you kick off your unit sets the tone for the entire unit itself. In this workshop, you’ll learn what sets apart the best phenomena and complete phenomena-based lessons.

How to choose, implement and maximize learning around the best science phenomena. You’ll also receive free access to phenomena lessons.

Lissa Johnson (Mosa Mack Science: Fairfield, CT), Lorraine Gueye (Mosa Mack Science: Fairfield, CT)

Exploring OpenSciEd from Carolina

Friday, July 22 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W471a

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Come experience a model lesson from OpenSciEd for Middle School and see how the new Carolina Certified Edition makes these high-quality instructional materials even better!

1. Experience the pedagogy of OpenSciEd through a model lesson; 2. Learn ways to encourage equitable classroom discourse; and 3. Create a Driving Question Board to explore real-world phenomena.

Cory Ort (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Using Make-It! Take-It! Science Kits to Support Sensemaking

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W192a

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Sponsoring Company: hand2mind

Make-It! Take-It! activities don't need to be just for STEM night. These can become part of your instruction for concept development. We'll explore an example and view it through the lens of a hands-on investigation for concept development and sensemaking. You’ll receive a sample lesson and a chance to win a STEM Make-It Take-It kit.

Invite students to notice, wonder, and investigate different scientific phenomena.

Pam Caffery (hand2mind: Vernon Hills, IL)

Making the Invisible Visible through Engineering Design: A focus group

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W475b

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

Experience engineering design in action! Share your teacher insights as you evaluate competing design solutions for actual products. $50 Thank you gift certificate; first 20 participants.

Focus Group to provide feedback on competing design solutions for actual product.

Tim Herman (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Kim Parfitt (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Heather Ryan (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Kris Herman (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

Gravity Groove: The Hoverboard Challenge

Saturday, July 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W192b

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Sponsoring Company: Imagine Learning/Twig

In this session, we will explore the investigative question, “How can we make something defy the effects of gravity?” This lesson is based on the phenomenon that the poles of magnets attract and repel and when arranged to repel, they cause an object to hover. We will watch and discuss a video about hoverboards before participants take on the role of scientific advisors at a movie studio to construct a model of a hoverboard needed for an upcoming movie scene. A productive discussion language routine will then be outlined and demonstrated for use with pairs or small groups in the classroom. Talk moves will further show how to expand and clarify thinking and deepen reasoning. Participants will learn how to use the collect and display language routine to help students achieve discussion goals. Participants will also learn how to listen for the use of the three dimensions for sensemaking and bridging in order to use academic scientific language.

The powerful and effective approach of three-dimensional lesson design.

Christopher Borjas (Santa Rosa Academy: Menifee, CA), Patricia Pape (Imagine Learning | Twig Education: Scottsdale, AZ)

Get to Know H2O with Hands on Models

Saturday, July 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W475b

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

Participants will explore the structure of water molecules and how it allows life on Earth to exist. They will use the magnetic water molecules to explore the concepts of polarity and hydrogen bonding. Participants will be able to use this kit to teach adhesion, cohesion, and capillary action; surface tension; states of water; evaporation and condensation; and solubility. Finally, participants will examine how science practices can be utilized throughout the inquiry while also exploring key model literacy elements to prepare students for further learning using models.

The simple structure of water defines its complex properties that can easily be explored through modeling.

Kim Parfitt (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

Storytime STEM-packs: Connecting Children's Literature with STEM + Computer Science

Saturday, July 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W190b

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Sponsoring Company: Storytime STEM-packs

Let’s go on a Storytime STEM adventure! Each Storytime STEM+C Adventure uses children’s literature to equitably and actively engage children in science, mathematics, engineering, and computer science activities.  Get immersed in a storybook and then program a Bee-Bot robot to complete challenges connected to the story on a colorful story-themed mat. Experience first-hand some of the tools we have developed to support young children as they think through and document their program to allow for debugging their code if Bee-Bot goes astray. As part of the session, we will engage in an engineering design challenge and uncover the important math and science concepts featured in the Storytime STEM-pack. Independent evaluator reports show that children love Storytime STEM-packs and teachers appreciate that they are standards-aligned and user friendly. If you are looking for effective materials that make learning fun and engaging for kids, come join us and check out our integrated Storytime STEM + Computer Science Adventures!

Participants will learn how to use children's literature to equitably and actively engage children in STEM+C activities.

Michele Burgess , Kristen Rice (Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3: Homestead, PA)

Mysteries, Phenomena, Labs, and Engineering: Mosa Mack Science Demo

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W192a

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Sponsoring Company: Mosa Mack Science

Discover an NGSS resource you can use in class next week. Award-winning phenomena, mysteries, labs, and engineering—all in one teacher-friendly resource. (Common Sense Education Learning Selection 2021)

Experience the excitement of Mosa Mack Science, see real student work, and walk away with free interactive lessons for your classroom.

Lissa Johnson (Mosa Mack Science: Fairfield, CT), Lorraine Gueye (Mosa Mack Science: Fairfield, CT)

Mission Blast-Off: Interdisciplinary Rocket Science

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W476

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Sponsoring Company: Estes Education

What does it take for a rocket to launch? Join us for this mission to see how rocket science transcends STEM and beyond.

Model rocketry is an interdisciplinary tool for any classroom to provide hands-on, inquiry-based learning for all.

Kathy Biernat (Zanilu Educational Services, LLC: No City, No State)

3D Models for 3D Instruction: How models enhance storylines

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W475b

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

Participants will explore how phenomenon-driven inquiry is enhanced using rich 3D models that let students figure out answers to their own questions while engaged in science practices. First, anchor-level and lesson level storylines familiar to participants will be identified. Then questions students generate will be explored while noting instructional routines that help maintain inquiry are discussed. Models that can help students investigate cellular processes like signaling, differentiation, growth, repair, and reproduction, at the microscopic and molecular levels will be used for participants to interrogate their own conceptual models and reflect on their learning. Strategies for capturing and monitoring student learning will be shared along with suggestions for summative assessments that are three dimensional.

Participants will explore how phenomenon-driven inquiry is enhanced using rich 3D models that let students figure out answers to their own questions while engaged in science practices.

Kim Parfitt (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

Blast Off with STEM Learning

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W476

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Sponsoring Company: Estes Education

Learn model rocketry basics through NGSS based content and build a FREE rocket with us!

Model rocketry is your teaching companion to make engineering come to life for your students.

Nicole Bayeur (Estes Industries: , United States)

Engaging Preservice Elementary Teachers in Making Sense of Sensemaking in Science

Saturday, July 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W179a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Engaging Preservice Teachers in Making Sense of Sensemaking Presentation Folder

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Strategies from a teacher educator that foster sensemaking and three-dimensional learning with preservice elementary teachers using immersive content experiences highlighting instructional methods and metacognition.

When preservice teachers/teachers are given the opportunity to experience and analyze sensemaking in the context of grade-level learning experiences, they are better prepared to foster sensemaking in their classroom.

Beth Pesnell (Kansas State University: Manhattan, KS)

Unraveling Multiple Representations of Chromosomes to Reveal Student Thinking

Saturday, July 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W475b

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

Participants will assess their biggest challenge areas with respect to student misconceptions about chromosome structure and function, including mitosis. Traditional wet labs like planaria, fruit fly genetics, and C-fern growth will be used to contextualize the hands-on models’ utility throughout the school year. Next, foam puzzle chromosomes will be introduced and used to model a round of DNA replication in the cell cycle, resulting in 4 chromosomes. The processes of mitosis and meiosis will be modeled and compared, to invite inquiry about why the processes are different. Whole chromosomes will be related with molecular chromosome details to illustrate how DNA is wound into a chromosome structure. Nucleosome models will further highlight the wrapping of DNA around histone proteins to compact the genome for replication. Participants will be asked to share how they teach about genetic variation in their classes. Following a discussion of their challenges, we will model variation first using the puzzle chromosomes to generate “crossing over” events and next by using the molecular-detailed expanded chromosomes. Finally, inheritance of Hemoglobin will be highlighted and modeled and Punnett squares models will be enhanced through using the foam models. Throughout the activities, participants will be invited to engage in self-reflection and collaborative discussion.

Hands-on experiences with multiple representations of chromosomes reveals student thinking.

Kim Parfitt (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

Physical Models, Smartphones & Augmented Reality: A focus group

Saturday, July 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W475b

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

Promising idea or a recipe for disaster? Beta-test a new app that pairs with 3DMD’s physical models. $50 Thank you gift certificate; first 20 participants.

Focus Group to provide feedback on a new augmented reality smartphone app.

Tim Herman (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Kris Herman (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Kim Parfitt (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Heather Ryan (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

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