2022 Chicago National Conference

July 21-23, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:PreK - 5, Students and Sensemaking Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning, Engineering


Rooms and times subject to change.
46 results
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Linking Literature and STEM in the PreK-8 Classroom

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: SAE International

Attendees will explore different methods and student & teacher resources for enhancing real-world STEM skills with meaning-making literature. Using AWIM's award-winning STEM curriculum and complementary comic & children's books as examples, teachers will engage in discussions and hands-on activities they can facilitate in their classrooms. This workshop will also address how diverse representation in storytelling can foster more accessible & impactful STEM learning for all students. Participants will receive a free AWIM book.

Learn methods and resources for incorporating age-appropriate literature into hands-on STEM activities.

Bonnie Thibodeau (SAE International: Warrendale, PA)

Let's DIVE-in to Engineering and the Engineering Design Process

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - W470a

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Students get engaged with practical and inquiry-based engineering experiences by using the DIVE-in method. This program was developed in partnership with the New York Hall of Science. Transform your classroom into an authentic makerspace with the DIVE process. Learn how to facilitate and use the design process through consensus.

Learn how to create a stomp-rocket using the engineering design process.

Leslie Spaeny (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Engineering the Perfect Rube

Thursday, July 21 • 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM

McCormick Place - W192b

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Sponsoring Company: Fisher Science Education and Eisco Scientific

Participants will have the opportunity to build a Rube Goldberg machine and engineer an overly complicated process to accomplish a simple task. Put your engineering and creative skills to the test as you create your own Rube Goldberg machine out of cardboard, tape, rubber bands, a toy car and other everyday items. Attendees will be broken into teams of five and given a set of raw materials. They will then have approximately forty minutes to work as a group to create a complex series of steps to pop a balloon. Attendance will be limited to the first twenty-five people to register. This is a joint workshop presented by Fisher Science Education and Eisco Scientific. This workshop has a maximum capacity of 25 participants.

Teachers will learn how to create a Rube Goldberg lab using excess materials and common laboratory items.

Tom Wright (Thermo Fisher Scientific: Waltham, MA), Tim Montondo (Eisco Scientific LLC: Victor, NY)

STEM for All! Benefits of STEM Integration for Struggling to Gifted Learners, and Everyone in Between

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W187b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Using Inquiry-Based STEM to Facilitate Learning for ALL

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To effectively engage audience members, I will balance their readiness to learn, cognitive load, and stimulating activities. Using real-world examples, I will demonstrate the power of STEM in elementary classrooms to grow all learners and provide necessary 21st-century skills. Often STEM is an enrichment offered to high-achiever but struggling learners have even more to gain from STEM including confidence and leadership. I will focus on practical application, but valuable references and data will be included to support my practices. I will begin the session with a survey to identify the needs and perceptions of participants regarding STEM integration. Based on input, I will share research-based strategies, classroom integration examples, or dispel misconceptions. I will include an interactive STEM activity using index cards and paper clips to provide a STEM lesson model and demonstrate the ease of integrating STEM with simple, classroom supplies. Participants will leave the session with a better understanding of the benefits of STEM in K-5 classrooms and feel more comfortable integrating STEM into their own classrooms.

Participants will understand the value of STEM integration beyond the four letters of the acronym, including the benefits of productive struggle of high achievers and how the grit of struggling learners are paramount in the success of STEM challenges.

Erika Neuman (University of Texas at San Antonio: No City, No State)

Science + Engineering + Math = Parachute STEM Activity

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W181a

STRAND: No Strand

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The basic physical science principles of gravitational force and air resistance are explored as students design, build, test, and evaluate parachutes. K-W-L charts are used to assess students’ knowledge of the engineering design process and the scientific method. The book, “Mercedes and the Chocolate Pilot” by Margot Theis Ravin, is read to students and they discuss whether the pilot acted like an engineer as he wanted to share sweets with children during the Berlin Airlift. The students are presented with a problem, getting food and water to islanders whose homes and roads have been damaged by hurricanes. Simple materials such as paper napkins, paper towels, crocheting thread, and paper clips are used to build the parachutes. The students use the five ‘E’s’: engagement, exploration, explanation, evaluation, and elaboration as they compare their various parachute models. Students learn that air contains particles, and it is these particles that place forces on bodies moving in the air and counteract the force of gravity. Students use math in the analysis of their models. Students learn that models representing parachutes can be designed in many ways and may behave differently when tested. Students learn the many ways engineering and science are used to explore and explain nature and are employed in manufacturing and technology processes.

Student groups learn that the engineering design process and the scientific method are circular processes as they design, build, test, and evaluate a parachute model then improve it.

Suzanne Cunningham (Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN)

How to Design a STEM Engineering Challenge

Thursday, July 21 • 9:40 AM - 10:40 AM

McCormick Place - W474b

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Sponsoring Company: PASCO scientific

Give your students a real-world engineering challenge! In this PASCO workshop, you will explore the relationship between momentum and impact forces with real-time measurement of collisions. You will design your own crash barrier to minimize the maximum collision force of a moving cart colliding into your barrier. Next, you will analyze your results to iterate and improve on your original design.  Attend for a chance to win equipment for your school!

Learn how to design a crash cushion to minimize the collision force of a moving cart and analyze the results to iterate and improve on your design.

Jonathan Hanna (PASCO Scientific: Roseville, CA)

Engineer Physical Science Excitement with a Carolina STEM Challenge®

Thursday, July 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W471a

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Apply creative problem-solving skills and engineering practices to chemistry and physical science challenges with race cars and rockets. Experience how Carolina makes it easy to incorporate STEM into your classroom.

Teachers will take away hands-on experience in designing, making, and testing balloon race cars and reaction rockets.

Patti Kopkau (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Advancing Science Instruction with the Engineering Design Process

Thursday, July 21 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W475a

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Sponsoring Company: Great Minds

Dive into a PhD Science® module to explore the six steps of the Engineering Design Process and test a solution to a real-world problem.

PhD Science provides students with the opportunity for hands-on experiences that require the practical application of scientific processes.

Ranell Blue (Great Minds: Washington, DC), Isaac Stauffer (Amplify Science: Chicago, IL)


Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W179b

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEM PBL in action
Guiding questions
The Engineering Design Process/Journal Reflections
Projects VS PBL.docx
Why Is PBL Important_ARTICLE.pdf

STRAND: Using Inquiry-Based STEM to Facilitate Learning for ALL

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Participants will understand how to develop and effectively implement STEM curriculum units that include project based activities and performance based assessments. Participants will learn to help students answer complex questions and develop solutions for challenges and real-world problems. They will also assist students with extending and refining their acquired knowledge to routinely analyze and solve problems. By the end of this session: 1) Participants will gain a clear and coherent understanding of what a STEM PBL is and how it works. 2) Participants will be able to identify and create effective essential questions. 3) Participants will be able to identify and apply the components of a STEM PBL. 4) Understand how STEM PBL’s will impact instruction for participants and students. Agenda: What is PBL? Why is it important? How does a STEM PBL Work? How to effectively integrate journal reflections. Ways to Implement STEM PBL’s

Participants will learn how to effectively implement STEM PBL’s (Project Based Learning) by integrating the components of STEM and PBL in order to grow students' capacity for creativity, fun, and back-loaded learning in a STEM context.

Adero Carter (Fulton County Public Schools)

Evaluating STEM Curricula with Equity and Inclusivity in Mind

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W178b

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Explore EiE’s curriculum design principles for inclusivity and NSTA’s sensemaking pillars as tools to evaluate curricula for inclusivity and equity.

Participants will leave this session with a framework for evaluating curricula with equity and inclusivity in mind.

Diana Christopherson (Museum of Science, Boston: Boston, MA)

Solid Composite Propellant Model Rocket Science Education

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W194b

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Sponsoring Company: AeroTech/Quest, Div. of RCS Rocket Motor Component

Explore the differences between aerospace-grade solid composite propellant model rocket motors and traditional black powder model rocket motors in science education, STEM programs, TARC Competition, and collegiate rocket team activities. We'll assemble a Quest Astra III model rocket kit during the workshop to take back to your classroom.

In model rocket science education, AeroTech/Quest products have been "STEM from the beginning!”™

Dane Boles (AeroTech / Quest Divison of RCS Rocket Motor Components, Inc.: , United States)

Crosscutting Concepts: Using a Familiar Perspective to Understand Your World

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W471a

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

How do crosscutting concepts link the ideas and practices of science across different domains and over time? We’ll show you practical examples to see how crosscutting concepts provide a foundation for student sensemaking of phenomena and problems.

1. Define the seven crosscutting concepts; 2. Learn strategies to incorporate crosscutting concepts into science lessons; and 3. Understand how crosscutting concepts support student sensemaking.

Bridget Hughes-Binstock (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Beyond Labz: Realistic Virtual Labs That Bridge the Gap Between Real Labs and Scientific Inquiry

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: Beyond Labz

Workshop Summary: Beyond Labz is a set of sophisticated and realistic virtual laboratories that have been used by millions of students over the past 20 years. Subjects covered by the virtual labs include general chemistry, organic chemistry, physics, physical science, and biology. We have recently updated the virtual labs so they are browser-based with a number of new features including tracking student lab books and the student journey through the lab. With over 20 years of experience and feedback from students and teachers worldwide, we have learned much about how to enhance and augment classroom and laboratory instruction using the virtual labs. In this presentation we will provide a brief update on the new features in Beyond Labz, and we will provide onboarding instructions and describe how to use the virtual laboratories in various curriculum settings and use cases, and we will show the labs can be used to enhance inquiry-based instruction. We will also describe some of the recent research we have performed using these and other simulation products we have created.

Beyond Labz simplifies and reduces the cost and expertise needed to provide crucial laboratory experiences and practice for Secondary and Higher Ed students. Attendees will learn how the labs are used for pre and post lab experiences, credit recovery and lab make-up, student engagement in class, and meeting NGSS standards. Basic onboarding and startup instructions will be provided for drop-in solutions, and instructions for using some of the more sophisticated features will also be described.

Brian Woodfield (Brigham Young University: Provo, UT)

Using Picture Book to Inspire STEM Learning, K–5

Thursday, July 21 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375c

STRAND: No Strand

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Learn how to integrate STEM and literacy through the use of high-quality STEM-related picture books.

Learn strategies for integrating STEM and literacy through the use of picture books in the K–5 classroom.

Kim Stilwell (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO)

Next Level Learning: Using Interactive STEM Cases to Power Up Thinking!

Thursday, July 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W190b

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Sponsoring Company: ExploreLearning

STEM cases are an integral part of meaningful inclusive and authentic learning. They can range from community awareness to global crises. Students can instantly make socio-emotional connections to the cases as the phenomenon they are reviewing can be happening just beyond the walls of their classrooms. (And studies show that when students make emotional connections, they are able to redirect more content into long-term memory storage!) In addition, STEM cases can support all students by differentiating delivery and assessment, using technology (which has its own modifications and accommodations), and by also providing handbooks for educators and students to create additional in depth pedagogy and experiences. Because we focus on the process, educators can assess science and engineering skills over time as students complete more than a dozen standards-based studies. Session Outline: 1) Participants will learn more about the value of providing a career-readiness approach to STEM learning. 2) We'll review the research behind an effective program like Interactive STEM Cases. 3) Participants will see how we can see real-time data collection and see how this approach makes sense to pause if we need to support a challenging concept 4) Participants will have an opportunity to jump into an Interactive STEM Case to get excited about adding this resource to their students’ tool kit.

The purpose of providing students with real-time scenarios to engage STEM enthusiasm.

David Kanter (ExploreLearning: Charlottesville, VA)

STEMscopes Showcase: What’s New at STEMscopes?

Thursday, July 21 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W470a

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

If you're using STEMscopes (or wanna-be), this session is for you. Come see examples of the EXCITING and NEW ASPECTS to the most popular digital science curriculum during this showcase. Discover program enhancements, Google integration, streaming, coding, engineering, and much more.

Learn about STEMscopes' various components and programs by experienced users in a hands-on setting.

Dr. Kenneth Heydrick (: Houston, TX), Amanda McGee (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Ashley Mathis (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Bobby Barron (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Jacque Garcia (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Tammy Motley (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Join Us for the Elementary STEM Showcase!

Thursday, July 21 • 3:40 PM - 5:40 PM

McCormick Place - W183a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Touch-Talk-Text Practices that support reading and science instruction

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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Wander your way through 30 different STEM stations to learn about resources, lessons, and teaching strategies to incorporate more STEM into your school and classroom. This farmer's market–type event brings together educators, authors, researchers, and leaders in early childhood through fifth-grade STEM education. Leave with a mindful of great ideas and be inspired!

Pick up great ideas and be inspired during this farmer's market–type event.

Sharon Bird (The NEED Project: Manassas, VA), Heather Pacheco-Guffrey (Bridgewater State University: Bridgewater, MA), Lauren Burrow (Stephen F. Austin State University: Nacogdoches, TX), Susan Erickson (Country School: Weston, MA), Sara Nelson (Iowa State University: Ames, IA), Constance Beecher (Iowa State University: Ames, IA), Elizabeth Dethloff (Robert R. Shaw Center for STEAM: Katy, TX), Christine Preston (The University of Sydney: Sydney, 0), Catherine Scott (Coastal Carolina University: Conway, SC), Kristin Cook (Bellarmine University: Louisville, KY), Richard Cox, Jr. (Atrium Health), Annette Venegas (retired: Sterling, CO), Juliette Guarino Berg (The Town School: New York, NY), Katie Morrison (University Child Development School: Seattle, WA), Wendi Laurence (Education Specialist: Park City, UT), Katrina Kmak (Park City Library: Park City, UT), Brittnie Hecht (Park City Library: Park City, UT), Diana Lockwood (Author & Executive Director), Godwyn Morris (Dazzling Discoveries / Skill Mill NYC: New York, NY), Bridget Miller (University of South Carolina: Columbia, SC), Christie Martin (University of South Carolina: Columbia, SC), Rebecca Kurson (Collegiate School: New York, NY), Cori Nelson (Winfield School District 34: Winfield, IL), Shelly Counsell (Self Employed Consultant), Belle Akers (Convent & Stuart Hall's Schools of the Sacred Heart: San Francisco, CA), Kathleen Tate (American Public University System: Charles Town, WV), Dennis Schatz (Institute for Learning Innovation: Beaverton, OR), Beth Pesnell (Kansas State University: Manhattan, KS), Bill Burton (Tatnall School: Wilmington, DE), Barbara Bromley (Hazelwood Elementary School: Lynnwood, WA), Kim Stilwell (BIOZONE Corp.: Parker, CO), Nancy McIntyre (Robotics Education & Competition Foundation: Greenville, TX), Shari Haug (: Elmhurst, IL), Jane Savatski (Janet Berry Elementary School: Appleton, WI), Katrina Pavlik (Deputy Executive Director: Oakbrook Terrace, IL), Mitchell Rosenberg (Kinderlab Robotics, Inc.: Waltham, MA), Tiffany Leones (Digital Promise: Washington, DC), Beth Dykstra VanMeeteren (University of Northern Iowa: Cedar Falls, IA), Danielle Scharen (Horizon Research, Inc.: No City, No State), Frances Hamilton (The University of Alabama in Huntsville: Huntsville, AL), Jennifer Williams (Isidore Newman School: New Orleans, LA), Anne Lowry (Aleph Academy: Reno, NV)

Build a K–12 STEAM Pipeline Through Family STEAM Night

Thursday, July 21 • 5:10 PM - 5:40 PM

McCormick Place - W180

STRAND: Learn and Lead: Developing a Community for Expanded Participation in Science and STEM

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Engage students, families, and the community in STEAM through Family STEAM Nights in order to equitably build understanding and interest in STEAM.

Participants will learn how to create, recruit, and implement a Family STEAM Night to engage students, families, and the community in STEAM.

McKenna Serowka (Lake Zurich High School: Lake Zurich, IL)

Unmasking Engineering Practices

Friday, July 22 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W175c

STRAND: Using Inquiry-Based STEM to Facilitate Learning for ALL

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In this hands-on workshop, participants will make and preform tests on COVID masks to use engineering practices to design a mask that is both comfortable and protective.

Inquiry-based STEM is a collaborative process in which students act and think like engineers and scientists to make the learning environment inclusive for ALL learners.

Karen Ostlund (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

Python Coding with Vernier Sensors

Friday, July 22 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W471b

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Sponsoring Company: Vernier Software & Technology

Learn how to integrate Vernier sensor data into Python coding. Explore how coding can enhance your students’ experience in the science classroom by providing another avenue of engagement. Teachers of science and coding alike will benefit from this hands-on workshop.

1. Gain experience with hands-on technology that encourages students to explore and test different solutions and make connections to the real world; 2. Get access to free resources to keep students engaged while learning key scientific concepts either remotely or in the lab; and 3. Gain hands-on experiences with innovative products that increase student engagement, promote creativity and collaboration, and develop problem-solving skills.

Tom Smith (Vernier Science Education: Beaverton, OR), Dave Vernier (Vernier Science Education: Beaverton, OR)

Now Trending: Science Simulations to Make Things Stick!

Friday, July 22 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W190b

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Sponsoring Company: ExploreLearning

Everyday events make us wonder. Some events are easily explained, while others cannot. When these events are examined and tested through virtual simulations, they give students an opportunity to think. Why do some objects float and others sink? What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse and how often does that happen? Learn how to use virtual simulations to help students dig deeper and get inspired by science and STEM phenomenon! Through this highly interactive session, educators will be able to understand the added value of including simulations to their current lab practices. Although hands-on activities are always important, simulations allow for a deeper understanding of content for all students. When coupled with hands-on learning, students can create more moments to explore, discover and apply new concepts. Simulations are repeatable (to allow for trial and error) so students can practice skills again and again to make STEM concepts stick!

Use of virtual simulations builds a deeper understanding of concepts.

Jenna Mercury (ExploreLearning: Charlottesville, VA)

Getting Elementary Students Engaged in Science Early—Cheetahs, Elephants, Monkeys, Oh My! Becoming Animal Reporters

Friday, July 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W192b

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Sponsoring Company: Imagine Learning/Twig

Participants will use their binoculars (made with their own hands) to participate in video investigations as animal reporters. First, we will discuss how to interpret and implement the NGSS that align with these lessons. Next, we will dig into video investigations of an elephant herd and answer some thinking questions on the video. Then, we will observe and compare animal body parts and animal defenses. Participants will be introduced to the amazing Oogpister Beetle and get a close up look at its unique defense capabilities. Then, we will talk about ELA connections with these science lessons and dig deeper into ELD support for students while using leveled readers. We will read about an actual practicing animal researcher while providing support and ELA connections. Then, we will discuss a dual language approach to teaching these lessons using Spanish resources. Finally, we will discuss how the videos and lessons are engaging for students while highlighting some student work examples.

Use highly-engaging real word topics to develop scientific literacy.

Christopher Borjas (Santa Rosa Academy: Menifee, CA), Patricia Pape (Imagine Learning | Twig Education: Scottsdale, AZ)

Hands-On Plus! Driving Student-Centered Learning with Smithsonian Science for the Classroom K–5

Friday, July 22 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W471a

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

How does hands-on learning incorporate digital and print resources to promote active learning? See how Smithsonian Science for the Classroom engages students with science and engineering practices and promotes scientific literacy for all students.

1. Experience a model lesson from Smithsonian Science for the Classroom; 2. Learn how to effectively integrate hands-on, print, and digital resources; and 3. Pick up strategies for putting student ideas front and center.

Cory Ort (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)

Fostering Growth Mindset Through Engineering Design

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 7

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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Growth mindset teaching strategies and standards-aligned engineering design challenges were tested with rural elementary students in out-of-school-time and classroom settings. Results, resources, and best practices.

In this poster, growth mindset and engineering design will be explored as tools for enhancing student engagement and equity. During 2019-2021, standards-aligned engineering design challenges were tested with different elementary age groups in out-of-school-time and classroom settings (schools, afterschool programs, and 4-H summer camps). For each challenge module, students were given time to explore the topic and test materials, emphasizing the importance of prototype revision so that students viewed each design change as a step toward success. Early outcomes of the research will be shared, as well as resources and best practices for program replication.

Suzanne McDonald (West Virginia University: Morgantown, WV), Jennifer Robertson (West Virginia University: Morgantown, WV)

Sparking Interest in Computer Science with Unplugged Activities

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: SAE International

With more states requiring computer science (CS) education for K-12 students, integrating computer science with other subject areas in a problem-based format is a practical way to expand students’ opportunities. Participants will learn about teaching “unplugged” lessons that support comprehension and application of concepts, to collaborative explorations that promote teamwork, creative problem-solving, and critical thinking. This interactive workshop will introduce AWIM’s CS curriculum series (including computational thinking, cybersecurity, and digital citizenship concepts) to demonstrate interactive methods for introducing students to basic computer programming and logic...even without computer access.

Discover activities, methods, and resources for facilitating effective & engaging computer science lessons independent of technology access.

Bonnie Thibodeau (SAE International: Warrendale, PA)

Got Milk? DNA, Enzymes, and Lactose Intolerance

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W471a

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Co.

Examine enzymes through historical, cultural, and economical lenses by using lactase to produce lactose-free milk. Modify experimental conditions to design and test your own procedures.

Learn to make and use sodium alginate beads to encapsulate lactase to produce lactose-free milk ann then manipulate experimental variables to maximize lactose-free milk production.

Laurie Nixon (Watauga High School: Boone, NC)

Build a Heart with STEM...and Play-Doh!

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W194b

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Sponsoring Company: Texas Instruments

You will learn how to build and code a four-chambered heart (no coding experience required) while learning about how the heart works. This is a great project for middle and high school science and STEM students!

Science and Engineering practices can be achieved in a practical and engaging process that requires students to apply science knowledge while developing some STEM skills.

Jessica Kohout (Educational Consultant: Ellicott City, MD)

Creating K-6 STEM Classrooms That Embrace Science Inquiry: Helping Students Think and Work Like Scientists - Exploring, Asking Questions, and Seeking Sense-Making of Scientific Phenomena

Friday, July 22 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W178a

STRAND: Using Inquiry-Based STEM to Facilitate Learning for ALL

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Science inquiry is a powerful process and learning environment that embraces exploration and sense-making, as students question phenomena and explore real world science/STEM. Inquiry is an “attitude” that seeks understanding and continually questions how our natural world works. Student achievement, engagement, and sense-making of phenomena, increase when students are taught in an instructional environment that embraces inquiry, where students are encouraged to ask questions, gather evidence, seek answers, and formulate explanations. Speaker will discuss the many varied ways that inquiry manifests itself in the elementary STEM classroom, including ways to increase participation of ELL’s. She will actively engage participants, as she shares strategies and lesson ideas that promote inquiry, and as she demonstrates effective questioning, modeling how to guide students in their own questioning and explorations, as they gather data, formulate their explanations, and draw conclusions. Speaker will emphasize the importance of ‘testing’ the ‘known’, as well as the ‘unknown’, so students can validate their processes and thinking. Creating environments of inclusivity, collaboration, cooperation, and sharing of ideas will be emphasized. Participants will embrace the power that inquiry offers: content, strategies, process, engagement, and the desire to ask, answer, and understand scientific phenomena. This session will help teachers establish effective classroom practices, guiding students in understanding the ways scientists think and study our natural world, as teachers nurture students’ sustained curiosity and love of science/STEM. Handouts.

Attendees will learn how to create STEM classroom environments that fully embrace and create the inquiry process: emphasizing explorations, the formulation of questions to guide student inquiry and their understanding of scientific phenomena, the importance of collaborative sense-making and assuring the inclusivity of ALL students, the importance of assisting ELL’s with language accessibility, and the fulfillment of learner curiosity as part of the sense-making process and as a trajectory for guiding their continual learning.

Donna Knoell (self: Shawnee Mission, KS)

Feeling Moody?

Friday, July 22 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W194b

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Sponsoring Company: Texas Instruments

We will bring science and coding together as participants learn to do some basic coding (no experience necessary) while developing a mood ring! The science of color mixing is explored while determining the right body temperature thresholds. Is fuchsia flirty? Should green be groovy? It’s up to you!

Educators will learn how to incorporate STEM/coding skills (no coding experience necessary) with science concepts to create a highly engaging lesson for students that tackles many of the science and engineering practices.

Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA)

Making Quality Science and STEM Instruction Accessible and Equitable for ALL K-6 Students: Employing Differentiation Strategies and Resources to Advance Achievement, Engagement, Assure Inclusivity, and Meet the Unique Needs of ALL Learners

Friday, July 22 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W178a

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science and STEM Learning Environments

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Educators have a mandate to provide quality science/STEM instruction for ALL students, but making instruction accessible to every student presents enormous challenges. In order to teach students with broad ranging abilities and experiences, differentiating science/STEM instruction is imperative. We must differentiate instruction to accommodate the differences in readiness and background knowledge, fluency and facility with English, differences in learning styles, and the broad range of student interests that comprise our schools. Accessibility, inclusivity, and collaboration must be assured for special needs and ELL learners, whose instructional needs can definitely be accommodated with effective differentiation strategies and resources. When teachers differentiate, they enhance learning, creating environments where instruction and assessment are matched to student abilities and needs. Differentiation is an approach involving numerous strategies, while students all access the same curriculum. Content, process, and products can all be differentiated. Students who lack experience and background knowledge can have targeted instruction, to provide hands-on explorations and build knowledge. Likewise, gifted students can extend and expand their science/STEM experiences, keeping them challenged and interested. Presenter will offer strategies and exploration ideas, tiered assignments that increase levels of complexity, instructional grouping and collaboration techniques, and suggest a variety of resources, to enable teachers to advance and evaluate student learning for ALL children. Attendees will actively engage with discourse and exploration of hands-on resources.

1. Attendees will learn differentiation strategies to engage all learners actively with hands-on explorations, assuring collaboration and accessibility for ALL, incorporating collaborative explorations where students of varying abilities share the learning experience, to advance learning and deepen conceptual understanding and sense-making for all K-6 students.

Donna Knoell (self: Shawnee Mission, KS)

Integrating STEM Teaching and Learning in the K–2 Classroom

Friday, July 22 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

McCormick Place - W186c

STRAND: No Strand

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In this session, authors Dr. JoAnne Vasquez and Michael Comer describe the step-by-step thinking that defines the key elements in a STEM unit and share examples of how those elements can work together to support the implementation of STEM in the K–2 classroom.

This practical session provides teachers with a model template to help them create their own STEM learning experiences.

Michael Comer (Independent: Miller Place, NY)

Gamifying Energy and Climate Change Education

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W473

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Sponsoring Company: Generation Atomic

Teachers will learn how to play MegaWatt, a new card game designed in the UK by engineers, and then how it can be utilized in the classroom to build students' understanding of how the electricity grid works and the array of externalities that can cause power outages or derail progress towards a clean energy future. The game is 3-5 plays and requires about 30 minutes to play, making it a great fit for most classroom sizes and blocks.

Teaching systems thinking with a well-designed card game can be done easily and engage students in a new and exciting way.

STEMscopes Showcase: What’s New at STEMscopes?

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W470a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEMscopes-2022-July22-STEMscopes-Showcase-NSTA (1).pdf

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

If you're using STEMscopes (or wanna-be), this session is for you. Come see examples of the EXCITING and NEW ASPECTS to the most popular digital science curriculum during this showcase. Discover program enhancements, Google integration, streaming, coding, engineering, and much more.

Learn about STEMscopes' various components and programs by experienced users in a hands-on setting.

Dr. Kenneth Heydrick (: Houston, TX), Amanda McGee (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Ashley Mathis (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Bobby Barron (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Jacque Garcia (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Tammy Motley (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Making the Invisible Visible through Engineering Design: A focus group

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W475b

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Sponsoring Company: 3D Molecular Designs

Experience engineering design in action! Share your teacher insights as you evaluate competing design solutions for actual products. $50 Thank you gift certificate; first 20 participants.

Focus Group to provide feedback on competing design solutions for actual product.

Tim Herman (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Kim Parfitt (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Heather Ryan (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI), Kris Herman (3D Molecular Designs: Milwaukee, WI)

A River Story: Designing STEM Learning Experiences in an Equitable Context for Young Learners with Diverse Backgrounds

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - W184b-c

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Dive into (equitable) three-dimensional learning and promote STEM teaching and sensemaking strategies that place equity at the center of learning, making science connections to local context.

Explore how placing equity at the center of STEM education changed teacher attitudes about science teaching and learning, developed supportive networks for formal and informal educators to advance science education, created opportunities for teachers to design three-dimensional learning experiences, and provided equitable opportunities for students and families in an urban high-needs district.

Elizabeth Nunez (New Brunswick Public Schools: New Brunswick, NJ), Sarah Sterling-Laldee (New Jersey Department of Education: No City, No State), Ashley Delgado-D'Amore (Lord Stirling Community School: New Brunswick, NJ), Grace Lugo (Boston College OEI: No City, No State)

Observing the Earth for a Sustainable Future

Friday, July 22 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375e

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Research scientist Africa Flores-Anderson uses data from satellites to map algae blooms in lakes and forest degradation in her home country of Guatemala. Join Flores-Anderson as she shares her personal journey from small-town girl to National Geographic Explorer, using satellite imagery to better understand our planet.

About the Speaker
Africa Flores-AndersonOriginally from Guatemala, Africa Flores-Anderson is a research scientist at the Earth System Science Center at the University of Alabama in Huntsville (UAH). She is passionate about using data and satellite images for environmental conservation. As a National Geographic Explorer, she is working to forecast harmful algae blooms in Lake Atitlán, Guatemala using artificial intelligence. She also works to strengthen the capacity of countries in environmentally sensitive areas to use Earth observation data and geospatial technologies for managing natural resources and environmental risks. Flores’s research focuses on forest monitoring, water quality and ecological forecasting.

Africa Flores-Anderson (National Geographic Learning | Cengage: Boston, MA)

Gravity Groove: The Hoverboard Challenge

Saturday, July 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W192b

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Sponsoring Company: Imagine Learning/Twig

In this session, we will explore the investigative question, “How can we make something defy the effects of gravity?” This lesson is based on the phenomenon that the poles of magnets attract and repel and when arranged to repel, they cause an object to hover. We will watch and discuss a video about hoverboards before participants take on the role of scientific advisors at a movie studio to construct a model of a hoverboard needed for an upcoming movie scene. A productive discussion language routine will then be outlined and demonstrated for use with pairs or small groups in the classroom. Talk moves will further show how to expand and clarify thinking and deepen reasoning. Participants will learn how to use the collect and display language routine to help students achieve discussion goals. Participants will also learn how to listen for the use of the three dimensions for sensemaking and bridging in order to use academic scientific language.

The powerful and effective approach of three-dimensional lesson design.

Christopher Borjas (Santa Rosa Academy: Menifee, CA), Patricia Pape (Imagine Learning | Twig Education: Scottsdale, AZ)

Storytime STEM-packs: Connecting Children's Literature with STEM + Computer Science

Saturday, July 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - W190b

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Sponsoring Company: Storytime STEM-packs

Let’s go on a Storytime STEM adventure! Each Storytime STEM+C Adventure uses children’s literature to equitably and actively engage children in science, mathematics, engineering, and computer science activities.  Get immersed in a storybook and then program a Bee-Bot robot to complete challenges connected to the story on a colorful story-themed mat. Experience first-hand some of the tools we have developed to support young children as they think through and document their program to allow for debugging their code if Bee-Bot goes astray. As part of the session, we will engage in an engineering design challenge and uncover the important math and science concepts featured in the Storytime STEM-pack. Independent evaluator reports show that children love Storytime STEM-packs and teachers appreciate that they are standards-aligned and user friendly. If you are looking for effective materials that make learning fun and engaging for kids, come join us and check out our integrated Storytime STEM + Computer Science Adventures!

Participants will learn how to use children's literature to equitably and actively engage children in STEM+C activities.

Michele Burgess , Kristen Rice (Allegheny Intermediate Unit 3: Homestead, PA)

NASA’s James Webb Telescope (JWST): Looking into Our Past to Discover Our Future

Saturday, July 23 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375e

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
SC-3: NASA’s JWST Workshop: Looking into Our Past to Discover Our Future Collect

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Join Chief engineer of NASA’s JWST to explore the design and development of the largest space telescope every imagined by humanity. Discover how The Hunt for Planet B will shape our future and what we can learn about the skills and relationships that drove our greatest technological journey as a species.

About the Speaker
Dr. Jonathan ArenbergJonathan Arenberg is currently chief mission architect for Science and Robotic Exploration at Northrop Grumman. His work experience includes all phases of program and mission development, including early technology development, mission concepts, detailed design, test and verification, and integration and test. His last major program assignment was as chief engineer for the James Webb Space Telescope. In the last few years, Dr. Arenberg has led major mission studies for NASA and other government customers. He has been a principal in major paradigm breaking concepts; the Starshade, MODE lenses, and the OASIS mission based on an inflatable reflector. He is a creative and broad thinker, capable of addressing the most challenging problems with practical and effective solutions. In addition to optical systems experience from X-rays to THz systems, he is also familiar with laser systems and components.

Dr. Arenberg has a BS in physics, a MS and PhD in engineering, all from UCLA. As a committed member of the scientific community, Dr. Arenberg is a long serving California State Science Fair Judge, frequent public speaker, a referee for several journals, and a guest editor for several special journal issues. He is a Fellow of the international optics and photonics society, SPIE, for his contribution to astronomy and lasers. He is the author of over 200 conference presentations, papers, and book chapters and holds 15 European and U.S. patents in a wide variety of areas of technology. Dr. Arenberg is also the co-author of a recent book on systems engineering for astronomy from SPIE press. In 2020 Jon was given the Professional Achievement Award from the UCLA Henry Samueli School of Engineering and Applied Science.

Jonathan Arenberg (Northrop Grumman Corp.: El Segundo, CA)

Mysteries, Phenomena, Labs, and Engineering: Mosa Mack Science Demo

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W192a

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Sponsoring Company: Mosa Mack Science

Discover an NGSS resource you can use in class next week. Award-winning phenomena, mysteries, labs, and engineering—all in one teacher-friendly resource. (Common Sense Education Learning Selection 2021)

Experience the excitement of Mosa Mack Science, see real student work, and walk away with free interactive lessons for your classroom.

Lissa Johnson (Mosa Mack Science: Fairfield, CT), Lorraine Gueye (Mosa Mack Science: Fairfield, CT)

Mission Blast-Off: Interdisciplinary Rocket Science

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W476

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Sponsoring Company: Estes Education

What does it take for a rocket to launch? Join us for this mission to see how rocket science transcends STEM and beyond.

Model rocketry is an interdisciplinary tool for any classroom to provide hands-on, inquiry-based learning for all.

Kathy Biernat (Zanilu Educational Services, LLC: No City, No State)

NASA Space Technology: Robotics and the International Space Station

Saturday, July 23 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

McCormick Place - W185d

STRAND: No Strand

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This session highlights an activity from NASA’s Learning Launchers: Robotics (https://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/stem-on-station/learning_launchers_robotics) teacher toolkit part of a series of Educator Guides with lessons and activities to help bring the International Space Station into the classroom. This session will focus on the “I Want to Hold Your Hand” activity that engages participants to build and test a robotic-like hand and understand how NASA uses robotic explorers to collect information about places where humans cannot travel. After watching videos "Robotics and the International Space Station" & "Benefits For Humanity: From Space to Surgery" participants will work in teams to construct a robotic-like hand and test their robotic hand by picking up an empty soda can or other lightweight objects. The “I Want to Hold Your Hand Activity” is aligned to national standards for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) (i.e., NGSS, ISTE). The focus of the “I Want to Hold Your Hand” activity ties Engineering Design and NGSS science and engineering practices of defining problems, developing models, and planning and carrying out investigations. This session connects participants to how NASA uses robots in many ways as well as benefit humanity with its robots’ doing science and experiments aboard the International Space Station.

1. Attendees will explore NASA STEM Educator Guides that are standards-aligned and provide detailed information and resources on how to implement NASA STEM engagement learning experiences in the classroom. 2. Attendees will gain hands-on minds-on experience with implementing a NASA STEM engagement activity in their classroom using everyday materials that encourages students to construct a robotic-like hand and demonstrate how data are collected when using robotic technology. 3. Attendees will gain insights into how humans and robots are working hand in hand to expand the horizons of space exploration and how robotic research that has helped make advances in medicine, auto manufacturing, among other things. Without robotics, major accomplishments like the building the International Space Station, repairing satellites in space, and exploring other worlds would not be possible.

LaTina Taylor (NASA Educator Professional Development Collaborative (EPDC): Flossmoor, IL)

STEMscopes Showcase: What’s New at STEMscopes?

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W470a

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEMscopes-2022-July23-STEMscopes-Showcase-NSTA (1).pdf

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

If you're using STEMscopes (or wanna-be), this session is for you. Come see examples of the EXCITING and NEW ASPECTS to the most popular digital science curriculum during this showcase. Discover program enhancements, Google integration, streaming, coding, engineering, and much more.

Learn about STEMscopes' various components and programs by experienced users in a hands-on setting.

Dr. Kenneth Heydrick (: Houston, TX), Amanda McGee (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Ashley Mathis (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Bobby Barron (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Jacque Garcia (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Tammy Motley (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Blast Off with STEM Learning

Saturday, July 23 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

McCormick Place - W476

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Sponsoring Company: Estes Education

Learn model rocketry basics through NGSS based content and build a FREE rocket with us!

Model rocketry is your teaching companion to make engineering come to life for your students.

Nicole Bayeur (Estes Industries: , United States)

Maker-Centered Learning in the Early Years

Saturday, July 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

McCormick Place - W175c

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Maker Centered Learning screen 072322.pptx
Resources for Maker Centered Learning in the Early Years.docx

STRAND: Developing Scientific Literacy in the Science and STEM Classroom

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Research shows many benefits of a maker-centered learning environment, however many teachers do not consider their classroom “maker classrooms” In this hands-on workshop, participants will see many different categories of making in an early years class, which allows participants to begin to reframe their view of their own classes. Through hands-on activities, participants experience a range of maker-centered learning activities which showcases how these activities can be used to develop problem solving and sensemaking for students, with built in modifications support MLL and students with special rights. Literacy development and formative assessments are also continuous threads in maker-centered learning as students learn and use language in the making process. Through observation and discussion of maker-made artifacts, and the processes leading to these artifacts, teachers can assess student understanding Furthermore, with many maker-centered activities, family and community connections are strengthened as students observe their own community, ask questions, and involve others outside of school in their making activities. Conference activities will be limited to portable, lightweight materials, with discussions and examples of different materials in action

1) Discover new making opportunities to support sensemaking in your class while developing student skills in communication, collaboration as well as identifying and solving problems 2) Identify ways of integrating maker centered opportunities in your class planning, with specific attention to the early years 3) Observe different ways of bringing family’s funds of knowledge into a maker centered classroom

Anne Lowry (Aleph Academy: Reno, NV)

A STEM Journey Written in the Stars: From Gazing at the Wonder of our Galaxy to Designing Propulsion Systems for Spacecraft and Satellites

Saturday, July 23 • 3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

McCormick Place - Skyline W375e

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Despite Nikesha Davis growing up in a family of educators, STEM still seemed like a foreign language, until the right teacher came along. Join Davis, aerospace engineer and NASA’s GSFC Propulsion Chief, as she discusses changing the narrative of STEM in a student’s everyday life, and the benefits that science in use, and language in use play not only in the classroom, but at NASA, and in life in general. Her goal is to inspire students, parents, families, and educators on the engineering around us, as we prepare our students to change the world.

About the Speaker
Nikesha DavisMs. Nikesha Davis is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) in Greenbelt, Maryland. She has worked in NASA’s Mission Engineering and Systems Analysis (MESA) Division for the past twelve years. Nikesha is the Branch Head of the Propulsion Branch at GSFC. Here she manages liquid and chemical propulsion system design, analysis, and fabrication efforts. This work includes larger spacecrafts and satellites, down to CubeSats and SmallSats, in addition to research in the propulsion arena. In addition to these duties, Nikesha is continuing efforts as the Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) Product Development Lead for the Plankton, Aerosol, Could, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) mission. A remote sensing, $805 million mission which launches in December 2023. In this capacity, Nikesha is responsible for coordinating efforts to deliver the Attitude Control System, Flight Dynamics System, and GN&C Hardware for the PACE project.

Ms. Davis enjoys volunteering in the community, through NASA and other programs, and is very passionate about spreading the word about STEM fields and broadening the understanding of what engineers do. She holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from Spelman College, and a bachelor’s and master’s in aerospace engineering, and systems engineering respectively from the University of Alabama Huntsville.


Nikesha Davis (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)

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