2022 Chicago National Conference

July 21-23, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:Poster, Using Inquiry-Based STEM to Facilitate Learning for ALL, Sensemaking


Rooms and times subject to change.
5 results
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Learning Better Science Practices with Science Fair Projects

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 5

STRAND: No Strand

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A former national science fair judge provides insights on how good titles can improve the odds of winning at science fairs. The poster will describe what the parts of a "good" title are and how teachers can help your students create one.

Teachers will learn the components of a good project title (from an research project on science fairs) and how to help their students develop a good title for their own project.

G. Michael Bowen (Mount Saint Vincent University: Halifax, NS)

Global Conversations: International Film Festival and Share-a-thon

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 21

STRAND: No Strand

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In this self-directed session, you will be able to: Interact with educators in face-to-face poster presentations; Watch short video submissions from educators around the world; and Participate in hands-on/minds-on, takeaway learning experiences.

Science education occurs everywhere on this planet. We can get ideas and best practices from collegues around the world.

Alison Seymour (Science Teacher: Winchester, 0)

Let Your Inner STEM Grow

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 25

STRAND: No Strand

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You can't grow a flower without seeds, just like students can't grow their STEM identity without a growth mindset.

Attendees will learn why growth mindset is a vital aspect of the foundation of students' STEM identity.

Nicole Hebert (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT), Abigail Lupinacci (Student)

Rise of the Mutant Weed: Using DNA Analysis Tools to Identify Mutations that create Superweeds.

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 9

STRAND: Developing Scientific Literacy in the Science and STEM Classroom

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This workshop demystifies bioinformatics using free online tools. The activity explains the mechanisms behind herbicide resistance and genetic changes that help weeds avoid chemical control.

Participants will see a real-world example of artificial selection in action, while also increasing the awareness of free bioinformatics tools available for everyone to compare and analyze DNA sequences.

Jane Hunt (Nourish the Future - Education Projects, LLC: Columbus, OH), Zack Bateson (National Agricultural Genotyping Center: Fargo, ND)

Integrating Science and Literacy in Elementary Teaching Programs: Evaluating Pre-Service Teachers' Use of the Touch-Talk-Text Teaching Model

Friday, July 22 • 11:50 AM - 12:50 PM

McCormick Place - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Area, Table 11

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Evaluating Pre-Service Teachers Use of the Touch-Talk-Text Teaching Model

STRAND: Students and Sensemaking: Promoting Science and STEM Teaching Strategies That Place Equity at the Center of Learning

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Elementary preservice teachers integrate science and literacy with the Touch-Talk-Text interdisciplinary framework, allowing ALL students to access science through sensory, language, and discourse connections.

Attendees will gain insight into strategies for integrating science and literacy in the elementary school day, addressing issues of decreased time and resources for elementary science learning.

Danielle Scharen (Horizon Research, Inc.: No City, No State)

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