2022 Houston National Conference

April 31-2, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:6 - 8, Presentation, Informal Science Education


Rooms and times subject to change.
18 results
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Explore Before Explain, But Not Always

Thursday, March 31 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342A

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The 5E is effective for learning most concepts, but not for processes. Other models may need to be included within the 5E.

1. Clearly understand the various instructional models and the best practice for their uses; 2. The learning objective must be clearly identified as a concept of a process to correctly identify the best practice and instructional model; and 3. Use other best practices such as moving instruction from the known to the unknown or concrete to pictorial to abstract or limiting objectives within a 5E.

Sandra West (Texas State University: San Marcos, TX)

Using Varied Assessments for Teaching Evolution

Thursday, March 31 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342F

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The Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science provides teachers with an entire unit of instruction that includes a variety of assessments, free and available for download.

1. The units created by the Teacher Institute for Evolutionary Science (TIES) can be presented to a whole class, small groups, or can be assigned to individual students. They are teacher-guided or student-guided. 2. The TIES units can be easily downloaded for free and meet or exceed the evolution standards of every U.S. State. 3. The TIES units contain a variety of assessments, including online games, video questions, data analysis, puzzles, and formal assessments. They include a student response sheet, rubric, and formal assessments.

Alison Seymour (Winchester College: No City, No State)

Climate in Your Classroom, Climate in Your World: Use Free NOAA Resources and Data to Teach This Integrated Topic

Thursday, March 31 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 370C

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Want to teach climate literacy but don’t know where to start? NOAA offers lesson plans, videos, data, webinars, and more to inform and inspire students.

1. What is climate literacy and how to improve it; 2. How to discuss climate and climate controversies in the classroom; and 3. What climate education resources are available from NOAA.

Bekkah Lampe (NOAA Office of Education: Silver Spring, MD), Kayla Smith (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Silver Spring, MD), Frank Niepold (NOAA Climate Program Office: Silver Spring, MD)

The Search for Life in the Universe with Your Students

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 370C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Life in the Universe and the Astrobiology Learning Progressions presentation

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Astrobiology Learning Progressions support the creation of units that are relevant and motivating through the lens of the search for life in the universe.

K–12 teachers, curriculum directors, and other science communicators will take away from this session: 1. what is the scientific search for life in the universe—Astrobiology, how it is interdisciplinary, and how it can be combined within STEM, ELA, art, engineering, and more; 2. how they can use the excitement and motivating topics in Astrobiology to leverage learning in a variety of science concepts throughout the NGSS; and 3. the know-how to navigate and use the Astrobiology Learning Progressions ( https://astrobiology.nasa.gov/education/alp/ )to find information, context, and resources to create their units and lessons.

Dani Leach (Lakewood High School: Arlington, WA)

Space Station Explorers: An Out-of-This-World Educational Experience

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362D

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Space Station Explorers
An overview of Space Station Explorers, Space Station Ambassdors, and Expedition Space Lab.

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Space Station Explorers offers many activities to reach and teach the next generation—from growing tomato seeds that flew in space to launching experiments to the ISS.

1. Every educator can incorporate the highly engaging topic of space into their curriculum; 2. Most of our programs are completely free and standards aligned; and 3. We provide myriad opportunities to get involved, attend professional development, and equip educators to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals.

Kim Christman (ISS National Laboratory: Melbourne, FL), Courtney Black (ISS National Laboratory: Melbourne, FL), Samantha Thorstensen (ISS National Laboratory: Melbourne, FL)

Three-Dimensional 5E PBL Unit Creation

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342F

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
3D 5E PBL ~ NSTA 2022.pdf

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Lead the PBL charge from the science classroom with simple changes to your 5E lesson/unit plans that drive the question, provide instruction, and build interdisciplinary integration.

1. Changing a 3-D learning claim to a guiding question; 2. Structuring Explore in research and the first phases of the EDP; and 3. Creating an interdisciplinary project in Elaborate that acts as an Evaluation.

Claire Williams McGee (Metro Nashville Public Schools: Nashville, TN)

Representation Matters: Inclusive Science Stories to Build Belonging

Thursday, March 31 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 350B

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Help bridge representation gaps by giving students the opportunity to see themselves and their cultures reflected in STEM. We'll share standards-aligned stories from history to incorporate into your lessons.

Participants will: 1. gain a better sense of why inclusive representation matters; 2. consider how STEM is a human achievement that has been contributed to by people of all nationalities, orientations, and colors; and 3. learn about historic figures that are not taught in traditional settings to get them started in creating a more inclusive, diverse picture of STEM.

Katie Busch (The University of Alabama at Birmingham: Birimingham, AL)

Discover NSTA’s Digital Resources and Online Community

Thursday, March 31 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 370C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

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Explore the NSTA website with us! NSTA provides high-quality digital resources and opportunities—all within a professional community—that supports professional learning and classroom instruction. NSTA gift cards will be raffled!

1) Become versed about the plethora of digital resources available on NSTA’s website. 2) Learn about NSTA’s virtual learning opportunities for educators of science. 3) Grow your network of like-minded individuals.

Flavio Mendez (NSTA: Arlington, VA), Michelle Phillips (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Instructional Materials Designed for Today’s Science Standards

Friday, April 1 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361C

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Instructional Materials Designed for Todays Standards

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Curricula can support all students in reaching today’s standards, including NGSS. Attend to learn about critical curriculum features and how to improve/advocate for quality materials.

1. Understanding the importance of high-quality materials for supporting students and teachers; 2. Understanding the features and the opportunity for feedback and input; and 3. Ability to utilize the features for improving development and selection of curriculum materials.

Jennifer Childress Self (NextGenScience: San Francisco, CA), Sam Shaw (EdReports.org)

CONNECTing NASA to Your Classroom

Friday, April 1 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342F

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Learn how to join NASA’s first online community of practice for STEM educators (CONNECTS) and gain access to NASA content, resources, educator community, exclusive events, and NASA experts.

Participants will: 1. receive a foam rocket activity they can implement in their classrooms using simple materials; 2. learn about the vast resources offered by NASA’s new online community of practice for STEM educators, CONNECTS; and 3. learn how they can join CONNECTS.

Cindy Hasselbring (NASA Goddard Space Flight Center: Greenbelt, MD)

Discover NSTA’s New Professional Learning Units to Earn Continuing Education Credit

Friday, April 1 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 350B

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Explore NSTA’s new Professional Learning Units. Discover these bite-sized asynchronous professional learning experiences that support student sensemaking to earn credit to submit to your school or district.

1. Discover how NSTA can provide asynchronous and bite-sized continuing education credit options (2 hours per PLU); 2. Explore how each PLU contains reflections or tasks connected to the classroom that are submitted to NSTA for review or feedback; and 3. Explore how we can support professional learning for individuals or schools/districts, including the flexible options available for Professional Learning Unit topics, and how these fit into our Professional Learning pathways.

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Depth and Complexity Icons in the Science Classroom: How to Make It Happen!

Friday, April 1 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 322B

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Let's stop the guessing game as to what we expect from our students. The Depth and Complexity Icons do just that. Come find out!

1. By using the Depth and Complexity Icons, the teacher immediately knows what type of feedback to give students (formative assessment); 2. Once this becomes part of the teacher's instructional practice, the students will begin to know exactly what is expected of them from the teacher; and 3. Teachers must first become familiar and comfortable with this before we can expect the students to become comfortable and successful.

Allen Wilson (Education Service Center, Region 20: San Antonio, TX)

Science Current Events Journals: Real Science and Media Literacy

Friday, April 1 • 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362D

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Science current events journals bring real science into the classroom. Use the news to teach science content, media literacy, and analytical thinking, and to reinforce language arts.

1. How to integrate media literacy in the science classroom; 2. Tools for differentiated instruction in science literacy; and 3. Integration of NGSS in a science literacy project.

Elizabeth Weissman (The Ramaz School: New York, NY)

Break Out! Creating Virtual Escape Games

Friday, April 1 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361C

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Break Out_Creating Digital Escape Games_NSTA2022
Interactive handout with links to session information and resources

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Experience a virtual escape game and learn how free online tools can be used to create your own virtual escape games at this bring-your-own-device session.

Participants will: 1. experience a digital escape game from a student perspective; 2. learn how to use Google Forms to create digital locks; and 3. learn how to use Google Slides to create a virtual room.

Dodie Resendez (Region 4 Education Service Center: Houston, TX)

Money for Your Idea

Saturday, April 2 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 351E

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Toshiba America Foundation wants to work together with teachers who are looking for a better way of doing the right thing.

1. Toshiba America Foundation objectives; 2. How to request a Toshiba America Foundation grant; and 3. Learn from fellow Toshiba America Foundation grant teachers.

Acacia McKenna (NSTA: Arlington, VA), John Anderson (Toshiba America Foundation: Irvine, CA)

Urban Science Education Challenges: Solutions and Programs That Work

Saturday, April 2 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362D

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This session features current science practitioners who share some common challenges faced by urban science educators as well as successful solutions from their school districts. The challenges and solutions discussed are applicable to all school settings.

1. Receive resources and strategies to promote successful science education; 2. Discuss fresh progressively thinking approaches of current science practitioners who are in the classroom and at the district level; and 3. Engage with presenters on culturally responsive tips that support and strengthen urban science education.

Charles Hayes (Highland Oaks Elementary School: Memphis, TN), LeeAnne Jimenez (Wilson Teaching and Learning Academy: Tulsa, OK), Michelle Ellis (Hunter Huss High School: Gastonia, NC), Brad Rhew (Guilford County Schools: No City, No State), Florentia Spires (Prince George's County Public Schools: Upper Marlboro, MD)

STARBASE ROBINS and Fort Valley State University STEM Practicum

Saturday, April 2 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342C

STRAND: Developing Accountability Systems for Expanding STEM Participation

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This workshop highlights a partnership combating the challenge of training preservice teachers in inquiry-based STEM engagement with a hands-on and rigorous STEM curriculum.

1. Informal STEM; 2. Preservice Teachers; and 3. Ppartnerships

Wesley Fondal (STARBASE Robins: Warner Robins, GA), Audra Hubbard (STARBASE Robins: Warner Robins, GA), Demetria Smith (STARBASE Robins: Warner Robins, GA)

Coral Reef Ecosystems and Us: Explore Free NOAA Resources About These Fragile Wonders Under Threat

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332D

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Coral reef ecosystems and us Free NOAA resources about these fragile wonders
Email [email protected] with questions

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Incorporate coral reefs into your existing curriculum—biology, chemistry, climate studies, art, and more—using lesson plans, demos, activities, and multimedia from NOAA.

1. What corals are and why they are important; 2. What some major threats to coral reef ecosystems are; and 3. How to fit corals into the curriculum using NOAA resources.

Bekkah Lampe (NOAA Office of Education: Silver Spring, MD), Kayla Smith (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Silver Spring, MD), Kelly Drinnen (Flower Garden Banks National Marine Sanctuary: Galveston, TX)

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