Sponsoring Company: Savvas Learning Company
Ken Miller will describe ways in which a curriculum
built around the COVID-19 virus can help students to explore some of the most
basic processes in biology. The emergence, spread, diversification, and
resilience of this virus will be used to demonstrate important principles in
evolution, genetics, molecular biology, immunology, and cell
1. Participants will examine specific curriculum plans using the COVID-19 virus to illustrate basic principles of cell biology, including biological membrane structure, mRNA function, transcription, translation, replication, and immune response; 2. The emergence of COVID-19 variants will be explored as a case study in natural selection, evolution, and phylogenetic analysis; and 3. The public reaction to pandemic public health countermeasures and vaccination will be examined as a case study in scientific literacy and science denial. Participants will discuss ways to use their classrooms to promote student understand of the science behind these public health measures.
Kenneth Miller (Brown University: Providence, RI)