2022 Houston National Conference

April 31-2, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:6 - 8, Promoting Effective Assessments in the STEM Classroom


Rooms and times subject to change.
4 results
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What Do I Do with This? Making Sense of Your Assessment Data

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Session Resource Document Form
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STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the STEM Classroom

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We are awash in assessment data, but often it’s overwhelming to make sense of it. Join us to learn tips and strategies for wrangling data.

1. Explore new ways to organize data collection and raw data to aid in exploring the data for stories after it is collected; 2. Acquire skills in tying questions, data types, and data visualizations to enhance your ability to make sense of your assessment data; and 3. Identify next steps to better utilize and leverage your assessment data to help you measure students’ learning and know what steps to consider next.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

Authentic Engagement: Using Academic Games to Formatively Assess Students

Thursday, March 31 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342B

STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the STEM Classroom

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Join us as we explore a continuum of engagement strategies to formatively assess your students’ ability to demonstrate mastery of 3-D science standards.

Attendees will: 1. gain new ideas to formatively assess 3-D learning; 2. participate actively in academic games; and 3. leave our session with accessible tools to use in the classroom next week!

Mary Headrick (AMSTI-University of Alabama, Huntsville: Huntsville, AL), Shundra Morris (AMSTI-UAH: No City, No State), Ann Iott (AMSTI-University of Alabama, Huntsville: Huntsville, AL), Cayce Perry (AMSTI-University of Alabama, Huntsville: Huntsville, AL)

Using Argument to Formatively Assess Student Understanding of Scientific Phenomena and Theory

Friday, April 1 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 322B

STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the STEM Classroom

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Formative assessment through scientific discourse, modeling, and argumentation regarding evidence for scientific phenomena or theory gives authentic insight into student understanding of difficult science concepts.

1. Understand the role of formative assessment within the teaching progression to promote student achievement; 2. Value argumentation and modeling as valid forms of formative assessment; and 3. Identify that scientific discourse with peers is a valuable learning tool within a classroom to give insight into student learning.

Kristin Mansell (Washington Fields Intermediate School: Washington, UT)

You Mean 3-D Assessment Tasks Can Be Engaging?

Saturday, April 2 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NGSS Three-Dimensional Assessment Dashboard

STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the STEM Classroom

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Discover resources and tools to aid in crafting 3-D assessments. Bring your own assessment for peer feedback or explore OERs to adapt to your setting.

1. Best practices in 3-D assessment design; 2. Strategies for adapting existing assessments; and 3. Resources for identifying engaging phenomena.

Becky McDowell (Independent Contractor: Springfield, PA)

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