2022 Houston National Conference

April 31-2, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, Presentation, Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science Classrooms, Informal Science Education


Rooms and times subject to change.
8 results
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Creative Writing Exercises in the Science Curriculum: Reaching Students with Different Learning Styles and Increasing Concept Retention

Thursday, March 31 • 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 322B

STRAND: Developing Scientific Literacy in the Classroom

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Creative writing assignments can better reach students with differing learning styles. The incorporation of creative writing exercises into introductory chemistry courses and their effects on student performance will be described.

1. Creative writing is an effective way to cement understanding of chemistry concepts; 2. Engaging in creative writing leads to better exam performance; and 3. Creative writing exercises increase critical-thinking skills.

Donald Carpenetti (Craven Community College: New Bern, NC)

SCST-Sponsored Session: Active Learning Strategies in Online Science Courses Through TAG Feedback

Thursday, March 31 • 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 350C

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Active learning strategies can be difficult to use in large online classes. This presentation discusses active learning strategies for group work using TAG feedback.

Participants will discover that: 1. active learning can be done in a large online geoscience course; 2. TAG feedback is a great way to encourage group discussion and collaboration; and 3. active learning activities contribute to enhanced learning and engagement.

Christa Haney (Mississippi State University: Mississippi State, MS), Renee Clary (Mississippi State University: Mississippi State, MS)

SCST-Sponsored Session: Authentic Undergraduate Research STEMs from Practical Coursework

Friday, April 1 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361D

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Deriving research opportunities for students directly from coursework-based questions allows more students to be involved in this high-impact practice.

Attendees will: 1. see examples of student-generated research; 2. learn how to engage faculty in the process of authentic research; and 3. see what students have said about the role of research in their STEM careers.

Kerry Cheesman (Capital University: Columbus, OH)

Preservice Teacher and Museum Virtual Partnerships for Science Education of All

Friday, April 1 • 2:00 PM - 2:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352A

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Museum staff and education professors will present a multi-state service-learning project. Attendees will brainstorm experiential learning partnerships for preservice teacher in their own communities.

Attendees will: 1. learn about a multi-state service-learning project completed by elementary education preservice teachers enrolled in Creative Writing and Science Methods courses (at a rural university in Texas) for a Musuem of Natural Sciences (in North Carolina), completed entirely online during the global pandemic; 2. learn about the benefits of service-learning projects for future science educators, local organizations, and local communities…including how the PSTs’ lesson plans met Next Generation Science Standards; and 3. be prompted to consider possible experiential learning partnerships for preservice teachers based on the known needs of their local community organizations. Presenters (including museum staff and university professors) will offer tips for those ideas shared.

Lauren Burrow (Stephen F. Austin State University: Nacogdoches, TX), Tonya Jeffery (University of Houston - Downtown: Houston, TX)

Exploration of Questions Proposed by Preservice Elementary Teachers in Inquiry-Based Science Lesson Planning

Saturday, April 2 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352B

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Presentation of graduate research on depth of questions used by elementary teacher candidates. Participants will use results to evaluate their questions to enhance student learning.

Attendees will: 1. get an overview of a research study and learn about resulting tools used to evaluate depth of questions in elementary science lessons; 2. learn and contribute to recommendations for preservice and inservice teachers in developing questioning techniques to promote student discourse and understand student thinking; and 3. practice developing and refining questions in science.

Cynthia Lima (The University of Texas at San Antonio: San Antonio, TX), Liz McMillan (The University of Texas at San Antonio: San Antonio, TX)

SCST-Sponsored Session: Using Student-Created Infographics to Communicate Science with the Public

Saturday, April 2 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361D

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Infographics are an excellent way to engage students in communicating science to the public. Ideas can change quickly when misinformation appears in a community.

Attendees will: 1. learn how infographics can be incorporated into science classes to teach communication skills; 2. see examples of student-generated graphics; and 3. see feedback from students and learn why they think this exercise is an important part of their training.

Kerry Cheesman (Capital University: Columbus, OH)

Using Virtual Reality (VR) as a Supplement to Lab Activities in Chemistry Classes

Saturday, April 2 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361F

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A virtual reality chemistry activity was evaluated as a supplement to laboratory instruction for first-year college chemistry classes.

1. Virtual reality offers an engaging and kinesthetic way to supplement lab-based instruction; 2. The virtual environment can evaluate student lab performance on a level that can't be duplicated in a laboratory setting; and 3. VR offers an effective source of remediation for students lagging in laboratory skills.

Donald Carpenetti (Craven Community College: New Bern, NC), Vy Tran (Craven Community College: New Bern, NC)

Giving Everyone a Seat at the Lab Table: Uncovering Effects of Gender Biases Within Science Instruction

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342C

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science Classrooms

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Explore gendered stereotypes within STEM/science education that influence unconscious biases and strategies to mitigate them, focusing on gaps in female student participation.

1. Identify societal cues that can increase implicit biases and the effects they can have on minoritized students in science/STEM education; 2. Learn practical skills to address his/her own implicit biases in the classroom decision-making; and 3. Learn reflective and introspective strategies to mitigate unconscious bias.

Uchenna Emenaha (The University of Texas at San Antonio: No City, No State)

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