2022 Houston National Conference

April 31-2, 2022

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:Hands-On Workshop, Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science Classrooms, Physics


Rooms and times subject to change.
56 results
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Teaching the Practices

Thursday, March 31 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 370 A/B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
SI Template
Twirly Investigation Template
Twirly Template Make the twirly

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Feeling challenged to teach the practices? Learn to take any traditional science lab and upgrade it to teach NGSS Practices!

1. There is no need to "reinvent the wheel" with all new labs when you can upgrade your existing ones to be NGSS practice focused!; 2. Scientific inquiry as the basis of classroom lab experiences is more effective than typical cookie cutter–style labs; and 3. Creating personal connections to science content can dramatically increase engagement.

Vanessa Ueltzen (Walther Christian Academy: Melrose Park, IL)

Instructional Routines for Belonging in Science: How Can Crosscutting Concepts Support This Work?

Thursday, March 31 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 351E

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

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Experience two novel instructional routines supporting the integration of NGSS Crosscutting Concepts and learn how these routines can be used to foster belonging in science classrooms.

Attendees will: 1. learn the steps for how to facilitate two instructional routines to support student thinking and discourse; 2. learn how the use of CCCs during these routines can support students making sense of phenomena; and 3. come away with a deeper understanding of how to use the CCCs to foster belonging in science classrooms.

Joy Otibu (Mott Hall Bronx High School: Bronx, NY), Andrea Sau (Mott Hall Bronx High School: Bronx, NY)

Preparing Teachers and Students for a Future in the Second Technology Revolution

Thursday, March 31 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362B

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The first technology revolution may have passed you by but rest assured, the second one is going to rock your world!

1. Relevance/difference of 1st and 2nd technology revolutions; 2. Understanding real-world examples for quantum information science; and 3. Importance of teaching QIS in the K–12 classrooms.

Karen Matsler (University of Texas Arlington: No City, No State), Janie Head (Lamar CISD: Rosenberg, TX), Emma Smith (Ridgeline High School: Millville, UT)

Using the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices for Competency-Based Grading and Assessment

Thursday, March 31 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352F

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Competency Based Grading Presentation - NSTA 31.03.2022.pdf

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See how a high school science department unpacked the science and engineering practices to create and implement a flexible, competency-based assessment system across all courses.

1. Competency-based grading in a science classroom; 2. Assessing Science and Engineering Practices; and 3. Practical tips for assessment and rubric design and implementation.

Alyssa Wallace (Del Lago Academy: Escondido, CA), Trish Stepanek (Del Lago Academy: Escondido, CA), Maria Vidaca (Del Lago Academy: Escondido, CA)

My Story Won’t Stay in Line: Teachers Learning About Entangled Phenomena Together

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 310A

STRAND: Developing Scientific Literacy in the Classroom

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When teaching about complex social justice science issues, how do teachers decide what to include while learning about new content and contexts?

1. Strategies for deciding what content is “worthwhile” when teaching about complex phenomena; 2. Strategies for deciding how much context is appropriate to include when dealing with social justice issues in science class; and 3. Suggestions for leveraging professional learning communities as sites where we can learn about unfamiliar contexts and contents in order to connect our subject to our communities.

Daniel Morales-Doyle (University of Illinois Chicago: Chicago, IL), Alejandra Frausto Aceves (Northwestern University: Evanston, IL), Adilene Aguilera (George Washington High School: Chicago, IL), Mindy Chappell (North-Grand High School: Chicago, IL), Tiffany Childress Price (Chicago Public Schools: Chicago, IL), Tomasz Rajski (Hubbard High School: Chicago, IL)

NSTA Press Session: Crosscutting Concepts: Strengthening Science and Engineering Learning

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352F

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This session focuses on the core messages of the book Crosscutting Concepts: Strengthening Science and Engineering Learning, published by NSTA Press in 2021.

1. The power of crosscutting concepts is most fully realized when they are used in conjunction with science and engineering practices and disciplinary core ideas; 2. Crosscutting concepts serve as lenses on phenomena, supporting all students in question-asking and sensemaking; and 3. Teacher leadership is critical to realizing the power of crosscutting concepts in practice.

Jeff Nordine (The University of Iowa: Iowa City, IA), Okhee Lee (New York University: New York, NY)

Sowing SEEDs, Cultivating Community Partnerships, and Nurturing STEM Careers

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362B

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Connect your school with local colleges and STEM employers using relevant, standards-based, hands-on activities that spark interest in science and STEM careers. Sample activity included.

1. How to identify and reach out to potential community and industry partners; 2. How to build a program or event that meets the needs of all stakeholders; and 3. How to develop authentic learning experiences to impact student perspectives of locally available STEM careers.

Bethany Kenyon (BioNetwork: Greenville, NC)

A STEM Ice Core Investigation That Integrates the Three Dimensions of NGSS

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 360 E/F

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Ice Core Record Data Sheet - Jamboard version
This can be used to do the activity instead of the printed versions, where all students can work in teams in the same document and then be able to see what other teams have done, Please make your own copy to use it in your classroom
Ice Core Records Investigation
Ice Core Records Webinar
Ice Core Student Handout.pdf
SOHO Solar Proton Events & Coronal Mass Ejections
This video highlights the SOHO mission UV highlights of mass ejections, solar winds and protons impacting earth

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A multidisciplinary open-ended investigation that incorporates absolute and relative dating, anomalies, historical context, volcanoes, solar proton events, energy cycles, Earth systems, terrestrial events, and supernovas.

1. Students will have a better understanding of the process of constructing knowledge; 2. Students will have to analyze and defend their results; and 3. Sometimes there is no answer key, only possible solutions from constructing and analyzing data from several sources that cross traditional disciplines.

Donna Young (NSO/NASA: No City, No State)

How to Make In-Person and Remote STEM Instruction Meaningful, Rigorous, and Equitable for Students

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332B

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This session introduces a way to create in-person and remote learning experiences that give all students a chance to learn how to use the DCIs, CCS, and SEPs to make sense of the world around them.

1. How to make in-person and remote learnings experience more meaningful, relevant, and equitable for students; 2. How to give students an opportunity to use their own ideas along with the DCIs, CCs, and SEPs in the service of sensemaking; and 3. How embedded formative assessment during an investigation can be used to examine student sensemaking.

Victor Sampson (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

What Do I Do with This? Making Sense of Your Assessment Data

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Session Resource Document Form
Click on this link to access the Resource Document for the session. This will ask for your email so that I can share the slide deck following the session based on how the conversation unfolds.

STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the STEM Classroom

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We are awash in assessment data, but often it’s overwhelming to make sense of it. Join us to learn tips and strategies for wrangling data.

1. Explore new ways to organize data collection and raw data to aid in exploring the data for stories after it is collected; 2. Acquire skills in tying questions, data types, and data visualizations to enhance your ability to make sense of your assessment data; and 3. Identify next steps to better utilize and leverage your assessment data to help you measure students’ learning and know what steps to consider next.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: NMLSTA Awards: Come Learn About Two Awards for Middle Level Science Teachers!

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 322A

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Learn how to apply for NMLSTA’s Classroom Teacher Awards and Hurd Award. This interactive workshop will provide information and an opportunity to begin an application.

1. NMLSTA Classroom Teachers awards provide up to $200 to support science in your classroom and has a quick and easy application. 2. The Hurd Award is for exemplary science teaching performance including leadership in sharing these ideas and a great way to showcase what you are doing in science education. 3. This workshop will cover eligibility, requirements, and timelines along with how to write a successful application, an opportunity to brainstorm ideas and start an application.

Alison Seymour (Winchester College: No City, No State)

Beams to Bridges: Graphing Stress-Strain Curves

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332C

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Let me introduce you to hands-on lab-producing graphs that are critical to understanding properties for engineering bridges and more. We'll focus on making, interpreting, and teaching the graphs in a classroom.

1. Cheap and effective beam and bridges labs; 2. Graph analysis and real-world applications; and 3. Iterative engineering design to improve results.

Scott Spohler (Global Impact STEM Academy: Springfield, OH), Briana Richardson (Washington High School: Washington Court House, OH)

Using Paper Airplanes to Review Mechanics (Scientific Method, Kinematics, Dynamics, Energy, and Momentum)

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 370 A/B

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We will be building and testing paper airplanes to review concepts in physics. This is a hands-on, multi-day, and lab-based alternative to classic review methods.

You will: 1. leave with a copy of the project; 2. review concepts and main ideas in physics using the plane you build; and 3. hopefully have fun!

Jason Kane (MacArthur Senior High School: Houston, TX)

Going Global with Solar Ovens: Teaching Convection, Conduction, and Radiation with Inquiry and Global Education in Mind

Thursday, March 31 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361B

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Build a working solar oven and your students’ empathy for global issues in this inquiry-based lesson on convection, conduction, and radiation with an authentic audience!

1. Having an authentic, global audience for a STEM inquiry project can be engaging and inclusive for your students and can promote empathy in your classroom; 2. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (https://sdgs.un.org/goals) can pair wonderfully with STEM lessons to enhance project-based lessons and make them meaningful to students; and 3. Organizations like iEARN (https://www.iearn.org/) partner with teachers to help provide platforms and opportunities for global learning.

Kate York (The University of Texas at Dallas: Richardson, TX), Katherine Donaldson (The University of Texas at Dallas: Richardson, TX)

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning—The Future Is NOW!

Thursday, March 31 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332C

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Come find out how to involve your students in learning how AI and ML can be taught to your students, how it can be used to promote equity in the classroom, and how it can make YOUR teaching job easier! If you can, bring a data set and computer.

1. AI and ML can help equitize the science classroom by allowing students to participate in learning; 2. AI and ML can be taught to students in the classroom and is an excellent 21st-century skill for all students; and 3. AI and ML hold the possibility to make the science teacher's job easier.

Holly Amerman (University of Georgia: Athens, GA), Anna Herdliska (Gwinnett County Public Schools: Suwanee, GA)

Wave-Particle Duality of Electrons and Photons

Thursday, March 31 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 370 A/B

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This session will focus on how to teach wave-particle duality (WPD) from a historical to present-day perspective. Engage students experimentally and relate the results to quantum information science.

1. Recognition of the historical relevance and sequence of events that currently support WPD; 2. The double slit experiment can be done with electrons and photons; and 3. Experimental results show how a wave interference pattern can also be produced by a probability distribution of photons and electrons.

Karen Matsler (University of Texas Arlington: No City, No State), Jan Mader (Retired Physics and Chemistry Teacher: Great Falls, MT)

Learning, Designing, and Teaching STEM in High School

Thursday, March 31 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352D

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

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Participants will experiment, design, and inquiry with free software and custom tools for teaching and learning STEM in high school.

1. How to capture real data with sensors and microcontrollers; 2. How to process data to find mathematical patterns and physical laws; and 3. How to encourage students to design and inquiry effectively.

Arturo Miguel de Priego (STEM and EECS Academy: Chincha, Ica, Peru)

Determining the Expansion Rate of Supernova Remnants Using Web-Based NASA Data and STEM Image Analysis Tools

Friday, April 1 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Guide to JS9
Contains user guides and activities for js9, a web-based software that siplays and analyzes FITS files.
The Expansion Rate of a Supernova Remnant Powerpoint
The Expansion Rate of a Supernova Remnant – a js9 activity
Purpose: To analyze observational data of a supernova remnant to determine the expansion velocity using js9 web-based analysis tools.

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Use STEM web-based analysis software and real data to determine the rate of a supernova remnant expansion and its uniformity.

1. Astronomical observations with the same parameters separated by time can be used to study the dynamics of a supernova remnant; 2. Expansion velocity of a supernova remnant can be used to determine its age and perhaps connect it to historical observations of such; and 3. Js9 web-based software provides students with real opportunities to do astronomical research.

Pamela Perry (Lewiston High School: Lewiston, ME)

NextGen TIME: A Toolkit for Materials Evaluation

Friday, April 1 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 370 A/B

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Learn how using NextGen TIME can help you get the best possible science instructional materials into the hands of teachers prepared to use them.

1. NextGen TIME is a suite of tools and processes that support district leaders in: a. preparing to evaluate instructional materials; b. evaluating instructional materials for their quality and design for next generation science; and c. planning for next steps including customization to improve student outcomes and effective implementation in classrooms throughout the district; 2. NextGen TIME is a collaborative, evidence based suite of tools and processes for professional learning that helps teachers and others operationalize the characteristics of high-quality instructional materials designed for next generation science; and 3. Using NextGen TIME represents an investment in curriculum-based professional learning to increase the likelihood that all students and teachers have access to the best possible materials for the local context.

Jody Bintz (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO), Jenine Cotton-Proby (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO)

Infusing STEM into a Truly Integrated High School Science Course

Friday, April 1 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 310A

STRAND: Developing Scientific Literacy in the Classroom

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Integrated science? Teach NGSS-focused geology, ecology, biology, engineering, and physical science through real-world problems. Access rubrics, guides, lesson plans, timelines, and other ideas.

1. Using a thematic approach to integrated science truly integrates the disciplines rather than the traditional one quarter of each discipline; 2. Integrated science can be highly engaging by giving students real-world applications of the content; and 3. Even though NGSS does not have a set of "integrated science" standards, aligning this kind of course to NGSS is still possible.

Vanessa Ueltzen (Walther Christian Academy: Melrose Park, IL)

Physically Active Modeling for Comparing States of Matter

Friday, April 1 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Contact Information Ellis NSTA 2022.pdf
NSTA Handout Students As Particles Solid Liquid Gas Comparison.pdf
NSTA Presentation.pptx
Physicall Active Modeling States of Matter.pptx

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Discover low-cost, easy-to-construct, physically active lessons that help students understand solids, liquid, and gases at the particle level and the forces between particles.

1. Learn how to model the attractive forces between particles in a gas, liquid, and solid to help explain the difference in properties of the different states of matter; 2. Learn how to construct these activities using the materials and spaces they already have; and 3. Receive ideas and opportunities to modify the depth to make the activity more appropriate for the student population.

Clark Ellis (The Kinkaid School)

Discover and Measure Earth's Layered Interior Using Seismic Data and Simple Models: A 3-D Learning Activity from IRIS

Friday, April 1 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 322A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Discovering Earth's Layered Interior - Hands-on Lab
Students work first in small groups, and then as a whole class to compare predicted seismic wave travel times, generated by students from a scaled Earth model, to observed seismic data from a recent earthquakes. This activity uses models, real data and emphasizes the process of science
Discovering Earth's Layered Interior - Online Lab
In this online lab, students compare observed seismic data to predictions they make from a model, to determine that the Earth must have a layered internal structure and to estimate the size of Earth's core.
Slide Presentation
The slides that were used to present the session.

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By using math, building models, analyzing earthquake data, and participating in scientific discourse, your students can discover and measure Earth's outer core!

1. Demonstrate that Earth cannot be a homogeneous mass and must have a layered interior; 2. Explain how seismic waves provide evidence for Earth’s internal structure and composition; and 3. Explain the usefulness of models in the process of science, as tools to generate predictions that can be compared to observations of the Earth system.

Michael Hubenthal (IRIS | Earthscope Consortium: Washington, DC), John Taber (IRIS | Earthscope Consortium: Chevy Chase, MD)

Integrated STEM as a District-Wide Equity Move

Friday, April 1 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332 E/F

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Integrated STEM in Tracy Unified.NSTA.4.1.2022.pptx

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Come experience how one California district is leveraging an opportunity to bring equitable STEM experiences to all preK–12 students.

1. How one district approaches integrated STEM; 2. What an integrated STEM unit feels like; and 3. How one district supports and builds accountability for equitable STEM instruction.

Scott Reynolds (Community Training and Assistance Center (CTAC): Boston, MA), Dean Reese (Tracy Unified School District: Tracy, CA)

All Learning Is Cultural, Especially Science

Friday, April 1 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342B

STRAND: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Science Classrooms

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During this session, we will discuss instructional tools and resources to leverage students' cultural capital in the science classroom.

1. Explore the tenets of Culturally Responsive Pedagogy; 2. Understand how all learning is cultural, especially science, and access to science helps students become change agents; and 3. Explore the components and values of an inclusive science classroom.

Patricia Morgan (Georgia State University: Atlanta, GA)

NSTA Press Session: Argument-Driven Inquiry as a Way to Bring Three-Dimensional Instruction to Your Classroom

Friday, April 1 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362C

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Argument-Driven Inquiry is an instructional model that gives students an opportunity to learn how to use DCIs, CCs, and SEPs to explain natural phenomena, and it creates a learning environment where students are able to talk, read, and write in the service of sensemaking.

How to: 1. use this instructional model, or way of teaching, to give students an opportunity to learn how to use the DCIs, CCs, and SEPs to make sense of natural phenomena; 2. give students an opportunity to use their own ideas and ways of communicating to talk, read, and write in the service of sensemaking; and 3. give students more opportunities to decide what counts as valid and acceptable and develop new criteria for what counts evidence in science.

Victor Sampson (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

Using CERs and CEJs to Develop Student Discourse and Discussion

Friday, April 1 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352D

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Using CERs and CEJs: Shared Resources

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Come learn how to teach in three dimensions and advance students’ scientific literacy by strategically applying the use of CERs and CEJs in your classroom.

After this session, participants will be able to: 1. identify the CER and CEJ approach for building scientific literacyl; 2. identify opportunities for using CERs and CEJs to facilitate student discourse and discussion; and 3. apply what they have learned to their own classroom.

McKenna Serowka (Lake Zurich High School: Lake Zurich, IL), Laura Cohen (Lake Zurich High School: Lake Zurich, IL)

Landing on Mars: Applying Engineering Practices

Friday, April 1 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361E

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Landing on Mars Session Handout
Download the handout for the Space Lander STEM challenge and an overview of Space Club!
Updated - Landing on Mars Session Handout

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Can you land on Mars? Join us for a hands-on engineering design challenge that explores shock absorption and air resistance while making connections to careers and real-world experiences.

1. Understand NGSS engineering practices about design, testing, and developing models and solutions for elementary and middle school students; 2. Learn effective teaching strategies to engage students in engineering practices that promote critical thinking, problem solving, and creativity; and 3. Learn how to motivate students with space exploration, including exciting current events and careers.

Natasha Wilkerson (Texas A&M University: College Station, TX)

Bohr to Quantum: Atomic Structure and the Quantum Atom

Friday, April 1 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332 E/F

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The model of the atom has transitioned from the Bohr Atom to the Quantum Mechanical Model utilizing energy transitions and standing waves.

1. Spectral emission or absorption lines are the result of quantum jumps; 2. Quantized energy transitions are discrete; and 3. Quantized energy orbitals are produced by standing waves.

Jan Mader (Retired Physics and Chemistry Teacher: Great Falls, MT), Emma Smith (Ridgeline High School: Millville, UT)

Facilitating Inclusion with Social Circus

Friday, April 1 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332A

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Educators get hands-on experience using a variety of circus props that can be integrated into grades 3–5 physics curriculum and project-based units as a UDL technique.

Teachers will be able to: 1. describe how the integration of social circus pedagogy allows for authentic differentiation and promotes equity and inclusion in the science classroom; 2. use a variety of circus props to demonstrate fundamental concepts in physics; and 3. dDesign fair tests and project-based learning units involving circus props that address NGSS standards in Motion and Stability, Energy, and Engineering Design (3-PS2-1, 3-PS2-2, 4-PS3-1, 5-PS2-1, 3-5-ETS1-1).

Kathleen Alexander (International Elementary School: Brooklyn, NY)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: Meet Me in the Middle, Lite: A Share-a-Thon

Friday, April 1 • 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - Grand Ballroom A/B

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
DNA cheek swab
Recipe for DNA Traits

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Engage in a variety of activities, collect information and resources, and network with middle level leaders from NSTA and NMLSTA. Discover new ideas and materials that you can use next week.

Attendees will: 1. have networking opportunities with other middle level science educators; 2. discover resources to help them in all aspects of their teaching; and 3. engage in a variety of new activities to use with their students.

Mary Lou Lipscomb (National Middle Level Science Teachers Association: Naperville, IL), Rebecca Kurson (Collegiate School: New York, NY), Wendy Abshire (American Meteorological Society: Washington, DC), Alison Seymour (Winchester College: No City, No State), Bruce Boehne (Zion Lutheran School: Dallas, TX), Marissa Nalley (The Algae Foundation: Midland, TX), Abigail Stimach (American Meteorological Society: Washington, DC), Kylie Wynaker (The Algae Foundation: Midland, TX), Amanda Clapp (The Catamount School: Sylva, NC), Covey Denton (Greenfield School: Wilson, NC), Katy Garvey (The Source for Learning, Inc.: Reston, VA), Edralin Pagarigan (Golden Ring Middle School: Rosedale, MD), Emily Ong (Girls Who Code: New York, NY)

Demystifying Models in the Science Classroom

Friday, April 1 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361B

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Join us for a hands-on experience and discussion about modeling! It will feature quick-start guides, student work examples, and modeling assessment strategies.

Participants will: 1. learn how to use a model with a given natural phenomenon; 2. learn how to scaffold models for all diverse learners; and 3. be given ready-to-use resources to start modeling in their classroom.

Brittany Blair (Charles H. Barrows STEM Academy: North Windham, CT), Nicole Vitello Lowell (Charles H. Barrows STEM Academy: North Windham, CT)

Scaling the Universe: Classroom Modeling of the Smallest to Largest Building Blocks of the Cosmos

Friday, April 1 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332A

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Use everyday materials to construct models demonstrating the size and scale of atoms, planets, the solar system, number of stars in our universe, and more.

1. The universe at various scales can only be truly appreciated with an understanding and utilization of scientific notation; 2. “Scale” is important to grasping the bigness and smallness of various objects, events, and concepts in the universe; and 3. “Modeling” allows humans to literally “grasp” the various scales inherent of and in the universe.

Elizabeth Strong (SMARTCenter: Wheeling, WV), Robert Strong (SMARTCenter: Wheeling, WV)

Exploring Visible and Invisible Light and Energy in a Three-Dimensional Learning Setting

Friday, April 1 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361E

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Practice activities with simple materials exploring the EM Spectrum and explanatory models that illustrate real-world space science applications. Learn about the AAA program.

Attendees will learn how to: 1. employ Claim Evidence and Reasoning and a gallery walk of student work to review discuss models; 2. use collaborative learning to investigate filters and wavelengths; and 3. apply for the NASA teacher professional development program, Airborne Astronomy Ambassadors.

P Harman (Pamela Harman: No City, No State), Coral Clark (SETI Institute: Mountain View, CA), Spencer Cody (Edmunds Central School District: Roscoe, SD)

Exploring the Practice of Developing and Using Models

Friday, April 1 • 2:00 PM - 3:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 351E

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Atlas Map 1.2 Developing and Using Models (MOD).pdf
Exploring the Practice of Developing and Using Models for NSTA Houston 2022.pdf

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Come explore the practice of developing and using models by analyzing maps from The NSTA Atlas of Science Literacy and developing your own models based on your own observations of a phenomenon during a hands-on activity.

1. Explain the intended progression of learning for students in developing and using models; 2. Analyze a model to determine students' understanding of core ideas in science; and 3. Argue with evidence about students’ proficiency with the practice of developing and using models.

Ted Willard (Discovery Education: Silver Spring, MD), Brad Fountain (Discovery Education: Silver Spring, MD)

Ignite Epistemic Curiosity with a Puzzling Phenomenon

Saturday, April 2 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352F

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Participants investigate three concepts of an anchoring phenomenon to explain why a dog can see himself and the bottom of a frozen pond simultaneously.

Workshop participants will engage in and learn about; 1. a phenomenon-driven storyline focused on multiple concepts; 2. model-based reasoning and collective sensemaking; and 3. constructing explanations via developing models and forming CER statements.

Jaclyn Murray (Mercer University: Macon, GA)

Bringing Oceans into the Physical Science Classroom

Saturday, April 2 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362B

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Oceanography is an appealing application to engage all students in the high school physical science, physics, and chemistry classroom.

1. How to leverage students' interest in oceans to engage all students in physical science inquiry; 2. Resources for training teachers to promote oceanography instruction at all levels; and 3. Example activities that incorporate oceans into the physical sciences.

Steve Schulz (Manheim Township School District: Lancaster, PA)

Physics+C: Using Computational Models in Physics Classrooms

Saturday, April 2 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 360 E/F

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Experiment with and decode computational models of core physics topics. Learn how to support physics instruction through the use of computational thinking and coding.

Attendees will: 1. explore the “use-decode-modify” progression for using computational models in physics classrooms; 2. learn (and experience!) some of the benefits of using computational models for supporting physics instruction; and 3. learn about a set of freely accessible curricular units, supported by NSF funding, centered on the use of computational models in high school science.

Victor Mateas (Education Development Center, Inc.: Waltham, MA), Kristen Bjork (Education Development Center, Inc.: Waltham, MA)

Designing a Democratic Classroom by Centering Student Voice and Sharing Authority

Saturday, April 2 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332B

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Democratic STEM Teaching (DST) centers student voice, creating inclusive classrooms where all students can thrive. Explore how human-centered design thinking turns DST principles into practice.

Teachers will: 1. understand the DST principles and describe practical examples of student voice, shared authority, and STEM criticality; 2. develop ideas of how to use DST principles in their own classrooms in order to create a more inclusive classroom; and 3. use the design thinking approach and protocols to identify a focus area in the classroom.

Kelly Houston (STEM Ed Innovators: Saratoga, CA)

Scientific Literacy: Our Lives Depend on It!

Saturday, April 2 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 310A

STRAND: Developing Scientific Literacy in the Classroom

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Explore what it means to be scientifically literate and how to develop students who can participate in discussions about scientific issues that affect society.

The goals of this session are for participants to gain an understanding of what scientific literacy is, how it can be supported in classrooms, and how the application of science principles and processes will enable students to join society’s science conversations.

Tina Hovance (Katy ISD: Katy, TX), Cathy Harter (Katy ISD: Katy, TX)

Cheap STEM for the Classroom

Saturday, April 2 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 322A

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Explore STEAM with concrete, metal, polymers, and clay. Apply math and design concepts to many real-world examples. Supplies are cheap and students love destructive testing!

1. Basic properties of materials science categories: metals, ceramics, polymers, composites; 2. Affordable labs exploring these properties and ways to adapt these labs for specific classroom needs; and 3. Real-world applications for these materials and lab concepts, focusing on the iterative design process.

Briana Richardson (Washington High School: Washington Court House, OH)

Analyzing X-Ray Pulses from Stellar Cores Using Physics and Web-Based NASA Data and STEM Image Analysis Tools

Saturday, April 2 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362E

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Analysis of Two Pulsating X-ray Sources - a js9 activity
Google Slides Presentation

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Use STEM web-based analysis software and basic physics gravitation and centripetal acceleration equations to determine if a stellar core is a white dwarf or neutron star.

1. Light curves generated from image analysis software can be used to determine the period of rotation of some white dwarfs and pulsars; 2. Newton’s Universal Law of gravitation and centripetal acceleration calculations can be used as evidence for determining the type of star; and 3. Js9 web-based software provides students with real opportunities to do astronomical research.

Pamela Perry (Lewiston High School: Lewiston, ME)

Why Do I Need to Learn This Science Stuff?

Saturday, April 2 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 370 A/B

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Discover the power of tiny things to promote equity through real-world problem solving with nano@stanford. Learn the biomimicry connection to water-resistant and other engineered materials being developed in nanotechnology to solve real problems that will promote equity by engaging more students.

1. Learn the biomimicry connections to water-resistant and other engineered materials that are being developed in nanotechnology to solve real problems; 2. All STEM disciplines are needed to solve real problems and nanotechnology provides the tools to develop solutions; and 3. Learn the locations of NGSS-focused activities, resources, and virtual experiences for your classroom connected to Nanotechnology Opportunities for free/ paid professional development with the NNCI and nano@stanford.

Daniella Duran (Stanford University: Stanford, CA)

The PETE Method for Increasing the Effectiveness of Discrepant Events in Science Education

Saturday, April 2 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361B

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Experience the PETE Method and learn how to implement it. The approach develops communication abilities, critical thinking, and content construction with discrepant events.

Participants will: 1. experience the PETE Method and Discrepant Events from a learner’s perspective; 2. be able to find effective, NGSS-focused discrepant events for use with the PETE Method and implement the approach in their classrooms; and 3. learn how to use polling software for formative evaluation.

Peter Rillero (Arizona State University West Campus: Glendale, AZ)

Protecting Spheros in a Car Wreck!

Saturday, April 2 • 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362C

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Link to Google Drive Folder
All resources included in the workshop are in this folder! Including the wheel .stl file!

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Participants will engage with the NGSS SEPs while utilizing Sphero Bolts and common materials to engineer a better solution to protecting a passenger in a collision!

1. Innovative ways to assess NGSS Performance Expectation HS-PS2-3; and 2. Integrating Project-based Learning and the Science and Engineering Practices from the NGSS into a physics classroom.

Lukas Rieke (Houston Christian High School: Houston, TX)

Bringing Weather into the Physical Science Classroom

Saturday, April 2 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362C

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Meteorology is an appealing application that can be used to engage all students in the high school physical science, physics, and chemistry classroom.

1. How to leverage students' interest in weather to engage all students in physical science inquiry; 2. Resources for training teachers to promote meteorology instruction at all levels; and 3. Example activities that incorporate weather into the physical sciences.

Steve Schulz (Manheim Township School District: Lancaster, PA)

Inspiring Literacy and Science Interest with Real-World Data

Saturday, April 2 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352D

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Session Resource Document Form
Complete this form to access the session Resource Document with links we will use during the session. I will send you via email a copy of the slide deck from the session.

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We use data to do science; data literacy is its own set of skills. Young learners benefit when we integrate data, literacy, and science together.

1. Identify how data literacy is a critical aspect of literacy and science literacy in the 21st century; 2. Explore strategies and resources to use to authentically integrate data into K–5 science instruction; and 3. Develop a plan for next steps to elevate data as an aspect of meaningful connections between literacy and science.

Kristin Hunter-Thomson (Dataspire Education & Evaluation, LLC)

What IS Light?

Saturday, April 2 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 362E

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Light reflects, refracts, and can be used for communications, but do we really understand some of the weird things it does? Come “see the light”!

1. Light can bend as it travels through objects; 2. Light has properties of particles, like grains of sand; and 3. Light has properties of waves.

Karen Matsler (University of Texas Arlington: No City, No State), Cathy Barthelemy (STEMexperts: Keller, TX)

Motion Diagram Manipulatives

Saturday, April 2 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332C

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Motion Diagram Manipulatives.docx

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Motion diagrams are a great tool for teaching about velocity and acceleration without using maps. Join other teachers in using a hands-on manipulative to teach this useful subject.

1. Velocity and acceleration can be taught qualitatively instead of quantitatively; 2. Using manipulatives reaches all different kinds of learners—verbal, visual, and kinesthetic; and 3. Giving students different ways to learn the same topic helps to reach more students.

Kristin Pierce (Oakville High School: Saint Louis, MO)

You Mean 3-D Assessment Tasks Can Be Engaging?

Saturday, April 2 • 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 342B

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NGSS Three-Dimensional Assessment Dashboard

STRAND: Promoting Effective Assessments in the STEM Classroom

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Discover resources and tools to aid in crafting 3-D assessments. Bring your own assessment for peer feedback or explore OERs to adapt to your setting.

1. Best practices in 3-D assessment design; 2. Strategies for adapting existing assessments; and 3. Resources for identifying engaging phenomena.

Becky McDowell (Independent Contractor: Springfield, PA)

Makerspace: Engaging K–12 Learners and Growing a Society of Critical Thinkers and Innovators

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 361B

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Makerspace is an engaging teaching pedagogy where students participate in sensemaking to solve real-world problems through innovation, creativity, and collaboration.

1. Makerspaces are versatile and encourage student engagement; 2. Makerspaces teach students crucial 21st-century life skills; and 3. Hands-on exploratory learning leads to increased retention and understanding.

Courtney Graf (Student: Shippensburg, PA)

Polishing Students’ Argumentation Skills: Using Discussion Diamonds to Support Evidence-Based Discourse and Writing

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352E

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Discussion Diamonds Presentation 2022.pptx
Slip or Trip.pdf

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Experience how the discussion diamond protocol can help support students’ argumentation skills and Claim Evidence Reasoning writing through peer discourse.

1. Student discourse can be used to support the development of students’ argumentation skills; 2. The discussion diamond protocol provides students with a structure to build scientific arguments based on evidence and reasoning in collaboration with their peers; and 3. The discussion diamond protocol is a versatile tool that can be adapted for students at different skill levels and in various subjects.

Nicole Ciccarello (Beverly Hills High School: Beverly Hills, CA)

NSTA Press Session: How to Give Children More Opportunities to Use Science and Literacy to Make Sense of the World Around Them Using Argument-Driven Inquiry

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 310A

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This session introduces a way to create learning experiences that will give students opportunities to talk, read, and write in the service of sensemaking as they use the DCIs, CCs, and SEPs to explain natural phenomena.

1. How to ensure students have access to science by designing investigations that promote and supports the use of literacy skills; 2. How literacy can be used in the service of sensemaking; and 3. How to embed formative assessment of science practices and literacy skills into an investigation in a meaningful and informative way.

Victor Sampson (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX)

Teaching Engineering, Motion, and Energy Through Rube Goldberg

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 332A

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Rube Goldberg Machine Invitation.doc
Teaching Engineering, Motion, and Energy Through-2022.pptx

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This introduction to STEM for elementary, secondary, or special education classrooms will allow participants to explore motion and energy while creating their own Rube Goldberg machine using found objects.

1. Using the engineering design process to design and carry out a demonstration of motion and energy; 2. Using found/recycled objects to create a functional Rube Goldberg machine; and 3. Teaching the laws of motion through simple activities.

Elaine Sevin (Isidore Newman School: New Orleans, LA)

Historic Observations, Physical Models, and GPS Data Reveal the Long and Short Behavior of Earthquakes in NGSS-Focused Resources!

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 351E

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FREE IRIS and UNAVCO resources explore how the earthquake system behaves across long and short time scales using observations; evidence; and simple, interactive physical models.

Teachers will be able to: 1. use evidence and reasoning to construct an explanation for earthquake occurrence at varying timescales; 2. model energy inputs and outputs to the earthquake cycle using a simple mechanical model; and 3. describe how the moment magnitude is calculated for an earthquake and how this relates to basic physical science principles.

John Taber (IRIS | Earthscope Consortium: Chevy Chase, MD)

Break Through the Middle School Science Content

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 352F

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Discover an engaging, hands-on experience for your students that focuses on middle school science concepts using breakout and interactive games with puzzles and clues.

Participants will learn: 1. how to create their own breakout room or interactive game tailored to specific student needs; 2. the benefits of using games that require the use of multiple learning styles to master content for the grade 8 science assessment; and 3. learn how to use games in the science classroom to increase scientific literacy by using thinking, reading, writing, and discourse strategies to deepen the understanding of the content.

Jonathan Kramer (Dallas ISD: Dallas, TX)

NMLSTA-Sponsored Session: All Students Can Do STEM

Saturday, April 2 • 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM

George R. Brown Convention Center - 360 E/F

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All students can do STEM

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STEM classrooms can be exclusive if teachers do not identify the lack of prior learning opportunities and misconceptions early in the year. Come learn how one teacher uses coding to bridge the gap in her STEM classroom.

1. STEM inclusion activities; 2. Coding in the classroom; and 3. STEM project ideas.

Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA)

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