Professional learning is critical for identifying and using high-quality instructional materials and can be provided in multiple ways. Join us as we examine criteria for choosing high-quality professional learning experiences in K-5 science. Participants will explore useful tools and just-in-time supports for personal professional learning that meet teachers where they are. We will collaborate to refine expectations for professional learning that supports K-5 learning. Participants will have a different lens for knowing the types of support that are critical when evaluating and implementing high-quality instructional materials
Brilliance and Strengths Report: Recommendation 10, 12, 14
Professional learning should be connected to curriculum materials and be flexible enough to meet teachers needs.
Shelly LeDoux (The University of Texas at Austin: Austin, TX), Carla Zembal-Saul (Penn State: University Park, PA), Heidi Carlone (Vanderbilt University Peabody College: Nashville, TN), Mary Starr (Michigan Mathematics and Science Leadership Network)