The STEM Scholar program was created to aid in the goal of diversifying the STEM workforce, by supporting the best and brightest students from underrepresented populations in their pursuit of STEM. Our program’s goal is to increase the number of diverse students from underrepresented populations graduating with degrees in STEM, through recruitment and retention efforts, and leadership development, while strengthening TCU’s academic community and contributing to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The foundation for these scholar’s success is laid during the required Summer Enrichment Program (SEP). The SEP is a four-week experience, designed to acclimate students to the rigors of STEM and higher education. During the summer program our students complete a 3-credit hour critical thinking course in STEM, live on campus, maintain on campus employment and participate in a variety of professional, metacognitive, and personal development experiences.
Participants can pull from a real-life case study on how to lay the framework for supporting, assessing, and creating a successful program that promotes retention of underrepresented student populations as they pursue education and careers in STEM.
Zoranna Jones (Assistant Dean: Fort Worth, TX), José Luis Cano (Graduate Assistant: Fort Worth, TX), Brianna Edwards (Assistant Director of Institutional Effectiveness: Fort Worth, TX)