2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:Hands-On Workshop, Assessment, Computer Science


Rooms and times subject to change.
13 results
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Integrated STEM as a District-Wide Equity Move

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - C204

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Grade 6 - Math - Fall - Print a Pool - Integrated STEM Unit Planner.8.1.22.pdf
Sample unit for Grade 6
Link to Participant Photos
NSTA.National 3.23.2023.pdf
Session PowerPoint Presentation
PreK12 STEM-Orientation to Units 8.19.2022 w QR.pdf
Orientation to the Integrated STEM units
Project Website
Note: It is undergoing a refresh March/April of 2023. Please check back for more info and resources.
Student Self-Assessment of Engineering.pdf
Student Self-Assessment of Engineering

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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This session disseminates learnings from an early-phase STEM project of the federal Education Innovation and Research (EIR) program. A joint effort of the Community Training and Assistance Center (CTAC) and Tracy Unified School District in California, the multi-year project centers on the development and implementation of integrated STEM curricular units to every student in each grade level, pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. Developed by local teacher leaders, each 4- to 8-week unit centers on a design challenge, clusters the ETS and other NGSS standards related to that challenge, and requires students to develop a computational artifact as a part of demonstrating their learning. The project is enriched through the participation of community leaders who bring local industry experiences to students within each unit, and is supported through strategic work teams. Come see how this systemic reform is bringing equitable STEM experiences to all students PreK-12. Leave inspired with ide

1. How one district approaches integrated STEM; 2. What an integrated STEM unit feels like; and 3. How one district supports and builds accountability for equitable STEM instruction.

Scott Reynolds (Community Training and Assistance Center (CTAC): Boston, MA)

Using Pixels to Create the Art in STEM

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A303

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Pixil Art - The A in STEAM Release.pdf

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Technology has opened the pathway of art creation, making it accessible for all learners, no matter their artistic skill level. Utilizing Pixel Art, educators across the spectrum can leverage the inclusion of customized and unique artistic creations to engage the creativity of all students.

Participants will gain hands-on exposure creating a personal avatar with multiple modes used to construct authentic designs through Pixel Art including using various types of websites and applications but also strategies for unplugging Pixel Art with physical mediums.

Claudeen Denning (Metro Nashville Public Schools: Nashville, TN), Claire Williams McGee (Metro Nashville Public Schools: Nashville, TN)

Know Soil, Know Life: Curricular Connections to this Vital Resource

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A301

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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Soils are vital to sustaining life. What makes this natural resource so special? Join us for an active session that digs into numerous soil science concepts and vetted teaching resources connected to the geosciences, biology, chemistry, and physics.

Soils are the foundation upon which life exists on Earth. The life that teems below ground supports the life above ground. Understanding the ecosystem services provided by soils requires cross-disciplinary thinking and reveals how vital soils are to our existence.

Margaret Holzer (none: Somerset, NJ)

Science+C: Using computational models in high school science

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom A

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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Experiment with and decode computational models of core science topics. Experience NSF-funded curricular materials developed to support science instruction that incorporates computational thinking and coding. The session will focus on physics but also preview the chemistry and biology tracks.

Attendees will learn (and experience!) some of the benefits of using computational models in high school science classrooms. They will do so by exploring the “use-decode-modify” progression for using computational models, which is built into our freely accessible curricular units.

Kristen Bjork (Education Development Center, Inc.: Waltham, MA), Victor Mateas (Education Development Center, Inc.: Waltham, MA)

From PixelArt to Arcade in the Classroom

Thursday, March 23 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A403

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
From PixelArt to Arcade in the Classroom

STRAND: Technology and Media

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This session takes attendees on a journey using their premade avatar or sprite from Pixel Art and integrating it into their own nostalgic video game using Microsoft Make Code!

Attendees will leave knowing how to insert graphics created in Pixel Art into an online game creator. It can be implemented as an alternative to a standard formative or summative assessment.

Claire Williams McGee (Metro Nashville Public Schools: Nashville, TN), Claudeen Denning (Metro Nashville Public Schools: Nashville, TN)

Using Computational Thinking to Protect Whales

Friday, March 24 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A305

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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Protecting Whales is one of two new freely available units in the Smithsonian Science for Computational Thinking series. Learn about integrating computational thinking into your elementary STEM classroom using both hands-on and high-tech resources by using this specific third grade unit.

Learn how to integrate computational thinking into the upper elementary STEM classroom using a problem-driven approach. Learn how to access everything needed to implement the 3rd grade Protecting Whales unit.

Melissa Rogers (Smithsonian Science Education Center: Washington, DC), Dr. Sarah Glassman (Smithsonian Science Education Center: Washington, DC)

Demystifying the Practice of Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking (Secondary)

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B402

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Atlanta23 Demystifying the Practice of Using Mathematics and Computational Think

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Immerse yourself in classroom-ready lessons that create the need to engage in Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking to build science ideas needed to explain phenomena (and maybe solve a problem or two).

Engaging students in the practice of Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking can create and foster wider interests in STEM fields

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Making the Science Behind Digital Communication Come Alive

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Session Handout update.pdf

STRAND: Technology and Media

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This session will demonstrate how to bring information technologies and Instrumentation alive for students. In the activity presented, students will establish radio communication between instruments while learning to code in Python. Beginners welcome.

Use Python to write the code to create a wireless data logger. We will broadcast, receive, and record readings from the technology’s internal sensors.

Marian Prince (Andrews University: Berrien Springs, MI), Adam Pennell (High Point University: No City, No State)

Demystifying the Practice of Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking (Elementary)

Friday, March 24 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B402

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Atlanta23 Demystifying the Practice of Using Mathematics and Computational Think

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Immerse yourself in a classroom-ready lesson that creates the need to engage in Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking to build science ideas needed to explain a phenomenon young students are curious about.

Elementary students engage in Using Mathematics and Computational thinking everyday as they describe, make comparisons between, and test predictions about systems in the world.

Kate Soriano (NSTA: Arlington, VA)

Using Literature to "Unplug" Computer Science

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A309

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Participants can get the most out of this experience by setting up a free account to access the gamified comic book from their own device.

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Participants will explore resources and methods for incorporating age-appropriate literature into computer science lessons independent of technology access. They will gain strategies for selecting content, facilitating discussions, and drawing connections that excite student learning. They will compare print and digital books, collaborate in a CS-ELA activity, and consider classroom applications. Outline: -Discover SAE’s computer science curriculum and literature, including teaching strategies and free STEM resources (15 minutes) -Examine the gamified comic book, STEM Sagas: Virtually Rerouted and learn about hybrid, multidisciplinary applications (10 minutes) -Participate in two peer-to-peer discussions & activities from the Virtually Rerouted curriculum, bringing narrative and science concepts together (30 minutes) -Regroup to share takeaways and ideas

Attendees will discover tools and strategies for fostering 21st century & computational skills by integrating literacy with interactive lessons suitable for any classroom environment. Participants also receive a free SAE book and chances to win a classroom STEM kit!

Bonnie Thibodeau (SAE International: Warrendale, PA)

Learn R, in R: Crash-course in Coding for Quantitative Reasoning into the Biology Classroom

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B215

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Want your students to code but new yourself? This session introduces ‘swirl’ (OER lessons using the R programming language) to encourage quantitative skill adoption in Biology classrooms.

We will discuss how to find, use, and create customizable lessons for your classroom that are biology-standards-aligned and encourage coding skills (without you needing to be an expert!)

Emily Weigel (Senior Academic Professional: Atlanta, GA)

No More Quantum Intimidation: Let's Learn & Teach Quantum-Infused Middle School Science STEM Curriculum Unit

Saturday, March 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B316

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Quantum education in middle school science education is a very novel initiative. Responding to the recent call of the National Quantum Initiative Act (2018) to accelerate quantum research and development, IQ-PARC aims to bridge the gap between developing quantum technologies and public interest and knowledge in quantum. Towards this end, IQ-PARC would like to introduce and apply a quantum-infused curriculum unit. Attendees will be encouraged to explore the concepts of quantum randomness and random number generator to create a particular artwork via quantum lab data collection. Also, they will be given a unit package including five distinct lesson plans and a pre-post assessment tool beginning with an archaeology challenge and ending with a quantum artwork activity. All materials were revised and updated by taking in-service middle school teachers' feedback and suggestions during and after the Teachers’ Quantum Workshop, organized by the IQ-PARC team in Summer 2022.

You will explore that quantum is not an intimidating subject to learn and teach; it is possible to link existing and/or newly released middle school state standards with basic quantum concepts, and STEM-based activities make quantum integrable into middle school science education.

Zeynep Akdemir (Purdue University: West Lafayette, IN)

Using Inquiry-based STEM to facilitate learning for all

Saturday, March 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A305

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Code used for Demonstration of Physical Computing.pdf

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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Physical computing allows students to design and create interactive objects that emphasize computational thinking skills. Participants will engage in activities designed for middle school students.

Microcontrollers are small computers that come with several integrated sensors. Their functionality makes them useful for both investigations and engineering projects. We will focus in how engineering tasks using microcontrollers provide opportunities for student sensemaking.

G. Michael Bowen (Mount Saint Vincent University: Halifax, NS), Susan German (Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education: No City, No State)

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