2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, Poster, Assessment, Sensemaking


Rooms and times subject to change.
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Using Nature of Science in the Classroom

Friday, March 24 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Have you wondered how to teach the Nature of Science in an engaging way? Do you know that there are free accessible websites to help. Come see how a few simple activities that allow students to access the other dimension of the NGSS standards.

Come away with free resources of Nature of Science activities. In addition learn the backed research principles that make this dimension of NGSS vital for scientific literacy.

Kelly Mulligan (Bridgeport Public School: Bridgeport, NE)

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