2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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Rooms and times subject to change.
60 results
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Supporting STEAM Teachers’ Practices in Social Justice & Rightful Presence

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A403

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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This interactive session will highlight a summer professional learning course designed to prioritize social justice in the K-12 STEAM classroom. While most teachers held social justice orientations, Rightful Presence (Calabrese Barton & Tan, 2020), provided important connection to teaching practice.

Teachers in the course used reflection and robust discussion to examine and identify their educational bias, teaching philosophies, and socially just teaching practices in STEAM. This interactive session will share strategies and reflection practices for teachers to bring back to their classrooms.

Meltem Alemdar (CEISMC, Georgia Institute of Technology: Atlanta, GA), Katie Boice (Georgia Tech, CEISMC: Atlanta, GA), Ti'Era Worsley (The University of North Carolina at Greensboro: No City, No State), Justina Jackson (CEISMC, Georgia Institute of Technology: Atlanta, GA)

A Four-Level Framework for Empowered Engineering

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B310

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Knowles Engineering teachers co-developed and piloted a scaffolded framework for integrating social justice into engineering design that we are excited to share with the NSTA community. Come ready to explore how to empower your science students through intentional engineering curriculum design!

Attendees will interact with examples of empowered engineering curriculum, as well as apply the framework to their own classroom. Teachers will leave with concrete ideas for how to incorporate more social justice work into their own engineering curriculum in manageable and expanding ways.

Katey Shirey (edukatey: Washington, DC), Emily Berman (Global STEM Challenges Program)

The Importance of Indigenizing our Science Teaching

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B313a

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Indigenization is receiving global attention. Why should we be concerned with Indigenizing and decolonizing our science instruction? Attend this panel discussion to learn how and why different countries are Indigenizing their science teacher preparation, science curricula, and science teaching.

In order to advance the process of reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, it is essential that we Indigenize and decolonialize our curriculum and our teaching methodologies. This panel discussion will present ways Indigenizing the curriculum is being done in various international contexts.

Patricia Morrell (retired: St. Lucia, 0)

Equity and Belonging in Marine Sciences and Education

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B303

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Who belongs in marine sciences? Why does it matter? Join the NMEA Equity & Belonging committee for an interactive session which aims to advance dialogue on social equity & justice in these spaces. This session is for educators who are passionate about integrating marine concepts in their practice.

The personal and professional narratives shared by the presenters will highlight tools and strategies to shift the power dynamics in your science classroom. A curated collection of resources to support more just and equitable science teaching practices will be shared.

Rae Quadara (The University of Southern Mississippi Marine Education Center: No City, No State), Janice Williams (Pinnacle Education Services /NMEA /COLC: North York, ON)

Is Science a Right or Privilege for “Those Kids”? Creating Culturally Responsive Science Curriculum for All Students

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A410

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Learn how the STEM4Real Lesson Study (LS) can empower teachers to meet needs of diverse learners, especially those with disabilities and underrepresented communities. A case study with a court and community school shows how LS aids in the creation of NGSS-aligned culturally responsive lesson plans.

Use a justice centered lesson plan template that connects to students’ lived experiences and identities, creates a learning experience where students from underrepresented communities feel seen and heard and cultivates a community affirming the inherent value of all people, regardless of background.

Marie Gorman (STEM 4 Real: San Francisco, CA)

Supporting Equitable Classroom Practices Through Alternate Assessment

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A405

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Presentations and Other Resources
Here you will find copies of our presentations and links to supporting blogs and podcasts.

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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We will share how we implemented current educational research to create a learning environment that supports learners of all abilities.

Attendees will understand the educational research supporting a shift away from traditional grading and describe methods of implementation that address issues of equity, differentiation, peer interactions, and more.

David Frangiosa (Pascack Valley Regional High School District: Montvale, NJ)

Expanding the STEM Narrative: Ensuring All Students Can See Themselves in STEM

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B302

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Our session will support science teachers in discovering and incorporating diverse and relevant experiences so ALL students can see themselves as scientists. We will review culturally responsive science instructional practices.

1. Explore the tenets of Culturally Responsive Science Teaching; 2. Understand how all learning is cultural and the importance of access to diverse representation; and 3. Explore the components and values of an inclusive science classroom and the need for students need to see themselves.

Tonya Woolfolk (Houston County Schools: Perry, GA), Patricia Morgan (Georgia State University: Atlanta, GA)

Integrated STEM as a District-Wide Equity Move

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - C204

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Grade 6 - Math - Fall - Print a Pool - Integrated STEM Unit Planner.8.1.22.pdf
Sample unit for Grade 6
Link to Participant Photos
NSTA.National 3.23.2023.pdf
Session PowerPoint Presentation
PreK12 STEM-Orientation to Units 8.19.2022 w QR.pdf
Orientation to the Integrated STEM units
Project Website
Note: It is undergoing a refresh March/April of 2023. Please check back for more info and resources.
Student Self-Assessment of Engineering.pdf
Student Self-Assessment of Engineering

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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This session disseminates learnings from an early-phase STEM project of the federal Education Innovation and Research (EIR) program. A joint effort of the Community Training and Assistance Center (CTAC) and Tracy Unified School District in California, the multi-year project centers on the development and implementation of integrated STEM curricular units to every student in each grade level, pre-kindergarten through grade twelve. Developed by local teacher leaders, each 4- to 8-week unit centers on a design challenge, clusters the ETS and other NGSS standards related to that challenge, and requires students to develop a computational artifact as a part of demonstrating their learning. The project is enriched through the participation of community leaders who bring local industry experiences to students within each unit, and is supported through strategic work teams. Come see how this systemic reform is bringing equitable STEM experiences to all students PreK-12. Leave inspired with ide

1. How one district approaches integrated STEM; 2. What an integrated STEM unit feels like; and 3. How one district supports and builds accountability for equitable STEM instruction.

Scott Reynolds (Community Training and Assistance Center (CTAC): Boston, MA)

Best Practices for Equity and Inclusivity in the STEM Classroom

Thursday, March 23 • 9:45 AM - 10:45 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A304

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Sponsoring Company: VEX Robotics

STEM education needs to be inclusive. This workshop will discuss research proven methods for why STEM can help improve student participation in the classroom. Jason McKenna, Director of Education at VEX Robotics, will include examples and techniques that teachers can use in their own classroom.

Jason McKenna (VEX Robotics: Pittsburgh, PA), Drew Ostry (Marketing Director: Greenville, TX)

Designing for justice in OpenSciEd High School Biology, Chemistry, and Physics

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom D

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Designing for justice means centering inquiry on phenomena that cross the artificial boundary between human and natural systems. The result is instruction that not only teaches students to understand the natural world, but broadens their perspectives on how humans fit into natural systems, what constitutes science, and what they can accomplish using science. In high school, some of the design problems that students are noticing in the world may feel overwhelming, but breaking them down using the ideas and practices of science can help students find hope and resilience. For example in OpenSciEd HS, students ask: Where should we focus efforts on treatment and prevention of cancer? What can we do to make driving safer for everyone? How can we slow the flow of energy on Earth to protect vulnerable communities? To answer these, students must use science ideas and practices to understand/think creatively about design problems that emerge from complex systems at the nature-human divide.

NGSS-designed instruction that is oriented toward justice can not only teach students to understand the natural world, but broadens their perspectives on how humans fit into natural systems, what constitutes science, and what they can accomplish using science.

Zoe Buck Bracey (Senior Science Educator and Director of Design for Justice: Colorado Springs, CO), Samantha Pinter (Norwalk Public Schools: Norwalk, CT), Jamie Noll (BSCS Science Learning: Colorado Springs, CO)

Lessons, Opportunities, and Recommendations for Culturally Sustaining STEM in Practice

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A410

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Grounding in culturally-sustaining STEM as an asset pedagogy in context of an informal learning setting, we will focus on lessons learned in a Gullah community and share curriculum examples along with recommendations for culturally based STEM programs through the lens of our project’s stakeholders.

Participants will (1) understand that within the STEM disciplines culture is a part of and embedded within underserved and underrepresented groups and communities and (2) identify ways to design and integrate community assets into project-based learning experiences.

Fenice Boyd (Chair and Professorr: Columbia, SC), Regina Ciphrah (Verbalizing Visions, LLC)

Place-based Environmental Science for Community Awareness

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C211

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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We will present activities developed for high-need urban schools (elementary and middle school focus) that lead to weather, ecology, life cycles, and water quality classroom discussions and ask attendees to challenge us to match activities to their needs.

No matter what a school’s environment, urban or rural, students can be engaged in Earth systems study to prepare them to be stewards of the Earth.

Sara Feit (Boston University: Boston, MA), Peter Garik (Boston University: Boston, MA)

Strategies for Increasing Diversity, Equity, Justice and Inclusion in the Next Generation Geoscience Workforce

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B302

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Research suggests that a more diverse geoscience workforce that reflects our nation's demographics can better equip us to effectively meet our country’s future energy needs. Such a workforce can be cultivated by implementing key strategies for recruiting and educating future diverse STEM leaders.

This session will discuss successful strategies to foster increased engagement of underrepresented groups in geoscience and related careers.

Ashanti Johnson (STEM Human Resource Development: , OK)

Did I really just flip this classroom?

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B313a

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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The session will consist of modeling how to flip a traditional classroom. Participants will learn how to create a Pear Deck, use Screencatisfy and EdPuzzle to flip their classroom.

Participants will walk away with the basic knowledge of how to flip their classroom and be able to implement the strategies immediately into their classroom so that they are able to increase equity and inclusion.

Cecelia Gillam (Benjamin Franklin High School: No City, No State)

Engineering to Empower Students & their Communities Through Understanding Heat Islands

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Cottonwood A

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Studying the Heat Island Effect covers multiple standards and content areas, and is an excellent grounding phenomenon to discuss equity and justice in the classroom. Come to this hands-on workshop to run through this experience and learn about a framework to develop empowering engineering projects.

Attendees will leave with a framework for developing engineering projects that integrate social justice, and will also walk through one of our developed projects on the Heat Island Effect.

Emily Berman (Global STEM Challenges Program)

Accessibility Online? All Students Means All Students

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A412

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Much of the technology around us has been designed for persons with different needs. We can now set an alarm just by asking a device to do so. We can enter stores without touching doors, and read captions for the news on television while listening to music on earbuds. Online curriculum needs to mirror this type of access to give all students the ability to engage with content. Can the visually impaired student in a biology classroom use a microscope? Where are videos with captions for hearing impaired students? Can a student with limited dexterity independently access interactive slides? Deliberate planning of online lessons and selective use of virtual resources can help foster your students’ independence and alleviate barriers. Come learn from the experts.

All students have unique needs in regards to online learning. Deliberate planning of online lessons and selective use of virtual resources can help foster your students’ independence and alleviate barriers.

Christopher Like (Iowa Department of Education: No City, No State), Jennifer Bliss (Iowa Educational Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Council Bluffs, IA)

Working with Indigenous Learners and Communities– an Un-guidebook for Success

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B302

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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As education professionals seek to engage with Tribal entities to support Youth, they need resources to help ensure that they are stepping respectfully and intentionally. Learn about an Un-guidebook, supported by 100kin10, to help non-Native education professionals engage with Tribal entities.

After this session, STEM educators will know more about building relationship with indigenous communities, and how both formal/OST, educators can use the Un-guide to create the first steps of a relationship with Tribal entities in their community and better support Tribal learners, especially youth.

Kathy Hoppe (STEMisED, Inc), Melinda Higgins (U.S. Dept. of Energy - Fossil Energy & Carbon Management: Washington, DC)

Changing Classroom Ecosystems: Level Up in Science and Math Courses

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A315

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Listen, reflect and be challenged by district leaders who are leading change in the composition of high school Science and Math classrooms. Walk in the footsteps of DAV, a Biology student, as she is introduced to an educational experience designed to challenge her and her teachers' self-efficacy.

The session will addressing some of the Systemic Barriers to Advanced Placement STEM Courses and future careers in STEM fields and reflect on ways we are changing the teacher and student efficacies about “math and science persons”

Alina Castillo (Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools: Chapel Hill, NC), Valerie Sellars (Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools)

WISE (Women in the STEM Economy) Women NOLA

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B313a

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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The WISE (Women in the STEM Economy) Women NOLA Mentorship program is a robust STEM mentorship program designed to expose, engage, and inspire young women to enter STEM careers

Attendees will learn how to develop, engage, and implement a STEM focused mentorship for high school aged young women through an education-business partnership.

Daphine Barnes (GNO, Inc.: New Orleans, LA)

Achieving Equity-Mindedness and Meaningful Inclusion in Biology Lessons

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A404

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSF Final Outcomes Report: Using Lived Experiences & Narratives Black Heritage
The clarity we need for belonging
The clarity we need for belonging
Video Clips on YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@visibilityinstem
Visibility In STEM

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Equity-mindedness and meaningful inclusion is achieved with identification and belonging in the biology curriculum. This NSF-funded research project uses the lived experiences and narratives of Black heritage and Gullah-Geechee African Americans to facilitate the learning of biology concepts.

Attendees will learn about the connection between identification and belonging and equitable classroom practices and science content. The research literature is used to describe how the emergent themes from the free curriculum resources shared brings equity into the biology lesson.

Catherine Quinlan (Howard University)

Talking Allowed! Using Science Discourse for Equity

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B209

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Sponsoring Company: Carolina Biological Supply Company

Why is science discourse important? How does it impact improving equity in a science classroom? How do teachers implement this strategy? Learn the answers to these and other questions as you explore engaging (STCMS) lessons from the Smithsonian. Leave with resource materials.

Cory Ort (Carolina Biological Supply Co.: Burlington, NC)


Thursday, March 23 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A411

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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We focus on students’ science mindset vary over time when engaged in science inquiry activities and is there a difference between male and female students? Our quantitative research shows that the use of scientific inquiry as a teaching method directly impacts a females science growth mindset.

A female's science identity weakens if elements such as self-efficacy, interest, and willingness to challenge themselves are missing. As students become more familiar with scientific inquiry, there is a deeper understanding of the science content, reducing the gender science achievement gap.

Dr. Jennifer Hooper (Byron Steele High School: No City, No State)

Engaging All Students Using Culturally Relevant Inquiry Based Teaching Practices

Thursday, March 23 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A412

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Engaging all students in STEM activities using culturally relevant inquiry-based teaching practices.

Participants will be able to define inquiry-based learning as culturally responsive/relevant teaching and identify characteristics of cultural competency in science teachers.

Rochelle Darville (West St. John High School: Edgard, LA)

Use Elder Teaching Methods in a Modern Classroom and Watch Your Students Thrive in a Healing Environment

Thursday, March 23 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Dogwood B

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Elders begin with storytelling that builds foundational knowledge, which leads to a familiar phenomena. This is followed by ongoing formative assessment that evaluates the progress during inquiry process. This, along with removing barriers to learning, results in an enjoyable, healing classroom.

Construction of a rigorous, inquiry-driven, student-centered, culture-based classroom is demonstrated. With removal of the 10 most common barriers to learning, success is possible for all students. With the addition of humor and celebration, you will have a healing classroom that can change lives.

Joel Truesdell (Kamehameha Schools Hawaii Campus: Keaau, HI)

Exploring the Clean Energy Transition and Energy Justice in the Classroom

Thursday, March 23 • 3:40 PM - 4:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B302

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Conduct an activity that can be used to introduce students to the concept of energy justice and receive a scorecard that can be used to evaluate stories that highlight our current and future energy system and its impacts on people and communities.

Attendees will learn about energy justice and use an evaluation scorecard as one strategy to enhance education about clean energy technologies while promoting literacy, systems thinking and critical thinking skills among learners.

Dana Haine (UNC Institute for the Environment: Chapel Hill, NC)

Inclusive Excellence in Elementary STEM: Supporting future teachers in designing rigorous STEM classrooms that center equity and engage ALL students

Friday, March 24 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A405

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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In this session, the presenters will share specific strategies and an intentional design for preparing elementary STEM teachers to create inclusive and equitable STEM classroms.

Participants will learn about specific strategies to create inclusive STEM classrooms. Elementary STEM educators will model ways in which they have revised curriculum and integrated specific STEM pedagogy that is inclusive, culturally sustaining, and rooted in social justice.

Bonnie Maur (Sacred Heart University: Fairfield, CT)

Solving Real World Problems in STEM Classrooms

Friday, March 24 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A407

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Project-based learning, a strategy used in STEM education, improves student outcomes across racial and socioeconomic backgrounds and reading and language proficiency levels (LER, 2021).

Participants will experience project based learning while working to solve a real world problem.

Falicia O'Mard (K-12 District STEM Coordinator: Suwanee, GA)

Featured Presentation: Beyond the Surface of Race, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Friday, March 24 • 9:20 AM - 10:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - Thomas B. Murphy Ballroom

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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This uniquely inspiring and collaborative session invites participants to engage in the deep individual and collective work needed to transform educational systems and build a culture of responsiveness. This session offers an integrated approach between trauma-informed care, cultural competency, and restorative-resiliency practices. Strategies will be offered to ensure a fully restorative and healing-centered culture that is apparent in policy and action.

Understand the impact of trauma on learning and advancing equitable policies for reducing adverse childhood experiences Embrace the power of social emotional learning to grow

Marisol Quevedo Rerucha (National Parents Union: San Diego, CA)

Towards Inclusion: Accessibility and Equity for All Students

Friday, March 24 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A404

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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This session will feature a combination of presentation and interactive activities to provide classroom teachers with immediate feasible and practical implementation strategies to support all learners in their general education science classrooms.

Attendees will leave this session with research-based and practical pedagogies of how they can support all learners, including students with disabilities in their general education science classrooms in their very next lessons.

Lauren Madden (The College of New Jersey: Ewing, NJ), Dina Secchiaroli (Professional Learning Specialist: No City, No State), Sami Kahn (Princeton University: Princeton, NJ), Jonté Taylor (Penn State: University Park, PA), Lacey Huffling (Georgia Southern University: Statesboro, GA), Michele Koomen (Research Professor: No City, No State)

Creating and Maintaining An Equitable Science Classroom

Friday, March 24 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - C206

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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STEM classrooms should establish a welcoming environment in which all individuals can use their cultural knowledge and practices to make sense of the world.

Approaches to identify and honor student lived experiences and cultures in STEM classrooms and communities

Zachary Cue (UCLA STEM+C3 and Science Project), Richard Huynh (Science Coach: No City, No State), Justin Betzelberger (UCLA Science Project: Los Angeles, CA)

Mapping Heat Inequities: Examining the Science of and Solutions to Extreme Heat

Friday, March 24 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - C209

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Mapping Inequity Slides

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Engage students in learning about extreme heat and the heat island effect through interaction with maps highlighting environmental and demographic indicators. Data interpretation activities will prompt students to identify vulnerable populations and examine strategies for addressing extreme heat.

Extreme heat is relevant to everyone and can be used as an anchoring phenomenon to engage all learners. Depending on where they live, people experience extreme heat differently. Attendees will experience how maps can be used to teach about extreme heat through an environmental justice lens.

Emma Refvem (Durham Public Schools: Durham, NC)

Every Student Should Be A STEM Thinker!

Friday, March 24 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A407

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
R4 Consensus Circle Instructions
The Consensus Circle activity can be used to help students learn to communicate and collaborate effectively as they come to an agreement on a team plan or idea.
Region 4 Roll and Make Examples
Roll and Make activities help students practice creativity and critical thinking skills and are a great way to utilize makerspace materials.
Region 4 Science Contact Page
Need to contact the presenter after NSTA? Visit our contact page.
Region 4_30 Circles Templates
Instructions and sample templates for the 30 Circles challenge.
STEM Skills Fluency Rubric (Texas Education Agency)
From the TEA Website: Content area fluency is an important aspect of integrated STEM Education. In addition, integrated STEM education also includes a fluency in the skills associated with career readiness and workforce development. This tool provides an overview of the skills associated with integrated STEM education, a rubric that provides a framework of skills for each level of development, and examples of what those skills might look like in a classroom.
Team Pen Instructions
Instructions for the Team Pen activity
Texas Education Agency (TEA) STEM Education Framework and Resources
The TEA STEM page provides access to the Texas STEM Education Framework as well as resources to support planning and implementation of STEM programs.

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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STEM is a way of thinking and engaging in STEM skill-building activities can help students become better STEM thinkers. Every student benefits from these opportunities, but access is not equitable. Experience STEM skill-building activities that can be done with students of any age in any classroom.

By the end of this session, participants will understand why it is important to provide opportunities for every student to develop STEM skills and simple ways to engage students in STEM thinking.

Dodie Resendez (Region 4 Education Service Center: Houston, TX)

I Want to See Me in My Science Learning…Using Literacy to Meet the Needs of All Science Learners

Friday, March 24 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B308

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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This session is presented by members of the Georgia Science Teachers Association Board of Directors and shares ways to incorporate literacy in science lessons using inclusive teaching strategies. The session will be a panel presentation that addresses using a broad range of analogies, a mix of textual and visual representations, inclusion of examples that include both women and ethnic minority groups, students with disabilities, use of funds of knowledge, a variety of learning exercises and assessments and the use of rubrics. Justin Harvey (GSTA Director) is submitting this proposal on behalf of the GSTA Board, but he is not one of the presenters. The panel of presenters include: Teresa Massey, GA District 10 Director Robert Bice, GA District 1 Director Jane Reed, District 2 Director Michelle Thompson, District 8 Director Kathryn Mullen, District 12 Director Melissa Niemi, GSTA President-Elect

Participants will see how the need to consider diversity is important for all students learning science. Participants will gain research-based strategies for integrating diversity in science lessons that meet the needs of all learners.

Teresa Massey (Graduate Student), Michelle Thompson (Effingham College and Career Academy: No City, No State)

Promising Practices in Overcoming Barriers to Gender Diversity in STEM: A Student-Led Approach

Friday, March 24 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Background Research
How-To Half Sheet

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Here we share promising practices from a case study at Jackson-Reed High School, where we implement a framework focused on empowering young non-men to pursue engineering through student-led community engagement.

We believe this framework is a promising strategy and can be easily implemented in a variety of classroom settings.

Ella Davis (Student Intern), Kimberly Jacoby Morris (STEM Program Coordinator)

Collaboration of Secondary Mathematics and Science Student Teachers on a Social Justice Oriented STEM Project

Friday, March 24 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Science and mathematics faculty collaborate on preparing secondary mathematics and science student teachers to collaborate on a Social Justice Oriented STEM unit to integrate into their content courses.

Participants will take away ideas for implementing a social justice STEM project for secondary mathematics and science student teachers.

Mary Kay Kelly (University of Dayton: Dayton, OH)

Queer Your Classroom: Supporting LGBTQIA+ Students

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A404

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Queer people have been and are still marginalized in science and the world. Come learn simple tricks and strategies to affirm and represent LGBTQIA+ students in your classes. Teachers and teacher leaders of all grade ranges are welcome, but especially middle and high school educators.

Attendees will learn how to affirm and represent queer identities so students feel safe, supported, and inspired to engage in science. Attendees will learn simple yet impactful methods to create classrooms that acknowledge and celebrate the diversity of their students.

Jamie Kubiak (The Bronx High School of Science: Bronx, NY)

Pick Up Your Feelings: Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Pedagogies in Middle Level Science Classroom

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A410

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
CRSP in Middle Level Science Classrooms.pptx.pdf

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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This session will provide a definition and overview of Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Pedagogy (CRSP), discuss why CRSP is vital for educational and personal liberation, and explore middle level science CRSP lesson plans.

This session will provide a definition and overview of Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Pedagogy (CRSP), discuss why CRSP is vital for educational and personal liberation, and explore middle level science CRSP lesson plans.

Kiana Eaddy (6th Grade Science Teacher: Columbia, SC)

Biological Equity for Special Education

Friday, March 24 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A404

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Equip all students with the ability to succeed. Two high school teachers pair up to create lessons for special education biology students to focus on student achievement.

Gain ideas and strategies to help reach all students at all levels of learning.

Jessica Minton (Houston High School: Germantown, TN)

Equity and Diversity in Elementary Science & Engineering Instruction

Friday, March 24 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B308

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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What does equity look like in Elementary Science & Engineering instruction? Through this interactive experience, participants will explore the meanings of equity & diversity and examine strategies instructional leaders can use to increase equity in the elementary science classroom.

Learners will leave with a clear understanding of three-dimensional science instruction, causes of inequity in science education, and applicable strategies instructional leaders & teachers can use to increase equity in science education in their classrooms.

Felicia Pratt (Atlanta Public Schools: Atlanta, GA), Warren Edwards (Atlanta Public Schools: Atlanta, GA), Lindiwe Ngubeni (Atlanta Public Schools: Atlanta, GA)

Normalizing Cultural Responsiveness and Social Justice in the Life Science Classroom

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B302

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Normalizing Culturally Responsive Teaching in the Life Science Classroom (1).pdf

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Marginalized groups have been historically overlooked in the typical classroom. Normalizing the classroom includes a shift in educator mindset, language, and behavior. What does this look like in a science classroom, often led by non-marginalized teachers?

Culturally responsive tools to implement in your classroom right away

Bridget Sparks (Princeton City Schools: No City, No State), Rashanna Freeman (Princeton High School: Cincinnati, OH), Melinda Cottrell (Princeton High School: Cincinnati, OH)

A Climate Justice Toolkit for K-12 Educators - Building Community and Justice Connections in the Science Classroom

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C209

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Justice-centered science instruction is a critical process for building transformative, empowering classrooms. The Climate Justice Toolkit for K-12 Educators provides resources and planning templates for creating community-driven, justice-centered science learning experiences for students.

Classroom learning experiences that center local issues impacting students and their communities are more engaging and meaningful for students, especially for students traditionally underrepresented and underserved by science education.

Pranjali Upadhyay (Educational Service District 112: Vancouver, WA), Rae Han (EarthGen: No City, No State), Stacy Meyer (Educational Service District 112: Vancouver, WA)

Design Your Digital-Age STEM Learning Ecosystem with Equity in Mind

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B306

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Digital Learning Matrix_USDOE.pdf
US Department of Education
Digital Support Features_USDOE.pdf
US Department of Education
Digital Tools for Interaction_Hyperlinked.pdf
Hyperlinked document to Digital Tools for Multilingual Learners
Digital Tools for Learning Strategies_Hyperlinked.pdf
DLR Family Engagement Tools_Hyperlinked.pdf
EL Portrait at a Glance
Template to access basic information about each English learner
Levels of Cognition and Products.pdf
NSTA 2023_Design Your Digital Age STEM Ecosystem with MLs-Participant Slides.pdf
Strategic Sentence Starters.pdf
Three Types of Scaffolds.pdf

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Foster digital-age STEM learning ecosystems that address the 5 Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and culture) and close the digital divide for multilingual learners in the STEM classroom. Cultivate equitable, authentic, and digital learning environments.

By emphasizing the six literacy domains (listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing), teachers can engage multilingual learners in STEM practices that position students and teachers as "co-inquirers' in the learning process. Explore opportunities that support sensemaking.

Maria Cieslak (Center for Applied Linguistics: Washington, DC)

Creating a Culturally Responsive Science Classroom

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A410

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Culturally Responsive Teaching Keynote - MacNeil with QR Code for CRT Toolkit

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Come learn how to use what we know about brain science to weave culturally responsive teaching and learning into science classrooms! We will explore tools to help all students become independent, successful learners who are active participants in their own learning. Resources provided.

Teachers can use what we know about brain science to create culturally responsive learning environments by igniting student interest, making learning relevant to students, providing students with opportunities to actively process what they have learned, and giving them multiple chances to review.

Janet MacNeil (Cambridge Public Schools: No City, No State)

Facilitating Emancipatory and Justice-Centered Environmental and Climate Learning with Elementary Students

Saturday, March 25 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A402

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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We’ll explore key stances, strategies, and resources for supporting elementary students to learn about and take collective action in response to authentic socio-ecological challenges.

Young learners are capable of consequential and justice-centered learning about social, political, environmental, and climate issues. Concerns about “developmental appropriateness” can perpetuate dominant forms of science and invisibilize marginalized students’ lived experiences.

Rae Han (EarthGen: No City, No State), Pranjali Upadhyay (Educational Service District 112: Vancouver, WA)

Cultivating the Future Leaders in STEM a Case Study: TCU Summer Enrichment Program

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A411

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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The STEM Scholar program was created to aid in the goal of diversifying the STEM workforce, by supporting the best and brightest students from underrepresented populations in their pursuit of STEM. Our program’s goal is to increase the number of diverse students from underrepresented populations graduating with degrees in STEM, through recruitment and retention efforts, and leadership development, while strengthening TCU’s academic community and contributing to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. The foundation for these scholar’s success is laid during the required Summer Enrichment Program (SEP). The SEP is a four-week experience, designed to acclimate students to the rigors of STEM and higher education. During the summer program our students complete a 3-credit hour critical thinking course in STEM, live on campus, maintain on campus employment and participate in a variety of professional, metacognitive, and personal development experiences.

Participants can pull from a real-life case study on how to lay the framework for supporting, assessing, and creating a successful program that promotes retention of underrepresented student populations as they pursue education and careers in STEM.

Zoranna Jones (Assistant Dean: Fort Worth, TX), José Luis Cano (Graduate Assistant: Fort Worth, TX), Brianna Edwards (Assistant Director of Institutional Effectiveness: Fort Worth, TX)

To Be It, You MUST See It: Providing STEM Role Models for Under-Included and Under-Resourced Students

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B302

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Join the education staff from Detroit’s historic Belle Isle Aquarium to discover exciting ways to identify, recruit, and host diverse career role models to inspire your students, whether you’re teaching face-to-face, virtual, or in hybrid mode.

A. Greater understanding of how STEM role models can have a significant positive impact on young learners; B. Practical steps for teachers to design STEM career connections from their own communities that richly connect to students' lives; and C. Access to novel STEM career role model resources—vide

June Teisan (InnovatED 313)

Science for All: Equity in the Science and STEM Classroom

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A410

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Equitable science classroom experiences are vital to developing actively engaged students who will solve the significant problems of our time. What must educators do to ensure they promote the development of student interest and identity in science, equipping students to confront these challenges?

This session will provide resources teachers can use to assess how their current classroom practices affect providing equitable classroom experiences for all students.

Katina White (University of Arkansas for Medical Science: No City, No State)

Leading Conversations around Identity, Race, Belonging and Bias in STEM spaces.

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A407

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Join the UCLA Science Project as we explore structures and formats for science leaders looking to engage teachers around social justice in STEM classrooms.

Establish space and culture that sustains conversations around equity issues in STEM

Justin Betzelberger (UCLA Science Project: Los Angeles, CA), Richard Huynh (Science Coach: No City, No State), Zachary Cue (UCLA STEM+C3 and Science Project)

Why is Cancer Weird? Disseminating an Authentic Laboratory Experience throughout an Underserved District

Saturday, March 25 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Our outreach program leveraged the 5E instructional model to deliver an authentic laboratory experience throughout underserved areas of our school district. Pilot results demonstrate significant gains in student learning and high interest in repeat opportunities.

Attendees will be able to identify successes and struggles experienced in the implementation of a district wide STEM outreach program. Participants will take away a model of STEM outreach and an example lesson that can be easily implemented through a small team, even across a large school district.

Emily Heath (Student: Warrenville, SC), Kamani Barnes (Student: Warrenville, SC), Javaris Lightsey (Student: Warrenville, SC), I'Layna Highsmith (Student: Warrenville, SC), Ny'Aja Clemons (Student: Warrenville, SC), Alexandria Martin (Student: , SC), Christie Palladino (Teacher: Warrenville, SC)

STEP UP: Shifting the Culture of Who Does Physics

Saturday, March 25 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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STEP UP is a national community that designs physics lessons to empower teachers, create cultural change, and inspire young women to pursue physics in college. Two lessons, Careers in Physics and Women in Physics, are freely available and supported by an online community of educators.

STEP UP Careers in Physics and Women in Physics lessons show students how physics helps them reach their future careers goals. This poster will walk you through the lessons that aim to increase representation of women with physics degrees and shift deep-seated cultural views about who does physics.

Nicole Murawski (Royal Oak High School (retired))

All Students Can Do STEM: STEM-ulating Projects for Clubs, Camps, and Classrooms

Saturday, March 25 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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These STEM projects can be completed in a science classroom, in a club or a camp with students in grades 6-12. This session will provide examples of how 2 teachers completed these projects both in and out of classroom instruction time. Come learn with us!

STEM projects for any student to have success

Stacy Thibodeaux (Southside High School: Youngsville, LA)

Racial Inequity in High School STEM Courses Taken and College STEM Retention

Saturday, March 25 • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - Exhibit Hall, Poster Session Aisle

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Using a quantitative research design, we examined the relationship between students’ years of high school study in STEM courses and their retention in STEM college majors, racial differences in high school STEM courses taken, and racial differences in college STEM retention.

Our findings showed that Black and Latinx STEM undergraduate students tend to leave their STEM majors at higher rates and take less high school Physics and Chemistry courses than their Asian American and White peers.

Peter Cho (Student), Young Kim (Professor: Azusa, CA)

Equity in Science Education Roundtable

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A410

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Join us in sharing YOUR concerns for enhancing equity and access in classrooms, schools, or districts. Learn what NSTA, and others, are doing or providing for STEM equity, as potential resources. Experience an equity-enhancing strategy that may be useful for your equity toolkit.

Participants will share and learn what others are doing, as they listen to the challenges and accomplishments of their equity efforts. Being with like-minded individuals, they will be encouraged and supported in a confidential, safe environment. Knowing that one is not alone is always comforting

Jerry Valadez (Fresno State and SAM Academy CSW)

Session Title: What does science have to do with race and racism? A curricular approach to anti-racist science teaching

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom E

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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What is race? During this session, we will introduce a curriculum for biology educators that explores how racism, the construct of race, the history of science, and human genetic variation intersect.

Race is a socio-political construct with deep implications but race is not a good surrogate/proxy for biology. Understanding human genetic variation can disrupt the idea of the existence of genetically meaningful “races” and help emphasize the racist roots of inequities in areas such as health.

Hanako Osuga (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center), Jeanne Chowning (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center: No City, No State)

Climate Change and Urban Heat Islands: Where is the Equity? Should everyone share the responsibility?

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C211

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Attendees will participate in a lesson designed to engage students in the issues created by climate climate change and inequity in different communities. Students will use technology, visual literacy skills by evaluating graphs and maps to find meaning; constructing explanations and share ideas.

Students will be able to use a Social-Scientific Issue related to climate change to foster interest in the science of climate change. We will use the Philadelphia temperature data to interpret and identifying the impacts of climate change differ by income level, as well as how nature plays a role.

Michelle Beech (William Penn School District: Lansdowne, PA), James Whetzel (The School District of Philadelphia: Philadelphia, PA), Eric Gold (School District of Philadelphia: Philadelphia, PA), Susan Chan (Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School: Philadelphia, PA)

Socially engaged engineering: Who benefits? Who is harmed?

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A410

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Explore a socially engaged approach to engineering as you interact with lessons designed to help students consider how engineering connects to their lives and impacts stakeholders’ communities and cultures.

Socially engaged engineering situates engineering in its larger societal context and helps students recognize how a range of stakeholders benefit or are harmed by engineering solutions. Through such work, students develop empathy and perspective-taking as well as more robust solutions.

Christine Cunningham (Museum of Science, Boston: Boston, MA)

How Can DNA Help Exonerate Those Wrongly Convicted? Flipping a traditional DNA crime lab to center issues of social justice

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom E

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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This new framing of a popular forensics lab connects science topics such as DNA technology to mass incarceration by using real cases of wrongful convictions. The lab and accompanying series were featured in NSTA’s The Science Teacher (July/August 2022).

Participants will learn how DNA technology can be used not only to identify criminals but also to exonerate the innocent. This can help present science in a social context, connecting it to topics such as mass incarceration and the criminal legal system.

Jeanne Chowning (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center: No City, No State), Hanako Osuga (Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center)

Development of the 5th C-(Citizenship) of 21st Century Skills and CRE into an Inclusive STEAM Classroom

Saturday, March 25 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C211

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Creating an inclusive learning environment requires dedication and creativity for incorporating the success skills (21st Century Skills) such as citizenship with culturally relevant education for crafting STEAM and science curriculum.

Main goal of the workshops is using the CRE into STEAM or science lesson or unit plan on any topic or subject matter.

Jenniffer Stetler (Chamblee Middle School: Chamblee, GA)

Climate Change and Urban Heat Islands: Where is the Equity? Should everyone share the responsibility?

Saturday, March 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A404

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Attendees will participate in a lesson designed to engage students in the issues created by climate climate change and inequity in different communities. Students will use technology, visual literacy skills by evaluating graphs and maps to find meaning; constructing explanations and share ideas.

Students will be able to use a Social-Scientific Issue related to climate change to foster interest in the science of climate change. We will use the Philadelphia temperature data to interpret and identifying the impacts of climate change differ by income level, as well as how nature plays a role.

Eric Gold (School District of Philadelphia: Philadelphia, PA), Michelle Beech (William Penn School District: Lansdowne, PA), James Whetzel (The School District of Philadelphia: Philadelphia, PA), Susan Chan (Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School: Philadelphia, PA)

STEM Equity Frameworks

Saturday, March 25 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C211

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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In this session educators will be presented with the following equity frameworks: (1) Equity and NGSS, (2) Inclusive Ed Tech, (3) Culturally Responsive and Sustaining STEM, (4) Anti-Racist STEM. Educators will work in small groups to learn more about their equity framework of choice and summarize their learning for a larger group. Next, groups will unpack equity moves to identify how they support or hinder equity work through the lens of the framework they selected and identify next steps. By the end of the session each group will share out actions they can take in their classroom to create a more equitable STEM classroom.

Educators will leave with knowledge of equity frameworks and unique next steps that can be implemented into their classroom for a more equitable, inclusive, culturally responsive and anti racist classroom community.

Kelly Houston (STEM Ed Innovators: Saratoga, CA), Daniel Babauta (Sunset Park High School: Brooklyn, NY)

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