2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

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FILTERS APPLIED:Postsecondary, Speed Sharing, Equity and Justice, Biology


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SCST 4: College Science Research & OUSTA WINNER

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - C205

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When children start team sports not much is expected, they are often not physically developed, and coaches start at the beginning. By high school and college bodies are better equipped, fundamentals have been learned, expectations rise, and the process is performance oriented. The same concepts should guide student research. First-year undergraduates begin with fundamentals, using guided inquiry. Expectations rise as research is conducted in courses (CUREs), and finally as independent projects. Just as with coaches, faculty expectations need to be developmentally defined, and success easily measured. As sports teams need specialty coaches, research teams also need specialists that can teach/encourage by using their expertise for unique projects – a primary advisor (coach) and additional specialists (assistant coaches). As a team sport, all members of the team receive the same rewards (although one member receives the honor of being first author, similar to one player being named MVP).

Attendees will see examples of progression from inquiry labs to independent research. Attendees will how this model of undergraduate research increased the output of both presentations and papers. Attendees will discover how teams of faculty with different levels of expertise contribute to student s

Kerry Cheesman (Capital University: Columbus, OH)

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