Are you a secondary teacher looking for resources for your classroom? Join
this team of educators in sharing their experiences of tools and routines
designed to support students' sensemaking.
Students Teaching Students
Students can learn so much by
teaching each other. Give them a challenging conceptual question that they can
debate after choosing initial answers (with cards or free software). Ask the
question again when debate is done, and students will likely have all arrived at
the correct answer!
Integrating Anchor Phenomena as Engagement and Assessment
Phenomena are an essential element to science teaching. But, we often do not
refer back to them in our unit! Come see how a biology and chemistry teacher not
only use them as anchors, but also incorporate them as part of an end of unit
Karen Cianciulli (Physics Teacher: Asheville, NC), Erin Springthorpe (Gwinnett Online Campus: Lawrenceville, GA), Jennifer Barnes (Gwinnett Online Campus: Lawrenceville, GA)