Join us in this workshop to explore ways to review a beloved lesson and give it a 3D upgrade. Shifting to 3-dimensional teaching can seem like an insurmountable challenge. Teachers may wonder, aren’t I already teaching 3-dimensionally? Can’t I take a lesson and make it 3D? In some cases, yes, give that lesson an upgrade! In this workshop, we will explore how to identify if a lesson is 3-dimensional, if it can be tweaked to be 3-dimensional, or if it needs to be completely re-worked. Then, we will examine ways to incorporate 3-dimensional learning and teaching practices into an existing lesson. Finally, educators will be provided time to apply these strategies to a lesson of their own that they bring, or select from a group of provided lessons. By the end, educators will have the skills to make changes in their own teaching practice and take home a ready-to-implement 3D lesson.
Research shows that teachers struggle transitioning to 3-dimensional teaching (Smith, 2020). One step that can help teachers begin to make the shift is to adapt familiar lessons. In this session, teachers will walk away with a beloved lesson they have upgraded to a 3D masterpiece.
Ashley Hunter (Clemson University: Clemson, SC), Jennifer Bateman (), Meredith Schwendemann (Clemson University)