2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:9 - 12, Professional Learning, Mathematics


Rooms and times subject to change.
13 results
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How much does it weigh? The chemistry and statistics of the U.S. penny

Thursday, March 23 • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B316

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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The various metals and alloys used in the minting of the US penny over the years provide for rich explorations. We will share activities that combine some very basic lab activities conducted by some of our Chemistry classes with detailed mathematical modeling done by the students in AP Statistics.

Participants will use real data to develop mathematical models and learn how to test your hypothesis by performing an experiment and analyzing the results, combining chemical analysis with statistical sampling for a cross-curricular approach;

Karlheinz Haas (retired: Sterling, CO)

Building Bridges to Interdisciplinary Collaboration

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Grand Ballroom A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Building Bridges Slides with LInks

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Learn from our experience as a math and a science teacher collaborating together to give our students an interdisciplinary learning opportunity so that you can start your own plan. We will share the logistics from this authentic inquiry-based project and you’ll hear testimonials from our students.

Attendees will be provided with one way to overcome logistical challenges inherent with interdisciplinary collaboration at the secondary level, including differing rosters & schedules. Furthermore, attendees will have the opportunity to start their own plan for their own interdisciplinary project.

Joseph Schneiderwind (Daniel C Oakes high school: Castle Rock, CO), Nadene Klein (Daniel C. Oakes High School: Castle Rock, CO)

Changing Classroom Ecosystems: Level Up in Science and Math Courses

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A315

STRAND: Equity and Justice

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Listen, reflect and be challenged by district leaders who are leading change in the composition of high school Science and Math classrooms. Walk in the footsteps of DAV, a Biology student, as she is introduced to an educational experience designed to challenge her and her teachers' self-efficacy.

The session will addressing some of the Systemic Barriers to Advanced Placement STEM Courses and future careers in STEM fields and reflect on ways we are changing the teacher and student efficacies about “math and science persons”

Alina Castillo (Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools: Chapel Hill, NC), Valerie Sellars (Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools)

Cow-apult Confessions: The intersection of engaging games and rigorous science education.

Thursday, March 23 • 2:20 PM - 3:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B218

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Legends of Learning

Have fun building a catapult to launch cows and learning about trajectories. After this presentation, you’ll walk away with techniques to bring an engaging gaming experience to your classroom, which your students will explore science and engineer practices through.

Learning Ecology Through a Lyme Lens

Friday, March 24 • 8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - C213

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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A hands on simulation based on probabilities from scientific literature is used to investigate the effect of community structure on the prevalence of infected ticks. This anchoring phenomenon is extended to explore population ecology, trophic cascades, biodiversity, and the dilution effect.

Participants will come away with a set of lessons that teach many core concepts in ecology using a modeling approach. The hands on simulation will be supplemented by computer models that allow students to explore population growth curves and more complex community relationships.

Daniel Carroll (retired - Yorktown High School), Michael Zito (Yorktown High School: Arlington, VA)

Making Sense of Cell Differentiation and Gene Expression

Friday, March 24 • 10:40 AM - 11:40 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B207

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Lab-Aids

Explore the use of sensemaking strategies to help students understand how selective gene expression works. Come experience a model lesson from a new Lab-Aids' program: Science and Global Issues: Biology, developed by SEPUP. This hands-on workshop will also show a connection to genetic engineering.

Teaching Problem Solving to All Students (Math)

Friday, March 24 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B214

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Teaching students to reason and problem solve is the cornerstone of math instruction. This session will highlight several engaging strategies - Three Reads, Numberless Word Problems, and more. These provide multiple entry points for students to engage in the math problem solving process.

Suzan Morris (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Susan Arnette (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX)

Investigating the Presence of Bacteria in Probiotic-Advertised Products

Friday, March 24 • 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Dogwood A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)

STRAND: Curriculum and Assessment

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Do probiotic products really contain the number of bacteria they claim? Do expiration dates really matter? How do supplements compare to food products?

Practice the use of serial dilution, aseptic technique, and culturing to evaluate probiotic products with the goal of understanding the use of probiotics and the different environmental and nutritional needs required for bacterial growth and reproduction.

Jennifer Vignolini (Biology Teacher)

The Vitamin C Project: Home-based Chemistry Research Activities Using Iodine Clock Reactions and Titrations

Saturday, March 25 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A301

STRAND: Teaching Strategies and Classroom Practice

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This talk presents low-cost, safe, and home-based chemistry lab activities that can be used for face-to-face or online chemistry labs. The activities use the iodine clock reaction and dropwise titration method to analyze the vitamin C content in juice samples.

Attendees will learn how to use the iodine clock reaction and dropwise titrations to analyze vitamin C in juice samples.

Sharron Jenkins (Georgia Gwinnett College: Lawrenceville, GA)

An Interdisciplinary Data Science Course: a proposal

Saturday, March 25 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A311


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In the 21st century, data is king. It is collected from users of all devices, and is processed and analyzed in fields like healthcare, finance, marketing, architecture, linguistics etc etc. We are developing an interdisciplinary course to be taught by 3 departments (Math/Statistics, Social Sciences, Computer Science) that would instruct students in discerning high quality data, conducting exploratory analyses in R, building models in R to explore relationships between two or more variables, presenting output graphically and numerically, interpreting the output, and presenting all results on a Shiny page. In the presentation, we will illustrate the logic of the course, discuss learning activities and the flow of the course, including a demonstration of a sample final project. We will then demonstrate our experience with deeply interdisciplinary approach to learning, teaching, and curriculum building.

Data Science is an increasingly important skill to learn for students in high school to promote empirical thinking. The interdisciplinary approach to the course will ensure that data analysis is covered comprehensively: from discerning high quality data to presenting lucid takeaways.

Brian Cook (Faculty: Wellesley, MA), Cloricia Townsend (Head of the Engineering and Computer Science Department: Wellesley, MA), Alla Baranovsky (Dana Hall School: Somerville, MA)

Powerful, FREE tools for Data Analysis and Systems Thinking

Saturday, March 25 • 10:20 AM - 11:20 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B409

STRAND: Technology and Media

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Come discover how free, NSF-funded tools from The Concord Consortium can engage your students in data analysis and systems thinking, with a special emphasis on Science Practices. Bring a device to this interactive session and get free resources!

Participants will gain knowledge and experience in using free, research-based technology resources for data exploration and for diagramming and analysis of complex systems.

Chad Dorsey (The Concord Consortium: Concord, MA)

Promoting Scientific Literacy and Data Fluency with Interactive Simulations (PhET/CODAP)

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - Cottonwood A

STRAND: Technology and Media

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One of the core practices of science is the use of measurements with corresponding uncertainties to make claims about an experiment. Join PhET and Concord Consortium as they showcase their work creating the next generation of interactive simulations with a focus on data fluency and measurement.

Attendees will get a full demonstration of the upcoming open-source simulations from PhET and CODAP, including all links and digital materials. Presenters will also discuss several ideas for mini-activities to teach students about experimental uncertainty and measurement.

Chad Dorsey (The Concord Consortium: Concord, MA), Matthew Blackman (PhET Interactive Simulations, University of Colorado Boulder: Boulder, CO)

Roleplaying in AP Chemistry: Simplifying Buffers for All Learners

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom B

STRAND: Student Learning and Inclusion

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This session will pair seemingly odd ideas (roleplaying and buffers) together for a dynamic activity that increases student engagement. Roleplaying is an effective instructional strategy that supports ELL learners and those who need harder concepts broken down.

Participants will learn a differentiated approach to introducing buffers, one of the most challenging topics in AP Chemistry, in a creative and fun activity where ELL and students of all levels will learn about buffers.

Permeil Dass (: Tyrone, GA)

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