2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

Grade Level



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FILTERS APPLIED:PreK - 5, Exhibitor Workshop, Research to Practice


Rooms and times subject to change.
3 results
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Exploring a Learning Sequence about Patterns in Species Diversity

Friday, March 24 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B207

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Lab-Aids

Learning Sequences to drive phenomena through a unit is one way to help students understand the content. In this model activity from a new Lab-Aids program: Science and Global Issues: Biology, developed by SEPUP, you will use data to investigate how abiotic factors and species diversity are related.

Can kids learn environmental conservation while playing board games in the classroom? Learn how a Johns Hopkins University research project is seeking answers.

Friday, March 24 • 2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - A312

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: Adventerra Games

Adventerra's unique board games nurture environmental literacy. While racing to win, students see how their actions affect the planet. Come play, and discuss how to use games to empower students and achieve curricular goals! Learn about a Johns Hopkins study on the effect of games on eco behavior.

Ruth Mundell (Marketing and sales: Laurel, MD), Bryan Mundell (Founder: , Switzerland), Sue Mundell (Adventerra Games North America: Boston, MA)

Increase STEM Instructional Capacity Across School and District Levels

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B214

STRAND: Research to Practice

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Sponsoring Company: STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning

Learn from innovative schools and districts on how they strengthen STEM instructional capacity through systematic approaches to professional learning. Hear from colleagues on how they integrated STEM certification programs into initiatives to positively impact STEM instruction and student success.

Susan Arnette (STEMscopes by Accelerate Learning: Houston, TX), Angela Campana (Accelerate Learning, Inc.: Houston, TX)

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