Join high school educators sharing strategies for engaging students using
social media, escape rooms, and assessment probes.
AP Biology Escape Room
Come Escape to Winter Break with
me! Every year to review for the 1st semester final exam, my students complete a
week long Escape Room (4 locks per day for 5 days). In this speed session, I
will share an example of some of the components from my escape room so you can
do it too.
Social Media Review
Meet your students where they are!
Our students are always on their devices and on their social media platforms, so
why not develop a review opportunity that incorporates that. In this speed
session, you will see how I have developed a review resource through Instagram
Using Phenomena to Explore Student Ideas and Misconceptions in
Using probes for understanding, students decide if they
agree or disagree with explanations - containing common misconceptions - for
every day phenomena such as consuming more weight in food than you gain, and how
drinking too much water can kill you.
Tiffany Shoham Jones (Rockdale Magnet School for Science and Technology: Conyers, GA), Hannah Crowder (Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton: Atherton, CA)