2023 Atlanta National Conference

March 22-25, 2023

Additional sessions will be added as they are accepted and confirmed over the next several weeks.
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FILTERS APPLIED:9 - 12, Presentation, STEAM or STEM


Rooms and times subject to change.
15 results
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From Van Gogh to Spectroscopy. Teaching Chemistry in a non-traditional approach

Saturday, March 25 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A408

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Brainstorm Diagram
Brainstorm Diagram Template.pdf


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Come and join us in this session where we will put Color in the center of the scene and sequence traditional chemistry topics threaded together.

Teachers will be able to carry home an alternative Chemistry teaching method. We will uncover together a sequence of topics through an innovative perspective that uses other fields like art to get into deep chemistry concepts.

Paula Daurat (St. Andrew's Scots School: Olivos, 0)

Students as scientists: Integrating Authentic Research Experiences into the 6th-12th grade Classrooms

Saturday, March 25 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A412

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NSTA 2023 Presentation.pptx


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Authentic Research Experiences (AREs) allows 6th-12th grade students to contribute to real-world, ongoing, science research. Implementing AREs in classrooms improves students’ science identity and interest STEM classes and careers while meeting NGSS standards.

Authentic Research Experiences (AREs) allow students to collaborate as scientists in research. Students develop a deeper understanding of science content, experimental design, and implementation. The practice of being a scientist expands student’s STEM identities and interest in STEM careers.

Ashley Kass (Donald Danforth Plant Science Center: No City, No State)

Architects of Global STEM Ecosystems

Saturday, March 25 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A312


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Architects of Global STEM Ecosystems immerse cross sectors to develop a conduit for ALL students to be successful. Global STEM Ecosystems embed authentic research experiences, utilize a TOP STEM collaboration hub, and help students/teachers bridge the cultural and opportunity gaps.

1. Learn how to develop research education blueprints that incorporate cultural responsive externships outside the classroom; 2. Help students gain access to a global "collaboration hub" and pathways for rewarding/productive STEM careers.

Doug Baltz (Seaholm High School: Birmingham, MI)

What is DoD STEM? Resources & Opportunities in STEM for Teachers & Students

Saturday, March 25 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
NSTA 30 min Presentation.pptx.pdf


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Have you heard of FIRST, NMSI, the SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program, MATHCOUNTS or SeaPerch? With opportunities across the country, DoD STEM supports these and many other programs for students and educators. Attendees will learn about these programs and resources to improve STEM learning.

Attendees will come away from this session with classroom resources for STEM lessons, curriculum and hands-on projects. Attendees will also learn about local and national programs supporting STEM initiatives including after-school programs, mentorships & fellowships.

Jennifer Childress (Teacher)

Creative Circuits with Arduino

Saturday, March 25 • 8:00 AM - 8:30 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A307


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Replace demoralizing competition with creativity, laughter, and inspiration by giving students open-ended projects. This talk will feature 3 creative circuits projects—LED greeting cards, Arduino-based holiday lights shows, and LCD quotes displays.

Open-ended projects are engaging, technically rigorous, and boost student confidence. Teachers will walk away with 3 concrete project ideas ready for implementation, as well as the inspiration to design more.

Marieke Thomas (The Bronx High School of Science: Bronx, NY)

Increasing Career Awareness in STEM

Saturday, March 25 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A311


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Through this workshop, participants will learn from classroom teachers and university professors on ways to incorporate your local habitat and utilize community partners to provide students with exposure to diverse job opportunities.

We will share activities that demonstrate different jobs related to environmental science while addressing the need for STEM learning. Hands-on activities will be explored and connected to specific careers that can be discussed and applied with students in classrooms regardless of stream access.

Tim Hawig (Carrollton City Schools: Carrollton, GA), Stacey Britton (University of West Georgia: Carrollton, GA), Brent Gilles (University of West Georgia: Carrollton, GA)

Beyond Career Day - Engaging High School Students in Thinking About STEM Careers

Saturday, March 25 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A412


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STEM careers are for ALL students! Learn how to bridge the gap between STEM careers and classroom spaces by exploring proven strategies for hosting STEM professionals in your high school classrooms! Walk away with a complete engagement guide written for high school teachers, by high school teachers!

Through the lens of equity and inclusion, participants will explore tips for sustained classroom-based STEM career exposure success (both in-person & virtual), including: selecting and preparing speakers, planning an engaging classroom visit, and maintaining relationships with STEM professionals.

Dr. Tehmina Khan (Stratford Board of Education: Stratford, CT), Michelle Pearson (Adams 12 Five Star Schools), Kristen Record (Bunnell High School - National Network of State Teachers of the Year (NNSTOY): Stratford, CT)

Introducing Drones in Secondary STEM Classrooms

Saturday, March 25 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A307

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NSTA 2023 - Introducing Drones.pdf


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As we discuss drones as an instructional tool for K-12 STEM education, this session will introduce an example of drones presented as part of an engineering design-based project to teach climate change to secondary Earth Science students.

Participants will discover ways to engage STEM learners with hands-on, drone-based teaching for their own educational applications.

Hannah Ziegler (Vanderbilt University: Nashville, TN)

Algae Academy: Taking Algae from "Ick!" to "Awesome!"

Saturday, March 25 • 8:45 AM - 9:15 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A404


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The Algae Academy’s FREE STEM kit and curriculum includes teacher resources, all necessary lab supplies, and live algae that will have your students asking big questions as they realize the real potential of algae.

Introducing hands-on curriculum about all things algae—from the basic living requirements to how algae will help solve pressing global issues!

Marissa Nalley (The Algae Foundation: Midland, TX)

World’s 1st Indoor Skydiving Robotics Program for Girls and Gender Expansive Youth

Saturday, March 25 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - B302


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Our students built the world’s 1st UBTECH indoor skydiving robot. After successfully testing the prototypes, we created a competition for students to participate in a friendly match. We are now on a mission to inspire more girls and girls and gender-expansive youth in STEM.

To develop the next generation of students as world-changing innovators, engineers, and scientists, we must include diverse voices and perspectives, which include girls and genders expansive youth.

Kenny Bae (Wolcott College Prep: No City, No State)

Making Real-World Connections with Research Experiences for STEM Educators & Teachers (RESET)

Saturday, March 25 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A307

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Google Slides


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Research Experiences for STEM Educators & Teachers (RESET) is dedicated to improving STEM education across the nation. This presentation is for middle/high school educators who want to experience real-world research & learn about how to translate that into effective curriculum.

There are two main outcomes of this presentation. First, the audience will leave with information about AEOP programs, specifically RESET, and second, the audience will receive information about how to become involved with the AEOP RESET program.

Kelly Moore (Tennessee Tech: Cookeville, TN), Jennifer Meadows (Tennessee Tech: Cookeville, TN), Christine Girtain (Toms River High School South: Toms River, NJ)

An Interdisciplinary Data Science Course: a proposal

Saturday, March 25 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A311


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In the 21st century, data is king. It is collected from users of all devices, and is processed and analyzed in fields like healthcare, finance, marketing, architecture, linguistics etc etc. We are developing an interdisciplinary course to be taught by 3 departments (Math/Statistics, Social Sciences, Computer Science) that would instruct students in discerning high quality data, conducting exploratory analyses in R, building models in R to explore relationships between two or more variables, presenting output graphically and numerically, interpreting the output, and presenting all results on a Shiny page. In the presentation, we will illustrate the logic of the course, discuss learning activities and the flow of the course, including a demonstration of a sample final project. We will then demonstrate our experience with deeply interdisciplinary approach to learning, teaching, and curriculum building.

Data Science is an increasingly important skill to learn for students in high school to promote empirical thinking. The interdisciplinary approach to the course will ensure that data analysis is covered comprehensively: from discerning high quality data to presenting lucid takeaways.

Brian Cook (Faculty: Wellesley, MA), Cloricia Townsend (Head of the Engineering and Computer Science Department: Wellesley, MA), Alla Baranovsky (Dana Hall School: Somerville, MA)


Saturday, March 25 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Georgia World Congress Center - A412

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
STEMCon Presentation


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STEMCon was built on the foundation that ALL students should have access to the opportunities that STEM careers and fields can hold for them. Our mission is simple: get our students and community excited about STEM. We believe when that happens, students will see all the doors that can be opened for them in STEM fields. Our goals are twofold: 1. Get more students excited about STEM and exposed to STEM opportunities. 2. Continue to recognize students for the excellent work they are doing in STEM fields. STEMCon is the opportunity for the students, to show off their STEM skills and passions! It's also the opportunity to see STEM demonstrations, hear from various groups and speakers, enter competitions and win prizes! Students can compete in many STEM competitions including: STEM Inquiry Presentations, Quiz Bowl, and many more. During this session, teachers will understand how they can plan and implement a STEMCon event in their District. Tools, presentations, project guidelines, & more!

How to create a District-wide STEMCon event that showcases students innovative STEM projects, promotes inquiry based learning, increases student engagement, and more! Educators will be able to see the planning timeline, how to network with community members, and increase student engagement.

Allison Horten (Desert Edge High School: Goodyear, AZ), Haley Walker (Agua Fria Union High School District: Avondale, AZ)

Integrating Computer Science, Robotics, and Data Analysis into Physics Labs

Saturday, March 25 • 9:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Omni Atlanta Hotel at CNN Center - International Ballroom A

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
Integrating Computer Science, Robotics, and Data Analysis into Physics Labs


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This session will give a brief overview of how to use block-based coding, programmable robots, and data analysis to teach students concepts of physics/physical science in a fun and engaging way. We will also discuss how to adjust the level of the activities to meet the needs of different grades.

Attendees will learn how to implement block coding, robotics, and data analysis into their physics/physical science labs in order to reinforce students' understanding of motion, forces, momentum, and other mechanics concepts.

Alan Cummings (Physics Teacher: No City, No State)

3D Plants: Students build AVR plant models to understand the role of design in STEM

Saturday, March 25 • 1:20 PM - 2:20 PM

Georgia World Congress Center - B207

(Only registered attendees may view session materials. Please login with your NSTA account to view.)
3D Plant model User Guide
3D Plant modeling _ Plant species list
3D plant modeling NSTA presentation
3D Plant modeling student protocol
3D Plant modeling teacher protocol
Danforth Plant Science Center Education Technology Program


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Goal: address the disconnect between science, design, and technology at the high school level. Objectives: 1. integrate art/design into STEM education (STEAM), 2. foster plant science knowledge, 3. apply augmented and virtual reality (AVR) technologies, and 4. inspire interest in and provide skills for future STEAM careers. Collaborative teams of self-identified science, technophile, and art students receive training in 3D modeling. With support from scientists, the students create models of research plants, practice science communication skills during public/scientific events, and make connections to real-life situations using AVR devices. We use a mixed-methods assessment approach. Results from the first year of this project indicate that students are more aware of the role of art/design in science and vice versa. Students acknowledge the benefits of productive failure when facing challenges creating 3D models and are more interested in STEAM career paths.

Learn 3D modeling skills to increase student interest in STEAM subjects and careers through creative learning. Instructors help students create 3D AVR models, integrate art/design with plant science content, and gain collaboration and communication skills using education technologies.

Sandra Arango-Caro (Donald Danforth Plant Science Center: Saint Louis, MO)

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